• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
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An Irish girl who reads, writes, reviews, and occasionally draws. Don't worry though. My hair isn't black, my eyes aren't blue, and I'm not from Galway, so you won't be losing your heart to me.


So I went to bed as normal last night, dreading school and whatnot. Next thing I know, I'm a dragon, everyone is missing, and time seems to have gone on without me.

Now I have to find other survivors, figure out what exactly happened to the world, and battle with instincts that tell me to eat rocks and hunt every small thing that moves. It doesn't help that the others are ponies that run away from me when they see me.

Help. I need an adult.

Set in the Ponies After People universe, inspired by Starscribe's The Last Pony on Earth. Check it out, it's a great story and universe.

Awesome cover art done by Grammar404

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 107 )

6369495 Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Could you tell me why, specifically, so that I know what my strengths are?

Moondancer smells like shampoo? Or did she just use too much product? Either way, welcome to the verse, Deirdre. Sadly woke up post raiding runs though. Guy could have at least had the decency to close the fridge door behind him.

Ooooh I'm so reading this!

This is awesome! This is a really good starting point for an awesome story. It does feel a TAD rushed, but that just might be me and my tendency to go into explicit detail. Either way, WELL DONE!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Dis gun' be good. :pinkiehappy:

You had my interest. Now you have my attention.

A lot of unique stuff this story does. Dragon, non North American setting (although, surprisingly, this is the second story to have those two things together). There's also Moondancer, which was a surprise. I do wonder what she is doing in Europe, though. Will certainly be interesting to see where this story goes. I am curious if it'll be specified where this is taking place, though. More so than just... Celtic Europe.

6370473 I actually was originally going to specify it this chapter, but the story was also originally in journal format. I changed that, and then couldn't find anywhere appropriate to specify it here. If I remember correctly, it's specified next chapter.

This is awesome!

Popped on my read later. But who knows if I'll get round to it, it does however look promising.

Awww that's so sad :raritydespair:

Lost herself to instincts for a moment, did she? Pretty much the worst possible first impression to make.

Very good chapter, can't wait for more!

Am guessing her fire was going out, and the rocks stoked the furnace, so to speak? Interesting idea, and it reminds me of Anne McCaffrey's dragons of Pern. :twilightsmile:

Greetings from Orkney.
I'm afraid we can only offer Devonian age Old Red Sandstone up here which is rather bland and wears down your teeth. We also have no prey here, especially not ponies. None. Stay away.
We wish you the best of luck in your endeavours and will be following you with interest. From afar.

I'm sure they wouldn't be too freaked out by the golden dragon asking to use their iPhone.

Yeah. I'm sure that's it's perfectly natural for a golden dragon to be using an iPhone... :trollestia:

A whole month asleep? Was Deirdre trying to cook Christmas Nuts Jontron Style? Because that'd usually knock you out for a month...

I might be lost in lore here, but I don't think that dragons eat rocks.

Correct me if I'm wrong on that...

6381995 Well, Spike certainly eats gemstones, and considers them something of a delicacy. It's not a great stretch that dragons are capable of eating other stones, and even that they might need to ingest minerals at regular intervals. :moustache:

Yeah I agree, if I'm being thrown into a post-apocalyptic world being an flying armored reptile that breaths fire sure beats being an small pony. :pinkiecrazy:

Nice work so far, well done.

6381995 You are just a teeny bit lost in lore, yes. Since Spike eats gemstones, and obviously considers them to be a delicacy of sorts, I had the idea that dragons usually just eat any minerals they can find. The harder the mineral, the better it is for them and the better it tastes, hence why gemstones are so desirable to Spike.

He should probably scavenge a milking machine ,since claws wouldent be a good idea

6445518 She could suck on dem tittays :trollestia:
Warning: Words

Was I kind of acting like an animal? Yeah, totally.
Did I have a problem with that? No. Definitely not.

Eyup, being a Dragon sure is handy in a post-apocalyptic world. :twilightsmile:

6427524 *whispers* Gronkles eat rocks

Maybe it was a dragon thing, because dragons are usually shown as hoarders in traditional depictions. Though they usually hoard gold and jewels rather than Coke and crisps.

And now I'm imagining her sleeping on a small mountain of Coke bottles and potato chip bags. :rainbowlaugh:

Faved! I like this story so far :pinkiehappy:

Fun fact: What people in the UK call 'crisps', Australians call chips, and what Americans call '(French) Fries' we also call chips.

I'm seriously intrigued by this story. My only complaint is that I came in so early and there are only a few chapters as a result.

6373003 It's really good. You should read it.

Nice chapter, good work. :twilightsmile:

"I know. I missed fourth year so much, I thought about asking to be held back. Would have been great craic I'd say," he said, laughing a little.

Would have been great craic I'd say


I honestly doubt many non-Irish people know the word.
I only do because my mother's Irish.
I'm Australian.

6460825 That's the fun of it. How many non-Irish people know what 'craic', 'clane' and 'arseways' mean?

Yeah those instincts are going to be a problem... :applejackconfused:
Nice chapter, good work. :twilightsmile:

Love it. The whole thing is pretty unique and educational to those who don't know much about Ireland. I know a bit but that's because I like the culture and the accents are basically music to my ears so I've spent some time researching various things. This just makes it possible for me to learn more AND read an awesome story about a human changing into a dragon! I give it 5 stars, two thumbs up, and a partridge in a pear tree! Keep up the good work.

She gonna learn Dovahzul? lol

6516595 its probably a braindump spell like when a circle showed up in last pony on earth.

Nice chapter, good work.

6516705 well, thanks for that spoiler. Did you know Dumbledore dies? So does Snape.

6517205 many apologies I do t know how to spoiler on mobile

6517205 never mind I figured it out

Learning about Equestria eh? Your dragon story is coming along amazingly. Mine is still in its infancy.

I was disappointed you didn't type out the Cork accent, because I find it absolutely hilarious.
But then the word 'faffing' was used, and I was so pleased to see someone else use it that I completely forgot my disappointment.

6517455 Sorry bout that, I have a bit of a stomach bug and am a little snippy atm

So I guess from now on it's Dragon magic, flying and breathing fire. Now she just needs to get Rian down there immediately and they're all set. Although maybe she won't actually see any dragons because there weren't any around where the search team came from in the middle of Equestria? Still be extremely interesting.

a book called The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures.

I have that. Good book. I actually bought it a second time on the google play store so I could search in it.

Those poor terrified animals during that driving attempt XD

Rian reminded me of something. Is it my imagination, or are earth ponies useless? Unicorns and pegasi are literally better at everything than they are. Twilight is better at harvesting produce than AJ, RD is stronger and faster than AJ, and has at least as much stamina, and Fluttershy is better with animals than AJ. Why do they even exist?

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