• Published 25th Sep 2015
  • 1,452 Views, 12 Comments

Mean Equestrian Girls - jidbrony

Highschool is a terrible place to be. Tribalism, hierarchy, it can be described as hell on earth, now imagine the my little pony characters stuck in that world. And worse, what if our heroes were Villains?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Morning, breakfast, cloths, all of it was done before Sunset Shimmer began her first day at Canterlot High. Breakfest was the usual of bacon and eggs, though she always felt awkward eating bacon cause it looked like her hair according some people. Her parents had already left for work and she had to cook it herself, but she liked being on her own.

“Gee mom thanks for leaving a clean kitchen,” she moaned, putting away the dishes like she did every day of the week. It took a few minutes to put in the dishes and start the dishwasher which she’d empty when she’d got home.

“Alright, now to get ready. Huh… I hate mornings sometimes.” Her parents were, of course, off at work, having gotten up early while leaving Sunset alone in the house... again.

Sunset found her favorite leather jacket lying on the knob of the garage door where she left it last night. That was good, at least she didn't’ have to rush to find it. Sunset loved exactly two things in her world. One, was her jacket. It was probably the only article of clothing she actually cared about enough to treat with any constant care. One part because it made her feel bad, wicked, cool, it made her feel like someone who was tough and determined. The jacket was her in a way, at least, how she wanted to be. However, even the jacket wasn't as close to her heart as what was in her garage.

“Hello, old girl,” Sunset lightly cooed as she as she turned on the garage door light. The place lit up, setting off a near perfect spotlight over her beautiful red and orange motorcycle.

Immediately, she gave it hug and began pre-cleaning before she headed off. Sunset loved her motorbike just as much as she loved her jacket. Probably even more so since she loved it like the child she would never have, since she simply didn’t want one. To her this vehicle wasn’t just transportation, it was life. She looked at the clock and saw she still had 40 minutes, meaning there was plenty of time to kill.

Up and down she moved the washcloth, and gently circled the tires and bumper. This was one of her small joys. The smooth feeling of a clean wax making her motor vehicle shine, it was a euphoria that only very few understood.

“There were go, nice and clean,” she said, wiping the cloth over the last spot of the crimson coated beauty. “I bet it feels good doesn’t it. Yeah, it does. Now come on...School.”

One jump on her motorbike later at she was already halfway there, granted she rather be halfway to Hawaii, but she had no choice in the matter. Her cycle zoomed through the streets, the sidelines became almost a blur as Sunset revamped the vehicle personally. It was one of her special memories, modifying the beast enough to make it the fastest thing on the roads. And with today being her first day at her new school, she planned on making an impression. Considering the last time she did she got expelled from her old school, but that was another story.

Parking was generally terrible, but she had long since gotten used to that particular downside. Thankfully, she managed to find a spot on the curve next to a pretentious pink car. Sunset saw the license plate. I read “Princess” on it.

Sunset grimaced. “Ugh...Must be a daddy's girl. Also really need to get a better bike lock.” Looking up, she saw the school and was actually surprised by its massive size. “Geez, what is this, a university? School must have a huge budget.”

Taking off her helmet and giving her curly long hair a chance to breath, she headed inside before the rush. Once inside she straightened her jacket and looked for the principal's office. “Gotta be here somewhere,” she said. Looking around, she poked her head inside the school’s trophy case. Unfortunately, she didn’t see anything of use. The only thing that stood out were a bunch of academic rewards that apparently belonged to a girl named Twilight Sparkle. But apart from that nothing really helpful.

Sunset groaned as she just kept going down the hall. “Wish I had a map.” The first day was always a bit nerve racking for any student, granted Sunset didn’t really care. Going down the hall she looked at every door label, hoping to find something.-


“ACK!” Sunset jumped as a female student with cowboy attire with blonde, dirty, hair wrapped in a ponytail, jumped in front of her with a big grin on her freckled face. Sunset recomposed herself before responding.“Um...Hey.”

“Howdy! I’m Applejack” she said in the southern drawl of any cliche farmer The Cowgirl held up a hand in salutation still wearing that wide grin, Sunset took it albeit hesitantly

“Hey.” Sunset replied again, getting embarrassed for her lack of vocabulary. However, she realized Applejack probably knew where the principal’s office was.. “So um…..Can you point to the principle’s office.”

“Sure….Also, I’m selling some Apple’s for my farm for a five bucks.” She replied still grinning. Sunset was taken aback, the smile kind of creeped her out, it felt out of place for her.

“Geez! I could buy something cheaper at the store.”

“I know…” Applejack frowned and sighed in sense of despair, causing Sunet to be taken a back. “But y’all see my farm is kind of going through some rough times you see. We can barely afford a working door.” Sunset bit her lip.

“Fine.” She grunted, shoving a five Applejack’s hand. “Here.”

“Thank ya kindly.” Applejack took the five and put it in her hat smiling again and started whistling off, leaving Sunset alone in the hall again. Sunset just looked at the apple and shrugged taking a bite, only to spit it out a few moments later.

Sunset tried to get all the little pieces of Apple out of her tongue“ACK! This is disgusting! No wonder there farm is struggling, this Apple is terrible! Wait...She never told me were the principal office was!” Sunset moaned in frustration, her only clue was gone, with her money no less! “Well, I hate her now.” One tossed apple later Sunset continued looking for the Principle's office, finally seeing a few more students walking around the halls.

Took another few minutes before finally finding the place. Slowly she opened the door taking a peek inside before fully opening the door to see a middle aged woman with light celestial hair sitting at a desk working on papers. She saw Sunset coming in and smiled. "Ah, you must be the new student. Have a seat please I'll be with you in a moment. It shouldn’t take to long"

She complied, sitting on the other side if the desk, deciding to pass the time she looked around the office, the first thing she noticed was the principal's name tag. Celestia She saw a few more trophies on the walls, apart from that nothing caught Sunset's eyes. She yawned as she waited for Principal Celestia to finish her paperwork

“Alright...Here’s your schedule, paperwork for your parents and a few things to sign.” Principal Celestia handed Sunset the papers who signed them quickly so she could get out of their.

“Thanks.” She got up and headed outside the hall.

“Oh Sunset….” Principal Celestia stopped her before she touched the door. “Try to make some friends while you’re here. It's considered a good thing for newer students like yourself and it can make the transition to a new school much more enjoyable.

Sunset rolled her eyes and moaned. "I'm good, I much prefer my bike thanks.” Closing the door Sunset groaned louder and huffed off. “Yeah, like i’d ever want to make friends...people just get in the way.”

“Why hello their.” Sunset turned around as four students walked up towards her.

“Oh boy.” Sunset moaned seeing the little group approach. The first one Sunset saw looked wild, a tomboy of a girl wearing a blue jacket with Rainbow colored hair, the one of the left was a diva like girl, if Sunset ever saw one, her hair a dark shade of purple organized in two major curls, plate white skin and shirt to match, the only boy in the group was a rocker looking guy with spiky blue hair leather jacket white T-shirt under it, he was holding the hand of the group's leader perhaps, a studious looking girl wearing a pink bonnet and purple skirt, long flowing Purple hair with a pink highlight going through it, and a stupid smile that looked so cute, cute that it made Sunset wanna hurl.

“You must be new here.” The purple haired girl smiled again holding out her hand and shaking Sunset’s a bit tightly. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, student body President and official welcomer...how are you.”

Sunset took a few steps back trying to get away “Fine...Fine…. Sunset Shimmer. Trying to get to class so if I…”

“My, my….That’s quite the leather jacket. My name is Rarity by the way.” The white skinned girl replied admiring her jacket’s texture only to sigh and examine it more thoroughly. “Granted the holes make it a bit tacky though, but what can you do I suppose. Well most likely NOT one of mine. Oh dear...Try and come to my shop, I can easily give you something better.” She let go with a small huff.

"Forget the clothes you look like you got muscle kid, I could use someone with muscle." The Rainbow one replied cracking her fingers with a mischievous grin. "Rainbow Dash captain of everything. I make sure things run smoothly around here if you know what i mean.” She punched her first again emphasizing her point.

“I see….Well that’s nice...bye bye!”

“Wait!” Twilight said as she held out a hand causing Sunset to grit her teeth hoping the conversation was over. “Just ignore Rainbow, she’s really doesn’t know how or when to keep her mouth quiet...Heh heh...But anyway. How would you like to sit with us at our table during lunch with me and the rest of my friends.” She said beaming. Sunset eyed her carefully however not completely buying the good girl routine.


“Because you're new and no one here li- knows you.” She replied still beaming. “Think about it.” with that she was off the other girls and boy following suite, as they were going Sunset noticed that the guy put her hand on Twilight's skirt and gave her a squeeze, prompting her to let out a moan. Sunset smirked. “Okayyyyy...Might wanna avoid those 3 for a while…”. She took a few steps back to make sure no one would jump her from behind before running off.

Classes passed by quite calmly, Sunset was always quiet intelligence so most academia came to her quite easily. After a few hours, lunch time came and it was a good thing cause Sunset was starving. The cafeteria was completely cluttered with students. She managed to squeeze her way in line only to feel a small bump come from behind, something that was happening a lot today apparently. Turning around she saw two guys, a small chubby one and the other tall and lengthy, picking his know

“Der, Sorry!” The chubby one said.

“Whatever.” Sunset replied deciding to ignore them.

“Um...You're uh very nice looking..” The tall one replied in a nazly voice. Sunset winced at the thought of he and her being a item.

“Ah no! I forgot my lunch money again.” The skinny one replied. “Snips got anything?”

The one called Snips looked at his pocket and shook his head in defeat. “Nope. Sorry Snails”


Sunset bit her lip, and looked around to make sure no one was spying on them before pulling out a couple dollars and handing it to Snails. “Here, take this, and please don’t mention it!”


“I said don’t mention it.” Sunset said gritting her teeth.

"Um...excuse me." Said a third more softer voice coming from behind all three of them. Turning around for what seemed like the umpteenth time.

"What!" Sunset yelled! Her patience wearing think. The meek girl twirled her pink hair her head tilted down.

"Well um...c-can I cut inline." She asked in whisper

Sunset blinked not expecting such a timid response. "Well um...I was here first and..."

"Ok...I understand I'll guess I'll just starve and miss out on the food...again." The poor girl sighed as she just rubbed her arms, they looked like twigs

Sunset sighed knowing she wasn’t going to hear the end of this. “Fine...Here...Take my …” The girl quickly took her spot in line shoving Sunset back a few inches.

“Thank you.” She smirked, her mood greatly improved.

“Wait...How come I ...Ugh! Forget it! I’ll eat AFTER School!” Sunset just huffed off before hearing a high pitch squeek coming from one of the tables. However before she left she saw the farm girl from earlier sitting at the table were Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were their was also one Pink haired girl as well, with a wild look in her eyes all the while fidgeting as if hyped up on sugar. Being only a few feet away from their table, Sunset was close enough so she was able to overhear the conversation.

A high pitched giggle came from that table as Twilight and Rarity were clearly conversing on something hilarious. “Oh Rarity, no way..She didn’t.”

“She did.” Rarity gawked. “It was so embarrassing, honestly I don’t know why she bothers, her magic tricks never go anywhere, and they are most cheapest things I’ve ever seen..”

Twilight couldn’t contain her laughter even though she tried her best to hide it by holding up her hand to her mouth. “Oh, Rarity...I gotta get pictures of that...It sounds hilarious and useful as well..” Suddenly Applejack the farm girl from earlier sat down looking around all sneekly.

“I got the good stuff.” Applejack whispered causing Sunset to pause and lean in.

“Oh goody!” Twilight beamed “Lets see those delectables.” Turning her head Sunset saw that Applejack was pulling out a few shining red Apple in a basket.

“Kept them in my secret stash.” Applejack snickered as she put them on the table. “20 bucks!” The rest of the girls groaned as they payed up.

“How on earth do you keep this hidden from the rest of your family?” Twilight asked taking a bite. “Considering you have to actually sell these to make a profit on your farm?”

“Simple, I keep a hidden stash near the cow manure where no one would DARE go near, unless they want to smell the smell of thousand horse….

“Ewww.” The girls all said in unison. “You're disgusting sometimes Applejack.” Rarity moaned unsure if she wanted to eat the Apple.

“It’s all good girls! I keep them clean...Mostly.” That was the phrase to cause Rarity to drop her Apple deciding not to eat it.

“Well, at least it keeps us from being infected by bad produce.” Twilight groaned taking a bite of her apple. “Mmmm, so good. Better than the trash this school serves.”

“Hey look, it’s the new kid.” Applejack said pointing to Sunset Shimmer who was about to depart the cafeteria. “Think we should give her the talk.”

“Not a bad idea Applejack.” Twilight got up and waved Sunset down. “Um...Hello...Excuse me!” Sunset turned around noticing Twilight pointing towards her. Sunset blinked before heading over their. “Hi there...Please, come on sit with us.” She seemed hesitant at first but decided best to get whatever they wanted over with and quickly. However before she could sit down that pink haired girl from earlier sat down. “Hi Fluttershy!” Twilight smiled. “Rainbow make room for Sunset please.” She scootched over a bit, he made a small space begrudging for Sunset to sit.

“Ok what do you want.” Sunset groaned crossing her arms and legs wanting to leave sooner rather than later.

Twilight sighed tapping her fingers, trying to figure out the best words possible before she spoke she looked around smuggly, Sunset slowly becoming impatient. “Well Sunset, you see...School is...oh how do I put it delicately so you can understand this. Hmm….What do you know of the Roman Empire…”

“Well actually I…

“Oh silly me, that was a bit of difficult question was it. I know it’s hard for new students to think through things” Twilight chuckled. “Perhaps…

“I know it was the most powerful civilization in the mediterranean engulfing the continent of Africa, Europe, and Asia it was ruled by a Emperor who was consulted by the Senate and had one of the most organized and advanced armies of the ancient world.” Twilight was quiet for a few seconds wrapping her mind around the fact she had answered her question correct but laughed it off.

“Riiiiight….Well you see….like the Roman Empire, this school has a bit hierarchy you see, one that’s been around for quiet some time...and well…The school’s Caesar….Is me..” Sunset seemed taken aback to how bluntly Twilight compared herself to Caesar of all people. However this was confirmed when a dark grin formed on her face. “And these five are my praetorians and the rest of you are...well….you know...”

“Plebeians.” Sunset finished for exact.

“Exactly”! Twilight nodded smiling darkly still.

Sunset narrowed her eyes and glared at her, annoyed at being called lesser. “And why tell me this?”

“Because you're new here….You need to know how the pecking order works so you can live through graduation.” Sunset just glared at Twilight who merely smiled pleasantly but with a tone a smugness on her face all the while.

“So basically you told me you're in charge and there's nothing I can do about it.”

“It wouldn't be advisable to try.” Twilight replied. “Unless...well...I don’t want to get into the details right now.”

“What kind of details.” Sunset said raising a eyebrow.

“Oh nothing...Well...You best be on your way.” Twilight said waving a hand very regally.

Sunset grit her teeth at the girl’s smug arrogance, acting all high and mighty, like she was actual royalty. Really she was little more than a pompous, prissy little school girl, who needed to get knocked down a peg or two.

However, Susnet quickly developed a smirk, “Well, seems you have things pretty well planned out.”

Twilight continued to smile though she held back some annoyance at Sunset’s desire to continue the conversation, “It’s nothing too special, just the way things work around here.”

Sunset’s grin deepened, “That’s funny because, from where I’m standing there’s one little problem with your analogy.”

“And what’s that?”

Sunset's eyes shifted slightly to the right with Twilight and the other’s following, “Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Don’t tell me for all your planning you forgot to include them in your little metaphor.”

At this point Sunset was leaning back somewhat with shit eating grin on her face as she tapped her finger against her chin in a contemplative manner, “Now lets see, you’re student council president, which admittedly is a pretty high position in the high school hierarchy so the whole Caesar thing is appropriate. Of course on the other hand Caesar was pretty much just a figurehead instead of a real leader, since everyone in Rome always turned to the gods for answers. Like Apollo and Diana for example.”

As Sunset spoke she ignored the growing look of contempt that was stretching across Twilight’s face, actually causing her friends to quickly grow worried at the once innocent girl’s visage twisted into that of a borderline psychopath.

Sunset however, kept speaking, quietly resting her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands, “So if you are Caesar and ultimately just a figurehead, then I guess that would make Celestia and Luna the gods of this school. And last time I checked, Gods trump monarchs.”

Twilight winced a bit and clenched her first before taking a deep breath keeping her cool. “Well...The gods couldn’t be around all the time now could they.”

Sunset kept smirking. “Yeah, but every ruler would always bow to the gods, before making any decision. And you’re no different, acting all powerful, when you have to bow your head before Celestia and Luna in order to make a decision.” With that Sunset got up with smug satisfaction, only for it all come crashing down when a flash of light blinded Sunset causing her to teeter and then come crashing down on the floor to land on hot chilly.

“Oopsie.” Sunset heard Fluttershy said softly, her leg slowly coming down as Sunset slowly came back up her eyes slightly burning. Suddenly the jeers of laugher from the other students began to ring around the room, the loudest came from the other girls, only Twilight stayed quiet preferring to smile calmly and lean back in a smug manner, proving her point.


“Good work Pinkie Pie.” Twilight nodded at the crazy Pinked haired girl who was holding a polaroid camera with much satisfaction. Handing the photo to Twilight she examined it carefully and smirked seeming pleased with the results before filing it away in a folder she apparently carried with her in her backpack, saying “Check!” and began to clean up her side of the table.

Getting up Twilight snapped her fingers with forceful vigor signalling the other girls to get up and head off with a strut, taking a pause however to look down at Sunset smugly satisfaction before walking off “Well better clean up...Have a good class session. Ta, ta.” The other girls got up as soon as she was a few feet in front of them and followed behind.

Sunset slowly got to her feet as she continued to stare at the backs of her adversary's, clenching her teeth in rage, “Better hope we don’t see each other again Sparkle. Or I’ll give you something to smile at.”

As if an alarm bell had just gone off, all the girls promptly froze and their laughter ceased. Both Fluttershy and Applejack quickly turned their attention to Pinkie, who seemed to become a statue of sorts, while Rainbow had actually taken a few steps back, shaking slightly at the Pink haired girl, whose grin seemed to shrink along with her hair

The tension seemed to last for a moment or two as nothing else seemed to happen, though Twilight continued to look at Pinkie were a degree of anxiety, along with the other girls. However, slowly her grin seemed to return to normal, prompting the girls to relax, though Rainbow didn’t close the gap between them. Twilight looked one Sunset one more time leaning into her so only she could here. “I hope you do.”

After another second the group resumed their walk towards the exit, quickly striking up another conversation as they moved.

The last thing Sunset noticed was Twilight walking up to Flash to peck him on the cheek before he put her arms around her as the two walked off.

Sunset just groaned as she got up and wiped off the chilly from her eyes before huffing off ignoring the laughter as best as possible. The rest of school was just the same, whispers of the incident were all over the school, first day in and already she was the talk of the town, but not in the way she had hoped. Granted she didn’t care, she would just power through it and hopefully make it to what would normally be a empty house.

“Hello anyone home?” Sunset said barely emphasizing concern as she opened the door took off her boots and go to the kitchen to get a snack, a couple chips and a soda. She could cook but had no energy to, prefering instead to just indulge in junk food. She saw a note on the fridge saying “Be late for work dinner in fridge” Ripping it up she just took her food and headed to the living room to relax and unwind

.Once her chips and coke were on the coffee table she leaned against the couch while turning on the T.V. groaning from the aches in her knees "Well today sucked" She muttered as she thought of her day.. "Oh well guess it coulda been worse. Mom and dad could be here blathering about goodness knows what." Stretching she just leans back and puts her feet on the coffee table and yawns. "Uuuuh... Hope I don't run into that insane ...sociopath....yaaaaawn." Slowly she drifts off to sleep.

Far off in a nice upper class home the home of Twilight Sparkle dwell. That night Twilight laid meticulously in her selection bed as Flash laid behind her stroking her long, luscious hair and suckled on her neck, Twilight wore a lush purple nightgown to keep her warm.

Nobody except the inner circle new that sweet innocent Twilight hadn't been a "Good Girl" in years, since meeting Flash she had turned him into her personal Yes man. Twilight was Queen and he was her slave. Of course, she allowed headway with him when his band got suspicious, appearances were key after all. Normally the two would go at it like animals however, this time as Flash was busy indulging himself Twilight was busy plotting, she had her folder on her bed with the picture of Sunset sitting right next to her. She kept staring at it, as a sinister grin widened on her as Flash came in with the tea.

“Flash! Get me some tea.” Twilight asked waving him off, being tired of his attention. He sighed while getting up to fetch the refreshments allowing her time to straighten up, she looked at the mirror with satisfaction. It always gave her joy to command her most faithful servant. While he was out Twilight continued to observe that picture of Sunset, this new student seemed to have thicker skin than the others. She wouldn’t let this new student be a threat to her, she worked to hard to get to where she was now.

Suddenly the sound of clanking china could be heard outside as Flash arrived inside her room his hands shaking a bit, nervous he’d do something to screw this up. “Here you go Princess.” Flash said putting the tray on her right side. Twilight took her cup taking a few sips of tea before looking up at Flash stone coldly.

"Flash? Do you consider me beautiful still?" Twilight asked,twisting a hair playfully. Flash paused and looked nervous as he eyed his girlfriend.

He gulped in fear before replying knowing the consequences of answering wrongly, "Is uh...isn't-this a trick question princess?"

"No." She responded giggling taking another sip of tea with a sly grin.. "I just like asking."

"Oh..." Flash sighed thankful he had avoid her wrath. "Of course you're the most beautiful girl In school. That's why you're my girlfriend." He planted a wet kiss to emphasize his point and reassure her. .

Twilight smirked knowing Flash would give her the answer she desired. It was one of the joys of having him as a boyfriend, he was such a tool sometimes. "Useful idiot."

Playing innocent now Twilight slouched over towards him and rested in his lap. "I know. But that Shimmer girl did try to stand up to me." She tapped her chin pondering only for a devious grin to appear on her face. "I think she needs to be taught a little lesson in hierarchy , time to add her to my data collections ,don't you think Flash?" She turned and started drawing imaginary circles with her fingers around his chest

“Um….Sure.” Flash gulped worried about what would come next all he did was started rubbing Twilight's back hoping it would appease her however she got up before he could start, revenge was the only thing on Twilight's mind as she took her phone and began dialing. "Rarity?"

"Yes darling what is it, isn't it a bit late for a call?"

Twilight gave a fake pout while saying, "Sorry Rarity did I interrupt another session of yourself looking into the mirror ."

She heard a faint growl on the line "You know perfectly well I inspect my beauty befor going to bed. Plus I look gorgeous in this new attire I’ve designed it’s uh..."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Pfft, what a diva. Whatever, but I need you to do me a favor."

"I don't know darling I'm quite busy at the present time I have so many glamorous designs to create and I have no models to work with."

Twilight groaned knowing what she'd have to do to get Rarity to budge. "Help and I'll loan Flash to you for your modeling."

"But Twilight I...." Flash was interrupted as Twilight's finger touched his lips signaling to be quiet as she was on tbs phone.


"Deal." Rarity chimed smugly. "Now how can I help."

Twilight snickered finally getting her way “Simple Rarity, just give her a boy and she’ll be putty in your hands.”. She got up heading her filing cabinet and pulled out a empty folder and marker and marked it Sunset Shimmer, before laying down again to be coddled by Flash."I need you to ....ugh..." She moaned as Flash started kissing her neck again, she slapped him off and pushed him aside. “Stop it! I’m getting tired of your constant….

"Everything all...ah...nevermind I remember." Rarity’s tone became cold as she finished her statement knowing exactly what was going on in there to perk up again. "You were saying."

Twilight held Flash's hand so she could concentrate "Dig up a little dirt up of our latest student Sunset Shimmer. After our little exchange in the cafeteria, I think she’s in need of a proper school welcome, don't you think Rares."

Unknown to Twilight a devious grin crept it's way onto the fashionistas face. "My dear Twilight....it would be my pleasure and let me just say I'll be very Thorough in my....investigation." Twilight grinned as well as the two girls burst out laughing as Flash just pleasures her trying to avoid getting involved in what horrible future Twilight has planned.

Comments ( 11 )

Nice start, you may want to consider an editor to help with the spelling and grammar mistakes I found.

why do i have a feeling that thing are going bad for Sunset?

The description makes it sound like a Comedy story.


Uh what does that mean exactly. Is that a good My God or a Bad one?

“Riiiiight….Well you see….like the Roman Empire, this school has a bit hierarchy you see, one that’s been around for quiet some time...and well…The school’s Caesar….Is me..” Sunset seemed taken aback to how bluntly Twilight compared herself to Caesar of all people. However this was confirmed when a dark grin formed on her face. “And these five are my praetorians and the rest of you are...well….you know...”

“Plebeians.” Sunset finished for exact.

“Exactly”! Twilight nodded smiling darkly still.

I think we all know how this is going to end:ajsmug:

Sunset slowly got to her feet as she continued to stare at the backs of her adversary's, clenching her teeth in rage, “Better hope we don’t see each other again Sparkle. Or I’ll give you something to smile at.”

As if an alarm bell had just gone off, all the girls promptly froze and their laughter ceased. Both Fluttershy and Applejack quickly turned their attention to Pinkie, who seemed to become a statue of sorts, while Rainbow had actually taken a few steps back, shaking slightly at the Pink haired girl, whose grin seemed to shrink along with her hair

The tension seemed to last for a moment or two as nothing else seemed to happen, though Twilight continued to look at Pinkie were a degree of anxiety, along with the other girls. However, slowly her grin seemed to return to normal, prompting the girls to relax, though Rainbow didn’t close the gap between them. Twilight looked one Sunset one more time leaning into her so only she could here. “I hope you do.”

HOLY SHIT!!:twilightoops:
Where Twilight failed to intimidate Sunset with a speech, Sunset intimidated the main 6 with only 2 sentences.


That's kind of why we had the little God metaphor with Celestia and Luna.

So this isn't a bad start, but I noticed some errors that need ironing out. For starters, the word is "principal", not "principle". You also had "there" and "their" mixed up a few times, Make sure to capitalize the pronoun "I". You had some odd, random capitalized words that shouldn't have been capitalized, while you didn't capitalize some words that needed it. You had far too many ellipses during the dialogue, which got difficult to distinguish from thoughts, by the way, since you used quotation marks for both. You had some comma issues which made sentences confusing due to having too few commas. Lastly, the food is spelled "chili", not "chilly". There were some other issues as well. I suggest getting an editor to straighten these issues out. In the meantime, I look forward to the next chapter.

Any update?

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