• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Improvement is a dire mistress.

Comments ( 36 )

I honestly don't have a response to this story

why god why do stories like this exist

>Clearly states that characters aged up
>gets put into the foalcon group anyway

I know right? I was surprised when they did that.

Fetish fuel.

But this is horrible. Its barely even a story. There's no explanation for anything, the characters don't act as they should.

It was probably put in foalcon because despite it being stated that the characters are aged up, they act as if they aren't and there is nothing to even hint otherwise.

6365496 its horrible anyway I don't care if button mash is grown or not its still wrong I mean its incest any way you slice it

That's your opinion and i respect that.

Well, its more cloppy oriented, but I can see what you mean.

6365519 thank you not many would and I respect you to

Oh wait, what inclination made you think that the characters weren't acting right? And how is there no explanation for whats going on?

You misunderstand. I mean the characters don't act as themselces. They're 'out of character,'. By explanation I mean there's no explanation as to how she got drunk in the first place, nor is it explained why Button wasn't asleep.

Well, it can be up to interpretation. But, if people read thoroughly, they can basically guess how she got drunk and why Button Mash wasn't awake.

(Pss. It has something to do with why he wanted a bed time story)

And they all lived happily ever after.

I can see why they did though. Even though you expressed that Button is at the legal age of consent, the dialog and mannerisms (ponyisms?) that he displays are more child like. If you didn't say that he was aged up in the description, I would think this was a foalcon fic too. My opinion, knowing that he's age appropriate, is that Button is mentally challenged in this fic. It's just, what sex age appropriate guy wants to be told a bed time story?:rainbowhuh:

He's a bit older than protrayed normally, but not exactly an adult. Like a younger teenager.

Oh! Well that... changes a few things. With this new evidence, I would consider this still foalcon. It doesn't matter if he isn't a foal anymore, he is still under the legal age of consent. By law he is still a minor and by society standards, a foal. And so a foalcon fic this is.

Ah but you forgot this is not your typical age of consent law. Equestria might have a lower age of consent than most nation normally have. If I wasn't wrong, wasn't Japan has lower age of consent. I am not defending foalcon (because in reality, it much worse....though strange how society change), it just something I need to tell about.

Um...I find it strangely morbid that Button is able to have, or maintain an erection while his mom has a breakdown and cries. I'd also say that it either felt a bit rushed or perhaps lacking in content. However I also think that this might have been intentional, as in short, sweet, and to the point, but the sex scenes could have been a tad better if that was indeed the focal point of the story. Thank you for trying though.

Lel, read cause drunken fics are funny premises for stories.

[Button Mash is aged up and they are Ponies]

"But, Mom! You need to tell me a bed time story, how else can I sleep with these conditions?"


I'd rather Button Mash be underage for maximum creep and regret.

Why do I find this darker than "Planting an Apple's Seed"?

Is it wrong to say I like this?:moustache:

This felt dark... Like she didn't care or even take measure to prevent all the worst side effects of both incest and sex with someone who doesn't understand what's happening. This why we have statutory rape laws... to stop monsters like her from including the niave in things they may not want any part of if properly informed or taking advantage of their position and inexperience to coerce them into a situation they don't really feel comfortable with.

Informed consent is a beautiful thing but this is just a dark betrayal of trust.

well, at least it's better than "Planting an Apple's Seed"

6365507 don't like it then don't read it in the first place you know what you got yourself into and now your hating for the reason of hating.

So, Button's mom is gonna be a half mother half grandmother?


Astute synopsis.

This is, obviously foalcon.
Frankly though I don't mind.
Humans, as any sexual creature, may have malicious and even cruel obsessions.
Have them or don't, repress them or dont, it's still no harm no foul.
But don't pretend they are rare, or even the exception.
They're not.

Rate the story on its writing.
Nobody cares about your moralizing, or even insecurity.

There are far better ways to do foalcon.

The biggest issue I had with this is that there wasn't even an attempt at informed consent, to teach her son what was going on. She set him up in such a way that he would have to find out for himself what was going on and what it meant and that does not bode well at all. The only solace being that this is a work of fiction.

The story is part of the writing and a story that leaves implications that taking such utter and complete advantage of the naïve is OK is, in fact, the opposite. Give it little credit, pay an idea no mind, and an idea will destroy the world.

There ARE "better" ways to do foalcon, yes, depending on what your going for, whether you mean writing wise, plot wise or conceptually I don't know.

Since you are trying to make a moral point, I suggest that you try not to assume that this story in itself is not beds of roses, in fact I would go so far as to almost think it needs a Dark tag except it's more sad than dark, seeing as how she is both victim and by proxy abuser but not with malicious intent.
There is no reason a story, and in fact one dealing with such a dangerous and dark subject, should have to send a positive message much less apologize for itself.

A story, despite whatever malarkey you said, does not matter in relation to writing ability, coming up with stories you can say is an important part of writing though most writers just rehash used material. Someone's ABILITY to express written subjects is NOT effected by their ability to create new content. In fact even if it WAS we would judge stories on the originality, which, we do when we judge a story. But you won't catch anyone with half a brain saying the writing is bad because the story is unoroginal, unless they are deliberately insulting the writer.

Ignoring that you would have to be dumb as a sack of bricks to not notice the comments, the vibe of the story and also not clue into something being seriously amiss with this situation, and given this is written as mature content it's almost impossible that this COULD give someone the wrong impression about this issue.
Though people have pointed out he should adf a foalcon warning as this is obv not aged up.
I don't think that's what you're getting rustled over.

I should point out that to most reading, this story would barely even register on the fucked-up radar in comparison to some real disturbing shit which you can find easily on this site.

A story is also not obligated to have a meaning or message positive or none. This story I assure you has none, makes no attempt to have one at all.
Just as when we communicate in person I would rather people have a point generally, it's fine not to and just express a thought.
And this is just a dirty non-apologetic semi disturbing piece of decently written smut.
We are pretty OK with it to.

Did i just read liqued rape? Im i haight right now proble but probably not who knows

Okay. Id love to see a follow-up/sequel to this, or another button mash/cream heart story

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