• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 9,573 Views, 510 Comments

By the Light of the Sun - DevoidofCreativity

Waking with the powers of a god can change someone's entire life. Waking as a wolf that is a god can change someone's entire being.

  • ...

Sixth Howl

Oh, my aching head...

A pained groan escapes from me as my awareness returns. Unfortunately, awareness is a cruel bitch and has brought her good friends misery and pain. My head is throbbing and I swear I can feel the blood pulsating through my temples. Keeping my eyes squeezed tight, I bring my hand up to the side of my head and start massaging my temples with my fingers in an attempt to alleviate the pain.




Hang on...

I open my eyelids a single crack and almost immediately slam them close again with a miserable whimper. Curiosity can wait. I feel like I've got the worst hangover in the world, combined with someone shining a strobe light into my face, all while Dragonforce is performing Through the Fire and Flames inside of my ears.

In short, I don't feel very good.

Is that coming across?

I don't feel very good!

"I'm sorry," I hear a gentle, soothing voice quietly say. "Let me ease some of that pain for you."

I feel something touching the side of my head and a soothing warmness spreads out from the point of impact. I feel like someone's dipped my body in a warm, refreshing hot spring and I am finally able to open my eyes more than a crack.

I am greeted with the surprising sight of absolutely nothing at all. There is absolutely nothing for as far as I can see. I am floating in the middle of a empty void. The void is filled with a gentle white light, giving it a subtle warm feeling. Well, as subtle as absolute nothingness can be, I guess.

I sigh, slumping my shoulders. "Was I sealed away again?" I ask, craning my head from side to side. "At least when I was the sun, I had something to watch."

There's a quiet cough coming from behind me and I freeze in the process of cracking my neck. "I'm afraid I can't answer that," the voice from before speaks out from a point directly above and behind my head. "What is going to happen here is completely dependent on you."

Trained instincts come back to me in a second, and I reflexively find myself rolling away from the voice and springing to my feet before I even realize what I'm doing. I whirl around, holding my hands up defensively in front of me, and get my first good look at just who was standing behind me.

It's another one of those ponies and she blinks in surprise at my sudden action, giving me time to get a good look at her. Her coat is off eggshell-white and she has a somewhat unkempt rusted red mane and tail. Her horn is long and sharp and two large wings are held up tightly against her sides. I'm able to see the mark on her flank, and I see that it is the image of a quill dipped into an inkpot.

The pony raises a hoof to her mouth and giggles. "Oh. I suppose you haven't noticed yet, have you?"

A displeased frown spreads across my face as I crack my knuckles. "Notice what?" I growl out. In response, she waves her hoof towards my body and I glance down.

An undignified squeak escapes me as I realize that I don't have any clothes on and my arms snap to cover my breasts and crotch as the pony loses her fight to contain her laughter. I glare at her in impotent anger at the pony's mirth rings out loud and clear in the void.

"Oh, oh, that's too funny," the pony's giggle taper off as she finally gets her laughter under control. "I can see why she loves humans so much."

"Glad to be of service," I snarl out, turning my body away from the quite frankly rude pony. "Now who are you? What do you want? Why am I here?"

The pony's final lingering laughter cuts off as if someone had thrown a switch and I can feel a chill running up my spine as she looks at me seriously. I'm pinned under the gaze of her large blue eyes and my entire body locks up. I can't move. I don't dare to move. I'm afraid of what might happen if I move.

The pony then turns her head so she is no longer looking at me and I go limp with relief as I am no longer under the pinning gaze of the suddenly intimidating mare. "My name," she says at a level barely above a whisper that I can nonetheless hear as clearly as if she was speaking it into my ear. "Is Faust. Billions of years ago, I created this world."

I tilt my head in confusion at the pony's confession. "Excuse me?"

But Faust doesn't react as if she's heard me and her story continues on unabated. "But even with the world created, no life would form on it. There was nothing. I needed something more. A spark, that would one day spread to cover the entire world. A source of hope and light that would serve as a beacon for any who needed succor. I needed a sun."

"Wait. Wait. Waitwaitwaitwait," I say, waving my hands in front of me. "Back up for a second. You're God?"

The pony turns her head so that she is looking directly at me. In her eyes, I can see an indescribable range of emotions. Love more pure than crystal. Rage so fierce it would tear the world down low. Joy greater than any child. Sadness more bitter than that of any bereaved lovers.

And in that seething storm of emotions, she opens her mouth and speaks out one single word: "Yes."

I drop to my knees, my legs no longer having the strength to hold me up. My neck bends and my head lowers in a sign of submission. "I am unworthy," I mutter out.

"No one is," She replies. "Raise your head, child." When I don't move, She reaches out with her hoof and presses it against my chin, gently pushing up until I am once again looking Her in the eye. "I am sorry," She says, Her mouth turned in a sorrowful frown. "But there is something I must ask of you."

"Name it," I whisper out, barely even daring to breathe lest I should somehow displease Her.

She shakes Her head as She takes a step back and away from me. "No. Not like this. Stand up. This is too important."

Moving slowly and keeping my eyes locked on Her for any signs of possible displeasure, I force my still-shaking knees straight and somehow manage to stand up. "Why me?" I ask through dry lips. "Why did you choose me?"

She lowers Her head and closes Her eyes. "I didn't," She quietly admits before waving Her hoof at a spot directly behind me. "She did."

I turn around to look at the empty scenery behind me and my breath catches in my throat at what I behold. There, where there was nothing before, is a figure I recognize well. There, sitting down and staring directly at me, is a pure, white, wolf.

"Amaterasu." I have no idea if I said it, or if I merely thought it. I must have said it, because the instant the thought escapes me, the wolf stands up. While I'm frozen, She walks towards me, every pawpad seeing to have the weight of the world behind it.

After what feels like far, far too long, She stops in front of me. Her eyes lock with mine for the merest instant before she leans forward, her muzzle reaching towards my hand. I nearly flinch but barely manage to lock my reflexes in place. If she intends to punish me, running away would only make it worse. I squeeze my eyes shut, awaiting what is about to happen. Is she mad at me? At the me who stole her form? Why wouldn't she be?

As my eyes are squeezed shut and my entire body is tensed so much that I'm trembling in terrified anticipation for my divine punishment, I nearly shriek in surprise as a warm, wet tongue runs up my hand. My eyes snap open in shock, and I look down to see Amaterasu looking back up at me. A worried whine escapes her before she licks my fingers again and nuzzles her head against my hand.

With my brain currently shut down, my body begins to react in accordance with long-ingrained reflexes. That is to say, my fingers begin to act of their own accord and start doing the natural thing when something warm and furry presses up against them: they start-a'scratchin.

I'm horrified by the actions of my treacherous fingers and my brain finally manages to break free of its paralysis, but a wagging tail stops me from stopping what my fingers are doing.

A deep, throaty chuckle reminds me of the third individual present and prevents me from staring in stunned disbelief at the white wolf for eternity. "It looks like you get along well," Faust says as I turn around to look at her, Amaterasu moving with me so my fingers never detach from her skull. "That's good. It will make this request of mine all the easier."

Facing the godly pony, I can't help but swallow nervously. "What do you mean? Why am I here?"

She sighs, and her eyes take on a far-off look. "You stand at a crossroads. Depending on what you choose here, your fate will go in drastically different ways. We are currently able to speak with you because you took a hit from the Elements of Harmony. Do you remember that?"

"I- Yes!" I exclaim, memories rushing back through the still present pain in my head. "Yes I do!"

Faust's wings rustles and it takes her a moment to bring them under control. "The Elements of Harmony stand as the world's main defence against dark forces and foreign threats. They hold an aspect of my nature within them and serve to protect the world from anything that doesn't belong here, in this world. Unfortunately..." She closes her eyes, as if she can no longer bear to look at me. "You don't belong here."

"I... what?" Amaterasu whines as my scratching fingers stop and I resume scratching. "What does that mean?"

"It means you have a choice." Through Faust's closed eyes, I can see a single tear beginning to poke through. "You can choose to let the power of the Elements seal you away. You will be sealed away for several hundred years. When you finally manage to escape, you will challenge the darkness and defeat it, bringing light and hope to the world. You will be praised as a God."

"Or..." The tear that I had spotted before finally breaks free, rolling down Faust's face before falling into the never-ending void. "You can allow Amaterasu to take over your body and allow her to break you both free of the power of the Elements. However, a mortal mind was never meant to contain an immortal one. Amaterasu will be free, but you, Samantha, will not be able to hold onto yourself. Aspects of your personality will remain, but you, your soul... You will die."

"I see..." I muse. I feel Amaterasu leaning her head against my bare thigh and I look down at her. Look down at the individual offering to kill me. "There's more to it, isn't there?" I ask Amaterasu, but my words are really aimed at Faust. "What aren't you telling me? You mentioned darkness before. Does it have anything to do with that?"

"...Yes," Faust manages to squeeze out in a voice filled with pain. "A powerful darkness is now threatening the entire world. The Elements of Harmony will try their best, but they too will fall. The darkness will overwhelm the world for the next several hundred years until you are brought back to combat it."

I chuckle, my laughter rich and throaty and holding nothing back. "So it's one life held against countless billions. That's not even a question."

“I was afraid you'd chose that,” Faust quietly whispers. Her head comes up and She looks directly into my eyes, never looking away as she approaches me. “Are you certain you understand what you are agreeing to? You might call it an easy decision, but someone’s life should never be so easily thrown away. And even if you do let Amaterasu walk the world, that doesn’t mean she will win. The darkness will be stronger now than it would be if you waited.”

Impossibly, imperceptibly, an almost insignificant downwards twitch occurs at the corner of my mouth. The twitch spreads and solidifies, until I am frowning at Faust. My fingers that are entwined in Amaterasu’s fur clench in a manner that must be painful for the white wolf, but Amaterasu make no noise of complaint. “Understand?” I ask, my voice remaining nothing but level. “I only need to understand one thing. These people that live on this planet, that are being threatened by the darkness you are telling me about? I love them. I love them with all my heart. If I can give my life to shield them from something that would force them to suffer, then I only regret that I can only do it once.”

When Faust doesn’t say anything more, I turn away from the large white pony. Instead, I get down on my knees before Amaterasu and, grabbing both of her shoulders, I look the white wolf dead in the eyes.

"I don't have the strength to save them," I tell the wolf-goddess I had once foolishly thought myself. "I couldn't even do anything to help one dog that had offered me kindness. But you do. You can save them. I am begging you to save them. I offer whatever you need, and I offer it freely, just please. Please save them."

Amaterasu stares deeply into my eyes, neither of us moving. I don't know how long the tableau lasts for, but eventually, at long last, Amaterasu is the one to make the first move. Her lips begin to draw back, revealing a large row of sharp, dagger-like teeth.

Amaterasu moves and, in the end, the teeth are the last thing I see.




Dying to ignite the hope of the world...

Not a bad... way... to go...



I'm coming...






Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as the light from the Elements faded away. "Whew," she breathed out, wiping her hoof across her forehead. "That was close." Thinking about how the wolf had so easily overcome everything she had done, that could have been a lot worse, all things considered. "Is everypony okay?"

Applejack was the first to reply as the farmpony stood up on unsteady legs. "Yeah, Ah'm alright, and- LOOK OUT!"

Twilight's head snapped around just in time to see something white speed past her. She has only a moment to recognize it as the wolf before it is already speeding away.

"Wha-bu-huh?" Twilight sputters out before her brain manages to catch up with her mouth. "WAIT!" She tries to chase after the escaping wolf but a thick fog comes out of nowhere and instantly covers the town. Despite the loss of vision, Twilight nonetheless tries to determinedly power her way through but the bizarre fog clings to her, slowing her every step to a crawl.

"What the hay is the stuff?" Rainbow Dash yells out, letting Twilight know that she was not the only one so afflicted. "It's like trying to swim through soup!"

Twilight ignited her horn in order to blow away the strange fog, but before she can even properly decide what spell to use, the fog begins to dissipate all on its own. Within seconds, the fog had faded away completely, revealing to them all that the wolf was long gone.

"What just happened?" Twilight asks nopony in particular.


Amaterasu climbs to the top of the tallest cliff she can find and gradually slows down to a stop. Deep inside her, she could feel it. The warmth of the human soul who allowed her to enter this world still continued to flicker. However, its flame burned like a candle, and all too soon it would be consumed by the magnificent blinding sun that was Amaterasu's own soul.

As she surveys the wide-spread land before her, her thoughts remain elsewhere. Reasons like this were why she loved humans so much. That girl hadn't even hesitated. There had been fear in her eyes, naturally. Fear, doubt, and uncertainty. The girl was scared. No, she was terrified. Terrified of death. But she hadn't hesitated. As soon as she had realized what was at stake, she had willingly sacrificed her life. Just as Queen Himiko once had, so long ago.

Humans were amazing.

A breeze brought the scent of fresh grass to Amaterasu's nose, and the wolf's thoughts turned to focus on the present. Nippon might have been saved from the evil that had threatened it, but the darkness still continued to exist and threaten other lands.

Throwing her head back, Amaterasu released a long and lonely howl. It was a mournful cry, grieving the passing of a friend. And yet, it was simultaneously a triumphant cry, celebrating a hero's difficult choice.

The sun flared brightly, more brightly than it ever had before in Equus, as Amaterasu's howl spread far and wide.

The darkness was officially warned.

Author's Note:


Alright, before the comments start rolling in, there's a few things I feel I should say.

First, before there's accusations that I am a weak-willed writer who succumbed to the various comments about my story choices, this twist was my intention from the very beginning. I even spelled out this very occurrence in the short synopsis.

When planning the story, I wanted to write a crossover but I wanted to put my own little spin on it as well. The decision I came to was to write a story that would appear like a fairly basic, generic Displaced story before it suddenly changed and went in a completely different direction. I even chose to add some intentionally bad writing (the boring game blather) to make the shift all the more abrupt.

Incidentally, two of my favourite games other than Okami are original Bioshock and Spec Ops: The Line. I'm nowhere near as good a writer as the people who made these masterpieces, but I'll try my best.

Yes, the story will now follow Ammy.

Yes, it will still hold some connection to its Displaced roots.

No, I have no idea what I'm doing.

On a sad note, this was the last chapter I had written out in advance. From this point on, the release schedule will slow down. I'm sorry. :fluttercry:

Comments ( 177 )

So saddd.......:fluttercry:

Huh... I hate the mane 6 in your story now.

so the main character kills him self got it :facehoof:

im in tear's, "sobs" she didnt have to die, why twilight, why did you have to strike her with the elements?:fluttercry:

Well, this is unique and I haven't seen anything like this among the Displaced stories. I tip my hat to you for making something original, unless somebody has already done a displaced story like this that I'm unaware of. This is so sad, but so unique. I want more.

I even chose to add some intentionally bad writing

jokes aside, I'm enjoying the story so faroh comon' you were the only one updating regularly and now i have to wait longer for this story too now?

6369990 It is sad, chapters are going to come slower now

Pause #9 · Aug 29th, 2015 · · 1 ·

So Samantha is gone now? That lowers my interest in this significantly, unfortunately.

While I respect your choice and will accept it, i still find the choice flawed, but none the less I shall continue to read this story, besides the very first chapter tells us, sam is NOT gone, and obviously resurfaces.

Now, might I humbly and respectfully ask you how you will explain the EoH working against their very nature? While Sam wasn't THE Amaterasu, she still had the same abilities as her, and thus was also by definition an embodiment of Harmony, Thus the end result of what happen still leaves me quite confused

why so sad?

I'm disappointed in the way this is going. You establish a decent character and then, while I'm sure you aren't killing her off, you have forced a change on her for the sake of either progressing the plot or forcing the character to progress. It just feels very convoluted and unnecessary. I don't think I'll continue reading this, but I wish you luck in the future.

so you killed off your character to put in the the actual character from the game rather than a human turned into the form of that character...

points for originality but... i didn't come here to read about Amaterasu in Equestria

Ill wait and see for now before deciding whether or not to stop reading

A very interesting interesting turn of events is not very common

I look forward to the next chapter:rainbowkiss::moustache:

I agree that the loss of the human element reduces my interest to this story but from the first chapter, the one reminiscing in the far future is not Amaterasu, so Samantha should be coming back or their souls melded. Whatever it may be I'll look forward to it.

You know, this is honestly the single worst death I have seen or read about for one very painful reason. Sammy should of just been overcharged by the Elements to the point where she became the actual Amaterasu no Ōkami, because multiverse. Rather than be forced to choose between self sacrifice or being stone for a few centuries, rather than option three, reflecting the Elements, or option four, nothing happens. Displaced stories are what ifs of a human becoming a character in the complete form of that term. I am still going to read it, because other than that, this is a good serious Okami crossover, which it has now been effectively reduced to.

I am unsure of this.

Also why in the world did you not have the next chapter written in advance before publishing this? Why is this the chapter you felt would be ok to quit having regularly scheduled updates? Or is this all part of some elaborate plan? Are we being punked?

That "I am unworthy" shit almost made me stop reading. Seriously that was cancerous as hell.

Bullshit aside, I like the tribute to the superiority of human nature. It redeemed this. Barely.

I'll admit that this chapter has hurt my interest in the story a bit. While I couldn't bear some of his/her explanation of game items and such, I did enjoy Sam while we had him/her. This move does seem like a bit of an asspull, a mid-story direction change. I'm still watching because I still have interest in this story, but that'll also depend on how you portray Amaterasu proper next.

U shity motherfucker

Awesome, no offense but I prefer the real amaterasu to samantha. Generally due to my dislike of displacEd fics.


*slow clap*

Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. I knew it was the right thing too do to read this story. ill admit I thought this was going to be a boring and generic story but to pull THAT? Beautiful. (Yes, I read the A/N but still.)

I'm happy with this and I hope you continue with this. I really do.

If I can give my life to shield them from something that would force them to suffer, then I only regret that I can only do it once.

That is humbling right there. To take one's own life in exchange for a planets worth? that's awe-inspiring.

I... Have gone from excited, to curious. This is an excellent story so far, but without the human charm that is the cornerstone of the displaced fics I'm not sure what we could hope for from here on out. I will continue to read, mainly due to my curiosity.

Twilight, why you such a B**ch. No seriously though. I really enjoyed your little plot twist there. I can see way some people don't like it, and I must admit, I do have my reservation about Sam being dead, however, I really enjoyed, Sam and Faust's little chat, though I have to point out, that when Sam said she loved the ponies that lived in equestria, I couldn't help but feel confused for a moment. Its only been six chapters, and for whatever reason, my mind interprets that as six days. I feel like if you had been more descriptive in the first chapter about the things that Sam was seeing on Equestria, it would seem more genuine that she cared and loved them.

...Alright I'm sorry but I'm going to have to stop here. If this had stayed a normal displaced story I would probably go on, but stories that go into this kind of thing always creep me out. Suppressing an individual's personality is toeing the line, but you just straight up erased them entirely.

hs0003 #27 · Aug 29th, 2015 · · 1 ·

Soo it's no longer HiE?
Then the tag should be removed.

Welp, I don't know how I feel about this now.
On one hand, "Samaterasu" can't be used now… :fluttershbad:
On the other hand, it's Amaterasu.

… I'm just confused now. :applejackconfused:

I think I agree with 6370138, in a way. I'm probably going to keep reading before I get an opinion on this.

I looked over the chapter 6th howl and I did feel for the character and her sacrifice to break out of the element's grasp to prevent the evil sooner rather then later. It's certainly a nice swerve that I didn't see coming.

However, I feel something is amiss. Let me explain.

Elements react and act different in every story, canon or otherwise. Some do nothing to the characters, some give them a higher understanding or enlightenment. Most just set the person into stone. They seem to have a hard-on for doing that. No pun intended.

Now I understand the need to have a reasoning for the elements to do something or not do something depending on the situation. And having them turn the individual to stone is usually the go-to solution and the reasoning is because they cause an imbalance in the natural harmony of the world for simply being "displaced" there. This is why so many of the stories have used it since it's not a death sentence, but at the same time it gives reason as to how they end up there without actually affecting past events.

However, thing that puts me at unease is not the fact that the elements affected Sammy or that it sent her consciousness to meet with two gods. Even having to sacrifice herself to get out of the situation was, again, a nice swerve. What gets me is that, logically speaking, it doesn't really add much to the story's development beyond appearing again as an Issun-like character or in the possible "God needs prayer badly trope" that would likely happen near the end when the final evil demon boss appears.

The only other time I had this uneasy feeling was after the release of the second Metal Gear Solid game. In the beginning, you play as Solid Snake on the ship to gain intel on a new metal gear. Something happens and Snake is presumed dead. So then to replace him, you're now playing as a character no one heard of or had any backstory: Raiden. He isn't just there for a few levels or that you could switch him with Snake later on. Nope, he's the main character for the rest of the game. While nothing wrong with him, per say, there just doesn't seem to be a reason to make him as the main character at the time. He become an awesome cyborg ninja later in the series, but his debut had this uncanny feeling. Everything he did could have been done by Snake just as easily, but for the sake of the story that had been made as well as awesome boss battles, a new guy was needed. So, in a way, the addition of Raiden was to make the explanations for possible boss battles easier as well as a person who takes orders(go to objectives).

So now we're back here. The feeling of unease felt from before felt here now. I guess I'm trying to work out the idea of how a character who the audience felt for had to be pushed to the side for no more reason other than to pull at their heart strings, give the original owner of the body control or to add to the finale as a power-up. Add to the fact that, indirectly, the Mane 6 aided in the death of an individual and only two people will actually know of this and mourn the loss. I can't say for sure I feel comfortable with this.

And yet I shall continue to read on and see what the next chapter will do.

JDLENL #30 · Aug 29th, 2015 · · 2 ·

I'll just leave that downvote there until things make sense again...

Comment posted by jakeedge04 deleted Aug 29th, 2015

You know, killing off the human to have Ammy be the main character is ironically even more cliché than what you could have done. This felt like it came out of nowhere.

oooohhhhhh mixed feelings mixed feelings!

On one side I like Okami and was craving for a well written crossover — there's no denying your abilities.
On the other side I also really like Samantha and was looking forward to learning her story!
On the one side again she's seemingly going to be coming back. (Is that right? Grammar-Nazis! I sic thee at this sentence!(Oh gosh, why am I making jokes?!))
On the other side it seems that it will take a while to happen.

On another note: She watched the world for millions of years and came to love every inhabitant of it and had the powers of Ammy... How different could her soul have been from Ammy's to be dejected by the Elements... Maybe that's an explanation for Sammy (or Sentha?) coming back?
*sigh* Whatever may come I guess.


Fuck you.

Just Fuck you!


Seriously, if you don't bring them back in SOME way then the first chapter would make NO SENSE at all...

All that said, I'm kind of still looking forward to the next chapter.

I'm probably going to be echoing what others have already said but this an obviously divisive chapter. My biggest problem is that you did exactly what you did, you sold this as one story and now seem to be delivering something else. This will heavily hurt your audience. The people who came here for an actually interesting and good displaced fic (one of the better ones imo) are going to be angry because this isn't what they wanted. Those who might actually want the character in equestria weren't here to begin with. This hurts your readership.

On a different note: someone else pointed out that THIS was the chapter you stopped on when you had things already ready to be published. From a planning stand point, that was a very bad idea. You should have had another chapter to go that should probably have been published consecutively with this one. The reason is that this chapter has left your audience with a bitter taste in their mouth, a slight bit of potential betrayal, and an uncertainty of how the story is going to be from here. Instead of giving them that certainty and showing them how good this story will still be with this twist, or even how it'll actually be different. You have left your audience on a low point and not a low point in the story but a low point in their trust and approval of the author. By stopping here, you're allowing these thoughts and feelings to stew and potentially grow worse against you. Or even potentially worse, turn to apathy.

I didn't like this choice. I don't know the videogame and the main character provided me a perspective into what was going on. I also didn't like how the Elements of Harmony were used. It doesn't make sense for them to harm good. The fact that they'd turn the MC to stone for no reason didn't make sense to me. It lowers the value of the sacrifice as it feels like one that should t even have had to been made. Further, you have the arguments people have made of "why would Fluttershy use her element against someone who saved her life and is obviously not evil?" All of these problems add on top of each other in a pile up to the point where I'm unsure if I'll continue reading this. The reason being that I don't know if my emotions won't simply have turned to apathy for the story by the time it updates.

Another thing: if you planned this from the beginning, why not make the sacrifice actually have some real value? We're having a character we've come to like sacrifice herself because the good guys tried to kill her and she's sacrificing herself because of some unknown and unseen enemy. I don't feel the immediacy or the sense of urgency that this decision requires. Even if you just showed a little of the miasma, we would have a real sense of the actual drama. This doesn't feel well planned to make sure this moment had the right weight. It feels more like you were trying to sucker punch your audience and go "Haha, you thought this was a standard displaced story, well fooled you!" I mean I can talk about the devastation of an atomic bomb and say "thousands to millions will die!" But it doesn't have as much impact as me showing you images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and going "if you don't make this sacrifice, this can be your home town."

Hopefully something from this long rant will be useful to you because, as I mentioned before, I don't know if I'll be continuing to read this. My authorial trust is lower than it should be and with time to think, it'll probably turn to apathy. Like my annoyance with the number of stories that have a good first story that's high politics and then their sequels bring in changelings part way in and I go "but I don't care and didn't want changelings. Get back to the plot I cared about!"

Congradulations Twilight & Co., you're all murderers! No other way about it, you decided to chase down and blast someone who went and rescued Fluttershy because they were nearby and they looked strange. And now an innocent person has been utterly destroyed because of you.

I hope Fluttershy finds out about all this, so she can tear you a new asshole.:flutterrage:

I was already feeling pretty salty about something else, so when I came to read this to feel better, I got scammed! :twilightangry2:First, the one fic that I was reading that updated daily is now no longer going to, and second, IT HAD A PLOT TWIST!:applejackconfused: NOW I FEEL EXTRA SALTY! :flutterrage:SALTIER THAN MY TEARS OF FRUSTRATION!:fluttercry: Now I need something else to read while I wait for this to update...:ajsleepy:

Also: So the displaced got displaced.... Does that make this story Displaced^2?:rainbowhuh:

Ok imma point out the thing that pissed me of the most about this chapter, and i'm not even going to try to comment on anything that came after it because I have no idea how I should feel about it.

Someone needs to knock Faust down a peg or to because no one deserves such reverence and she needs to understand that rather than thinking that she does deserve it and that no one is worthy of her fucking presence. she isn't perfect or their world would be perfect, and she needs to get her head out of her ass.

ill wait for a whilenow pleasedontmakeme

D48 #40 · Aug 29th, 2015 · · 2 ·

Well, you have earned my thumbs down with this chapter for your boneheaded decisions, but I will keep reading for now because you said you intentionally included some bad writing so I will wait to see if you manage to fix the issues with the story. The mane six were unreasonably aggressive after Ammy was revealed and it felt absolutely absurd for Fluttershy to help them fire the Elements under the circumstances. Ammy saved Fluttershy's life and proved that she was nice around the other animals and ponies which Twilight and the other girls should have also picked up on, especially after the interactions with Pinkie. Furthermore, while the Elements do have varying effects in different stories as 6370198 pointed out, we already saw how they interacted with Samantha when they were taken out of the box so it feels like a total ass pull for them to go from being something that made her stronger to killing her like this. This had a lot of potential so I was really looking forwards to seeing where it goes, but bad decisions can kill even the best stories in very short order and tend to be a warning of more trouble to come so I have very little tolerance for this kind of stupidity.

Well, didn't see that one coming, I'll admit that.

Now I'm one of the people who nowadays dislike most displaced stories, so I'm not fussed about that aspect of this twist, however I am fussed about the fact that you just killed off the character that I was starting to like and enjoy, having never played the Okami game, I know nothing about Amatseru and don't really have an opinion on her character, however I have formed and opinion on Samantha, and having her killed off so early, and in this fashion leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Maybe you'll bring her back somehow, but right now I'm more annoyed and confused than I am excited about this turn.

And something else I notice happening a few times is authors have their stories going certain ways, then curvball around and do something else entirely, usually saying that that was the plan. And fair enough it's their, and in this case, your story, but you also have to understand that this story twist is not why audiences came to read it, they came to read it for what it was before the twist. You've built up an audience that that wants to read a certain story, and now you aren't giving them that story, there is going to be a backlash, and people are going to be angry, bitter or even just annoyed. And on top of that you make the audience less trusting of you, if you're willing to accept these consequences then fine, but you do need to be aware of this.

Wait.....if he's dead then, Who's remembering the story?.....i don't get it :derpytongue2:

now this chapter changed my thumbs up into a thumbs down
now if it would just be a sacrifice of a life it would still be a dick move to do in this way
but NO you had to go farther and destroy her very soul an act more evil cannot exist and there would be no way for an amaterasu as depicted in the game to allow such to happen even if it would save billions of lives
no amount of lives equals a soul
with this happening we now have an evil goddess free in equestria to do what she wants
after all if human sacrifice is considered evil summoning her with the sacrifice of a soul is unrepentable evil

Hmmm can you still call this a displaced story when the human displaced is replaced by his/her character which is a god that has a different persona altogether then this story my friend this is no longer a displaced fic but a strait crossover story... i know the reason is good heck ill do the same given the choice! but this is sooo confusing then who the hell was talking in the first chapter!? It cant be the Samantha because she should be gone by that time.... it also cant be Amaterasu because she's been a wolf since the begging of the story but Samantha/Amaterasu said "I could, once. I wasn't always a wolf" also that whole back story and the current narrator of the story cant apply to Amaterasu because that's Samantha's past and she allowed Amaterasu in her body at the cost of her mind and soul but not her memories it still wont apply if Amaterasu has access to her memory because that's not her memory and Amaterasu is a GOD since the beginning! So who was talking is it Samantha or Amaterasu!? This is soooo confusing.... or is this a clue for something in the future?

Wow theres like 2 maybe 3 comments saying they liked the mc being replaced all the others dont like it

I hate to say it, (I honestly do) but all these fine sirs and/or madams are right.
But do not worry, DevoidofCreativity, for I have faith in thou! Do not allow all these nay-sayers to beat thou down with their logic!
Instead, throw thine own logic right back into their face! Show them that this story still has as much potential as a newborn child! For a newborn hath the ability to speak all languages, it only hath to choose which it will know from birth! Show them that thine story can and WILL be one to arise from the flames that hath been tossed at thee!
Thine story is brilliant and those with closed and stubborn minds cannot fathom such a new concept thou have presented us.
Good luck, DevoidofCreativity, may thou stand tall against the flames that will be flungeth thine way.
~Sincerely, Pixel Paladin

Well... This is a thing. Alright, let's get down to business.
What are you trying to right? Of this is a displaced fic, then you've completely confused me. It's original and new, something I like, but at the same time... Wow... I'm at a loss for words. As it stands you're stuck yourself into a pot off hot water. You've killed off the character readers have just connected to, you made the existing characters out of character, made your prologue make NO sense, and put Faust into the fic. Similarly, there are quite a few plot holes like of Ami is now under her illusion again or if she can be identified as a goddess again or the entire premise of this retelling or how the displaced even entered the world. This chapter is, to say the least, a mess. You can always rewrite it, but as it stands, this is a bad note in the story. I truly liked this story, and didn't mind the techno babble either. But now...

Is there hope? Yes. Is it dim, right now, yes. In hopes that you can recover author, for you've truly begun digging your own grave.

I think I would have preferred it if Amerterasu could have taken a third option. Namely, that she could use her full power to free herself & Sam, but then given the majority of it up so that it did not overwhelm the Human. Sam would then need to journey to get the powers back & get strong enough to face the new evil, just like in the game.

"If only I could talk, huh? I could, once. I wasn't always a wolf. Ah, but I suppose that's a story there. And all a story needs is a teller and an audience. In that case, I suppose the best place to start would be at the beginning."

Guys, the first chapter starts out with Samantha in Canterlot and thinking about the past happenings of this story and her memories of how she was dressed up in costume and becoming the sun. Neither her nor Amaterasu have even met Celestia before, let alone enough time spent with her to justify the way Celestia was praising her as if she were some great hero.

I don't know how long Samantha will be out of the story, but the beginning ensures that she won't be gone forever (Although when she comes back will have yet to be seen). If she doesn't then, it would be a plothole.

Or perhaps there is another twist in the future.

Y'know, I think the single beef I have with this chapter is that the Fausticorn got trudged out. That and the "conversation with god" thing going on just felt... dumb.

If what you did with the previous chapters were indeed intentional, then I say good on you. I actually didn't much like them for exactly the reasons you were trying for, and if you can keep this up then that's fantastic. I do so love seeing authors get clever with their narration. About the only problem I can think with it is that it establishes that the elements of harmony do not distinguish between good (or benign, at the very least) and evil when it comes to putting the smackdown on their targets. Kinda makes both the bearers and the elements less irrevocably good, because good luck to anyone who disagrees with whatever they want.

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