• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 9,763 Views, 105 Comments

The Warden - Shocks

To guard those that lurk inside Tartarus, caged for eons undone, one must be of an unbreakable will and stand with strength unmatched. Cast out of the light, the villans that dwell in this prison learn that sometimes, the darkness is not as kind.

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He Who is a God

Author's Note:

The Heresy Continues.

Celestia reappeared on a cliff top or a plateau possibly, stumbling with slight disorientation, falling to a knee before she was able to regain her equilibrium. Nausea quietly crept up, and she distastefully swallowed some of the bile that managed to come up her esophagus.

She would surely never get over that. That was something on a level all its own.

It was several moments of calm, steady breathing before she was able to gather her normally unfazeable demeanor, the shock of the teleportation still managing to bother her after all this time.

Rising from her stooped position, she checked on the package held in her arms, noting it looked to be unharmed. Releasing a sigh of relief, she looked out toward the land she now found herself in.

It was like nothing that could possibly exist in her world, and of course, it didn’t. The sky was the first indication of lacking anything of her home planet. It was a sickly green mixed with an onyx black, flowing and moving almost like an ocean, endless in its expanse. A giant orb, which she might have once found similarities between itself and her sun, hung above her, dominating her entire view above, its black core surrounded by what looked like the remains of landmasses, a shattered planet perhaps?

It was certainly a disturbing thought, but she could not dwell on it, how the Warden designed his prison was up to him and she would not interfere on such matters.

The ground she stood on faired no better in this nightmarish realm, as it lacked any type of vegetation, life, or anything that would indicate a living creature. There was only grey rock that stretched on for miles, only broken apart by the canyons that lined the plateaus like the one she stood on, and if she looked down, she would notice the glow of the luminescent green rivers that flowed in-between each of the valleys.

Each raised landmass was clearly formed around a central structure, as she could spy just the edge of grey disc shape jutting out around one of the canyon’s walls. It was incredibly far off, as she was well aware of its comparative size in reality.

This realm had a name, and while many knew of it, only the damned knew of its appearance. This was the prison of Tartarus, where all creatures who threatened the world were sealed away. Its only gateway being accessible by those who descended into the bowels of the Canterlot Horn, getting past the various royal guards that protected the many passageways to the tunnel.

And to Celestia, it was an easy task to arrive here, but she could not dwell on these thoughts now.

She had much flying to do.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she unfurled her large wings, taking a running leap before plummeting into the abyss below her. Celestia let herself fall for but a second before using her wings to fly with an unmatched speed in between the expanse of rock, her destination the disk in the distance.

As she flew, she couldn’t help but have the unsettling feeling of being watched. Nor could she spot the hundreds of eyes slowly tracking her, even as she looked over her shoulder to confirm her suspicions. Only rock greeted her. She moved along, as the eyes did not break their gaze.




Princess Celestia walked along the large bank that bordered one of the flowing rivers of the realm, the strange water casting dancing shadows along the cliff-face on her opposite side. The dark illusions moved and bended along the rocky surface of the canyon wall, the moving shadows quickly falling into the numerous large dark holes that were imbedded into the rock.

While it might have been simpler to fly the entire way, she could not help but attempt to alleviate her fears on the prison’s security, glancing at the large holes in the canyon side with a critical eye.

Because, rather then just empty crevices, these small room sized indentations served another purpose.

If one glanced at the protruding, flaming green bars that crisscrossed the entrances of each hole, the answer to their purpose would be quite obvious.

They were cells.

They were prisons.

And there were hundreds of them, on this wall alone. Each she knew holding a prisoner of that had been sealed away from the world of the living, to be imprisoned here for eternity.

To those that actually stood near their bars, she could make out the various maleficent, gleefully insane, or just generally malicious looks of the creatures that dwelled here.

She could remember many faces. She and Luna had battled many personally. So many threats to her ponies snuffed out over her lifetime. Though, she noticed, there were some creatures here that were completely unfamiliar to her, ones she had never seen before. Though, if they were jailed here, she trusted the judgment of the one that brought them.

While she could feel the eyes of those here track her movement, it wasn’t the looks of the prisoners that concerned her. There were others much worse to fear.

“Oh my, it seems the most gracious sun princess has decided to bless us with her blinding presence,” The familiar voice suddenly caught Celestia’s attention, her right ear swiveling in the direction of the speaker. She knew that voice, and the rather prideful tone that it once had. It was still there, but far faded to be directly relatable in any way.

She turned to look into the cell she just passed, finding a mare of near equal height to herself slumped against the wall of her cell, her bowed head still allowing her reptilian green pupils to glare at the alicorn with an undying intensity.

At first glance, it would appear to be a pony with a rather dark coat, but Celestia could easily identify that this was not fur, but rather that of sleek, black chitin, the skin of that of a changeling.

A rather specific changeling to be exact.

“Chrysalis,” Celestia replied evenly, shifting the package in her arms in the equivalent of crossing them.

The pony look alike smiled, showing off dual fangs along the top teeth of her mouth, as she raised a hand to her breast.

“Well well, her majesty remembers my name?” She seemed to ask in genuine surprise, before her face became utterly unamused, her brow furrowed.

“I’m honored,” the changeling deadpanned.

Celestia took a moment to reply, her eyes simply looking over the now defeated changeling queen, the tattered remains of a dress still clinging to her body, and the crown she had once pridefully worn now nowhere to be found. Her physical appearance seemed to betray a state of malnourishment, her skinny stature relaying her health. Though, the alicorn could understand the reason for that easily.

There was no love to be found here.

“It would do well for me to remember those that attack my country, let alone my capital city.”

A mocking laugh was her only response, Chrysalis clutching her sides as Celestia glared at her. What she said was nothing to laugh at, but perhaps Chrysalis was just as mad as she once thought?

“I will admit…haha” the ex-queen started, wiping a fake tear from her eye, “That attack was possibly a little too bold even for my tastes but” She looked Celestia in the eyes, a grin forming along her muzzle. “Seeing you fall was well worth the loss.”

“Is that all you have to say?” the alicorn shook her head, not bothering to rise to the bait of the changeling. “I would hope your time here would give you time to think about your actions.”

“Oh yes, I’ve had plenty of time to think about how horrible I was acting in the interests of my own people, oh for shame of me thinking such heinous thoughts!” Chrysalis brought her hand to her head while slouching just a bit, faking a near faint.

The switch between the mocking and sarcasm transitioned once more as the changeling glared at her pony rival.

“You would have done the same Celestia. You have done the same if this place is any indication. Especially if everypony knew about the monster that their precious princess kept in the closet, as it would ruin the glorious image they have of you. Oh gods’ forbid!”

“Even if my ponies were suffering as your changelings were, I wouldn’t dare try an attempt to help them if it meant enslaving another race in the process.” The alicorn spoke, referring to of course the mad queen’s idea to harvest all the love Equestria held by draining its citizens directly.

“Small details” the changeling mused, only to receive an even more intense glare from the dairch, something that most would wilt under its strength. Chrysalis in her defiance however, did not yield.

“Are you thoroughly finished Chrysalis? I didn’t take you as the sort for small talk. More…evil monologing.” Celestia couldn’t help but smile at her own joke, while the changeling behind the bars didn’t take to it so well, it referring to the main cause of her defeat at the hands of Princess Cadence all those years ago. In a fit of rage, she rushed at her cell bars.

Only for them to alight in intense bursts of green flames, licking at the changeling that now stumbled back in panic, fear evident across her face. She recovered quickly however, and met Celestia’s gaze once more as she looked back from her now farther position inside her cell.

“I will get out of here Celestia. I promise you this. I will be free. And considering I have all the time in…I don’t know…eternity? I will get out of here. And I will come for you.”

Her words were spoken with every fiber of an enraged being, making it an unbreakable promise.

Feeling her mood suddenly begin to plummet, Celestia began to continued her walk toward the disc platform in the distance, a staircase rising from the rock to allow passage onto the elevated platform. Ignoring the changeling’s angry outbursts and threats of death, the alicorn continued on, with the queen’s last words occupying her thoughts.

And she had a rebuttal for the promise that was made.

Then he will come for you as well.

The massive sword hung suspended in the air, easily the length of her entire body, floating horizontally inside the center of the disc, the runic markings around the circle allowing the weapon to maintain its suspension through the strange magic that existed here.

She stood on the large central structure of the prison, a main point that connected all the flowing rivers, which easily allowed access to the several other canyon passages of this place.

Literally put, it was the center of this place, the prison built around it only afterwards.

And as Celestia knew, directly built underneath her hooves was the single cell that housed the most dangerous inhabitant of this place.

Tirek, the magic draining centaur that had nearly destroyed the Equestria she had built twice now, that had been defeated once, only to escape, and to be summarily defeated again.

She knew his cell hung from the bottom of this disc, suspended in a small cavern directly underneath this plate, its only access from the top, and consequently, through its Warden.

‘To speak of the devil, and he shall appear’, Celestia remembering the line well, the small thumps that had begun to catch her attention had been steadily rising, and she quickly found her attention grabbed at the figure making its way along one of the rivers banks, its towering form causing the prisoners nearby to cower in their cells at of pure instinctual fear.

With easily notable similarities to the gatekeepers she encountered before, it was no trouble to surmise that this newcomer and the other creatures were one in the same.

Only, this one was stronger. Much, much stronger.

With a height nearly three times her own, with the body mass in addition, it literally radiated the luminescent green energy that flowed from the rivers, from the orbs, from the knights.

It, was the source of the power that resided here.

With a skeletal body structure that was ablaze with the dark energy, it’s spiked head a crown of thorns, it seemed to bleed the energy continually, the magic flowing off of him in green flames.

In quick order, the creature reached the platform she was on, ascending the smaller steps for it without trouble, and stomping toward her with a clear directive.

Even still, at the face of this behemoth approaching her, Celestia did not fear, for she knew this being well.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh” The giant seemed to whisper out, yet with it’s larger size made it almost sound like a shout. “Uuuullllllll shawwww lllleeee mmeeeewwwwssss Celestiaaa” Its spoke again, the only discernible word being that of her name. As hearing its own speech, the giant slowly moved a hand to its throat, its head rolling as if trying to pop its neck or joints. Guttural sounds were heard as it placed its hand along its throat, and garbled words began to leak out of its mouth. Incomprehensible at first, but improving within seconds.

“Lllleeee mmeeewwwwsss…saaannnncceee….I….uaaaasseed….Equestriaaaan” It finally was able to get out an actual understandable word, though the whole process sounded as if a minotaur had dragged one of its horns along a chalkboard.

“Ahhhhh, beeaaaatttter” It readjusted the grip on its neck once more.

“Beetter” It finished, letting its hand drop to its side again.

Celestia had watched this process with her neutral stare, nodding to the giant when he had returned to the common tongue between the two, as she could not understand his own language after all this time.

“Crota” she stated plainly, receiving what many would look like an unsettling smile from the giant, its boney teeth on display.

“Celestia…it has been too long since you visited me…” He spoke, causing an eyebrow raise from her highness.

“I was there to escort Chrysalis to her cell. That was only two years ago Crota” She told him, finding his head to turn slightly in the general direction she arrived from, and possibly looking for a particular cell in the canyon walls.

“You of all people should be aware time is irrelevant here, Celestia. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, yearshe seemed to stress his last words, “All are the same and nothing at all in this place.”

“Is that why you have been going off on your, journeys again?”

The question seemed to catch Crota off guard, the giant tensing enough for her to notice.

“I see you spotted my new additions” he replied, to which Celestia shook her head.

“No, I didn’t need to see them to know you have been leaving your post again Crota. I cannot place my faith in a warden who abandons his duty to go off even I don’t know where.” Celestia’s eyebrow rose just barely.

“Unless you wish to finally tell me?” A growl was her only response.

“My guards are sufficient in preventing any escape. None shall leave this place without my knowing,” He spoke, conviction laced into his words.

The alicorn sighed, knowing that she would be forced to get to the heart of the problem.

“Then you should be aware of Tirek’s escape. And his subsequent reimprisonment.”

This brought a chuckle out of the giant, surprising Celestia somewhat.

“Ah yes…your student defeated him did she not? Such power from that one. To wield all the strength of four alicorns and to selflessly return it…” He trailed off.

This brought Celestia pause.

“How did you know I gave my student my magic? As well as Luna’s and Cadences’? One of your visions again, I assume Crota?”

The giant chuckled again, not directly answering her, but doing so in a way that allowed her to confirm her suspicions.

The giant, with his strange magic, had the ability as he said it to ‘peer into the void’ allowing him to see fragments of the future. Since she had first encountered him before allying him to Equestria’s cause, something she had always found far too easy, the giant had been able to see visions of the nation’s future, or certain events that would come to pass.

Most notably would be the prediction of Nightmare Moon, supposedly ‘seen’ ever since he had first met the two alicorns, though only told to Celestia after she had already banished her sister, after it was already too late.

She still remembered the ensuing battle in her rage induced state. Relations between herself and Crota had been strained for centuries afterwards. Only the prediction that Luna would return to her had soothed her boiling outrage.

Though most recently, his predictions had begun to speed up in accuracy and detail, noting and identifying key events to occur only years ago.

Twilight becoming her student, her sister’s return, Discord’s return, the changeling invasion, and the return of the Crystal Empire. All predicted. All allowing her to plan accordingly for the coming storms.

Except for one crucial event. One that she was determined to find how it could have possibly occurred.

“I can only tell what I know Celestia. You know I would not betray you so foolishly, unlike that draconequus. Reformed, didn’t you say?”

While it might not have been intended as such, she couldn’t help but feel the jab at her confidence in Discord’s reforming. While she would admit that her decision on the matter had only allowed Tirek to come ever closer on his quest to conquer Equestria, she defended her choice on the matter.

“I didn’t come here to discuss Discord, Crota. I want to know how Tirek escaped, and if I need to reevaluate Tartarus’ security”

The flames that danced on the giant’s body seemed to grow with a new intensity, their brightness increasing with an increasing tempo.

“You question my prison?” It was a challenge more than a question.

Celestia shook her head. “The most dangerous person to be sealed here escaped Crota. I don’t think I need to have any other reason not to.”

A tense silence descended on the two, the giant making a low guttural growling noise, Celestia looking up at his glowing eyes with a steeled resolve.

Finally though, the stalemate was broken when Crota suddenly began to chuckle, a laughter that resonated along the rocky walls of the canyons, that moved with a force of it’s own across the landscape, and a laugh that caused a spine tingling fear to creep up on those who where there to hear it.

For Celestia’s part, she simply had the fur on the back of her neck hackle.

The giant’s chest heaved its skeletal structure bowing and shrinking with the intakes of air. As his chuckles began to die down, he suddenly began to walk toward his floating weapon, reaching it in several quick strides.

“Do you want to know a funny thing about fate Celestia?” Crota asked, his back to Celestia as he ran his thick fingered hands over the sword, the weapon seemingly eager for its masters embrace.

“You cannot change it. You may be able to catch glimpses of what lurks ahead, but any action you take will only result in what you see. That is the beauty of fate, it is unstoppable, undeniable. It is beyond our control, yet it teases us that we have the ability to affect it.”

“I am aware of such things Crota,” Celestia interrupted, finding his train of thought to be stalling the matter at hand.

“I would hope so Celestia. Your world is formed by fate itself, events predestined since its very creation. Events even I must adhere to, despite not even being of this world...”

Celestia could feel that Crota was leading to something, but held her breath, letting the giant continue.

“Even I am a puppet of fate itself…”

“You wish to know how Tirek escaped? I can offer you an answer,” He grasped his sword, his own magic flowing across the blade at his touch, the weapon now a flaming incarnate of death.

He turned back to her, a cruel, bony smile on his face.

“I freed him.”

Somewhere, Discord was enjoying a record on a phonograph, simply humming along to the tunes of the device, when the record decided to scratch at that exact moment.

Celestia did not need any time to process his words. Instantly, any remnant of a peaceful or calm demeanor was gone, instead replaced with the unbreakable will and anger of the past warrior princess of Equestria.

“You, did, WHAT?!

Her Royal Canterlot Voice blasted through the canyons, seemingly shaking the entirety of the pocket world.

The Princess of Equestria took a step back when the giant stepped forward, her stance shifted to prepare for an attack as she tried to search Crota’s facial expression for any sign of his intent. However, the alien’s unusual face offered no answers except for his tooth filled smile.

“Crota, explain yourself. Now.” Her tone was not a suggestion, it was a demand. Thoughts were swirling in her head, dots were being connected, and she was quickly beginning to realize that the statement by the giant might be completely true. If so, things were very, very bad.

“I told you, I am a puppet of fate Celestia.” He advanced again, causing the alicorn to bring forth power untold into her horn. She did not hesitate to prepare extremely powerful attacks as it would be needed if Crota continued his threatening advancement. With her horn suddenly encased in its golden aura, his press forward was suddenly halted, giving the mare time to gather her thoughts.

That was until she heard the shrill screams of dozens of creatures behind her, her head moving so quickly to access the new threat many might have thought she had snapped her neck.

Somehow managing to encroach on her without making a sound, the closest being just several feet away, were dozens upon dozens of pony, griffon, minotaur and various other species that inhabited Albion’s soil.

Except that these were no longer anything that was their kind. They might have the same body structure yes, but the beings that now surrounded her from the rear were literally ablaze with the energy of Crota’s magic.

Their eyes, open mouths, and even much of their skin was alight with the illuminant sickly green power, it completely consuming every creature utterly. Pained faces greeted her with eyes of pure energy while a low whine was heard from each cursed being, the sound reminiscent of a scream; one that seemed to have been uttered for eternity.

These were the guards of Tartuarus. Beings that had once had the opportunity to live and prosper on Albion’s soil, but had selfishly squandered that to commit atrocities.

Celestia recognized many of the faces of these beings, noting among the cursed ponies several prominent faces. An earth pony stallion that was missing his left ear was once known as Soft Spoken, a seemingly innocent stallion that had been a serial killer, generally his victims being that of a unicorn or pegasi, committing the heinous acts out of apparent jealousy. Only after he had killed dozens did he finally slip up, attacking an ex-royal guard and having his ear removed in the attempt. He was subsequently captured and faced judgment for his crimes by Celestia herself. For his deeds, he was sentenced to death.

But not the one he expected.

Much like the other cursed here, he was brought under the will of Crota, bound by his magic to serve a greater purpose as well as protecting those that he had once preyed on.

Whether he wanted to or not.

Now though, the diarch was greatly displeased to note that the guards seemed to be turning on her, obeying their master’s will without question. They seemed to be halted for the moment, but Celestia refused to let her guard down for even a moment.

She turned back to Crota, the anger plain on her face.

“What is the meaning of this.”

For his part, the giant had his blade held at his side, non-threatening for the moment, though she knew from experience that he was far spryer then his body would indicate. And his sword was far from his only weapon.

“I am a puppet. I am bound by strings that I couldn’t predict exist. From the moment I was born, my destiny was sealed. What I once thought was pointless, what I once believed worthless. What I once was, I am no longer.”

“I was never human-“

Celestia caught his use of that word again, noting it for later.

“-I, am, and always will be, Crota” In response to saying his name, he raised his arms into the air, his right hand still clutching his sword while he held out his arms in an almost religious reverence. The alicorn readied herself at his movement, not willing to risk a possible lightning attack.

“You still haven’t answered me.”

He snapped his head at her, his smile returning as he tilted his head.

“What would you like me to say Tia? That I wished to see Equestria burn? That I wanted to enjoy all the misery and suffering? Was it my plan to conquer the world for myself?”

He laughed, shaking his head.

“No…it was for fate.”

Celestia waited as he continued, noting that the guards still do not moved from their positions, still effectively pinning her to face Crota.

“Tirek was destined to escape. Your student was destined to defeat him, unlocking power even you could not wield. I simply moved things into their proper places.”

“By releasing the most dangerous being that I have ever faced!? A being that could care less about the lives he would destroy to achieve his goals!?” The alicorn did not hesitate to vent her outrage.

“It was fated to be. I could not deny it. Neither should you.”

“You knew about this,” Celestia said through clenched teeth. “You are supposed to reveal any visions you have to me Crota.”

“You would have done everything in your power to stop it, much like what would have happened with Luna.”

The glow on the alicorn’s horn spiked to a new intensity.

Do. Not. Talk about that.” That was his only warning.

While the bad blood had dried, the wounds had remained, still cutting deep for the mare even after all these years.

The giant growled at her own stance becoming that much more aggressive. “If you persist on making threats based on loose assumptions Celestia, then our conversation is over. And you may leave”.

He suddenly turned away from her, giving his back to her before stopping just as abruptly. He looked over his shoulder, still finding the diarch poised for combat, the brown wrapped package still held in one arm.

“Oh, and do not stress over another escape like Tireks’. Considering he is dead.”

The fire that was her anger had almost been snuffed out, replaced by confusion and creeping realization in seconds.

“What?” she asked stunned.

He smiled again, that cruel bony smile.

“I killed him. Split him in half like cheese. You don’t need to worry about him any longer. I believe his sentence was complete anyways…”

It was several seconds for her to absorb his words before she once again burst out in anger.

“Crota! You had no right to do that! Tirek had to pay for his crimes! He-!”

She was unable to finish as he whirled on her, his sword thrust in her direction. She raised a golden shield out of instinct, immediately excepting an attack.

“No right!? You lock creatures away for eternity simply so they cannot taste the sweet embrace of death! My killing him was a mercy. And you claim to hold right over this?” He shook his head.

“No. You hold nothing Celestia. And I am finished with you.”

The guards suddenly began to advance on her position, creeping and crawling with delicate steps forward. She was aware this slow pace was on purpose.

“Leave now. Or face my wrath.” He spoke, marching away from her. He was able to make several quick strides away from the pony, his hearing peaked to listen for any type of fighting or the sound of wings flapping.

Instead, a voice he was thoroughly done talking to cried out again, causing him to whirl on it in anger.

“Crota! I have something for you.”

He paused, noting that the pony was holding out the small brown wrapped package she had with her the whole time, the item garnering little attention from him. Now though, noting that it appeared to be for him, he cautiously advanced back to the alicorn, his guards moving back as he approached.

He stood above the pony, proclaiming dominance as he reached out his left hand to grab the item that was outstretched to him, Celestia’s and his eyes never once leaving each other in the exchange.

Both backing away after the switch was done, Crota gave a final glance at the alicorn before using his magic to burn away the paper wrapping, allowing the relatively small item to fall into the palm of his hand.

Upon closer inspection, it was a simple brown picture frame, the photo held within that of celebration. A pink mare with a mane of a mix of violet, rose, and gold was being held by a white stallion bridal style, her beautiful face practically radiating pure joy as the two laughed at an unknown joke. Most notably was the white bridal dress that the mare wore as well as the military uniform of the white unicorn stallion. Written in eloquent writing at the bottom was a quick message.

-I’m sorry you couldn’t make it. I hope this is some consolation. With Love, Cadence.

The small i’s where instead dotted with hearts.

“She asked me to give that to you. She still has yet to meet the one who informed me that she was in that orphanage all those years ago.” Celestia spoke, even as his attention was solely on the picture. While she wouldn’t dare speak it, this was something that could pierce the giant’s façade, revealing a beating heart still underneath.

“I would have never known she was more then an unusual pegacorn until her alicorn-hood had manifested, but even that would have taken several years.”

If there was one saving grace in the two’s relationship, it was the fact that Crota had revealed Cadence’s alicorn status when she was only four years old, orphaned after her mother passed while in labor, the mare simply unable to survive the strain of giving full birth to an alicorn.

Only Crota’s words had spurred Celestia into action and the alicorn was able to be nurtured in a loving environment free from those that would try to use her, all the while being prepared to fulfill her own destiny.

Cadence would learn of Crota’s involvement in her life over time, and would always attempt to show her gratitude in any way possible.

“She still has yet to meet you. She had hopes that your wedding invitation would be accepted.” The words bothered the behemoth the more he stared at the picture.

Happiness. It seemed so foreign. So far away. The feelings were bothering.

“Will you ever want her to see you?”

He didn’t answer.

There was a silence between the two. “Do I have to worry about any future escapes Crota?” Celestia asked carefully.

The question was not missed by him. He tore his eyes from the picture frame to gaze down at the alicorn.

“No” was the quick reply. It was simple, but it held a definite truth that the Equestrian diarch could pick up.

“Then I will leave.” At these words, the cursed guards backed away from Celestia, clearing a path toward the canyon she had entered from, and subsequently where the portal to return to Equestria would soon be manifesting.

An exact copy of the one she entered from, she would be keeping a close eye on the knights that guarded the gateway this time around. As much as she would wish to have complete assurance that Crota was telling the truth, she would have to settle for what little he had given her.

Making Crota an enemy would be a foolish decision in its entirety, and she would not risk such a thing. She would be back soon though, and she would finish this conversation.

She took to the air, the giant ignoring her movement as his attention was on the picture frame once more, the alicorn giving him an almost pitied look before flying off toward the portal home. The guards, when she looked again, had disappeared, quietly returning to their hiding places once more.

All the while, a creeping thought wormed its way into her mind.

Originally, Tartarus had been designed to hold the most dangerous threat to Equestria, locking him away forever. Now though, the most dangerous threat was not held in the prison;

It controlled it.