• Published 28th May 2012
  • 5,477 Views, 211 Comments

A Twilight Princess - Mekon

  • ...


Last time:

If the end felt like gentle nuzzling, it wasn't so bad.

"Um...Princess?" Twilight asked, a bit unsure as to what was going on, "Aren't you going to punish me or banish me or something?”

Celestia chuckled as she pulled back. "For what my prized pupil?"

"Um....Uh..." Twilight stammered, "For...being a princess?"

"Now why would I punish you for that?" Celestia asked, smiling down at her faithful student.

"Right. What was I thinking. It's not like you're some tyrant that eliminates all threats to the throne or anything like that," the lavender alicorn said, chuckling nervously, “Right?”

"Or am I?" Celestia said, drawing up her full height and smiling madly, “Twilight Sparkle! It is time to pay for your crimes against the royal throne!” Twilight looked on in horror. This was it; she really was a goner. "Kidding!" Celestia laughed as she toned down her aura to regular levels. Twilight looked like she was about to have a heart attack. "Oh dear. Luna always said that I should work on my delivery. I'm sorry about that Twilight."

Taking large gulps of air to make sure she was still alive, Twilight finally felt her heart rate return to normal levels. "It's okay Princess Celestia. I forgive you." Celestia smiled.

"Come. It is not best to stay in the royal kitchens for too long, lest my craving for cake come back to bite me," Celestia said, her eyes staring wistfully at a simply divine piece of chocolate crumb cheesecake. Well, it wasn't so much as a piece as it was a whole cake.

"Oh, right," the lavender alicorn answered, quite aware of her mentor's strong penchant for sweets and confectioneries.

Celestia lead her student out of the kitchens, but not before ordering one of her servants to bring them each a slice of that cheesecake and some tea.

"We have much to talk about... Princess Twilight."


Chapter Five: Princess

Twilight gulped, dutifully following her mentor to her study where they could talk undisturbed. Her stomach felt like it had been twisted and pulled into a knot; she couldn't help but feel apprehensive. What would Celestia say to her? Was she disappointed? Would she approve? In addition, a hundred other questions were flying through her head at a mile a minute, and she was so burred in thought that she almost missed what her teacher had said to her. Pulled out of her head, Twilight suddenly realized that they had already arrived.

“Come and sit Twilight,” Celestia said, patting Twilight's cushion on the floor. The lavender unicorn stepped back for a moment, just now noticing that her cushion had apparently always been sized for an alicorn and wondered if anything else she had ever used in the castle had been fitted to be as well.

She sat, feeling a bit awkward now. It wasn't every day that she started off a conversation with her mentor along the lines of “Hey, Princess Celestia! Guess what! I'm a princess now! What do you think?” Luckily, for her, Celestia had the insight to instigate the conversation, sensing what bothered Twilight.

“I imagine that you must have many, many questions Twilight,” the Sun Goddess said, turning to face her prized student. She found it a bit unsettling that she no longer had to look down upon Twilight.

“Yes...” Twilight answered quietly, looking more at her hooves than at Celestia. Her mentor smiled fondly, remembering when her faithful student had been too shy to ask her questions before. That had been when she had been a filly.

“You will never get your answers without asking my dear,” Celestia said with a grin. Twilight returned the smile, also remembering when her teacher had said the exact same words to her when she had first started learning under Celestia's tutelage.

“Right. Sorry Princess Cel...” Twilight started, before being cut off.

“I insist that you refer to me as Celestia from now on. You of all ponies deserves that right, and if not for your accomplishments, loyalty and friendship, then for your new rank and power. Regardless, I want you to call me by my name.” Celestia had wanted to tell Twilight that for ages now, but her prized pupil hadn't been back to Canterlot ever since the wedding, and had had little correspondence since then.

“Oh um...well I don't know...” the lavender alicorn answered, twiddling her hooves timidly. The idea of so shamelessly talking to the princess in such an informal tone was a bit overwhelming.

“Please,” Celestia simply said, silencing all of Twilight's objections.

“Oh...well okay..Cel...Celestia,” Twilight said, her mouth feeling extremely foreign. She had never referred to her mentor without her title before, and it would take some getting used to. Twilight kind of liked it though.

“Now let's get back to those questions,” Celestia reminded, not losing track of the real reason why they were talking. Her student nodded and asked the first thing that came to her mind.

“Am I really a princess now? And if I am...then..of what?” she asked, immediately feeling a bit dumb for asking such a simple question. “I'm sorry. It's just that...”

“Twilight. Any question deserves an answer,” her mentor said, “And as to the answer for your question, many will now view you as such. You certainly command the power required. Your magical aura is incredibly strong, stronger than mine and Luna's if I might hazard.”

Twilight blushed. “I would never be able to match you P..Celestia,” the lavender princess said humbly, “You have hundreds of years of experience and wisdom. You've seen and done things that I can only fathom...” Celestia decided to simply ignore her student and move on.

“Now as to what plane you command or whatever celestial body you would be linked to....I can only guess I'm afraid,” the Sun Goddess said with an apologetic smile.

“If anything, your guess is worth a lot more than two bits to me.” Celestia nodded, readying herself for what she had to say.

“I'm sure...Caesius talked to you about magic,” she said, feeling a small pang at speaking the name so soon, but she knew it was necessary.

“Yes..” Twilight responded slowly, easily sensing the distress on her mentor's face, “He talked to me about magical classifications and explained how names should not be associated with evil or good, but the user instead.”

“A valuable lesson indeed. Continue.”

“He discussed how your magic draws from the sun and day, light magic, and how Luna's comes from the night and moon, dark magic. Then he told me about his kind of magic, a combination of the two, shadow magic.”

“Correct. Our magic types have always been rather clear to us,” Celestia said, “I cannot paint the night sky in a fashion as beautiful as Luna, and likewise, she could never create a day as brilliantly bright as I could. We balance each other, but we never did it alone. Caesius was the in-between, the mediator between is. He kept the peace...and he kept us together.” The Solar Princess sighed as she looked out the window. “A few thousand years ago, things were much different here. Evil lurked in every corner of Equestria, and the only thing we had was each other.”

“What about your parents?” Twilight asked. Right away, she felt like she had asked the wrong question. Instead, Celestia smiled sadly.

“We never knew them. We have no knowledge of how we came into this world,” the Sun Goddess said, “But I digress and must continue.” Twilight nodded. “With us three, we did all we could to protect each other and create a haven for every pony. I soon found my talent for raising the sun, and not far after, Luna found her talent for raising the moon. It took many years for Caesius to discover his own talent. He had thought he would be attuned to another celestial body out in space like Luna and I, but he found one day that his celestial body and plane was Equestria itself.”

“What!” Twilight exclaimed, “But....with him gone, doesn't that mean...”

Celestia shook her head, turning back towards her student. “He many be gone, but his spirit and power lies with another.”

“You don't mean....” Twilight said apprehensively.

“Yes Twilight,” Celestia said with a small nod, “It is in you, and from his passing, you have been reborn as the Twilight Princess. Fitting isn't it? Only Caesius would pick someone so ironically appropriate.”

This was just so much. Her? Princess of the planet Equestria? More power than Celestia and Luna?

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked, her voice a little bit higher than usual.

“Like I have said, it is a guess...but my guesses have usually been good,” Celestia said with a small chuckle.

“Why the twilight? What's so special about it?” the lavender alicorn followed up.

“The twilight and the dawn are the two veils that separate our world. Equestria is always half dark and half light, except on the rare moments when the sun and moon pass. We have always used the twilight instead of the dawn in the title, and this is because the dawn, as it is the first signs of day, is the first layer of the boundary. The twilight is the underlying seam and gate that holds everything together,” the sun princess said, “Therefore, it is the true power.”

“How can I possibly be stronger than you and Luna then? Equestria is any old regular celestial body like the sun is,” Twilight said, mulling over the information she had just been given.

“Partially true my dear. However, my sun and Luna's moon nurture Equestria. Every night and day, you gain more and more of our energies, only further increasing your natural strength. This is how Caesius, and now you, was able to use shadow magic. I cannot perform high degrees of dark magic and the same with Luna and light magic. It is against our nature. However, you have none of these inhibitions, and in addition to this you are the element of magic, a rather potent combination if I may add.”

“You make it sound like I'm so.....” Twilight said tentatively.

“You are very special my faithful student, incredibly so. I think Caesius knew that, which is why he chose you.”

“What could I do though? What have I done to deserve this?”

“Twilight, you have saved Equestria not once, but three times. You have saved me, Luna and now Caesius. I do not believe there is another pony in existence that is more worthy of the title and power you now possess,” Celestia answered seriously.

“But...I didn't do any of those things by myself. I've always relied on the strength of my friends. I'd never be able to do those things alone,” Twilight answered, as she looked towards her crown, remembering what it stood for.

“Perhaps in the case of Nightmare Moon and Discord, but you latest escapade was only accomplished by you. Even when all of your closest friends and family had abandoned you, including me, you found the strength to continue and ended up saving all of us. It wasn't I, Luna or any magical miracle that saved the wedding; it was you and you alone,” Celestia told her, apologizing again for being so foolish during the wedding. Her student waved her off, saying that everything had been sorted a long time ago. “That is what you are capable of my prized pupil.”

Twilight looked away; she didn't like admitting it to herself, but it was true. All of it was true.

“You are the cornerstone of the Elements of Harmony, even without the support of your friends, you stayed resolute and true. What other proof do you need of what you can do?”

The lavender alicorn shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, unable to come up with any sort of effective resistance.

“But..I have so many flaws and have made so many mistakes...”

“We all have flaws, and we all make mistakes Twilight, myself included,” Celestia said softly. Twilight sighed, remaining silent. “My most faithful student, the most important thing you should be asking yourself is this: do you want this?”

Twilight tried to filter through her large range of emotions, attempting to assess her own feelings. She hadn't really thought about it; she had only really thought about how others would feel, not herself.

“I...I...really like it. It feels like a dream come true, as cliché as that sounds....” Twilight said, looking away from the piercing eyes of her mentor, “I've always wanted to be like you....but, it feels so selfish. I'm happy at the expense of your brother.....” Celestia stopped her there.

“Never think that way. My brother may have passed, but it should not weigh upon you. You would never allow something like that to happen,” she stated confidently.

“But it was my fault,” Twilight muttered, continuing to hide her face from Celestia, “If I just stopped sticking my snout in places where it didn't belong, Caesius would be okay, and Umbra would still be imprisoned.” She shut her eyes tight, trying not to think about the deceased alicorn. Twilight had never experienced the burden of death, and it was overpowering. Celestia lightly wiped Twilight's tears away with the tip of her wing.

“He never blamed you. I know that much. If anything, he was grateful you showed up. As for sticking your royal snout in places where it doesn't belong, I am glad you did. If you hadn't, Caesius would still be trapped forever in the twilight. You did not see his face, but he looked so peaceful, happy even. You ended his torment, something for which I will eternally be grateful for. However, his passing was never on your hooves,” Celestia soothed, “Caesius passed on his powers to you. If he had believed for one second that you were responsible for his death, his power would have rejected you and would have been lost forever as well as any chance for defeating Umbra.”

“But Umbra...”

“...would have eventually escaped...as all evil does. Time weakens nearly all things. What matters is that you were there to warn us and give us a chance. Caesius found you worthy of the title and power of a goddess, and I could not agree more.”

“What am I supposed to do though? I don't know how to be a princess or goddess or deity or any of that stuff,” the Twilight Princess said sadly.

“Then don't be. All that Equestria requires of you is for you to be Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia answered, grinning.

“Don't princesses have to help with governing and stuff like that?” Twilight asked, thinking about all of the royal duties Luna, Cadence and Celestia took care of.

“Luna and I can handle that easily. Cadence helps because Shining Armor is here, though it is not her true calling. You will never be obligated to help, though your assistance would be greatly appreciated. I really can't remember the last time I took a vacation,” the Sun Goddess said with a cheeky smile, causing Twilight to laugh earnestly.

“That reminds me to go and break the news to Shining and Cadence,” Twilight said with a small giggle, “I imagine Cadence will be thrilled, but I have no idea how Shining will take it.” Celestia actually giggled there, imagining her head guard completely stunned speechless. Twilight sighed, thinking about the first day she had discovered her talent for magic. “Princess....who would have thought?” Celestia smiled.

“Be happy with your gifts. Sometimes you are given more, sometimes less, but always be grateful and use your talents,” she concluded, “I do hope you are feeling better Twilight.”

“Much. Thank you Celestia. I really needed that,” Twilight answered with a fond nuzzle which the Solar Princess happily returned.

Pulling away, Celestia sighed as she looked back outside towards a specific tower where a certain Lunar Princess was still grieving. “Now if only I could help Luna....”


Twilight walked down a familiar hallway of the castle, able to recall and perfectly name all of the tapestry paintings, portraits and marble statues that lines the walkway. Further down, she could hear excited and lively voices which she easily identified as her friends.

She opened the door manually, afraid that using magic might reduce it to a fine pile of splinters and a golden knob, and Twilight didn't want to break anything else today. The voices stopped as she stepped in and all eyes were on her. Twilight smiled nervously, feeling like she was some sort of rare exhibit that was being studied intensively. She began to break out into a sweat as no pony in the room moved.

“Hi...” she said quietly, and it instantly ignited the group.

“Well howdy there Twi,” Applejack said first, coming up to hug her good friend. Twilight smiled with relief as she returned the strong hug. “Ah see that ya ain't faintin' willy nilly no more.”

Twilight chuckled. “Nope. But it still seems a bit surreal.”

"I imagine sugercube. Somethin' that big ain't to be taken lightly," the hardworking earthpony said with a little chuckle, "If anythin', this is just the start."

"Yeah....there's a lot of work and stuff that I need to figure out," Twilight said, "But with the princesses' help, I'm sure I'll be able to figure all of this out."

"I must say that I am extremely envious. They say that a princess' beauty outshines all others, though of course, I am the only exception. I'd like to believe that I'm on par at least," Rarity gushed as she began looking her friend over, countless designs and ideas forming. Twilight giggled, imagining the dainty unicorn in her position.

“You always look gorgeous Rarity,” she answered, returning the fashion diva's hug, while the white unicorn started going on about designing her a new dress and wardrobe, seeing as she had spontaneously outgrown hers.

"If anything darling, you will need to look beautiful and pristine at all times. Of course, I can always help you with that!" Rarity exclaimed happily, just shaking with the prospect of dressing for royalty permanently.

"You don't have to Rarity," the lavender alicorn said, "I wouldn't want you to strain yourself."

"Oh nonsense darling! I insist! I would be simply delighted to do it!" the white unicorn continued, and Twilight gave in.

"Oh alright. But don't go to overboard with it," Twilight said with a happy grin, hugging the generous fashionista. Rarity was absolutely thrilled, and started bubbling about testing out new designs and materials.

“So get a chance to use these babies yet Twilight?” Rainbow asked as she flew over to Twilight and poked her new wings.

“Nope. But I'm counting on you to show me how to Rainbow,” Twilight said with a wink, and the cyan pegasus puffed her chest out proudly.

"Ahh yeah! I'll teach you everything that I know! We'll start off small, basic rolls and loops, but then we'll move onto the fancy stuff afterwards," Dash said, "By the time we're done, you'll be able to fly circles around any pony, except me of course, and you'll look SO AWESOME!!"

"Looking forward to it Dash."

“How does it feel to be a princess Twilight?” Fluttershy asked as she stood in front of Twilight, feeling a bit small, but still smiling at her friend.

“Not too different actually Fluttershy,” the new princess said as she went down to Fluttershy's level, “Just a bit taller, a bit bigger, and a lot more power. But I'm still me.” She gave Fluttershy a reassuring hug, which was happily returned by the shy pegasus.

“Well duhhhh!!” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced around the larger pony happily, “Who else could you be?!? Of course you might be taller, bigger and royal-er, but you're always going to be Twilight to us you silly filly.”

"Still up for that party Pinkie?" Twilight asked with a giggle, already knowing the answer.


Dash groaned, sticking her hoof into Pinkie's muzzle to get her to stop. Pinkie continued to talk vigorously, much to Dash's chagrin. She grimaced as some drool began to leak from her mouth, soaking her hoof with Pinkie's spit.

Twilight turned towards her number one assistant waiting anxiously for his reaction. He folded his arms and frowned before speaking.

“Princess or not, you're still the giant egghead, crazy magical mare, and obsessive royal student we all know and love,” Spike added, his face breaking out into a large grin.

“Thanks guys,” Twilight said, pulling them all into a group hug, “I really needed that.”

“So what's the plan now Twilight? Are you going to help Celestia run the kingdom? Think you can make an official 'Rainbow Dash Day' for me?” Rainbow asked jokingly.

“Nope and nope,” she answered with a smirk, drawing laughs from everyone in the room. It felt good to 'feel' normal again.

Suddenly, loud bang shook the room, causing all of them to pop up into the air.

“Oh dear....she's still at it. The poor dear,” Rarity lamented, wiping a small tear out of her eye.

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked, looking from friend to friend for an explanation.

“Princess Luna's really upset. She's been crying for the last hour or so,” Fluttershy said, “I think that was the sound of her blasting her pillow....again.”

“We tried to cheer her up. I tried singing and cupcakes and balloons and dancing, but nothing worked,” Pinkie said dejectedly as Rainbow removed her hoof, knowing only a few things could prevent her from cheering her friends up.

“Oh no...” Twilight said, raising her hoof to her mouth, “I've got to do something.” She turned immediately and headed for Luna's room. She had another princess to talk to.


How long had it been? Two hours already?

Luna lay crumpled up in her bedroom underneath the tear stained covers, sniffing periodically, her pillow still moist from the crying she had been doing. Her thoughts were a discombobulated mess, stretched and mixed in every which way.

How could he? How could he just leave like that? Why did he have to?

“Why Caesius....” the Moon Princess whispered into her pillow, trying her best to stave off another round of tears that were threatening to create another large dark spot on her pillow.

Caesius had been her rock, the one pony back then that had really understood and supported her. Sure she had had Celestia back then as well, but the filly Sun Princess had been too preoccupied with building a kingdom to make enough time for her little sister.

Luna still remembered the day when Umbra had appeared, the dread and danger that had dominated their lives during that time. The battles were fierce, each one being more deadly than the last. Then came the faithful day when they had successfully defeated Umbra, casting him into the twilight for all eternity. It had been a glorious victory, until they learned and witnessed Caesius being pulled into the twilight with their foe, cursed by Umbra to be imprisoned with his adversary for all eternity.

The Luna Goddess had thought that was the worst day of her life. She had cried for days and days, locking herself in her room and refusing to speak to anyone. Celestia had tried to get through to her, but had miserably failed.

She recalled the sleepless nights and the nightmares, shuddering at what came next.

In her moment of weakness, a voice floated through the darkness, promising power, revenge, respect and above all, happiness. It had been too much for her. Luna wanted to forget her pain, her memories and that deep hole that was left in her heart. She accepted, and Nightmare Moon was born.

It was all a haze from there. She watched from the prison in her mind as the nightmare confronted Celestia and was defeated.

Then the thousand years of hate and anger came, consuming her very being.

The Moon Goddess closed her eyes as her painful memories continued to run through her. She remembered her escape from the nightmare at the hands of the new Elements of Harmony. It was like waking from a fitful sleep. For the first time in a thousand years, she felt whole.

Now here she was, crying her eyes out again for her brother who was well and truly gone, her old scars being ripped open again. She wanted somepony to blame; she wanted to be angry.

“Punish her....” a familiar seductive voice whispered from the blanket of darkness that seemed to be getting thicker and closer, attempting to smother the Lunar Princess. Luna had learned, however.

“No...she saved me from you....she saved Caesius....Twilight would never...” Luna said, placing her hooves over her ears, trying to block out the smooth voice, but you can't block a voice that is in your head.

“She took his powers. It is her fault that Caesius is now dead, and Umbra is on the loose,” it purred into her ears, setting Luna's coat on end, “I can help you. Help you punish her, punish them all...”

“NO!!” Luna screeched as threw her pillow at the wall and blasted it, incinerating it into a pile of fine ash.

Suddenly, the sounds of a door swinging open dispelled the aura of darkness that had been clinging to Luna and lingering in the room like a depressant cloud. A voice reached her, clearing her head.

“Princess Luna? Are you alright?” Twilight asked quietly, moving to the foot of Luna's bed. The Moon Princess didn't answer, laying back down on her bed, turning away from Twilight. “I'm sorry,” she continued, her voice a bit unsteady as she watched Luna's unmoving form, “I'm sorry...Celestia tells me that it wasn't my fault....but I still feel somewhat responsible.” More silence hung in the room, breaking down Twilight's resolve a bit. “I know what he meant to you....I don't know if you hate me now or don't want to be my friend or if you'll even forgive me...but I still want you to know that...” Twilight started, her voice laden with sorrow and her face stained with fresh tears.

“We could never hate you Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said, hiding her face and fresh tears. She didn't want this. She should have been the only one crying her eyes out, not Twilight.

“Why?” Twilight croaked as she moved to the side of the bed, “He was everything to you...” She sniffled a bit. This was much harder to talk about with Luna, because before she had left Celestia, the Solar Princess had told her about how much Luna had relied on her brother for strength and guidance.

“You saved us. You saved Celestia. You saved Equestria....” Luna admitted, sitting up to face the new alicorn, “And.....you saved Caesius.” She closed her eyes, knowing she had to let go, but not finding it easy. “He....he is free....after millenniums of confinement,” she said, her voice still a bit distressed, “I...I should be happy for him...and grateful to you. But I cannot and will not be able to express them. It is going to take much time, but I thank you for helping me come to terms with his passing.” The Twilight princess nodded. “As for forgiveness, there is nothing to forgive, but we give it to you all the same.”

The purple alicorn gave a watery chuckle, and Luna found herself smiling a bit as well. Suddenly, the Luna Princess found herself in a tight hug, causing her to blush just a bit, but she hugged Twilight back, feeling a bit better.

From outside the room, Celestia sighed with relief as she removed her eye from the little slit between the door and its frame.

Things were going to be okay.