• Published 9th Sep 2015
  • 11,389 Views, 393 Comments

The Strongest Man in the World - Vesperia

A One Piece fan buys an amazing mustache off Amazon to complete a rather amazing cosplay for the next Comic-con. Too bad he never gets a chance to make it and gets sucked into a Equestria ripe with adventure as none other than Whitebeard himself.

  • ...

11. Filler - That's a Nice Ship Ya Got There...

My tiny fishing ship drifted across the sea, I looked over and saw that my first mate was doing pushups. I didn't question his sanity while he worked out in this horrid hundred degree weather, he was a dragon so he had to have some sort of resistance to heat. But the longer I stared at him, the more that stupid ball of fire above us made me sweat. I put a hand above my eyes and stood up, my head nearly bonking into the cross of the only mast of the ship.

"Careful captain, that's our only mast." Said Twilight sitting in the crow's nest, absentmindedly flipping a page of a book.

"I know, I know." I said and stretched my arms, being careful to not destroy anything delicate. "I'm just so bored."

Twilight hummed in apparent disinterest and flipped her book once more. I sighed and was about to sit down until Twilight said, "Oh, by the way, there is a ship following us. Has been for the past hour actually."

That little reveal made Spike, who was now doing handstand pushups, lose his balance and fall down. I just gaped at her, "W-Why didn't you say something?!"

"Because they haven't done anything yet." Twilight simply said.

I just sighed and looked at the ship that decided to follow us. I looked at Spike and said, "Raise the sails Spike, let's meet up with our new friends."

Spike nodded and went to work.

The ship finally decided to pick up the pace and come and face us. Why they were waiting I had absolutely no idea, a tiny fishing ship was not something you needed to stop and plan an attack before hand. But we finally got ourselves a good look at the ship, it was a pirate ship, the first pirate ship I have seen so far in this world.

You could guess that I was pretty stoked about it. The jolly roger was the usual skull and crossbones but had something extra on it. A saber that stabbed through the middle of the skull vertically. I'll admit it looked kinda cool, but it could've used a bit of work. The ship itself looked like it was around a corvette class, with a large building-esque thing in the back, a building that I could easily fit into. Other than that there was nothing special about the ship, no decorations, no nothing.

But it was a nice ship, a nice ship that I'd be able to actually sleep inside of for once.

"I want it." I said to my crew mates.

Spike laughed, "I'd bet. You're probably tired of sleeping outside."

"You have no idea..." I grumbled. "Sleeping outside has been killer on my back. It'll be nice to get a bed or something."

"They're here." Said Twilight, interrupting our tiny conversation. Spike and I looked up to see the ship right next to us. A number of people-ponies at the railing of their ship. One, much more fancily dressed with a nice hat, appeared.

"Well hello there!" He said.

"An awfully cheery guy." I thought to myself. Shrugging I replied, "Hello to you too. What can we do for you?"

The fancy man chuckled and lightly tugged on his chin beard, "Oh not much. You see we were just passing through when we see a lone, little fishing ship just drifting through our waters. A ship that hasn't even paid its toll for using those waters mind you. What kind of business man would I be if I didn't collect?"

"A pretty poor one I'd say." I replied.

The man nodded, "Exactly! Now, the toll is at least ten thousand bits. Please hand it over and your lives will be spared."

I hummed to myself and stroked my mustache. I shrugged and said, "There is one problem though."

The fancy man rose and eyebrow, "Oh? Do tell me how there could possibly be a problem here?"

"You're currently standing on my ship. It's a nice ship, and I don't want you on it."

The man blinked as he looked down at us on our smaller ship. "I don't understand... I'm on this ship," He pointed at the one he was currently occupying, "not that one." He said, pointing at my tiny fishing boat.

"Exactly." I replied.

He looked a little confused for a second, his face scrunching up. Then something seemed to click in his head and he started laughing like a mad man. "Oh! Hahahaaa! Now, that is a good one! Just for that little joke the toll is decreased to twenty thousand bits!" He slapped a hand on his knee as he and his crew nearly doubled over in laughter.

"Don't you mean increased?" Spike asked.

"I know what I said!" The man said, still laughing his ass off.

"There is also another problem." I said, cracking my knuckles with Spike doing the same and Twilight crossing her arms in front of her. I decided to put my bisento aside for this one. I continued, "We don't exactly have any money over here. So, how about we cook you up some nice, refreshing, knuckle sandwiches. Family recipe."

The man and his crew stopped laughing and glared at us, "Then I'm afraid everything, including your lives, are forfeit to us." He unsheathed a saber, his crew doing the same.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I highly doubt that."

Spike and I jumped onto the opposing ship with our fists cocked back, Twilight's arms were already forming on the shoulders of some of our new enemies. I even saw a few sprout on the legs, her fists aiming for... Oh dear.

I sat down on the deck of my new ship, breathing in the fresh scent of new ship smell. "Aaahh! Look at all of this space you two!" I happily said, spreading my arms wide.

"We actually have some leg room to work with now," Said Spike as he jogged around.

"Yes, yes. We actually have a ship that's not a tiny fishing boat. Now how about you two make yourselves useful and go get our stuff from our other ship?" Twilight said, not even looking up, while using a pen to write things down on a piece of paper. She seemed to be organizing things and looking for anything of value around our new ship.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at Spike, "Since you're smaller how about you get the stuff inside the boat. I'll move all of the other tied up pirates onto our old boat."

Spike nodded in confirmation and jumped down to the fishing boat. I picked up a group of five tied up pirates with one hand and gently tossed them down to the other boat. I did that a few more times until all but the captain and all of their weapons remained. They didn't need the weapons anymore. Spike returned out of the fishing boat with all of our stuff, he looked hilariously ridiculous with all of that stuff on his back.

"Toss me my bisento while you're at it!" I called down to him. A moment later my weapon was flung upwards and I deftly caught it with my left hand. "Thanks!" I called down again.

"How about you catch some of this stuff?! I don't want to risk losing anything by jumping!" Spike called back.

I shrugged, put my weapon down, and held my hands out. "Alright! Ready!" A barrel of water was chucked upwards, I quickly caught it and set it down. I did the same for another, and another, and so forth. Soon, all of out stuff was brought onboard our new ship. "You got everything right?" I asked Spike as he jumped back on our new ship.

"Yeah, I triple checked every place we put stuff in." Spike said to me.

"We got any paint?" I asked randomly.

Spike looked at me oddly, eyebrow raised, "I.... think so? Why?"

I looked at the barren, white sails of the fishing ship. "Because, I want to draw my jolly roger on those sails, with the words 'Whitebeard, the King of the Pirates, has a present for the Marines' on it. This guy is suppose to be wanted right? I figured we could send them off to a nearby Marine base, I might even get a bounty myself." I pointed at the pirate captain lying unconscious on the ground at our feet.

"Yeah, I think he has a five million bit bounty on his head. But I'll see what I can find. You know what you want the jolly roger to look like right?" He asked me.

I took my coat off and turned around, I thumbed at the large tattoo on my back. "It should look like this, two bones in a cross, and a smiling skull with my mustache on it."

Spike looked at it, imprinting the image in his mind. He nodded and said, "Alright. I'll go see if we have anything. I'll even check to see if we have any blank sails to replace the ones that have this guy's roger on it." Spike nudged the captain with a clawed foot and headed inside of the ship. I kept a lookout after chucking the other pirate captain over onto the fishing boat.

Twilight came walking back to me. She stopped in front of me and seemed to read from her list, "Well, we have plenty of money now. At least three million, not counting anything fancy that we don't need and can sell. We also have a large collection of gems, but I recommend we don't sell those. Spike needs to keep up his gem consumption, so that his scales don't start to become soft. Other than that we have plenty of food and water, and if we bring those fishing nets with us we won't need to worry about finding meat for you two."

"That's good." I said, "Mind using your arms to grab the nets? Spike brought the fishing rods and bait already." Twilight nodded and looked over the edge of the railing with her arms crossed. Purple arms sprouted from the fishing ship, untying the nets. Arms sprouted from the railing of our new ship now, a new arm popping out of the palm of the previous arm until the final arms grabbed the net and pulled it over.

"There we go captain, now the only thing lefts is whatever Spike is going to do with some paint, and replacing those sails." Twilight smiled, I couldn't help a grin either.

"Things are looking up, eh, Twilight?" I said and laughed at our newfound fortune, with Twilight joining in.

Author's Note:

The first fight of the filler I'm making.

Tell me loyal fans, do you think he should have a fight with a marine ship and then get a bounty (And if so how much?), or just get a bounty after this little tussle and find out just before the next fight (And again, how much do you think?)?

Comments ( 95 )

Is it actually filler if they got a new ship? I'd say that's plot right there.

And no, not that kind of plot. Pervert....

I think he needs to tussle with the marines then get a bounty Captain V.

It's canon filler, as in it's not really noteworthy enough to write a whole arc about taking over a ship from some weaklings. I'd usually say in the A/N if the filler chapter isn't going to be considered canon to the story.

And the ship is still temporary, but better than the old one, Whitebeard still can't walk around it with complete ease yet.

6677287 *nods* I see your point.

I think maybe take Captain Fuckface's bounty once they find out who beat him, then raise it when they fight the Marines.

Five million is a good enough starting bounty in my opinion. Gets them attention, but not too much.

I think taking this ship and maybe fighting some Marines in an equally large or smaller boat would be best.Get a few more fights under his crew's belts so that when they encounter another Navy ship or dock somewhere, they have a noteworthy bounty.

Yeah, five million sounds like a good, very basic, start. Once they fight the Marines it'll have to skyrocket though, at least thirty or forty million more, they'll be seen as a real threat by then.

Yeah that sounds good too. Heh, maybe I'll add some sort of bounty tracker in the A/N after every arc or enough canon filler battles.

6677461 That actually sounds like a fun idea. Kinda like how some stories jokingly put in achievements or include Perks. Oh! Maybe you could jokingly put in some Achievements like "This is a Jecking" For when Whitebeard has stolen a certain number of ships? Or "It's over 9000!" for when Whitebeard unleashes his full power level at some epic battle in the story?

6677461 The bounty tracker sounds like an excellent idea, just remember to give Twi and Spike bounties too. How about this, give Whitebeard a bounty now, and when they fight the marines they find a folder full of bounty posters, that's something you'd find on a navy vessel right? Then, he finds that Twilight already has a bounty, and it's higher than his. Then the next time, Whitebeard discovers that his updated bounty is higher than Twi's, then rubs it in her face, just a little bit though, Whitebeard's not a jerk, just a smug grin in Twilight's direction then it's never mentioned again.

Lol, joke achievements sound like a fun little extra in the A/Ns. I might just do that.:rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, I could never forget about the bounties of his crew, especially since Twilight already has a bounty too. Funny thing is, I was going to put in a bounty poster list once they fight a marine ship. That smug Whitebeard about his bounty being higher than Twilight's sounds funny, I might just do that.

Spike's bounty needs to be 50. Just 50, so every Marine they meet underestimates him horribly.

I genuinely laughed at that. I could already picture the interaction of Whitebeard and Spike going on once they see his bounty. But I don't want to just steal the fifty thing from the manga/show, maybe I'll do it on another crew member for kicks. Spike, being first mate, should have a real bounty on his head.

6677523 Oh, give the fifty to Fluttershy, when she joins the crew of course.

All Mane 6 are joining the crew right?

6677566 Nah, not all of the main six are joining the crew. I have plans for each of hem.

Tell me loyal fans, do you think he should have a fight with a marine ship and then get a bounty (And if so how much?), or just get a bounty after this little tussle and find out just before the next fight (And again, how much do you think?)?

I'm curious what they'll think and how confused they'll get when they find the disarmed pirates sent to their base just before or after getting a report that some marines were defeated by them lol.

They pirates or bounty hunters? wtf? :trollestia:

6677587 They totally need a donkey onboard so they can make stupid mule puns.


Heh, puns are very important.

6677587 Damn. Was hoping they all would join, even if some aren't easy to gain.

Oh, and I think he won't get a bounty till he fights some corrupt marines. After all, he only fights with good reason, eh?

6677645 Think bone jokes could work with a diamond dog?

6677684 He'll fight anyone that attacks or is trying to do something bad against him. Corrupt Marines or not, but he won't actively seek to fight the Marines.

6677705 Precisely.^_^

6677587 Yeah I think that's probably for the best. Can't have Whitebeard getting all the mane 6, he'd be Pirate King in under ten minutes :derpytongue2: Though you could give him the "Now you own the complete set" Achievement jokingly if he did. I do have a few suggestions for some of the mane 6, that you might enjoy.

Pinkie Pie - Give her the Gomu Gomu fruit, and either be a rival/friendly/allied captain or a member of Whitebeard's crew. I mean she's been shown as being a big eater like Luffy in the show, they both like to smile ear-to-ear a lot, she's exhibited rubber-like qualities such as inflating her hoof to make fingers and when Pinkie gets angry/serious she's a joyless and grim person, much-like Luffy when he gets serious and has to fight a real bastard of a pirate/marine. If you did include her as part of the crew, she could fill in Sanji's role as the cook/chef. Plus I saw some comics of an anthro Pinkie dressed as Luffy and it just fits so well :pinkiehappy:

I'll link the four pages I saw while browsing: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 & Page 4 Heh coincidentally Twilight is also Nico Robin in these, lol ^^.

Applejack - Monkey D. Garp. They're both pretty much devoted to their jobs in both settings, but care about their family more. Plus Garp and AJ often wear unique headgear, i.e, the dog mask and the stetson. Garp and Applejack are both strong, perhaps you could make some kinda combo of AJ's lasso and Garp's habit of attacking by throwing things?

Fluttershy - Chopper. I see a lot of similarities, they can both understand animals, if I remember correctly. Plus they can both transform into different forms, Flutterbat and Flutterhulk could be more combat-oriented transformations. Fluttershy has some medical training with her animals, and Chopper is a well-trained doctor. They're both not really frontline fighters either, which fits them well ^^;.

Non-Mane 6 character ideas

Trixie - Maybe she could have the Sube Sube No Mi's powers? Having a slippery body would be useful for Trixie, when she has to make a sudden escape. Plus angry mobs trying to hit her, would amusingly get annoyed that their weapons just slide right off her. As expected of someone as Great and Powerful as Trixie =p

Gilda - Whitebeard's crew could use some fliers, and I see a little of Roronoa Zoro potential in her. Mayhap she could use three blades and possibly wingblades to make her an even more dangerous foe? Plus Gilda the Pirate Hunter has a nice ring to it ^^.

Sombra - Edward Teach/Blackbeard. I mean he uses shadowy magic in the show, and could be one of the world's only known users of black magic. Plus the devil fruit power, controlling darkness suits him perfectly.

6677817 Interesting ideas for some of the characters, I like the Sombra one. I honestly haven't put a lot of thought into him just yet.

I think they should get their bounty by saving/helping an Island like Banana Island again just to have the Marines show up at the last min thinking they're the one wrecking shit, then well.... you know... lol

Fluttershy best Medic/Doctor XD

6677900 Thanks ^^ I think Sombra would make a good villain in an arc at some point. Alternatively Sombra could have Gekko Moria's power, but that was shadow control and not nearly as awesome as controlling darkness...Admittedly I hate Moria due to that fucking laugh of his :twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2:. So I'd probably transfer some of that hate onto any character resembling him XD. Still, happy you found my ideas interesting, I hope they help you ^^;

He should meet the pony version of captain Jack sparrow from pirates of the caribbean and nut shot

some of column a and some of column b.
if the marines showed up as they were getting the ship ready, it would server both purposes rather well.

and lets face it, that is a One Piece story in and of itself.
seeing as no good deed goes unpunished.

make it 1000. even.

high enough to be a threat to mooks, but low enough that they cant bother even marine first mate's for it.
and then they try to increase it, only to constantly be blocked by red tape. and the whitebeard crew finds like 80 different values everywhere.
the average from them all is around 5 million.

I don't know. I get the feeling of that Luke is the kind of guy that only fights people when they piss him off or are in his way, but maybe I read him wrong.

6678596 Nah, you read him right.

6678618 Yeah, so if you want him to fight a Marine ship, they have to come after him first, not have him go after them. Although, I think it's perfectly reasonable that some hotheaded Marine could see his jolly roger and immediately attack.

6678657 Yeah, I was thinking something like that happening.

I would start Whitebeard at the 20 grand level, and have Twilight be something like six or seven million, due to her knowledge and connection to Celestia. Spike probably has something like 100 grand for his bounty. Also, you should probably give Spike Zoro's "projection" ability and a ridiculously over sized set of weights for training purposes of course. Maybe instead of cursed swords, he gets incredibly rare magic gems to eat? For example, his mail based fire breath is one he has had since Twilight was actually a little girl, but he hasn't really had to use it because the message book was around.

He should get a bounty the same way Luffy did, by meddling in other peoples business.
Then again, he does have both Twilight and Spike who Celestia's been looking for.
He may just be accused of kidnapping and brainwashing them, just to get those two back without damaging her image.

6680349 Meddling in affairs not his own for certain. Lots of fun to be had there.

Late to the party but want to get my two bits in. Luke should definitely get a bounty after messing with a Marine, who may or may not exploit his past actions to justify the bounty. Keep I mind that in One Piece a bounty was supposed to reflect not only a person's perceived strength but also how big a threat they are to the government. That's why Nico Robin had a 79 million bounty even when she was just a kid, her knowledge of the ancient language was a threat.

6711431 Good points, I'll take them into consideration

A very interesting take!

6916336 It's an amusing bit of imagery eh?

6946249 That's Gilgamesh, right? Because if so, yes, I have seen it. And his is one of the few exceptions to the rule of the crossover in this group. Sorry, but when you read enough crossovers from a single group where most of what you read is kinda crappy, your view on things becomes a bit jaded.

please there must be more :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

So after reading this far there is still one thing bugging me. Are the marines all ponies, Griffins, and other native beings of equus or are there humans like Luke in this world.

7033240 Natives of Equus, Luke is the only human there

is the story dead or just delayed, hope its the second option, this story seems awesome even tho i havent read any of it yet.

7089926 Delayed, I'm working on one story at a time.

Correct, and yet he he still gave "shits" enough to save a town from murderous scum, which was why I thought it was remarkable that he would go to the trouble of harming the navy men rather than jumping away.

Looks great. Whitebeard is a great man along side black beard.

I would like it if the Devil Fruits Users are incredibly rare. Like most people don't even know the fruits exist, since in the first chapter the bandits though Luke was using magic. Or, heck, don't even have Devil Fruits except for the ones given to Luke's crew through outside help, like with what happened with Jacob. Just have Magic be whats used instead, Sombra could still have something like Blackbeard's or Moria's powers with just magic instead of a Devil Fruit.
Just an idea.

Anyway, ideas for characters.
Shining Armor: Bari Bari no mi? A Marine Captian or maybe even an Admiral. Though still a nice guy that would rather protect innocents rather then letting them die just to capture his prey. Opposite of Akainu and CP9 basically.

Night Light: A Retired Marine Officer. Kind of like Sengoku or Garp post time-skip.

Dicord/Sombra/Tirek: They could have positions somewhat similar to what the Four Emperors/Yonko have in One Piece.

Chrysalis: Either as another member of the Four Emperors, or maybe a Shichibukai/Seven Warlord like Boa Hancock, since she has to protect her Changelings, and thus has a deal with Celestia/The World Government the not attack her home island where the Changelings live in exchange for her services.

Flim&Flam: Corrupt and greedy Marine Captains that sell "Protection" from Pirates to Civilians, and from the Navy to Pirates. Like Captain Mouse face from the 'Arlong Park' Arc.

That's it for now. Looking forward to more chapters.

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