• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen June 9th


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!


Anon has never been very good at making friends, especially with other girls. Sure, she likes doing some girly things, but a spa day isn't exactly her idea of fun. Still, in an attempt to forge new bonds, she ventures out with Rarity and Fluttershy to try to have fun.

Awkwardness, discomfort, and a lesson on human anatomy ensues, but will Anon still have her newfound friendship at the end of the day? Or is there something else bothering her rather than the usual shyness?

Warning: Not a usual Anonpencil wtf comedy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

Holy shit.

This story wasn't KID-ding around.
... Okay. Off to be sad now.

I wouldn't mind more fics with femanon :pinkiehappy:

Sure, maybe you could adopt, but you don't know the first thing about raising a foal, as Fluttershy and Rarity have just made painfully apparent. What kind of life would a foal have with you? No, that's not going to happen. You know that’s never going to happen.

Of course it's never going to happen with that kind of defeatist attitude. Seriously, what is she even saying? This isn't some space abomination from Necron-4, it's a foal from a species that actually shares quite a few similarities to humans. Ponies are capable of thinking, feeling, and making their own decisions. Their diet isn't a grand mystery. They strive for happiness. All in all, the bulk of the differences are superficial and should not be this intimidating. Any differences in rearing can be learned from asking ponies or reading parenting books, plus, as a heard animal, there would probably be ponies willing to help out in the beginning months.
Really the hardest part for the foal would be the looks and teasing they would get for having a furless ape as a mother, but that will pass as they and their peer group matures.

Beautiful, man. Just beautiful.

Dude, normally when i read your stories my eyes tend to shed a few tears. It's probably the self-defense mechanism in my sub-conscious trying to wash my eyeballs from the stuff it just witness. But this time, it felt............genuine? Huh...t-that's actually pretty refreshing.

Maybe i should go read some normal fics for a change, mixing things up.
[Front page - Pick random fic]
> [Unfinished Displaced fic #9213651 that will probably won't get pass 10 chapters]
.......Nah, i rather read Pencil stuff again.
Then i read A Sea of Troubles. Again.
What is my life?

You know the best part? With just a few tweaks, this story works just as well with male Anon.

Can't say I identify with the frustration of being family-less since I don't plan on having biological children at all, but damn, pencil, that got me to have some feels. Although this feels like it needs a continuation. Things were left just so... in the air.

That was somehow really interessting, i would like a sequel, a story where she can deal with it, get help from her friends, and maybe learns how to care for a foal, i just would like to read more.

It probably doesn´t feels that nice anymore if it is a bigger story, but it is rare that i get that interessted into a one-shot.

couldnt you have made the oc turn into a pony or something, just saying (never read your stories either so that might have to do with things)


...why would I have done that?? Anon in Equestria stories sometimes do involve transformation, but it really would have no place in this story.
If you're looking for other serious Anon stories though, might want to check out other writers. Most of mine tend to be comedy.

well, i did like the story no doubt, i just wondered anon. (yeah, still gotta figure out how to reply sorry)

God, AiE just got really depressing.
Nice feelsy story; 10/10

6375465 I think I understand why she couldn't just adopt. It would just seem fake, an attempt to fill an otherwise unfillable hole.
Complete isolation from your own species is a hard thing.
The knowledge that you most likely will never see another human again? Horrible. She's a stranger in a strange land and she's being attacked by the anxiety and visceral depression that comes with being surrounded by strange creatures whilst knowing that you will never continue your lineage.

This Femanon's got a hell of a hard life ahead of her. Good story, man. It's always good to see you branching out your talents.

Are you saying that I'm not a one trick pony? :D

I... I can't think of any puns. Too much feels.

well, that ride went to sad town fast. :fluttercry:

After laughing like a maniac at a few of your last fics, I come to this one expecting some sort of twist and...
I has sad now...

6373034 i.giphy.com/RA8gXeMaTqXIc.gif
This was no time for a pun!

You're right. That one was childish.

>drink yourself into a comma

Glad to see you're thinking about punctuation but I think that that is not the word you were going for.

I second that correction!

Honestly I really liked this story, itd be nice to see more of it

That gal really needs done therapy and hardcore pony cuddling action. It's hard to get more depressed than that, let's hope the girls catch onto that and help the poor woman.

Don't worry Luna can fix this . tho they might need Discord

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