• Member Since 17th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Orbiting Kettle

I've roasted a wealth of exotic things, All torn to ribbons at the hands of kings. Polished copper how I proudly shone, stealin' the fire of the blazing sun.


After a decade apart, Luna and Twilight meet again for a night of strong drinks and remembrance. Once upon a time loneliness was something they could chose. Now, in an empty world, it's a steady companion for both of them. And sometimes it can lead one astray, even when one knows it might be a bad idea.

Thanks to the Four Hooves and a Pen collective, where this story was born.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Mmmmmm wish to know more about this world you made should think about expanding the story some more.

I have a few ideas, but it may be complicated. I'm also quite a slow writer:twilightblush:

I like stories like this that make me wonder exactly what happened that led the characters to this point. It's a good writer who can tell a cohesive and interesting tale like this without needing to reveal in-depth knowledge of what led up to it.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

I also love to put indirect hints and pieces together to get a glimpse at the bigger picture, which is the reason I try to do the same in my stories.

Sprawling tales that show in-depth settings and worlds have their place, and I love them, but I have yet to write something in that venue. I fear I may fall in some of the traps that that lay in that genre: ramblings, infodumps and all their vicious companions.

I very much like this setting, and the idea of a world with only the Big Four and their wits is a mad one indeed.

I have but one question; is the absence of other ponies the simple result of time, or a cataclysm?

The reason for the world being in the state it is could be potentially another story (which I may or may no write, I'm bloated with ideas and I'm slow). I don't want to spoiler it in the comments, so everyone can make up their minds about it *bows to the audience* thank you, thank you, this author will stay dead here for the rest of the week.

If you want to hear the reason anyway I can write you a PM with the background.:twilightsmile:

That was good! Man. Been a while since I've read something with this quality of . . . somberness, y'know? The whole piece is full of glimpses at the most intriguing stories through the alicorns' reflections on memories long past. In particular, the lines "I hope she will understand sooner or later that I’m not him." and "Not that it will do her any good. It’s an inert piece of rock as far as I know." are really sticking with me. The untold stories, man. The story makes the reader wonder; I love that.

'Course, I already told you all this when I was editing, but I figured hey, why not post this comment publicly.
Oh, and good call revising the description text.

Thanks again for the help:pinkiehappy:

and on this note I am going downstairs and mix myself a rather large rum and pineapple juice. Like the story, would like to see the lead up to it.

Looks good Kettle! I'm glad you got round to polishing this up. :twilightsmile:
This nails what's great about this piece. The weight of history that you can feel behind the characters and world.

Thanks again for your help on making the story publishable.

Hey, I wrote a thing about your story on one of my blogs. I don't wanna glorify it by calling it a review but, eh, it's something I guess.

A very unique and thought provoking vignette. I approve.

Thank you, glad you liked it.:twilightsmile:

I still want spoilers on how life ended.

Once again, you didn't deceive in bringing an amazing story, keeping a good balance between the emotions and philosophical thoughts.

“I created shadows and lies. I gave form to my memories, and then I burned down Ponyville in a fit of rage.” Twilight shivered. “It was the first time I became insane, I think. Cadance saved me a few months later.” She looked at Luna, small tears in the corner of her eyes. “Please, you have to stop Celestia. The things that come out of such spells are… Nopony should see them. It will break her heart.”

A little slap on my face with that paragraph but the pain quickly dies down as the story goes on.


A little slap on my face with that paragraph but the pain quickly dies down as the story goes on.

Then mission achieved, at least on some levels.

I'm glad you liked the story, though, and thanks for the compliments.

Melancholia at its best.

Thank you.

And it dawns on me that, under one guise or the other, I seem to return to such themes quite often.

Have you read The Anatomy of Melancholy? It's old and a bit thick going, but it's a fascinating read, particularly if you're a bibliophile and prone to melancholy. (Which I am.)

Wikipedia: The Anatomy of Melancholy

The Anatomy of Melancholy: Full text on Gutenberg.org

Thank you!

I'll have to find some time to read it, but it will land pretty high on my pile.

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