• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Jar of Dirt

Snitches be snitchin, bitches be bitchin, snitches in stitches, bitches in ditches

Comments ( 97 )

If this thing actually passes moderation, I'm going to die of laughter.

I'll just finish the final part another day. Now excuse me while I go and hurpdaderp.

You wrote 6k words of a cohesive narrative... for this?

god help me

*Drinks holy water*

I don't even......
EDIT: Why can't I stop reading this?
Even more edits: This is a LOT more messed up than SHED.MOV... I should have followed the warnings.

Not sure if want... To read that is. e_e Though. It was pretty fuckin' LUL to see this come on the front page as I strolled through the site.

I feel as if I have gotten smarter.
Thank you.
EDIT: This is to be getting a fave from me. Good day.

I don't even understand how it's possible for me to have read this entire thing. :fluttershbad: I don't know how I can live with story being impregnated in my head...

Jesus Christ that was all kinds of fucked up.

Worst story ever written. Instant fave, 5/5.:moustache:

If it helps, know that I wrote this story while furiously masturbating.

I see where you quoted the "Hellements of Armory" xD....

Because everybody knows that something being made by a creator who masturbates while making it is good work. You just earned a like and a favorite. Just imagine if this gets to the featured box... :pinkiegasp:

Holy shit man...... 0___o what...the...FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK :flutterrage:

686325Sorry bro...... But god can't help you on this one :pinkiecrazy:

What else you got?

I will say that the picture for this fic and your avatar really do match dead on.



OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU HAVE TAKEN EVERYTHING SACRED IN MLP AND RAPED IT IN THE FUCKING ASS WITH A RAZOR SHARP CHAINSAW, I MEAN HOLEEE SHIT!!!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiesick::raritycry::twilightoops::pinkiecrazy::derpytongue2:

Good job. :scootangel:

*twitch* That was amazing and I want *twitch* to read more of this please *twitch* FUCK THEM ALLLLLLLLLLLL MOLESTIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

686514 this is magnificient, and I shall try this tomorrow

Aaahhh yes! It feels good to read such dementia! Thank you, good sir, for giving me faith in the human psyche.

This is gold. And somehow well written.

Rednecks, lesbians, pedos, gore… how sane can you get?

you... put a lot of work into this, that's for sure.
Ummm. Yeah.

...wwwwhhhhaaaattt iiissss ttthhhhiiiiissss ppplllaaaccceee?

Sir... You are a brilliant mastermind of all things that stricken me with disgust and humor... I have read the whole thing... and loved every bit of it... :moustache:

Dear God *takes off glasses*

The Cyberpocolypse has occured

love it love it love it. mostly because i love this awsome shit here damit:moustache::rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::derpyderp2::ajsmug::eeyup:

:moustache: Hmm Yes, Quite the story you have written

I expect great things from you

Lacks rape scenes, needs more murder and there is a lack of gore. Otherwise a perfect fic.

You have raped the vagina filled with razors that is my mind and I couldn't love this more.

oh my god this is hilarious i cant fell my freaking side man you have to make more

All I can say is Wow, LMFAO LET'S GO FUCK MOLESTIA! :rainbowlaugh:



I love it :rainbowlaugh:

"Tupac shot up from the sofa and adorned a pair of black sunglasses before turning towards the ponies in the room.
"The streets are cryin' for help against the crackheads, an' Tupac's gonna answer that cry!"
Then he pulled out two Glocks, jumped out of the window by smashing it and rode away on a bike towards the commotion. Rarity wiped away a tear."

To be continued, plz?

P.S., You don't happen to know a website called Encyclopedia Dramatica, do you?

All i needed was that cover pic to say
"F:flutterrage:k This S:flutterrage:t!"

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