• Published 18th Oct 2015
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Change - tom117z

Twilight Sparkle is not who she says she is, she doesn't really know WHAT she is...

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58 - Old Friends

Refugee Camp, two days before the battle

Things were quiet when Twilight awoke from her restless sleep.

Too quiet.

Where the day before there had been filled with the hustle and bustle of ponies and changelings around the camp, now as Twilight laid there listening there wasn’t a sound. No clatter of hooves, no voices… nothing.

Slowly, Queen Twilight used her magic it cast her sheets aside as she got up from the bed and to her hooves. She tried to rationalise the silence, but she was uneasy. She could still feel her subjects within her mind, but their voices were dulled, muffled. Standing around wasn’t going to get her anywhere, so Twilight took a deep breath and stepped on out of her tent and into the camp proper.

There wasn’t a soul.

A thick fog blanketed everything, Twilight had a tough time seeing through the shroud, but she could see no signs of life. There were no bodies or anything, everything just looked… empty. No signs of a struggle or evacuations, it was just like everypony had put down what they were doing and left.

“Carduus?” Twilight called out over the hive.

“Are any of you there?”

There was no answer.

Unnerved, Twilight braved the fog and headed in the direction of the command tent, where the war map was situated. The journey was done in complete silence, only the sound of Twilight’s own breathing accompanied her during the trip. The fog covered everything, and only increased the nervousness the young queen was feeling throughout her being.

Her journey ended, however, when she successfully located the command tent via memory. It too, was silent. There wasn’t a soul in site, just like around the rest of the camp.

‘Where did they all go?’

“Hello?” Twilight called out verbally, hoping for an answer.

Nothing, again.

Twilight waited a moment, in case something would follow her call. But when nothing happened after a few minutes, she decided to enter the tent itself and look for clues. However, just as she approached the entrance, the sound of hooves got her attention.

Twilight spun around, looking over the area for any sign of whoever was moving about.

“Hello? I know you’re there!” Twilight shouted, moving away from the tent and stopping by a pile of crates.

“I’ve always been here, your highness,” a voice stated.

Twilight jumped backwards from the crates she was standing near with a shriek of surprise, looking up she could see a changeling sitting atop them smugly.

“Nervous, Twilight?” Serpens asked.

“You?” Twilight spat. “Serpens? Didn't I kill you?"

“No,” Serpens stated. "In a dream maybe, but in reality your mother did. The real me is dead, I am just a figment of your imagination, slipped out through the cracks in your little broken mind. Like a cockroach I will keep coming back."

“So… what? Am I going crazy or something?” Twilight deadpanned.

Serpens chuckled. “Maybe. Who knows? I stabbed you; almost killed you, and then Crudelis killed your mother. Your home is gone along with most of your little changelings… How much more tragedy can you take?”

“I will stand firm,” Twilight stated with determination. “As I always have. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Tirek… and Crudelis. All are the same.”

“Except Crudelis is related to you,” Serpens sneered. “How does it feel to be related to such a cruel being?”

“She’s no family of mine,” Twilight spat back.

“You can’t change the blood in your veins, little queen,” Serpens laughed. The blood of Imperatrix runs through you, and your anger is so great… you could become far more terrifying even than Crudelis.”

“I would never be like her!” Twilight objected. “I could never be that cruel.”

“It was cruel what you said to Celestia, was it not? She was only trying to help you, as any mother would,” Serpens pointed out with a smirk.

“I… I…” Twilight stuttered. “I didn’t mean what I said… I was angry.”

“What you said must have come from somewhere,” Seprens snorted. “And threatening her with your magic, dear Twilight you have quite the temper…”

“Shut up!” Twilight shouted.

Serpens’ grin only widened. “See what I mean? You composure crumbles so quickly… are you really fit to rule as anything but a tyrant?”

“Says the assassin who kills without care or morality,” Twilight growled.

“Morality is fickle,” Serpens shrugged. “You can get so much done without it to get in the way. Imagine what changelings could accomplish under Crudelis’ rule, the empire that could be built!”

“Destroying all who oppose them,” Twilight stated, glaring at Serpens. “No thanks.”

Serpens laughed sinisterly, before disappearing into shadow as a presence appeared behind Twilight.

“Are you sure about that?” Crudelis smirked.

Twilight spun around again, her horn lighting up… only to sputter out again.

“W-what?” Twilight stuttered as she tried to relight her horn.

“Your powers are useless here,” Crudelis taunted. “Your mother could not stand against me, what hope do you have?”

“I…” Twilight backed up as Crudelis approached, terror written on her face.

“You could join me, my dearest Twilight. We are family, abandon the ponies and their filth,” Crudelis stated. “Without you, one of their greatest defences will be rendered null, they will not be able to stand against us. We could accomplish so much together, our family could rule an empire that would make the Empress of Old envious. Your subjects could be safe under a protected and prosperous empire, you can protect them… isn’t that what you want?”

“Yes… I do,” Twilight muttered. “I want to protect them… from you!”

Crudelis snarled.

“You’re evil, Crudelis! You’ve taken so much, and you won’t stop. I will protect my subjects, and I will protect my friends and family in Equestria too. I am a changeling as much as I am a pony, Crudelis.”

Crudelis’ eyes narrowed dangerously. “Then it is as I thought, you are too far gone and have no place in my new empire.”

“The other queens will never submit to you!” Twilight shouted.

Crudelis only chuckled, her horn glowing a bright red as she grabbed Twilight by the neck and lifted her into the air.

Twilight tried to struggle, but without her magic there was little she could do.

“Farewell,” Crudelis said simply, a fang filled smirk on her face.

Twilight’s vision began to darken as oxygen failed to reach her lungs. As her struggles lessened, her eyes glanced upwards towards the sky where, just for a moment, she swore she saw the moon high above with the image of the Mare of the Moon on its surface. But that was impossible, it was day, and the mare wasn’t there anymore!

Before she could ponder it further, Crudelis gave a shout of pain as an arrow lodged itself into her chest, causing her to drop Twilight, who gasped desperately for breath.

After some sweet, sweet oxygen had thankfully filled her starved lungs, Twilight looked up towards Crudelis, the arrow’s shaft protruding from her chitin as she held a look of shock on her face.

“Wha… Wha…” she tried to say something, when a blast of green magic joined the arrow and Queen Crudelis shattered into black glass, her fragments spilling all over the ground.

Twilight stared at the sight for a minute, surprise and confusion filling her mind, finally she traced back to where the arrow and magic blast had come from, and her eyes widened on seeing the two individuals there. One was a Changeling Queen, standing regally as she looked upon her fallen foe, and the other sat with a grin on the same crates Serpens had occupied minutes earlier.

“Damn, that was satisfying,” Longshot grinned like a foal, his crossbow in his hooves. “Revenge is sweet, as they say in fillydelphia.”

“I don’t think that phrase comes from fillydelphia,” Chrysalis gave him a confused glance.

“It does in my mind,” Longshot stated. “Don’t question it.”

“Longshot? M-mother?!” Twilight couldn’t believe her eyes. “How?”

“Dreams,” Longshot shrugged. “You’re sleeping, Twilight.”

“Oh… I’m dreaming,” Twilight sagged, full awareness of her situation emerging. “That that explains a lot.”

“Hold on a moment,” Chrysalis cooed as she approached her despondent daughter and embraced her. “Dream or not, I’m here.”

“No, you’re not,” Twilight whispered. “You’re in my head, nothing more.”

“I’m more than that,” Chrysalis stated. “I’m the part of Chrysalis that lives on…” Chrysalis pressed a hoof on Twilight’s heart. “In here.”

It was here Twilight leaned into the embrace, nuzzling Chrysalis’ chest as she let some tears begin to fall, only for the moment to be interrupted.

“Cliché,” Longshot chuckled.

Both Twilight and Chrysalis turned to glare at Longshot, who held up his hooves and backed off with a sheepish grin.

“Sorry about him,” Chrysalis stated. “He followed me here like a lost puppy.”

“It’s alright,” Twilight assured. “It’s… nice to see him again. He died because I got hurt…”

Tears began to fall again.

“You died, because I couldn’t get to you in time. You both died because of me…”

“No,” Chrysalis shook her head. “You got me out of there, you gave me a fighting chance, for that I must thank you. You allowed me to die in a comfy bed, with the one who I love the most at my side. My beautiful girl…”

Chrysalis nuzzled the top of her head, tears of her own falling down her cheeks.

“I’m so sorry, Twilight.”

“I miss you,” Twilight said. “I don’t know what to do…”

“Yes, you do,” Chrysalis said, smiling a little. “You will be a wonderful queen, I know it. You will protect our subjects, and strengthen them with our alliance with Equestria. You will spread these ideals of friendship and harmony among our species, and when you finally rest and come to join me, history will remember your name fondly. A great queen who led us to prosperity.”

Twilight just closed her eyes in response, content to stay in the embrace for as long as possible.

“Chrysalis,” Longshot called out gently. “It’s almost time.”

“One moment,” Chrysalis called back, looking down onto her daughter. “Twilight?”

“Yes, I know,” Twilight wiped her tears from her eyes. “It’s time to wake. I’ll do you proud, I promise.”

Chrysalis smiled. “I never doubted it.”

Twilight nodded, a small smiled of her own appearing on her face. “Wait for me? At the close?”

“Of course,” Chrysalis responded. “I love you, my daughter.”

“I love you, mother…” Twilight embraced her warmly one last time.

The world around them faded away, first the camp, then the ground until they were in a blank void. Then Longshot went with a final nod toward the young queen, leaving only Chrysalis and Twilight locked in their loving embrace.

Then Twilight woke up.

The day was in full swing as Luna walked on through the refugee camp. Things seemed to be looking up and morale had improved greatly among the changelings, likely due to the improved mood of their queen. Twilight’s outlook had improved greatly, much to Luna’s satisfaction, and she had got right into helping out around the camp.

She had noticed however, Twilight was avoiding Celestia with a guilty look about her, but their reconciliation would happen sooner rather than later.

Luna passed by Iuvenes and Puellula, who had seemingly become Queen Draco’s personal assistants. They were helping Draco sort through various reports into different piles, and Draco seemed more than happy to accommodate the nymphs. Perhaps she was fond of children, or perhaps it just got her mind off the subject of Chrysalis by having them around. Either way, Iuvenes and Puellula were happy, and Draco herself seemed content.

All around camp things were looking up.

Princess Luna finally located her sister by the edges of the camp, a letter held in her aura as she read it. Her features were in stark contrast to the bright atmosphere around camp.

“Sister,” Luna greeted cheerfully. “Why the long face?”

“Oh, Luna,” Celestia greeted. “You appear in a good mood.”

“Well, I did give a good friend the help she needed,” Luna stated. “It was a good thing I arrived when I did.”

“So you’re the reason for Twilight’s good mood,” Celestia said, allowing herself a small smile. “I must thank you for that, I did not enjoy seeing her so distraught. What did you show her?”

“Closure,” Luna said.

“I see…” Celestia’s smile faded as she looked back towards the letter she held.

“Tia?” Luna looked at Celestia with concern. “What is it? What’s the message you hold?”

“It’s from Applejack, in Ponyville.”

“And why does that place such a hamper on your spirits?” Luna asked.

“Read it,” Celestia stated, handing the letter over.

Luna held the message before her as her eyes moved over it, a frown descending on her face and her own mood dropping.

“A changeling attacked Laughter?”

“Yes, and tried to replace her. It was one of Crudelis’ drones.”

“This… is bad news. If they are scouting that far into Equestria, and around where Twilight’s friends and other bearers of harmony live…”

“They may be in danger,” Celestia finished. “We need to prepare one of the EUP’s helicopters to do some scouting of our own. If there is an attack in the pipeline, I want to know about it.”

Luna nodded. “I’ll see it done. Do you really think Queen Crudelis is preparing to strike out at Equestria?”

“It’ll get Twilight’s attention,” Celestia noted. “I hope it was an isolated incident, but I cannot ignore this. I hope I’m wrong I really do, but I think we’re about to be very busy indeed.”

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