• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 2,181 Views, 30 Comments

The Boxer - HopeForTheFew

A boxer from Earth is transported by unknown means into the dark descent of Equestria.

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Chapter 2: Realization

I wonder how long it takes us to realize the truth. We seem so close, yet so far from it. I wonder... I wonder...

I walked along the dirt road, my backpack and sleeping bag slung over both my shoulders. I had awoken early in the morning since a particularly annoying star up in the sky decided to shine its rays through the trees. But that's in the past now I suppose. And now I can only do what I have always done; Walk.

There was a time when I would get bored of walking, but now, I cant help but enjoy it as I watch the beauty of my world unravel as I go along. As I continue on my long walk I cant help but notice a particularly ripe tree that was full of apples. I picked one of the apples and proceeded to bite, the flavors hit me like a freight train and I welcomed the both sweet and tart flavor of a Wine Sap apple. I then proceeded to gather a bunch of the apples for a later date in which I would eat them.

I smiled once again as I took another bite of the apple. It was in times like these that made me wonder if the world was actually getting worse, or if it was getting better. Of course, often thinking those thoughts would have me regretting them later as I go through some sort of town and I am re-introduced to the hatful people of the world I live in.

I sighed and tried not to think about my world, I knew it was how it was and that there was nothing I could really do.

So with that thought, I pressed on, eager to see where this road led.

The three guards who were sent out to search for the strange anomaly were walking along the road that stretched from Saddleton to the rest of Equestria. All they really knew is that they were looking for a tall bipedal figure and that this 'figure' had on some kind of strange clothing and was also sentient.

They were to try and bring the creature back peacefully to Saddleton where they would then lock it up until a higher authority comes along, but if it refused, they were authorized to drag it back with them. And if the being turned out to try and kill them, then they were authorized deadly force. But all three of them hoped with all of their hearts that they didn't need to use it. Hell, they didn't even know if the thing existed or if those two unicorns just crafted this up. But they would know in do time if this thing was real, or fake.

The three guards were trotting along the path when they began to here faint words in the distance that appeared to be singing. The three looked at each other and then began to pick up their pace. They knew that there were quite a few ponies that traveled this road but something in their hearts didn't feel right. It was as if something evil were lurking around them, taunting them, begging them to move forward

And move forward they did, right into view of the creature they were after...

I walked along the road, singing a song that has been stuck with me for quite some time. The day was going by pretty quickly with me just walking and singing merry tunes to myself, my heart was light and full of joy today. And I never really thought there was anything that could bring me down. While walking down this road, something accord to me. Normally while walking down these kind of roads, they would lead to some kind of home, or a highway, or some king of civilization. But there was nothing, I had been walking down this road all day long and yet there was nothing in sight, all there was, was this road and the wilderness around me. This was a first for me and truth be told, it was starting to freak me out.

Though I just shrugged it off and kept moving on. I had enough food with me to last a week or more if I rationed it. But I knew that this road couldn't go on for that long. And so, with that in mind I began to sing that tune once more and admire the beauty of the place I was in.

I did wonder though, where was I? I knew where I was before I hit that rock but now, I have no clue. Its as if I went through the rabbit hole and now I'm in Wonderland.

The man walked down the country road, attempting to find some kind of civilization. What he didn't know, was that civilization, was going to find him.

The man was just walking down the road when he began the here the faint clopping of hooves and the low rustle of metal on metal. The man just assumed that he was on some kind of Amish road and that he would be able to see other Humans in a short amount of time. The man was expecting to find a whole family coming down the road in a horse and buggy. What he didn't expect was three Royal Guards to come down the road, fear dead set in their eyes.

But now it was the mans turn to be afraid. He slid his things of his shoulders, his fists were clenched and already his body was going into fight or flight mode. How could this happen? What could have happened to him?

The three guards slowly approached the man, their spears; aimed straight and true at him. The man began to shake, he didn't know what was going on, or what might happen to him. The man raised his fists, ready to fight. A serious look was in his eyes, and for the first time in a long time, the man thought he might die.

The three guards got closer and closer, they were slowly surrounding the man and the man knew he had to get away but for whatever reason, fear locked him in place.


The man snapped out of his fear daze and grabbed his things. He charged one of the guards who had his spear pointed straight out towards him. The man in turn grabbed the spear and pulled it out of the guards hooves. he spun the spear in the air and used the back of the spear as a club.

He slammed the blunt end of the spear into the guards helmet; sending the guard plummeting to the earth. He then turned around and through the spear toward the other two guards, making them jump back a few feet. The man then turned and ran down the way the guards had come with all of his might. The man could run fast that was true, but he was no match against the speed of the ponies and the guards soon caught up to him.

The man darted to his left; into the woods. He ran with everything he had in an attempt to lose the ponies that were hot on his heels. But one thing about ponies, they cant run very fast when a bunch of trees are in their way. And in do time, the man got away by climbing up a tree and hiding from the guards.

The man watched as the guards ran past him in a vain attempt to find him. The man breathed heavily, he was not tired, be he was still definitely afraid.

It was then that realization hit him like pickup truck. When he hit that rock, he went somewhere else, somewhere, he could not explain.

Somewhere, he did not belong...

Author's Note:

Just letting you all know. Future chapters will contain around 2,000 words. I will not push myself with this story and I will take my time.

Thanks for reading; Cheers! :pinkiehappy: