• Published 20th Oct 2015
  • 3,351 Views, 39 Comments

A Frozen Heart - Shocks

I have only one purpose in my life now. Its to keep her safe, at any cost if that's what it takes. I will protect her more than SHE ever did for me. I will not let her down like SHE did to me. My name is E...Esdeath. And all I have left is Cadence

  • ...

The Snow Falls Softly

~...Hush, little baby, don't say a word,

Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird~

~And if that mockingbird don't sing,

Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring~

~And if that diamond ring turns brass,

Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass...~

She slowly stirred awake, awoken by whatever sound was loud enough to disturb her sleep. She blinked slowly, over several times as she shifted beneath her covers. Despite the rather thick material of her tent’s walls, the single layer failed to keep out the various hoof falls of armored hooves against snow, some merely feet away from her tent- as well as the multitude of voices and conversations that buzzed around the camp.

Esdeath slowly slid up and out from her covers, propping herself up on single elbow as she let out a yawn, her body still half asleep.

Running a hand through her hair absentmindedly, she swung her feet over her bedside, moving into a sitting position for the moment, her toes tickled by the carpeted floor. She lazily cast her eyes in the direction of several voices nearby, blocked by the tent’s plain beige walls of course, as she tried to pick up on the conversation.

Though, it seemed the voices were moving, and in seconds she was already out of earshot of the supposed group. Shrugging at what little loss the distraction was, she released another yawn as she went through a multitude of stretches, releasing some of the tension she seemed to have gathered while sleeping.

It appeared she had had another bad dream again.

While uncommon, she did have a rare case of recurring nightmares, though she could never for the life of her remember what they were, only that she woke up extremely tensed, like her body was a spring coiled and begging to be released. There was also the fact that she would have a slight pain in her chest, almost like a constriction, though that particular effect had faded over the years to the point where it was now nonexistent.

A deep breath escaped her as she felt most of the tension leave her body, her shoulders relaxing as she sat on her bedside quietly. For the moment, she was content to listen to the ambient background noise around her, not really interested in any sound in particular, but just accepting the activity.

Though, that was broken as a voice suddenly demanded her attention, the soft feminine tone cutting through the background noise of the camp.

“Oh! M'lady, you are awake!” The maid spoke, parting the tent-flap that was her supposed door, the pony trotting up to the still sitting woman.

“I hope I did not disturb your sleep.” The beige crystallized mare continued, bowing before her liege-lady respectfully.

Esdeath smiled fondly at her lady in waiting.

“No, I can’t say you did. I awoke on my own I assure you.” She stated, appreciating the concern of the pony.

With a relived sigh, the young mare smiled up at the taller biped.

“If my lady wishes it, your clothes are ready to be donned, or does my lady wish to wait?” The question gave Esdeath a slight pause, another yawn ensuing from her.

“No, I am up now, and it would do well for me to start the day. Please bring them to me Care."

Her lady in waiting nodding dutifully, she exited the way she came, leaving Esdeath alone in her room.

Formed in a semi-circle, with her bed resting against the only straight wall, the room was rather spacious for all its worth. Holding her large bed that supported her lanky frame, as well as the dozens of other furnishings she had, including a large nightstand with a matching dresser situated to her right, the latter of which held a large mirror for her convenience.

The mannequin that held her armor was on the opposite side of the room, no doubt well polished even after her recent missions, her assistants no doubt working hard to please her.

Smiling, she sluggishly lifted herself off the bed, stretching fully and relaxing at the several satisfying pops her tensed body released, she made her way over to her vanity, more so to the large water bowl basin that was positioned directly to its side.

Dipping her hands into the cold contents, she splashed water over her face, surprising herself a little due to the shock of the cold. Drying herself with a cloth wrapped around the bowl, she sat in front of her large mirror, examining herself this morning.

Cool, ice blue eyes stared back at her, situated around pinkish white skin that was framed by long, blue locks of hair that flowed over her shoulders and across her back.

While she had never known someone to ever have blue hair, she didn't exactly have much foreknowledge her old home; perhaps there were people that possessed this pigment? To her credit, her eyes weren't that far off from a blue she had once seen, though those irises were far less...striking, than her own.

These were the eyes that she had looked at for over a decade, once so alien in their look, now, it was as if she couldn’t remember having any color besides blue.

In addition, even her eyebrows were the same shade of azure that her hair and eyes shared, adding to her exotic look that had become her reflection for years.

The large mirror even allowed her to examine herself below her neckline, her somewhat small but strong shoulders continuing the flow of her flawless skin, in where her chest jutted out somewhat from her frame.

Her ‘breasts’, as she was nearly positive this was the correct word, were rather large and again a size that she had never seen in her old home, but she digressed.

Wrapped in a thick beige medical bandaging that shared some familiarity with her own skin color, the material kept her breasts down and in position, allowing her easy access to her armor should the need arise. While sometimes bothersome, its usefulness outweighed its irritability.

Her lack of clothing, excluding of course the garment protecting her, ahem, unmentionables, she didn't feel any if at all cold in her bare form. Which was once a surprising discovery, as when she was younger, far younger, she received painful headaches if she was exposed to the winter weather for too long.

Now though, it was commonplace for her to remain thinly garbed, earning surprising looks from new or replaced maids.

While the furred ponies couldn't understand why she wasn't cold, the truth of the matter was she didn't even know how she became so resilient.

It was an old matter though.

Interrupting her thoughts was Care returning, the crystal mare carrying Esdeath’s clothes across her back.

“My lady, your clothes.” Care said, trotting up to her, presenting the clothes to the sitting human.

Esdeath took the garments quickly, smiling down at the brown maned pony.

“You have my thanks Care, a pleasant job as always.” She spoke, noting her uniform was clean and well pressed, lacking any sort of damage to the material.

“I aim to please milady.” With that, Care took her leave of her liege lady, allowing the woman to get dressed in private.

Her clothes were composed of various articles. Starting with her rather long white stockings that reached halfway up her thighs, ending in black, cuffed sleeves, to her rather slim fitting coat that the main piece of her attire ending in a short skirt that exposed a small area of skin between it and her stockings. The off grey button up uniform was easy to put on and surprisingly warm, a hidden material in-between it and its outer layer allowing it to keep her nice and warm, the black fabric able to hold heat quite comfortably. In addition to chest pockets that were situated directly across each breast, the uniform also sported a slate black belt, a single onyx buckle cross in its center.

Now, while the coat could be buttoned up completely, and the sleeves could be worn all the way to her hands, she had always preferred leaving the chest area open, exposing much of the top of her breasts. At the same time, she chose to peel back the edge of her sleeves, leaving the black inner layer displayed across her arms, ending it in a black cuff at the edge of her shoulders.

While she could never understand her particular affinity for the look, she could attribute it to the feeling that always plagued her whenever she thought of cutting her rather long ice blue hair, which reached well below her hips.

Every time she thought of cutting it, she seemed to disregard the statement almost instantaneously.

She blamed it on indecisiveness.

Rounding out her outfit was a pair of marble white heels that she slipped into effortlessly, the shoes a perfect fit for her.

Funny enough, she remembered when she had stumbled around in these when she was a child, only actually fitting in them a few years ago. She had eaten snow quite badly that day.

With the only remaining article an off grey, black rimmed ‘captain’s had that shared the same cross with her belt, her uniform was complete.

Well…not completely, she mused.

Glancing in the mirror to the corner where her armored mannequin stood, she noted the thinly bladed weapon standing upright in its wooden holder, the long rapier glinting thanks to a well done polishing.

The weapon and her had a history, being one of the few things she had when she had appeared in the wastes, clutching the blade across her chest in the scared state she was.

It was a surprise she had never cut herself, though, the later discovery of her ability to use it with amazing dexterity might have credited the idea.

Her thoughts drifting to her arrival, she unconsciously began to rub her right hand between her thumb and arm, where a mark lay seared into her skin.

…Perhaps seared was the wrong...word, but it was hard to explain in any other term the black colored skin that was formed in the vague shape of a wolf’s head, two thin black ‘slits’ as eyes, while a larger line began in the center of the two eyes, rising up toward her other fingers before splitting into two pieces, one ending near her middle finger while the other crossed the threshold to her arm.

A volcanic eruption of emotions flooded her almost instantly, a variety of feelings washing over her in seconds.

Fear, despair, sadness, contentment, anger.

Lots of anger it seemed, given how she gripped her dresser shakily, the wood groaning under her iron grip.

Just as the feelings came, they passed, allowing her to gain control over herself after a moment. Releasing a heated breath, she tried to move her thoughts onto other subjects.

This utterly failed however, and she soon moved onto brushing her long hair in an attempt to distract herself, the task providing her some reprieve.

That was until a conversation began outside her tent’s main entrance, her rather good hearing detecting the faint words being spoken. They then appeared to get closer, and Care’s voice entered the conversation, her voice carrying a somewhat worried tone.

Esdeath put down the brush she was using, her suspicion becoming raised. Then, the mare’s head appeared at her tent door, only parting to allow the pony to speak.

“M’lady, you have a visitor.” She smiled, though it appeared strained.

“Is that so? Then please Care, send them in.” Esdeath replied, her eyes glancing to her rapier carefully.

Care nodded, disappearing once again, some muffled words being spoken, before her visitor stepped inside.

Parting the tent flap that was her interim door was an armored unicorn mare, who carelessly tracked even more snow into the already gathered layers by the doorway. Suited in barded armor across her entire body, save for her knees and joints that required more articulation, soft silver stylized metal encompassed her entire form.

From thick raised iron horseshoes that connected to foreleg guards which covered nearly the entire limb, save for once again, her knees to allow adequate mobility. Protecting nearly all of her upper body was a thick hide of metal plates that interlocked and overlapped slightly over each other, making the piece reflect an almost reptilian look. Though this was mainly illustrated just around the neck and barrel area as the armored plates began to diminish farther down the body, turning into one solid piece. A notable addition that separated this mare from the regular rank and file was the cloak connected around her neck. Draped across her back, the lime green cloth that matched her mane displayed a yellow crescent shield as the backdrop for the silhouette of a unicorn’s head.

The off white colored mare wore the form fitting armor well, trotting forward with no difficulty, even as she lazily held the halberd she had walked in with in the crook of her foreleg, the weapon raised and resting slightly across her shoulders.

Esdeath may have paid more attention to the weapon if she hadn’t caught the pony’s lackluster expression that for a better word, graced her face.

The mare had a look that bordered barely restrained anger, a look that dared anyone to try and fool around with her. A look that begged you to step forth, to even dare challenge her in the mood she was in.

She would certainly love to accommodate you.

Esdeath chuckled under her breath, returning her attention to the mirror as she began to brush her hair once more.

The mare seemed to notice her laugh, grunting in response to it, the move forcing Esdeath to address her.

“Good morning solider, how fares your day so far?”

“It is snowing like the gods hate me and I am freezing my teats off.” The unicorn replied bluntly, adjusting the halberd on her back as she shifted in her armor.

Esdeath couldn’t help but see her reflection smile in the mirror.

“You would think you would have adjusted to the cold by now.” The woman rebutted, causing the pony to roll her eyes irritably.

“You northerners are simply all mad; your lack of senses shields you from it.”

“Oh? Is the lack of warmth bothering the esteemed Crystal? Well, this is certainly new.” Esdeath raised an eyebrow, deliberately looking at the mare in fake surprise.

“You know,” she added, “If you had a stallion to warm your bed at night, perhaps you wouldn’t be so cold.”

If the mare could get any more deadpan, she may have damaged several muscles on her face, as such though, she glared up at the seated biped.

“Shove it up yer own arse Esdeath” the mare fired back, dropping her usually carried airs for the 'uncultured' talk of peons.

To an onlooker, the insult was a step above the remarks the two women had been casually tossing at each other, possibly sending the conversation down a new path entirely.

To any solider of the camp, be they mare or stallion, they would have been cautious of the suddenly tense atmosphere, as both Esdeath and Crystal had reputations that carried across the rank and file of the division.

They may have even feared a fight might occur between the two as Esdeath stopped brushing her hair to glance down at the mare, carefully placing her brush on the wooden dresser before her.

The level expression she had coincided with Crystal’s quite nicely.

The two stared each other down for several more tense moments, the silence of the now mute conversation only disrupted by the ambient noise of the camp around them.

Then, Esdeath’s expression suddenly brightened, a smile appearing on her face as she shook her head, chuckling inwardly. The mare in return rolled her emerald eyes, the ghost of a grin briefly crossing over her face.

“It’s good to see you Crystal. How are you?” Esdeath asked cheerily, turning in her seat to lean down toward the mare, who rose upward just in time to accept the hug from her friend.

“I’ve been as well as to be expected in a time of strife, though it does bring me some relief to see you in good spirits as well,” Crystal replied, tightening her grip on the taller biped for a brief moment, Esdeath responding in kind, before they both released.

“That’s excellent! I’m relieved as well to see you’re alright. With things winding down as they are, it would be terrible for something to happen now. The general even states we may be able to return home before the winter sets in.”

Crystal gained a completive look for a moment as her friend picked up the hairbrush once more, not totally turning away from her but keeping one eye trained on the mirror.

“Ah yes, right, the general. Back to the reason I’m here.”

Esdeath once again raised a single eyebrow.

Crystal shifted in her armor, placing her halberd shaft into the carpet.

“The general wishes to have words. Of what exactly, he has not stated, though one can assume it can’t be anything particularly un-important.”

The strokes of Esdeath’s brush slowed down considerably at these words, the woman’s face a mix between curiosity and indecision.

“Do you have any idea what he wants?” She asked the armored mare, who only shrugged in response to her friend’s question, tossing her head back slightly to readjust her braids position.

“False gods if I know, though perhaps he simply wishes to congratulate the ‘pale one’ on her latest patrol?”

Crystal couldn’t help but smile at the slight frown that her friend now had.

“You know I don’t care for the titles the changelings give me.”

“Oh, I knooooow.” She chuckled, gesturing with her free hoof.

“But you should see those bugs squirm when I simply mention in it in passing!”

Crystal wasn’t directly looking at Esdeath anymore, smiling happily as she recalled the dozens of encounters she’s had with the camp’s resident captured lings.

Leaning more weight on her weapon, the mare continued to speak about the fear her friend inspired in the insect like beings.

“Those that are captured by you and your patrols always seem to stay in line, though when they bring in the others kicking and hissing, it does wonders to rattle the group, ah!” She paused, looking at Esdeath with a smug smile.

“All it takes it one mention of the ‘pale one’, and they’re fight dies out faster than their pathetic invasion did! Even some of the most bothersome become quiet and obedient, lest they be frozen alive no?”

Crystal’s response from Esdeath was the woman pinching the bridge of her nose in a frustrated manner, a deep sigh escaping the biped.

“You know I would not do such a thing Crystal, let alone to the captured.”

The unicorn rolled her eyes.

“I know such things Esdeath, but they certainly do not.”

“Besides the point, your hydromancy , whether you care for it or not, inspires fear in the bugs, and in turn, creates order from those we've captured. Would you rather we lose guards to escape attempts by those shape shifters?” Crystal pressed, causing her friend to cross her arms under her chest.

“You know I would never want that. I was simply stating it’s unfair to try and scare them out of their skins. They’re already defeated, why bring them down more?”

“Because they deserve it!” Crystal suddenly snapped, startling Esdeath slightly, who leaned back in her seat as the pony now had a livid expression.

The mare huffed angrily, turning away from her friend’s look as she stomped a hoof in irritation.

She breathed heavily for a few moments, still avoiding looking directly at Esdeath before finally relenting, letting out a much more calm breath, glancing up at the taller woman with much more soft eyes.


“It’s alright Crystal,” Esdeath stated, placing a hand on the shoulder pauldron of the pony’s armor, the gesture received despite the mare not feeling it.

“I know you did not mean it. That was the pain, the hurt.”

She offered a comforting pat before removing her hand, running it instead through her now roughly straitened hair.

“You’ll heal in time, I know as much that I did.”

“It has been months.” Crystal rebutted, not angrily, but as simply fact.

“It took me years,” Esdeath clarified, her eyes becoming for just a second harder, though this went unnoticed.

The two sat in a sustained silence for a few moments, both unsure of where the conversation was now at, while each contemplated the old and recent wounds they had suffered.

Finally though, the unicorn sighed dejectedly, raising her halberd and intentionally letting the shaft drop heavily against her back armor, the two metal pieces contacting creating a sharp clang.

"Damn it all..." The mare muttered, "I haven't been back but a day and have already begun to cause trouble, with my friend no less.”

Esdeath chuckled in spite of the situation, finding her friends antics refreshing.

"Crystal, it's fine. I know you did not mean anything by your words. We're friends; we can be honest with each other over such things. "

"Of course, of course," the mare acknowledged, "Perhaps my time on the eastern front has affected me more than I have realized."

The woman nodded, understanding that things had been particularly different for the mare ever since she had left the camp several months ago, leading a detachment of troops to help reinforce things over on the eastern front of the empire. Supposedly a mystery hive of changelings had suddenly made a dramatic push back against the forces there, causing the other three generals of the empire to reinforce the already beleaguered General Saltorix and his troops.

"I trust things went well? You being here is a clear sign that the mission was successful." Esdeath pointed out, earning a nod from the unicorn in return.

"Oh yes, the mission went exactly to plan. We will no longer have to worry about the threat in the east".

"But as much as I enjoy catching up Esdeath," Crystal coughed politely, gesturing a forehoof at the tent door, "The general?”.

The sheepish look her friend suddenly gained had the mare smiling, her eyes rolling once more. Esdeath was not at all bothered by her friend's abruptness, the woman aware of the mare's conviction to duty.

Standing up from her seat, the slate blue haired woman reached her full height, earning a silent appraisal from the pony next to her, as the time away had caused her to forget her friend’s impressive height.

Wordlessly, Esdeath plucked the cap lightly off the her dresser, using two hands to place the hat tenderly over her head, careful of her recently brushed hair before adjusting it minusculy to the left and right, nodding to herself after finding the placement acceptable.

Partly turning toward the pony, her left hand found its place resting on her hip, while the other tipped the brim of her cap. "Another time Crystal?" She smiled, earning a smile and nod in return.

"Another time" Crystal agreed.

Following the pony in front of her was a simple matter, hardly needing much concentration from Esdeath to stay in line with the mare. As such, her eyes drifted over the city of tents and the sea of soldiers around her.

Large pitched cloth structures were nearly everywhere, providing some sort of order for the garrison and creating the an impromptu road that they now walked on, bypassing various other armored ponies off to their own tasks for the day.

Several acknowledged both Esdeath and Crystal, the former finding some comedy in the fact the latter received less recognition, which, due to the quick swishes of her tail, had aggravated her somewhat.

Esdeath’s presence was not exactly hard to miss, belaying the fact that the woman stood well over that of even a grown stallion, it was rare not to see the tall biped walking around without her guards, the crystal ponies that normally would accompany her left guarding her tent.

Despite a time of war, she was confident that she could leave them be today, allowing things spoken between her and Crystal to remain between them. While it was nothing against her guards, she did value the privacy.

Walking in the wake that her armored escort created in the crowd of soldiers, she cast her gaze up at the cloud covered sky, the heavy overcast blocking out any chance at the sun or the blue sky around it. She had actually been surprised to find the snow fall light this morning, noting that barely any snowflakes were descending from the sky, a welcome change to the blizzard conditions that had plagued the area from some time.

Still though, this did not prevent the bonfires that usually burned in the camp to go out, evidenced by the white smoke clouds rising up into the air, clearly left to die out in the night by a careless solider or two.

While she could spot only spot a few trails of smoke over the tops of tents, she was pleased to note in passing a lit fire pit that not all of them had gone out.

The flames were being tended to by a group of both pony and griffon solider alike, the gathered troop sitting on various overturned logs and rocks around the fire. While the conversation eluded her as they passed, the situation was clear.

A particular crystal unicorn had a piece of steaming meat encased in his aura just at the edge of his muzzle, while his mouth moved deliberately to chew the piece of whatever they were cooking, the remainder of which rotated slowly over the pit.

His face was contorted in clear determination mixed with strain as he continued to chew, before finally shaking his head and spitting the piece of meat onto the snow covered ground, coughing loudly.

This caused a round of cheers to erupt from nearly all the griffons and a few of the ponies alike, though most of the others only groaned in response at their comrade’s failure.

Another griffon snatched the piece of meat that the unicorn had been holding, taking a firm grip on it and ripping a chunk off before tossing it to another pony that mimicked the avian perfectly.

The display only caused the group to erupt into more uproarious activity, even catching the attention of Crystal, a glance causing the mare to roll her eyes at the scene.

Various coins and currency were quickly exchanged from hoof to claw, as what appeared to be a bet had now dissolved into the winners claiming their prize.

Esdeath watched the soldier’s gathering up until a tent blocked her view from the group, her attention now diverted back to the mare in front of her, as well as the pathway of tents they were now beginning to pass through.

Defining and much more well designed than those they had originally passed , these were clearly structured to provide the accommodations and comfort that the common solider of the garrison did not receive. Rising higher to the point where they could easily offer a second story to the cloth building- which it was fair to assume they did- the large tents all had guards positioned at their entrances, as well as cloth banners displayed proudly across their sloped fronts.

The traffic in this part of the camp was substantially thinned, due in part to the tents closer proximity to each other and backed in addition by the ponies and griffons alike that guarded each unique tent.

This was unofficially the command quarters of the garrison, founded out of the various forces’ commanders requiring a place to themselves. All the respective city states, providences, protectorates, to even the kingdom of Griffonia were represented here, alongside the imperium’s own forces.

From the wealthy coastal nation of Leora, whose soldiers proudly stood in their full plate mail armor, the thin slits on their helmets allowing them to track the duo, to the recently formed protectorate of Providence, a country that had risen from four originally warring city states, now combined in the strength and power of a citizenry of both equine and avian alike.

With the entwined snake banner of Salgio-a recent addition to the enclave of forces-whose notable soldiers favored little to no armor, preferring to wield as many weapons of the hatchet variety as possible, their often cold eyes surrounded in blue war paint; to the grassland people of Estonia, Crystal’s native homeland, and the latest nation to join the empire, the king and queen annexing their own country to the massive kingdom in the face of encroaching powers on all sides.

The Griffon Empire also raised its own banner’s high here; a powerful image of a white griffon screaming loudly toward the sky displayed proudly against a backdrop of silver was plastered across the tent of the stationed commander, the guards sporting striking armor in similar coloration to their flag.

However, joining all these respective banners and powers, was the empire’s own.

An intricate six sided blue snowflake was centered on a background of what almost looked like amethyst crystal. The artisans who were chosen to design each banner clearly had outdone themselves, crafting nearly the same perfect image each time.

The snowflake’s intricacy was outstanding, the branches of each side perfect in comparison to the one next to it, the sky blue texture almost glimmering like it was made out of actual crystal. The amethyst featured a similar look, not a single piece of color, but in fact several different swathes, all forming into one unique picture that allowed its main piece to stand out strong.

It was a banner that brought pride to anyone that looked upon it, and Esdeath was no exception, happy to see it moving calmly in the wind of the early morning, its smooth movements a much needed improvement after being frozen over during the days of the blizzards.

To the optimistic, it was perhaps a sign that things were changing, that the storm was finally beginning to pass.

That things were going to finally settle down.

She was hopeful of this just like the rest, as she herself didn’t have a taste for combat, but still.

Hope was a two sided blade, and it could cut deeper than any other if you were not careful.

Her train of thought soon found itself coming to an abrupt end as she spotted the command tent of the resident general just up ahead, Crystal’s direction putting them at a straight course for it.

Featuring a large main structure whose top rose to a singular point, its roofs sloped to allow the snowfall to glide harmlessly off, it dwarfed its neighbors with the addition of several smaller tents connecting to its sides, no doubt additional rooms for the command of the garrison.

Its entrance way was framed by the placement of two rods of iron adjacent to each other, proudly flying the flags of the empire. These poles were placed at the start of a stretch of rather badly snowed over carpet, the burgundy material barely seen underneath its snow covered sheet.

Two crystal ponies stood vigil at the doorway, their eyes already following the duo as they began to stroll towards the duo.

Elite centurions by their amour, and carrying the thick crystal weaponry afforded to them, the heavily protected stallions watched the two approach, the duo standing just a tad straighter at noting Crystal with Esdeath in tow. The woman found some deja vu in the action, her own centurions having done so many times before.

Striding confidently forward, metal hooves lightly crunching the snow deeper into the carpet as she walked, Esdeath’s heels providing a much more silent movement, Crystal addressed the stallions.

“Centurions.” Crystal nodded simply to the first soldier, before providing the same gesture to the other. Esdeath bowed just barely, giving respect to the duo in her own way. While uncommon, it was far from inappropriate.

The guard to the two females left nodded in return.

“Lieutenant Crystal.” The deep baritone of the solider drawled, his deeper voice causing the woman to glance at the solider with slightly more interest that his companion. There was even an underlining hint of an accent there, but nothing the capital usually sported. Perhaps he was from Felicità? Or maybe Vita?

“The Captain General has been expecting you-and you as well Captain Esdeath,” the solider continued regardless of the human’s thoughts, only when he directed his attention at her did she drift away from her thinking.

“And I am happy to receive him.” She nodded, once again offering a polite bow in addition to placing a gentle hand over her heart.

The guard nodded, his companion pulling back the flap to the tent’s entrance.

“You may proceed” He acknowledged, the group exchanging salutes before the two stepped into the tent, leaving the centurions to their posts.

Immediately, the warmer insides of the command tent greeted them, a welcome change from the rather frigid temperatures, Crystal especially finding the warm atmosphere to be more than exhilarating. Her pleasant sighs caused a smile from the woman behind her.

The inside of the command tent, the portion they had stepped into anyway, was structured much like a foyer, various doors connecting to additional rooms of the structure. Now inside, they were actually able to see the skeletal wooden structure that held the cloth palace together, the various wooden pillars that no doubt held up much of the structure reinforced heavily with crystal veins running along their trunks, as the latter material was far easier to supply.

Warm yellow light radiated from the single source of illumination in the tent, a large somewhat golden gemstone floating calmly in what appeared to be a raised crystal fire pit, it’s upside down dome surface letting the precious stone hover just inches above its surface, reflecting and projecting light outward in the small room.

In addition to a well maintained carpet floor, the foyer even featured a few furnishings and couches that would look like the most comfortable place to sleep for any war torn soldier.

Esdeath silently scrutinized the unnecessary accommodations before berating herself that she was not in a position to judge the higher amenities that the command had to offer. After all, she boasted her own well maintained home away from home.

Activity to her left ended any further internal thoughts, as Crystal was busy conversing with an additional centurion guard, one that at a glance had an unamused expression on her face.

“…the Captain General has been waiting,” The mare stated neutrally, though her look betrayed that she was not pleased with her counterpart. Crystal for her peace did not appear outrightly affected by the guard’s tone, though her right ear did flick for but a moment.

“I hadn’t realized that the general had put me on a time critical mission, strange though, I do not remember you being there when the order was given. Yes, how strange indeed.” The unicorn replied, bringing her hoof up to her chin in innocent thought.

The remark was not lost to the centurion, her eyes narrowing just a hair.

“…You may proceed.” The imperial guard answered, stepping aside from the tent flap she guarded to allow passage for Crystal.

The lime maned pony offered a look behind her, nodding towards Esdeath as she stepped forward.

In response, the woman followed her friend forward into the smaller room, passing by the guard with only a slight glance.

Catching the heavy weighted cloth just as it began to close behind the pony before her, Esdeath brushed it aside as she stepped inside the room.

For all purposes, the smaller structure was a contrast to the well furnished foyer they had just left, instead sparsely populated by three tables, two that were poisoned on opposite sides of the tent while the last, a rather large thick oaken one that dominated the center of the room.

Laid out perfectly from corner to corner, the table featured only a single item, a large detailed map.

It was fairly sized by normal standards. Encompassing nearly the entirety of the table, the thick parchment was covered with dozens of markers and colored coated regions. Most notably was the large domination of white that covered most of it, though there was still a heavy presence of green bordering the bottom with a small amount of blue on the eastern side of the map.

Other markings inside these colored coated regions displayed terrain, as well as the various names these regions had been given. Many forests were noted along the southern border, dotting the landscape of the empire’s recent conquests. To the east, the edge of the continent was displayed, showing the small sea that separated the Griffon Empire from their own, though notably the top corner of this side showed landmass, a small hint at the narrow land bridge in the north linking the two continents.

Mountains and vast plains were the main focus of the white area, dominating the expanse of the home territory of the crystal ponies. Another eye catching feature was the wall of earth that followed the map’s transition from the warmer regions of the empire’s holdings to its colder northern territory, the vast mountain range along the southern border an environmental obstacle that aided in the empire’s defense.

Forests and hills were marked inside the frozen north as well, but they were few and far in between, and only those of serious prominence were given a name.

Ending the more prominent features of the map was the large somewhat ‘squiggly’ black line that cut a near diagonal line starting from the middle of its left side, which then slowly worked its way upward before cutting back toward the left, then again proceeding toward the top, finally connecting after a very slight move to the right.

The nation of the reindeer being displayed here, the empire’s oldest, but far from closest, ally and trading partner.

Positioned across the map was the addition of dozens of small, finely crafted crystal obelisks, placed around the farthest borders of the empire, though to the east they seemed to not be as close to the edge of the imperium’s holdings as the others. Not inches away from these markers were other miniature crystal structures, appearing like small stalactites, their uneven crystal protrusions making them appear more foreboding then their counterparts.

A slate grey unicorn stood over the map, his eyes lingering across its entirety as his mouth was held in tight neutrality. His unarmored hooves were positioned just at the edge of the table, allowing him to prop himself up without difficulty. The stallion was only garbed in a large plated mail armor that only really protected much of his sides and back, connecting in a small area around his thick barrel.

Having a starkly broad chin framed by a rather...luscious black mane that fell across both of his shoulders and curled around his grey horn, the stallion’s crimson eyes flicked upward at their entrance.

Crystal bowed almost immediately at his gaze, Esdeath following suit soon after.

“Captain General. You requested my presence?” Esdeath kneeled quickly, removing her cap and placing it gently against her chest, her head bowed in respect.

The hard expression the stallion once had was instantly replaced by a small smile, the pony relaxing considerably.

Captain Esdeath. It’s good to see you this morning. How fares your day?” the general inquired, his eyes flickering to Crystal for a moment. The pony's voice was surprisingly deep, but carried a softer underline tone when he spoke.

“It has been pleasant so far, my liege, and I would hope it will continue so.”

The general nodded.

“That is good to hear. We need more pleasant mornings such as these.”

Removing his hooves form the table, the general eyed the map once more before nodding simply, satisfied with whatever he was thinking.

“I assume you are curious as to why I have asked for my lieutenant to fetch you?” He asked, his eyes once again on Crystal as she rose from her still kneeling position.

“I would be lying if it was not a thought of mine Captain General”, was Esdeath’s reply, as she looked up at the general, their eyes meeting.

“Just general will suffice captain, I have no particular need for such formalities.” He smiled, motioning for her to rise as well.

She nodded, smiling along with her commanding officer. Rising to her full height, she calmly placed her cap once again on her head, positioning it perfectly.

“Now, I believe it would be rude of me to forestall the situation at hoof, so I will try to be as brief as possible.” Moving his hoof up to his barrel, Esdeath was surprised to note that there was a slight space between his armor and coat, allowing him to pull the rolled up parchment from the small pocket.

The scroll looked like any other, its manila coloring only contrasted by its single defining feature, a tightly coiled red ribbon held in place by a small, heart shaped gem, its soft blue surface pulsing softly.

Raising it in his hoof before his horn became enveloped in a burgundy aura much like the message now had, he gently hovered forward toward Esdeath, who, after a moment, held out her hand to accept it.

“I do believe you have received a letter.” The simple statement was followed by a small chuckle, the general laughing at a joke only he knew.

With a glance at her superior, and receiving no reprimand, she carefully unclasped the heart shaped gem from its attachment to the parchment, pocketing the crystal with one hand while allowing the other to unfurl the scroll.

Esdeath’s eyes looked over the letter with confusion at first, before recognition occurred, her slowed reading pace quickly picking up. It was a letter from the king and queen, addressed to the general in actuality, but it seemed he wanted her to read it as well.

To Captain-General Sombra, commander of the southern divisional forces, baron of the providence of Celine, with speed and grace, we hope this letter reaches thee in good spirits.

It has come to our attention that the stipulated time Captain Esdeath hath been allowed to remain in transfer to thy garrison has expired, and as such, it is with the utmost respect to thy stature and position that the crown humbly requests the captain’s return to the capital, via a guard escort already in route to thy position.

While we hope this transfer does not inconvenience thee too terribly, and as no disrespect to the stallions under thy command, the captain is needed elsewhere’s. It would be a personal favor to the king and I that thee take the necessary steps to have the captain returned with all due haste.

By the love of the heart and its children, decreed this day by the king and queen of the Crystal Empire, its territories, protectorates and vassal states.


Her Majesty, Queen Mi Amore, She Who Glows Softly, Speaker of the Heart, sovereign of the empire and her lands.


His Majesty, King Falsetto Oratorio, Fourth Disciple of Speranza, sovereign of the empire and her lands.

Esdeath reread the letter once more; just to be sure she hadn’t missed anything. Then she read it again.

Finally though, she carefully rolled up the scroll, tying the ribbon around it once more to seal it.

“General?” The woman asked carefully, looking over to the commander with unsure eyes.

He chuckled.

“It appears you have been summoned to the capital, on the crown’s orders no less. It would seem your time with us has once again come to an end Captain.” He confirmed, his head nodding to the message.

“It seems so.” Esdeath agreed, running her thumb lightly across the smooth material, it tickling her palm somewhat.

“Indeed, I have already dispatched a detachment led by your guard captain to oversee the safe escort of this caravan.” The woman’s eyebrows rose at this but overall she kept a mostly neutral look.

“I thank you for your quick actions my lord.” She stated, offering the stallion a small polite bow.

There was a silence that followed the lull in conversation, a slight tension beginning to build in room.

The general was the first to speak.

“You do not seem particularly pleased by these events. Not as you were before, certainly not. Do you have issue with these orders?” He asked, his voice dropping much of his jovial tone.

Esdeath quickly shook her head, hoping to clarify any miscommunication.

“No general, I am very happy with this news, I am elated to see the capital once more. To not have snow covering every stretch of earth will be a blessing.” She attempted to placate the general, who only nodded at her statement.

“I see.” Was his simply answer, walking over to the map once more before his eyes moved across it again, his look becoming…harder.

“I do not believe you are lying to me captain, however, I do not believe you are telling me what truly troubles you.” He looked at her, crimson irises meeting cobalt.

The woman mulled over her words carefully in her head, before addressing the awaiting general, her voice soft.

“General, the war is coming to an end, is it not?” She asked, earning a curious look from her lord, but he nodded his head firmly nonetheless.

“Then, I see no logic in returning me to the capital now. Let us press our advantage, and end this conflict that much more quickly. With respect to my lord, the king and queen, it would be a dishonor for me to abandon those I have fought alongside for these past months. I believe it is only right for me to see this to the end general, be it in victory or in death. It is simply…unfair for me to leave now, my lord.”

She spoke with a rather strong conviction, the words coming out more rapidly the longer she talked, the last statement added almost on a whim.

Though she couldn’t be sure, when she finished talking, she almost perceived a smile at the corner of Crystal’s mouth.

The general nodded solemnly at her words, a smile crawling across his face as well.

“Your time with us has changed you Captain; I can see it in your eyes.” He smiled proudly, earning a somewhat surprised look from the woman.

“To stand and fight for others rather than oneself is an honorable cause Captain, and you have my respect. I too, wish to see an end to this once and for all. To return to my lands, to see my beloved again, and to till my crops as much as the next stallion.”

The stallion continued, though is voice became more serious as he spoke.

“I have no lust for combat, captain. I gain no thrill from the bloodshed that is spilled in these decrepit wastes. I only fight to see this threat to my lands and people come to an end. To end this conflict and bring order to this madness is all I seek.”

At this, Crystal made a surprising move by trotting over to the general’s side, placing a comforting hoof over his shoulder, her eyes sympathetic.

The smile the general had was undoubtedly genuine; he motioned to his subordinate that he was alright, the mare removing her hoof after a moment.

“Times are changing, Esdeath.” Sombra started cryptically, a content look on his face.

“The winds have shifted, the storms are clearing. The snow falls lightly this day, and across the empire, winter is coming to an end. I imagine it is no coincidence that this war will end just as the blizzards pass. Destiny smiles upon us, and it rewards those for their struggle. When the snowfall clears, I trust that you will stand with us?”

The question confused her for a moment, but at the hopeful and encouraging look form her friend, it was all that was needed to solidify her faith in the mater.

“Of course general, I will give you my all.” Esdeath decided, placing a hand over her heart.

The general’s smile widened.

The cold bit the back of his throat with each labored breath, his lungs struggling against the chill air. A burning sensation echoed across his head from the base of his horn, said appendage flickering in a dimming violet aura as he continued to hover his sword at the ready. His body ached, his dented armor nipping and pinching at him from various areas, some pains that he would like nothing more than to remedy as soon as possible. His heart also seemed to finally be reaching the end of its long journey to beat out of his chest.

He was aware that he was bleeding, perhaps heavily so, and his left foreleg was unusually numb despite the state his body was in, but compared to the others, he was blessed.

An armored pegasi to his left dragged his perhaps...unconscious comrade closer to the ring of defense the soldiers were gathered in, the stallion using his wings to pull the other soldier bodily across the ground, the pony creating a small trench in the snow.

Bodies lay scattered across the area, many black and chitinous, a stark contrast to the white covered earth, while armored crystal equines lay here and there. The remaining changelings stalked towards them from the destroyed remains of the caravan, over the corpses, their light and delicate steps a stark contrast to the snarling and angry visages they carried.

Pinned against a clifface, the remaining band of soldiers were at the ready, battle weary but defiant against the encroaching enemy. The changelings took care to step around the bodies of their own and the ponies, their eyes never leaving the equines.

Several black, craggy horns were alight in green magical hellfire, the drones ready to cast their devastating spells as necessary. Aiming at these ready enemies were the final unicorns of the group, those who now fought solely with magic.

To his right, a battle mage chanted under his breath, his tattered robes and blood stained face a show of his struggle.

He held his ground, despite the continued advance of the bug like creatures, the interlude of the battle only creating a more unstable situation for the soldiers.

Some glanced fearfully at the seemingly daunting numbers of the changelings; the group outnumbered easily four to one.

They continued to surround the final stand of imperials, denying any lingering hopes of escape.

The unicorn twirled the sword in his magical grip, pointing the blade directly at the nearest drone, a silent challenge to the insectoid.

It did not once falter in its approach.

A magical blast suddenly erupted from one of the few unicorns, the scared recruit finally losing control of his nerves. It struck an unsuspecting drone near its leg, and had the simultaneous affect of launching the swarm right at them.

War cries resounded from the group as the enemy charged, the battle mage finishing his incantation with seconds to spare, blasting snow into a circular area away from the band, blinding dozens of attackers.

The pegasi chose this as the time to take to the air, meeting their attackers in the skies.

He charged forward with his comrades on the ground, aiming for the nearest shell shocked changeling.

With defiance in his heart and thoughts of others in his mind, Welcome Sight yelled into the wind.

Author's Note:

8k words...and nothing happened.

WTF. :raritydespair:

Comments ( 13 )

Only two months overdue.


Great job mate, we all have been waiting for a new chapter for months.


Dude, what the hell happened to your cover art?

6831247 What? I must be missing something here.

6831996 3X the boob, I'm appealing more to my male demographic. :trollestia:

But seriously, it's good on my end, just fimfic being derp.

Comment posted by Vigriff deleted Jan 10th, 2019

I respect the anime version of Esdeath.

Wan is the next chapter coming out

So how many chapters will destroy have

And now I play the waiting game.

An interesting work, wonder what happens next?

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