• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,937 Views, 59 Comments

Zombie Chronicles: New School - ZombieBrony22

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I woke up the next day with a thrill of excitement. I actually have some real friends in a new school. Canterlot seemed different than any school I've seen. Also this "Free Time" scheme drove me nuts. What other school gives you over an hour of time to socialize at the end of the day? That's definitely better than Senior Salute...

"Honey! Time to get up!" My mom called.

"I know. I'm already up." I said pouring a box of cereal.

"Really? You must really like the new school." Mom said.

"Yeah... It's not that bad, actually." I answered.

"Well, I hope you have a good day." Mom said as she got ready for work.

"I will." I said.

The house we live in isn't far from Sweet Apple Acres and we live barely into the city. My mom and Granny Smith talked on the phone yesterday and said that I can get on the bus with the other Apples if I wanted. I said yes on the spot.

I saw the farm and I kept walking. I was on the driveway when I saw AJ and Apple Bloom near the bus stop.

"Hey guys." I said waving.

"Hey, Jason! I didn't know you moved!" Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah. We came here a week ago, you didn't see us?" I asked.

"We had a lot of work this summer. We barely left the farm for much." AJ said.

"Well, here it is." I said with the bus rolling up.

We went on and I took a seat. Apple Bloom sat on the seat next to me. Her friends hopped on and had her stuck on the window. I turned my head and saw Apple Bloom being squished against the window.

"You okay?" I asked her over her group of friends.

"Yep. This happens every day..." Apple Bloom said annoyed.

"So, who are you?" One of her friends asked me.

"I'm Jason." I said.

"I'm Scootaloo. This is Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo said.

"Hi!" Sweetie Belle said.

"So, uh... you always squish her like this?" I asked.

"No. We're not--" Sweetie Belle turned around and realized she was compressing Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, you are." She said.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited today!" Sweetie Belle said.

"What's today?" I asked.

"Today, we're goin' to honor the Fall Formal." Apple Bloom said.

"I heard about that. Sunset Shimmer won every year, right?" I asked.

"Ugh! Don't even say her name." Scootaloo said.

"Why, what's wrong with her?" I asked.

"Well, it started when the--" The bus stopped and the doors opened.

"Tell me later!" I said to her as I walked out of the bus.

Well, the rest of the day wasn't important, so I'll tell you about my mom's connection to the Apple Family. My grandmother grew up with Granny Smith back when they were kids. When Granny's daughter and son in-law died, my mom was there for her kids. AJ was a baby when it happened, and Big Mac a few years younger than me. When I grew up, AJ was like a sister to me. Me and Apple Bloom figured out we existed a few months ago when we came for a visit and she was helping set up some plan with her friends. We got along fast, and we came close. I won't say I have a crush on her, but--

"Okay, class. It is now Free Time." Cheerilee said suddenly.

I was digging through the library, looking for answers, when all of a sudden, I heard a thump from behind me. I turned around to see a girl with a tiara on her head and a giddy-looking girl with glasses on her head.

"What?" I asked.

"Who are you?" The girl in the tiara asked me.

"The name's Jason." I said.

"Well, just know who I am. I am Diamond Tiara, and just know that I am in charge here." She said as she walked away.

The girl with the glasses just stayed, staring...

"Dang it, Silver, let's go!" Diamond said as she grabbed her friend from behind and pulled her.

Just my luck. I leave Trail and there's still a selfish little prick who thinks she's in charge of everyone else. People like that are the reason I convinced my mother to pack up and make us move out of Trail. It was our luck that Granny Smith said that CHS wasn't that far away from where we lived.

I stayed searching for answers when I heard someone digging through books behind the shelf I was looking through. I thought it was this Diamond girl and I shouldn't bother, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Gosh darnit, Rainbow! We don't need to worry about her! She's perfectly safe with Flash!" AJ said.

"Then how come she had those bruises last week?" A scratchy, female voice asked.

"They must've been attacked. Flash said so himself." A quiet voice said.

"I know. But what if... HE attacked her?" The scratchy voice said.

"Rainbow! He would never!" A different voice said.

"How do you know? He could've... y'know, touched her for all we--"

"Don't you even SAY that, Rainbow! We may not know Flash but he would NOT do that. Not with Twilight to think about." AJ said to "Rainbow".

I probably should've shown myself, but I stayed quiet and listened more.

"Listen, Jason seems to be okay with her, I'll ask him tomorrow." AJ said.

"The new kid?" "Rainbow" asked.

"Yes, the new kid. If there's anyone I can trust with her, it's him." AJ said.

"But what if they're attacked?" The quiet voice asked.

"Jason's a Blue Belt in karate. I trust him to protect her." AJ said.

Wait, who? Before I can walk out, the bell rang. I waited until the 4 girls left. I was about to walk out when--

"Whachu doin'?!" A loud, giddy voice asked as my vision was covered by a girl with big eyes staring at me.

"Holy--" I said as I leaped back.

When I stopped panicking, I saw a girl with a pink shirt and a blue skirt with 3 balloons on the side.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie and you must be the new kid. Jason, right?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. Sorry, you just scared the crap outta me." I said.

"Sorry. I usually know everyone here. Anyway, what did you see? What did you hear? What do you know?!" Pinkie asked hopping up and down.

"Look, I'd love to tell you, but if I don't pack up, I'm gonna miss my bus." I said to her, hoping to talk about the scene tomorrow...