• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,221 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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Rather than make the long train ride home, Applejack was relieved when Babs said her parents were fine with the southern mare and her friends resting up here for the next day or so. Celestia's sun had long risen into the sky, and for the moment, possibly for the next few days, Manehatten was the media center of all Equestria.

"And here we have the real first telltale shot of the deck of this ship, with the cargo hold that contains the animal, with presumably the infant alongside." The pony newscaster said over the television Babs and the older mares were watching intently. Well, except Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity, who after the night they had, were all sleeping soundly on the sofa, and we're done with dinosaurs for life. Pinkie and Rainbow didn't have it in them to wake them for this.

"Now by our calculations the ship should be approaching the halfway point of its journey." The newscaster explained. "News can you hear me there?" The newscaster said. Over the phone and television a pony began to speak.

"Yes I can hear you, and we are indeed reaching the halfway point of the trip. The island is currently about 204 nautical miles from where we are now. With the ship moving at 20 knots we should arrive at roughly about 11:30 AM eastern time." The pony from the boat explained. "One of the primary concerns for this trip have been safety, and as you look around us at the growing escort of Wonderbolts and other military ships, nopony is taking any changes of a repeat of the Manehatten Incident."

"Thank you News. Now I'm gonna roll the clip taken live earlier this morning at the press conference Princess Twilight Sparkle held in order to discuss recent events. This particular clip features Scorch Firefly, the now former CEO of InGen Bio-Engineering. Mr. Firefly has stepped forward in order the spearhead the movement to not only return these animals to their island, but preserve the island and keep its inhabitants in tack and unharmed." On the television in front of the ponies watching the clip from earlier began playing. Twilight was in her regal attire in order to keep the situation calm, and sitting right next to her with his trusty cane was Scorch Firefly, dressed in the nicest suit he had.

"It is...absolutely imperative that we work with the Coltsa Rican government and the princesses of Equestria to establish a set of rules...for the preservation and isolation of the island." Scorch said as camera clicked around him from various reporters. In front of the two ponies on the table were various photos taken from the island. Scorch paused to gather his thoughts, reclaiming them as Twilight placed a comforting hoof on his. "As some close friends of mine once told me," Scorch said, thinking of the very same words Fluttershy and Twilight told him. "These creatures require our absence to survive, not our help." The stallion said with a smile on his face. "So if we could only step aside…and trust in nature..."

"Life...will find a way."

Author's Note:

And with take, The Lost World Jurassic Pony has reached its end. It's been a rollercoaster ride to say the least working on this story. For those who have stuck around since the very beginning, no words can express how thankful we am. I WILL indeed work on Jurassic Pony 3, after I've taken a well deserved break from the franchise. I might look into some other projects I have planned, so from me and HTKWolfe777 thank you guys.

And Have A Nice Day!

Comments ( 2 )

Okay, that’s a fair point.

And... indeed, there comes a pre-announced, but yet, sweet death to read.

Great writing and adaptation, going for part 3 right now!

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