• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
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Want to know how far someone can get writing fan-fictions without watching the show? Lets find out together!

Comments ( 68 )

The scene between Pandinus and Cimmerian was sexy and adorable. Thanks for the chapter.

Defining Love (The Substitute Demon[set at the end of Never Underestimate])

Do you mean "Don't Underestimate the Power of a Bored Mare"? Because I can't find 'Never' in any of the chapter titles... and I have seen these kind of things post the clop scene of a chapter before the actual chapter.

so... am i supposed to read it before giving it a thumbs up or can i thumb it up first and then read it? either way, both of those things are happening

Heh. Just as messy and awesome as I thought it would be. Nice job.

6397633 Glad you enjoyed it. I figured if the two couldn't talk without some misunderstandings the first few days, how would an actual romantic night go?

6397682 Changed, thnx. I just don't want to have to boost Demon to M.

6397755 Bastard, what do you mean, thanking a god when I wrote this? It's like the doctors who perform surgeries, and get to hear everyone shouting "It's a miracle! God answered our prayers!" when the surgery is successful. Think about that, then go thank a surgeon for their work.

6397774 Either way, though I'd prefer you read it first, so it's not just your fascination with my other works.

6397934 :moustache:

6398132 i did my thumbing at the story and then i read it. nothing more to say other than it was the quality i expected of your writing and it satisfied my addiction for the day. thank you for said story


It's like the doctors who perform surgeries, and get to hear everyone shouting "It's a miracle! God answered our prayers!" when the surgery is successful.

Oh jeez, that is one of my biggest pet peeves. I cannot stand people who ignore the person who saved their life, and then goes on to thank something who had nothing to do with it. It's rude, and pretty stupid as well.

You should'va put this in the original story, as a espetial chapter, but whatever, still fas fun and hot.

Depend on the person really. The belief is that God was responsible for everything ultimately.
Sure, you really should thank the doctors for their works, but it is by God's will that it succeed, by God's will that many technique and medicine were invented or something like that.
Can't really blame people about thanking God...You can only tell them that it is very much common courtesy and polite to thank the doctors for their works. Showing the doctors that they were appreciated for doing their job. That is what God would have wanted, loving thy neighbour.
Similar to the "If God wanted me to die, I would be dead already."
P.S. Also, if you're going to bring people who thank God for the work of doctors, then I bring up people who blame God for the mistakes they made in their own life.

6399956 I personally find it all childish, really. Our brains have not evolved as fast as our society, so these kinds of biases followed us from when we were hunter-gatherers. Cognitive biases and dissonances of all sorts are common because our brains are wired that way. The only thing that can fight it is our culture, since our culture is more malleable than our brains. Hopefully one day we will become advanced enough to be able to genetically modify our genes before conception, and then modify the genes responsible for our brain's development and make the human brain more fit for our society. Anyways, I won't say any more because I don't want to piss anyone off by being logical. That tends to happen.

Are you really so desperate to get another story featured that you'd lower your writing standards to this? The last time you did this, you wrote a whiny blog post complaining how your pseudo-porn was instantly more popular than your main story. Well, congrats, now you are writing just straight-up clop and really fishing for the lowest common denominator. You better never complain again, especially not about the kind of crowd this will draw to your other story.

6400239 Adjusting one's gene does not give one's the ability to gain higher form of "intellegence" like you talked about.

Heh, probably was wondering when I would get to this. We can all expect some of the shit my brain will have my fingers type.

It still struck him as odd that he was committing to such an act; an alien body, and mating with another alien?

Well, Captain Kirk did it with an alien girl as a human, Ted is taking that knowledge ever further!

'I don't remember reading about that in health class.'

Neither do I! What does one do in such a situation? Wink back?

"What are you doing?" Pandinus yelled, glaring back at him. "Jump up and rut me already!"

ARG! Pan, why do you have to go right to the main course and skip the appetizer?!
And for the really dense, eating out is... well...

"You know, you're supposed to enjoy the first time, learn what each other likes and what not."

Or second time. Such is the case when you are love drunk the first time and near kill a whole changeling hive by overfeeding them.

"Oh wow" He muttered.

That moment when you realized you put off masturbating for how long?

This was it, what she'd been begging for since her transition to queen.

Well... she got the first wish. Just can't really remember it. Though I love the mental image of her coughing up love like some actor shot in an action film coughs up blood.

First it was only the tip


"Don't stop. Deeper, give me more." Din murmured into the covers.

Wow, biting the pillows already?

"I swear, Cimmer, if you pull out I'm going to hu-erk!"

Least she knows what she wants.

locking him deep inside her as his balls clenched up, churning out his reproductive soup.

Guess she wanted the soup over the salad.

Nothing he could place as an orgasm from his partner, much less enjoyment.

Now to be a gentleman and be sure every being gets a rush of neurotransmitters.

So much love, puddles of it, pools of it, oceans of it, all waiting to be claimed, all waiting to be consumed.

What would they call the place where all the love is stored? Love River? Lover's Lake? Love Canal?

"Do changelings not experience orgasms?" He wondered aloud.

I sense an experiment coming on!

Once more he drove himself into her, her body tensing as she fought against some of her first lessons.

Those were the first lessons, damn. Is she also a victim of child abuse?

along the entirety of her now-sensitive flesh and drawing a pleasured mewl from her throat.

Hmmmm, so the change is supposed to enhance male pleasure while decreasing what the changeling feels. Run while the male is spent, heh. That is what I call a dine and dash.

and she howled in rapturous delight

I think that might have helped Ted get his motor revved...

The changelings legs gave out as she screamed her orgasm

Wonder how the ponies down the hall interpreted this. Either Ted is murdering a changeling queen or she is a screamer.

Did she scream into the link as well?

Did Cadance feel it? Pan is acting as the Love Princess' filter. And that filter just had a massive orgasm.

More pleasure surged through her body as his wet muscle danced across the pterathorax

I guess changelings could sorta have that. They are not really segmented like an insect, just have some insect qualities on what is mostly a pony frame.

stopping at each point of interest to impart another nibble or another lick to her shivering body.

I think Pan is becoming a fan of science. Now they need to start documenting their findings!

of course he was driving her into the ground.

He was in the literal sense, he is now in the figurative sense.

He double checked the sound wards, put in place after his first orgasm left him feeling none the worse for wear.

Damn, that puts the kibosh on the weirder rumors in the morning of Din screaming.

her fangs showing through her smile.


She gave him a fanged smile as she began to grind against him

Hmmm, author, doth thou also find attraction in fangs? We hath noticed thee using the word more frequently.

She buried her fangs in his neck

God damn, slow down. I am running out of images to use!

pounding this mare into a whimpering pile of pleasure and happiness.

I always took Tuna as a giver and not a taker.

Had to keep the hive fed, after all.

AKA hurling out their pink guts into a massive basin.

I, I think we need to try again. I'm not sure who won, so we're going to need a tie-breaker.

She pulled in his love, using it to heal her aching body even as she began to rub against him yet again.

So this is how she avoids walking funny.

the two lovers covered with a myriad of fluids that had no place matted into fur and dried out on chitin.

Unless it was after a night of being mounted like yoshi.

by now the effect was so minimal even actively burning the entirety of her reserves likely wouldn't help her.

So she can walk funny.

They'd kill her out of rage for the amount of love she'd burned just keeping up with him.

That is an interesting turn of events. I would think they would kill her for access to that love. Though Din could just pay them off by giving them love or, in a strange twist of events, drown the queens in pools of love. They would have to burn the love just to try and survive.

she'd have her love pool by the end of the month at the latest.

This is like that Scrooge duck having a swimming pool of gold coins and dollar bills. Super wasteful but worth it for the enjoyment. Also would work as a cruel way to kill people.

I like the reflection at the end about all the chances Din had of escaping back to the life she knew; even though it would be filled with loneliness, fear, and starvation. Would have been nice to have some mentioned reasons as to what stopped her from running just to get a deeper look into the character.

Aaaaaaand my comment swelled to needlessly long proportions cause I just had to comment on certain lines. I am a peanut gallery... If you want me to shorten things up I most definitely can.

I kind of have to click on a story first to know what it is about, although now I really regret that I did.


Honestly? Fuck off.

You're fishing for outrage and there was no purpose for your comment other than to be condescending. It's like going onto every Slice of Life story and yelling about how you don't like Slice of Life and how dare an author 'lower' themselves to writing what they want to.

This was fairly-well written, and the author can write what he damn well pleases.

I kind of have to click on a story first to know what it is about

Tags, rating, story length, rating, and short description are all shown before you click on a story. If you couldn't figure out from those, I pity your analytical abilities.

6400318 When did I post that? I think it was after the first one I did, which I have, since then, added two more chapters, and written a completely different story that was also smut. The point is after that first one, I got over that mental block that said 'am I really going to do this?' and just started typing. I also left a blog post that said I had fun with it, and would recommend others at least try something similar if only to see how it turns out and how it feels. Sometimes I had more fun writing these than I had with The Substitute Demon. This here? This was fun, hilarious, and awkward as hell. It was a joy to wright.

6400396 I knew you'd show up eventually XD

Wink back?

I died

If you want me to shorten things up I most definitely can.

I actually enjoy reading those bloated things you call comments, as you actually comment on things in the story rather than giving me a "I liked it/I didn't like it"

6401058 I know what you mean, I once read through the comments of a story I didn't have any interest in, and ended up upvoting it solely for the comments.


This was fairly-well written


Well then, give yourself a pat on the back cause I only leave these massive comments on stories I really like or the authors have shown enjoyment in the shit my fingers pound out. Though maybe I should leave a single boring comment, just to spice things up.

:pinkiecrazy: But we all know that once I start typing I can't stop the flood of stupid thoughts.

I just hope someone got the Archer reference.


As I should note, it's pretty good. There's a few small issues I have, but overall it's better than mine shall ever been.

Aww, that was adorable!

Also, fuck yes! All of that anatomy and instinct! I'm a complete sucker for those small reproductive behaviors and body language.

6400393 I never said anything about higher intelligence. I am talking about complete manipulation of the brain's functions. And don't tell me genes don't control the brain's structure, because if that wasn't true, then a dog would have the same brain as a human. I am talking about how the brain has 'flaws' that work against our modern society. Flaws that EVERYONE has, including athiests and theists. This isn't an intelligence issue, but an issue of the brain. Everyone has a hard time separating emotion and logic, the brain even shuts down reasoning when people's beliefs are challenged most of the time, and scientists know that is a result of a primitive part of our brain that has not evolved to work with a scientific society. Ever wonder why everyone is biased one way or the other? If the human brain wasn't fundamentally 'flawed', then correct logic and evidence would work 100% of the time.

6402192 Kinda hard if not impossible to get the supposed perfect brain, ya know.

You got the talent for writing these scenes! And expanding on your characters at the same time, at that!

That was rather clever of Pandinus. Both from a practical standpoint and an emotional one.

Well, now...
Most fascinating.

Din, you're a terrible, terrible tease. If you didn't switch bodies, you would have left her in the same state as your dream experiment. That being said, if Cimmer/Ted is the Dream Pimp, your becoming something far more literal. :derpytongue2: This best not become a business venture any time soon...

Come one, come anyling, step right up and get your rut with our Lord and Father! Only 10 bits!


Also, as concerned as everyone is about getting the hive to grow, we're essentially dooming natural growth from the way things are looking. Extended mammalian pregnancies do not a large hive make, at least not in a standard timescale. Or one that's going to match the pony population pop.

Congratulations Din. You've just invented virtual sex.:pinkiegasp:

I read this and laughed my ass off in the process of doing so. Now I need $10,000 for reconstructive ass surgery. Thanks, Reykan.


Huh. True enough. Hadn't considered the grand-kiddies. Which could expand rather exponentially if the first generation and beyond have forced-molt growths. Which I don't think is likely, given the mammalian birth, but time will tell.

Now I'm terrified for entirely different reasons.

(edit: Pay close attention how it's the 'psychic' cats who are dangerous, enforcing the protection of the "bewuv'ed cuddlebug". :rainbowderp:)

/wipes forehead

That was exciting. Of all the problems they may have, a boring sex life isn't one of them.

Pandinus sure knows how to reward her sister, doesn't she?

i see one wrinkle in this whole affair.
once he finds out what she really did,

I'll be expecting a comment/complaint in the next chapter from one of the newcomers about the seemingly endless jars of pink goo in the castle.

targeting a specific individual who was due for a reward.

Oh dear, looks like Cimmer's talk of sharing and caring about other beings has caused Din to go a little too far.

'Are you mad?' the armored queen shouted through the link. 'You'll get us caught, get us killed, what are you, you, turn it off!'

Has Zelus completely forgotten what has happened in the past? Cause I don't see any difference in this vs the normal hive link.

A moment later Zelus screamed into her covers, a flash of white pleasure breaking any and all concentration she had.

Are the queens synchronized or is there some independence? For example, since Zelus isn't used to this, could she orgasm before Din? Also, could a changeling stumble on the link or Din accidentally connects to all the changelings near her and makes them orgasm at once? Having all the changelings in the castle scream out and collapse at once would be very worrying.

as well as the various stains all over the floor where she'd, where she'd...

Cimmer might smell that and put two and two and two together. Not that Din will really care beyond a coy smile.

Zelus shakily approached, following her sisters whispered orders and laying down between them.

Zee is bigger than both of them though. How will Cimmer like being separated from his wife/mate/slaver?

maybe he'd be her mate too?

Nightmares have a habit of going after Mary and Gary Stus.

She could smell something ,


Has Zelus completely forgotten what has happened in the past? Cause I don't see any difference in this vs the normal hive link.

Remember the first chapter of this fic. It was revealed that changeling's get taught to transform their bodies so they don't get pleasure from sex, in fear that orgasms would cause their disguise to drop. This doesn't have anything to do with Sparkle's array's. She's panicking because she was caught by surprise and defaulted to her old teaching of "pleasure bad" without thinking.

6886738 It's not all going to be for the best though. Cimmerian doesn't know what happened, just that Zelus is now latched to his other side.

6887096 Your welcome.

6887843 Zelus was still thinking along the old thoughts of what sex was, while Din was basically dragging her down the new path kicking and screaming. Whether those screams were of fear or pleasure, well, that's for you to decide. As for the connection, think of it this way. For the most part, changelings can easily speak to anyone else, even do what I like to think of as a 'general page' to the hive. When Din pinged Zelus, she was offering a very tight, total connection, one that shared every single detail that the other queen was experiencing.

6888448 Heard the term mind-shattering orgasm? just segue it into spell-shattering orgasm.


For the most part, changelings can easily speak to anyone else, even do what I like to think of as a 'general page' to the hive

Now i'm imagining the changeling hive as a magic mix of twitter, Facebook and Skype. They post general stuff , are able to do a twitter- esque general update, and do more direct communication via Skype. Pan just screen shared her sex.
edit:Wait a sec, if everybody got one of those arrays (with perhaps some way to prevent the "assuming direct control" thing the queens can do), wouldn't they essentially have The Internet: changeling edition? Only directly linked to their minds instead of via a pc/tablet/phone/toilet seat. They would even have virtual reality porn right build in. Dear god the applications this could have.
edit2: Ugh, it's 2:30 am and i'm trying to sleep, now i'm stuck thinking about the logistics and implications of a changeling based internet system. Thanks a lot.

Oh, I know that, but I'm looking at this from her perspective.

6888987 Just think, you came into this fic expecting sex, not a technomagical discussion of the application of hive-links and the similarities between hive-minds and the internet.

On hive minds and the internet

But yeah, now i'm wondering if the mindless drones can be re-purposed as servers. I'm imagining small black chitin mounds,
Also, changeling internet would give a whole different meaning to the phrase "the internet is for porn".
And the sole reason i made this realisation here is because it suddenly clicked after the sensation share.
The fact that it is on the clop side-fic is entirely coincidental. Or so i tell myself so i can sleep at night.
Considering we're 30 minutes after the last comment and i'm still awake...

For a good example see:
This story uses dedicated drones acting as internet servers for a persistent hive-wide bulletin board and public archive.

It wasn't like she could have more hatchlings with the strange nymphs currently growing inside of her.

She sounds so sure about that. :trollestia: And if not, I'm sure a forced molting/evolution could work that out. :pinkiehappy:

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