• Published 5th Oct 2015
  • 2,415 Views, 34 Comments

The Equestrian Flower Garden - RoyalStar709

After sensing a magical distrubance in the ocean, Celestia sends a research team to investigate. When they don't come back, she decides to send the mane 6. Meanwhile on the island, a teen turned hocitate wakes up and finds himself lost in a new world

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Ch.3- Day 1(part 1) Tropical Wilds

It was a relaxing day at the anime convention, one which my two friends had invited me to attend. After driving for two hours, we got out of the car in front of the Pasadena Convention Center. I adjusted my small amount of hair and put on my transparent glass bowl as I entered the convention center with my friends in tow. Just after entering the building early in the day, we noticed there were more police officers than the first day. Wyatt – a friend of mine dressed as Harima Kenji – looked around, confused, and asked, “What caused all of these officers to show up? There weren’t this many yesterday.” Michael, having seen the news from last night, was quick to pipe up.

“Haven’t you heard? Someone went missing yesterday right here, and some wackjob is going nuts about how it’s going to happen again,” he calmly informed us both.

“Well, who was the poor sap?” I asked, somewhat curious about the rather random event, and secretly dreading the idea that the convention would be cancelled from one chance disappearance.

“You’re going to think I’m just trying to scare you,” Michael warned me, seemingly wanting to avoid the subject entirely. However, I wouldn’t stop with only half of an answer, so I pressed for more pieces to the puzzle, while we were getting our entry passes.

“Try me,” I dared, eager to finally hear what Michael thought would scare-

“It was some guy cosplaying as Olimar, he went into the convention yesterday and no one saw him come out,” he said matter-of-factly, and I felt my stomach drop a bit. Now I wasn’t concerned about the convention’s safety; I was concerned for myself. Hundreds of thoughts rapidly raced through my head, many of them ending in me being the next victim to these ‘disappearances’.

After the others calmed me down, we obtained our passes, and then headed towards the vendor’s hall since this was our first convention. Wondering around the huge room filled with stalls ranging from video games to t-shirts. As we walked, I noticed a strange stall, with no one walking up to it, out of the corner of my eye.

“You guys go on ahead to the food court and try to meet up with whoever else arrived, I’m going to check something else out at this stall,” I told them. They nodded their agreement, and then went off to do who-knows-what.

Walking towards the stall, I looked around, admiring all the merchandise available, including things like a high-quality Poltergust from that old Luigi’s Mansion game and a Bakugan launcher with a Hydranoid and Doom card attached to it. Oddly enough, there were even oddly abstract items, like a yellow spray can that I noticed was from Jet Set Radio Future, along with what seemed to be a rather realistic-looking purple duck. The one item that took my attention was a rather realistic S.S. Drake model from Pikmin 3.

The merchant running the stand noticed I was intently staring at the model and asked “You have a good Alph costume, is there anything that you are interested in that I have for sale?”

I nodded, pointing at the S.S. Drake. “Yes, how much for that?” I asked.

The merchant grinned, rubbing his chin. “I’ll say right about… thirty dollars.”

Confused, I replied, “Are you sure that this model is only worth thirty dollars? It looks to be in excellent condition.”

I could tell that the merchant was sporting a frown. “I am selling these products so I have control over them, regardless if they are worth more or less than what I’m selling them at. Unless… you are willing to haggle.”

Knowing a I have been offered a great deal and not being good at haggling, I frowned a bit, but decided that it was worth it. “Alright.” Taking out the thirty dollars I paid the man and grabbed the six legged ship.

The merchant smiled, chuckling a bit. “Pleasure doing business with you… and one last thing.” I turned back, raising an eyebrow at him. “Be sure to find shelter before sunset...”

Before I could question him, I blacked out with my last thought being ‘There goes my chance at relaxing with friends and seeing cool costumes.’


I later regained consciousness to the feeling of wind rushing around my body. Thinking I was still at home, I ignored the feeling to get some more sleep. After my brain realized that there was light shining into my face, I opened my eyes with a start and noticed the sky was slowly starting to get bigger.

“Please let this be one of those cool lucid dreams I have every once in awhile,” I heard nearby. Having heard a younger voice I tried to look around, only succeeding in facing the fast approaching large tree leaves, trying to figure out where it came from. Hitting the nearest leaf to slow my descent, I felt pain throughout my entire body.

‘Wait a second, I don’t remember being able to experience pain in dreams, unless… Oh no,’ I contemplated while hitting a few more leaves.

Nature decided to remind me of the present when I hit the ground hard feeling more of the dreaded pain. “Ouch!” said the young voice. Still looking around for whomever was speaking, I started making the connections about the voice. Noticing that dark clouds have appeared all of a sudden and rain was pouring, I walked over to a puddle to hopefully deny what was on my mind.

Looking into the puddle I saw Alph’s face being protected by the transparent helmet on top of his space suit. Reaching out towards his helmet I see his arm touching the helmet. All I could do was sit against a tree and fail at coming to terms with what just happened. “This can’t be happening to me, I can’t be Alph. This is just a joke, there is no way I am no longer 18 and instead some boy from the Pikmin world.” I regarded my current situation. There is no way I am supposed to be someone who collects fruit for his planet to survive, I’m a highschool student. I’m not cut out for being a botanist or adventurer. “I guess this is the end. It’s funny I end up on an unknown planet as a captain from Pikmin, and no one will know what happened to me.” Tears fell from my eyes, knowing that no one will know…


Completely stopping my body from moving, I started to dread what I just heard. With adrenaline rushing through my body, boosted by the fear of hearing that kind of creature, I heard it again, this time much closer. Hearing an alarm buzzing in my suit indicating that the temperature was rising, I slowly turned around, hoping I will be right for once. When I looked back to see what caused the alarm to sound I saw the biggest Bulborb I had ever laid eyes upon. Taking note of the fire raging on his backside and it’s lopsided eyes, I just had to ask “Can you please tell me that you are an illusion?”

His only response was a roar so strong that I got sent back a couple of yards. I sprinted away in a random direction. “Leave it to me to get the crazy Bulborb!” I yelled, and the offended creature gave chase.

After sprinting for a couple of minutes with the Fiery Bulblax slowly starting to get closer, I noticed a lake in the distance. Seeing that lake, I started to get new hope for surviving, and made a mad dash for the safety of water. With the apex predator right behind me, I dove into the water and saw my pursuer was contemplating whether to chase after me or not.

Feeling relief I survived my first encounter, I taunted him “What’s the matter, you too scared to get a little wet?”

Squinting his eyes and staring at me, to my complete surprise, it started to make his way towards me. With panic starting to rise once again, I took a closer look and noticed it was moving a lot slower than before and was shivering. With the Bulblax noticing its mistake, it promptly headed back to the shore and was content with trapping me. With no other way out besides becoming a snack, I chose to explore the lake for anything useful.

After an hour exploring the bay, I realized the lake led out to the endless blue ocean, but I noticed something strange the ground a couple of yards away. Upon reaching the object, I realized it was the blue onion. “So I really wasn’t going hysterical! Now I have a chance to survive this forest and find a way out,” I exclaimed with joy. When I reached the onion, it popped up and shot out one blue pikmin seed.

Pulling the blue plant out of the ground and confirming it was indeed a blue pikmin, I was filled with confidence. Noticing some Water Dumples, Wogpoles, and a variety of Blue Pellet Posies around, I declared, “It's time to get serious and raise an army of pikmin!”


Luna stared at the dark clouds above them with a glare. She remained motionless as the boat constantly rocked back and forth, causing the other crew members to stumble and grab onto something to keep their balance.

She gritted her teeth as she felt the force of a wave crashing into the ship. “Captain!” she yelled, calling for the ship’s captain’s attention. “Can you navigate us through this weather?!”

The elderly pony grabbed on to his sailor hat and yelled back, “I can try! I never faced a storm this powerful before!” The brown stallion lunged towards the ship’s wheel and began to spin it around, trying to navigate them through the roaring waters.

“WHAT IS IT WITH THIS CRAZY WEATHER?!” Rainbow Dash asked, holding onto the ship for dear life.


Rainbow shook her head. “Sorry! But the wind is too strong! Even I can’t fly through this!”

Luna glared at the ocean, having not moved a single inch since the storm started. Twilight, finding this a bit odd, struggled to get to her. “Luna!” she yelled, “Do you have any idea what’s wrong?! I’ve never seen weather this bad before!”

Luna didn’t respond, simply glaring at the ocean. Suddenly her horn glowed as she fired a beam of magic into the ocean, causing a large clear watery being to emerge from the spot where it was fired. The being roared, startling everypony around it.

“WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT THING?!” Twilight yelled fearfully.

Luna didn’t respond, her eyes widening at the sight of the thing. Finally she answered, “I-I don’t know...”

The being roared once again, causing the water to crash onto the ship more violently, then the being slowly began to descend back into the ocean. Everypony in the ship screamed as the ship slowly started to get ripped apart.

“Twilight!” Spike yelled, trying to grab on to something.

“Spike!” Twilight called back, flapping her wings desperately. “Hang on!” She grabbed onto a wooden plank, watching tiredly as everyone around her slowly started to drift away, and her vision began to darken. “S-Spike….” she muttered, finally blacking out from exhaustion. Oddly enough, nopony noticed the lone barrel with voices emanating from it, shaking and floating away towards the mysterious island.


“Do you think everypony made it out okay?” the yellow earth pony sniffed.

“Of course everypony’s okay!” Scootaloo reassured her friend, “A small storm won’t keep them down! They took on a giant magic eating monster and survived!”

Sweetie Belle nodded, fighting the tears that were threatening to escape. “Y-yeah!” her voice cracked, “I’m sure Sc-Scoot’s right! They probably al-already made it to sho-shore!” She patted Apple Bloom’s back trying to comfort her.

“Are you okay, Sweetie? You’re stuttering a lot,” Scootaloo asked with concern in her eyes.

“I’m fi-fine, just a li-little cold is-is all,” Sweetie Belle replied, trying to keep their spirits up.

“Yeah! We should just concentrate on getting our explorer’s cutie marks!” Scootaloo said, “Just like we planned!” She took off the top part of the barrel and scanned the area, gasping at the sight of the beach. “Girls, look!” she called out excitedly. The other two crusaders poked their heads out of the barrel and gasped at the sight of the beach. “We’re going to be okay!” The three fillies cheered, grabbing their damp saddlebags and preparing to reach the shore.

The wooden barrel rocked back and forth, the waves pushing it towards the beach. Once the barrel made it onto shore, the top part shot off and the three fillies jumped out, examining the area around them.

Sweetie looked at the beach around them, slowly trotting towards the water. Stopping in front of it, she picked up a seashell and smiled, shivering slightly. “It’s so pr-pretty.”

Apple Bloom reached into her saddlebag, looking over all of the supplies she brought for their journey. “Well, if we ration our food properly, then we should have enough to last us a few days.”

Sweetie Belle looked over her bags as well. “With the s-stuff I bought maybe we c-can have enough to-to last us more th-than a whole week!” She smiled, sneezing.

“Maybe we can find more food in the forest?” Scootaloo suggested.

Apple Bloom nodded, grabbing her things. “We should get going then, hopefully we can find something before it gets dark.” The three nodded, trotting towards the woods, walking a bit more slowly so Sweetie Belle could keep up.

After thirty minutes of walking, the three decided to take a small break, drinking from a juice box that Apple Bloom had given them.

Scootaloo sighed, resting under the shade of a large leaf had provided from the rain. “I’m tired…” she whinned. “When are we going to find some food or shelter on this crummy island?”

Apple Bloom frowned. “It’s only been thirty minutes Scoots, you can’t expect it to be that easy.” The orange pegasus huffed. “We should keep moving,” she said, getting up and strapping on her saddlebags. “Come on girls! Let’s go-!” She broke into a yell as she suddenly started flying up in the air, and the other two fillies cried out to her.

Looking at what was carrying her, she saw a large blue bug like creature, which had two large antennae that were keeping it up in the air. The bug looked back at her with its beady red eyes, then briefly scratched its tan stomach.

Apple Bloom screamed fearfully, but the Bumbling Snitchbug ignored her cries as it carried her away.

“HANG ON APPLE BLOOM!” Scootaloo yelled, using her wings to give her a extra speed boost for her scooter, with Sweetie Belle grabbing on to her. The two followed the large bug, determined to not let it get away.

Sweetie looked up in the sky, seeing the bug flying further away from them. “HEY! COME BACK HERE WITH MY FRIEND!” she yelled, her voice cracking.


As I was commanding my slowly growing blue pikmin army depleting the current pellet posies and allowing a few Wogpoles to escape for next time, and having a brutal conflict with the Water Dumples; I noticed a stray blue pikmin near by. As I was about to call him over, he was alerted and started running off.

“Come back here pikmin!” I yelled calling the 24 other blue pikmin and gave chase to the fleeing pikmin. As I was pondering I noticed the one creature every captain dreads crossing, the Snitchbug. Seeing that the Snitchbug was a Bumbling Snitchbug wavered my confidence, which made me lose sight of the runaway pikmin. Oddly, the creature flew over me without even bothering to grab me, I noticed it had its hands full trying to hold onto a strange yellow creature.

Multiple thoughts ran through my head as I started to prepare for attack. Seeing my 24 leaf pikmin behind me, I grabbed ahold of one and waited for the opportunity to bring it down. Strangely the yellow creature started to struggle forcing the Bumbling Snitchbug to slow down and lower itself to get a better grip.

“NOW!” as soon as I yelled I was throwing pikmin as fast as I could in a perfect arc towards the bug. When five pikmin latched on and started beating on the bug, it fell like a rock, dropping the yellow creature with a yelp. The snitchbug started struggling but I gave another whistle blow and the rest of my pikmin swarmed the creature, killing it instantly. Ordering the pikmin to carry the snitchbug back to the onion, I took a closer look at the yellow creature. On a closer inspection it was a small yellow equine. ‘A pony foal,’ I thought to myself while observing it. Seeing that it was still alive, but unconscious due to the fall, I ordered some pikmin to bring it near a cave I found close to the blue onion.

Looking up at the sky and seeing that it was almost sunset, I remembered the nocturnal predators and what the merchant told me, so I decided to go looking for some food since my lunch never came with me into this strange pikmin world. I never noticed two other small creatures stalking behind me as I headed towards my makeshift home.

Author's Note:

Well here's the next chapter as always please comment on what you think. Also this chapter introduced Alph another Pikmin displaced, this one is made by my co-author Ditman25.