• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 6,560 Views, 287 Comments

Aftermath - RarityEQM

Diamond stood up for herself to her mother's verbal abuse, but our story only starts there...

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Diamond Tiara stared at her door in silence. This was the worst part. The silence. She knew the storm was coming, and it was her fault. The pressure from mother had been building for quite some time now, and it felt so good to let it out. Let it all go. Diamond had exploded like a volcano, and the world never tasted sweeter. For a brief, shining, amazing moment, she'd felt happier than she had in a long, long time. The moment her mother took her request to father and in that very same, horrible, terrible moment, she realized she'd sealed her own fate. She'd created this hell for herself, and now there was no way out. No way to salvation. No escape from this...

Father hadn't come home that afternoon. He was at work, late. Like usual. That just meant it was her and mother for the evening. Diamond let out a shivery breath. What had she been thinking?! Calling her own mother out like that. In public even! In front of the blan- the Cutie Mark Crusaders. In front of Ms Cheerilee. In front of her class! Celestia, she was such an idiot! She just couldn't hold it in any longer, but that was the worst possible time for her outburst.

Diamond had scampered up to her room as soon as she could the moment she got home, and waited nervously. Mother would be furious. She always was. She hadn't thought about that when she was yelling at her mother. It never occurred to her they still lived together. That the aftermath of her protest would be met with equal fury and rage. All she wanted was to be heard under a smothering blanket of rules and policies created by her mother. She just needed to breathe, and now...

Now with a growing intensity of sheer concern, Diamond squirmed as the sound of hoof steps were coming closer and closer to her door. This was it! And like so, so so many times before, Diamond Tiara braced herself, and squeezed her eyes shut, her mantra already tumbling from her lips before she realized it.


"Diamond?" Spoiled cooed as she slipped into her daughter's room. Diamond was sitting on her bed with her eyes closed, breathing in and out in steady, audible pants. Spoiled frowned, pulling herself in front of Diamond's bed, and roughly grasped the girl by the chin.

"Look. At. Me. " She hissed. Nervously, Diamond glanced up at her mother. They held that pose for a moment, with the familiar stench of bourbon flooding from her mother's lips. Before she knew it, Diamond squealed at the sudden, blinding bolt of pain that exploded across her face- the hoof print left by her mother's strike was faint, but stung greatly. She grasped Diamond by the chin again and brought her gaze back to hers.

"I am your mother, and you will show me respect!" Spoiled snapped. Diamond squeaked quietly, and tried to shrink away from her Mother's gasp. Spoiled didn't let it happen, grasping her daughter's head to force eye contact.

"Do you understand me, Diamond?! Don't you ever speak to me that way again in public. Don't you EVER. I brought you into this world filly, and I can take you out of it! Do you hear me?!" She hissed darkly. Just holding this brat in her hooves...How DARE she...

"Yes mother. Sorry mother. " Diamond whispered, choking back tears. Now was not the time to cry. No, she knew how this situation was going to go, and 'sympathy' was not one of mother's strong points. She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to make herself as small as possible where she sat. This wasn't over. No. She'd never been slapped before, but she knew her mother's rants well enough. This wasn't over by a long shot.

Spoiled turned away from Diamond and gave a growl, slowly meandering over to the window, where she glared out of it quietly at the passerby.

"Ugh. I knew it. I knew it! Too much time in this dump of a town has rotted your little brain. Associating with blank flanks. Lowlifes! If I ever catch you talking to one of those second class citizens again...You ignorant little...if I hadn't brought myself up with class and standards, I would not have the life I live today. Yes, I am a high horse, and yes I am better than those miserable peons out there. And as my daughter you are better than them as well. Do you understand, Diamond? Are you listening young filly?! You will ruin your life hanging out with the poor and downtrodden. You have everything you want right here, and I promise you, you don't want to be friends with those misfits and outcasts. I only want the best for you. Mommy loves you, darling...You know that, don't you? " Spoiled asked quietly. Diamond looked up, teary eyed and quietly nodded her head.

"Yes mother." She said quietly- her voice a ghost of a choked whisper. Spoiled didn't notice- all she heard was the compliance. The way children should behave.

"Good girl. What are the names of those three little hooligans you speak with??" She asked darkly. Diamond's ears perked. Every warning bell she had was going off at the same time. No. She wouldn't dare tell mother about them! They were her friends! Her new friends! Quietly, she glanced up at her mother and then back down again, nibbling at her lower lip. Her mother didn't seem terribly concerned.

"Oh? Did you forget? Well, that's alright, I'll just drop by the school and find out that way. I won't let some nasty misfit taint MY child! I refuse! I will protect you, even from yourself!" Spoiled snarled, turning towards the door. Diamond pounced to her hooves, ears perked in shock and alarm.

"W-what do you mean by that?! Why do you need their names?!" She plead. Her mother, however, turned and pointed a hoof at her daughter.

"I am going to have them removed from this neighborhood. A few bits to grease some hooves and we'll have you back to being the miscreant I was molding before those Blank Flanks. You never spoke to me like that before they got into your head and messed you up. I will make sure you never speak to me like that again, and to start, they have to go. We'll be rid of them, and their families by the end of the week." Her mother announced, slamming the door to the room with a loud bang.

No! No no no no! This was wrong! This was all wrong! Things weren't supposed to go with way! Now the CMC were in danger and it was all her fault!

"Y-You can't! Mother! Please!" Diamond called, trying to open the door and protest further- but it was refused to budge. Locked. Her mother was convinced the Cutiemark Crusaders were ruining her, and she was absolutely determined to protect her child. Diamond groaned. How did this get so complicated? She should have just stayed quiet. She should have just -No. She didn't have time for self pity! She needed a plan to save the Cutie Mark Crusaders!!

And for that, she would need Silver Spoon...

Author's Note:

I...I just couldn't let the end of the episode go. I know about the horrors of child abuse, and Spoiled Rich wasn't going to cow to her daughter of all ponies. When they get home...

Yeah. I know ponies like that. All nice and calm in public, but as soon as you get home, the belt comes off and the welts begin.

I know all to well about the abuse that goes on behind closed doors. Diamond sounds like she gets slapped around a lot by drunken parents. I never, ever, ever need to ever hear "I bought you into this world and I will take you out of it" said to a child again for as long as I live. What a despicable phrase for a despicable person. u.u

I pair that with "I'm only doing this so you understand." "This hurts you more than it hurts me." "I'm not hitting you, I'm getting your attention." Adult justification at it's finest. Any excuse to get away with hitting vulnerable, valuable people. The children are our future, yet they're the only people it's okay to hit. Hit someone else, you go to jail. Assault they call it. But you backhand a kid in your house and call it 'discipline' and it's okay. Draw blood, leave welts, that's fine, whatever, as long as it's discipline, amirite?
Just make sure you say you 'love' them afterwards, so they get used to the abuse, and think it's okay for normal life! :D
Can you tell this triggered some unpleasant memories? Yeesh.