• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 1,751 Views, 39 Comments

The Battalion - Fa-18

american battalion in equestria, will peace remain true?

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Refuges part 1

A peaceful trail leading towards ponyville, no further than twenty miles leading north. Where ponyville was peacefully enjoying the majestic light of celestia's sun. Then something strange started happening on this trail and one bright flash of light brings forth a battalion, or whats left of the poor souls, of U.S Army soldiers and the remaining vehicles. What's remaining of the battalion of two thousand troops is five hundred that got telleported from the battle with fifty wounded. Fifteen Abrams tanks, ten aav's, and five supply trucks. As soon as the soldiers were finally teleported from their world, they were baffled about the location and event that just took place. Except General Woods.

''Uhhhhng *long sigh* ok, that was more than just strange...sweet dear God of mighty my head hurts,'' The general stated,'' well, at least were safe for now...LIEUTENANT!''

''Yes sir,'' One of the generals sons said while running up to him.

''Is your brother doing alright,'' The general asked with a hint of worry.

''His only wound was third degree burn on his left left from a enemy missile, but he's holding out.''

''Good, good, go check the wounded and see what problems need to be fixed then come back to me, got a mission for you and your team. and ill go check on your brother.''

''Yes sir.''

The general then goes off to find his sons brother. Ever since the generals sons joined the armed services, he promised to keep them safe. A promise that he had made to his wife. Soon he found a medical area were the wounded were being patched up. The general ended up passing at least twenty wounded so far until he fount his son.

''Hey dad, don't worry i'm fine,'' He says.

''You sure, with a wound like that, even i would be in the slightest of pain,'' The general replies,''but really...i came to check on ya' to see how you were doing, not to mention i gotta keep you safe.''

''Yea, we remember what mom said, keep them safe or ill be the one kicking your butt to the other side of heaven.''

''Yep, those were her last words, even took the liberty of writing it down. And some how ended up making it a motto for a regiment.''

So after a few more minutes of talking with his son, the general went to meet up with the lieutenant and his team. Now the Lieutenants team was a simple four man team. A medic, which was the Lieutenant. An engineer, who was transferred from his unit to the lieutenants, and carries a SMAW with five rounds, and one AT-4 rocket launcher. The support class who carrie a M24OB LMG with a bullet chain that connects to his ammo bag on his bag, and also carries a mortar to fire upon enemy positions. And last but not least, the recon. He carries his personal favorite Beretta 50.cal sniper, a pac containing three c4. And also carries a soflam for marking targets.

''Everyone here, good,'' general woods stated as he arrived.

''Alright, your mission is to go north through the forest to look for any kind of settlement. When you find a settlement, check and see if they have any kind of medical facilities.Then come back and report to me at one of the tanks. And be careful, please. We good?''

''YES, SIR,'' the team replied in unison.

Lieutenants p.o.v

After two hours of walking through the forest, the team stop to take a five minute break to drink some water that they had in canteens. The forest was close to being unforgiving, but the heat was taking its toll on the soldiers. But none the less they're pulling through. It had been three minutes so far, and the team were just about to get their things back together since they also ate some MRE's that they brought, until they heard a child scream. The first to respond was the Lieutenant and then the rest of his team. They ran until they fount a clearing and the child that they heard scream. Soon as they saw her, they didn't know what to think, especially the lieutenant. Then out of no were, shots rang out from the one thing that they thought didn't come through the portal.

''TAKE COVER AND ENGAGE,'' the medic yelled out as he and his team exchanged fire with the enemy.

''COVER ME, I'M GOING AFTER THE GIRL.'' the medic yelled

with that he quickly rushed towards the girl who apparently got hit through the leg, but not before dodging an enemy missile that flew past his head causing him to hiss in pain as he felt the extreme heat hit his face. Then followed by a loud boom. But he still continued rushing towards the girl. When he got there, he was able to get a clear image of what she looked like. Purple hair, orange skin or in this case fur, and hooves as feet. And she was also wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. But he focused on the situation at hand, a third degree burn on her leg from the enemy gunfire. Using his experience with medical training, he began to go through the necessary operation for this particular wound. and thanks to his experience in the medical field, he managed to get it done within the minute. then the battle stopped. The lieutenant looked around to see that his team repelled the enemy while he was dealing with the girls wounds.

''Alright, lets get back to the battalion so she can get better medical attention,'' the medic ordered as he picked up the girl who was probably at the age of ten. Surprisingly she didn't show any refusal of any kind, but she simply asked.

''Who are you.''

The soldiers looked at her and smiled. Then the medic said,''we'll let ya know when we get back towards our base camp.''
Generals p.o.v

The general was sitting by the tank looking at the plans that were drawn or written out on the side armor. The plans were mapped out for when they started to move to a different location. With the general was some other squad leaders from different squads, more specifically tank commanders. They were about to discuss another plan until they heard rustling of leaves. They looked to see the generals son and his team. But his son was carrying a creature that resembled a little girl, which was sleeping while being carried. Well it was probably six pm considering the time of day.

''Lieutenant, why are you carrying a little girl back here when we don't know what she is.''

''She got wounded from enemy fire, dad, she needs medical attention. third degree burn through her leg.''

''so that confirms my thoughts, alright get her patched up and see if she can tell us were we're at and if there's any settlement up north.''

With that the lieutenant went to bring the girl to one of the aav's which were makeshift imfirmeries. and began to operate on her leg that had the third degree burn. after half an hour of fixing the wound and a bit of wincing from the girl, even though she was asleep much to the medics relief, the wound was good as new. Then about an hour later she awoke.

''Uhhg, where am I?'' she asked

''At our base camp, got your leg fixed up....if it's alright, would you mind answering some questions for me?''The medic asked as he got some water for her to drink.

''Sure, if you can answer mine first.''

''O.k, my name is Jackson Woods, but since i'm a soldier i go by woods.''

''Nice to meet ya, names scootaloo, and thanks for saving me back there from those creatures.''

''No problem,by the way, why were you in the forest any way?'' At that she looked down and her ears flattened against her forehead.

''I was dared to do it by diamond tiara and silver spoon. They said if i was so brave and awesome and wanted an adventurous cutie mark, i had to go alone.''As she said this tears started to form around her eyes Which made Jackson feel sorry and bring her into a hug. She didn't care, she silently wept onto his chest while he was calming her down saying it's ok. she then calmed down.

''You good?''

''mhm, /sniff/''

''Alright, im going to ask one more question,'' She nodds,'' is there a settlement of any kind up this road with a medical facility?''

''Yes, Ponyville is up the road.''

''That's good to hear, we'll be moving shortly when i tell the general...''

''Was he the one you called dad?'' Scootaloo asked all of the sudden.

'' Yea, me and my brother are his sons...alright how bout' you gets some sleep and we'll be at ponyville shortly.''

''O.k night.''

''Night, and sleep tight.'' With that he puts some covers over her to keep her warm, which was his BDU jacket. Better than nothing. But jackson has a history with children, before he joined the service, he would baby sit for people who were going on trips or other places were children couldn't go. He also had reletives that were five to ten years of age he would spend time with. This basically says experience with kids. So after Jackson saw that she went to sleep, he told told the general about the town that's up the road. Then was told that they would be leaving at 0:600 hours in the morning, until then get some sleep and keep an eye over the girl.

Author's Note:

Did i spell the chapters name wrong? Please let me know...thx