• Member Since 14th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Fictional Fanatic

Fiction reader. Now, also a writer.


Despite being shy and easily scared. Fluttershy can be brave in moments that involve animals and her friends. Even so, the timid pegasus has other unexpected qualities to her, secrets no pony else knew of. And she would like to keep it that way, so don't tell anyone.

This story begins with giving a lot of background on Fluttershy and things she's involved with. The beginning therefore is in the beginning a bit tame, compared to it's second half.

This story Is a bit dark, contains some gore and contains barely any dialogue. It is also somewhat sad, but contains no violence, murder, psychopaths or painful ends to relationships between characters. It does however contain a lot of fear coming from both main characters in the story.

Inspired by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkQ7o-gWWng

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Okay...This was great.

I especially liked the way it changed moods, from calm and cute with lots of exposition in the beginning, to more serous and mysterious in the middle when she started preparing for her 'activity', and finally turning downright macabre as it was seen from her own point of view.
Overall, I found your characterization very believable, like it actually could be this way, for being so OOC of Fluttershy, it was frighteningly spot on imo.
Furthermore, Her preparations where quite thought through and showed her experience as more than just a meek pony who likes animals, but one who knows what she is dealing with, all without turning her into a hardcore trooper.

All in all. I very much hope you get sick again and have a long chat with that dark and horrible part of you, because I would like to hire those brain functions for a job on my own attempts at subtle Horror.

Thank You for a good piece of fiction, it was enjoyed with much appreciation from this gentleman :moustache:

P.S. I think you get less credit than you deserve, especially in regards to this story.

Being "unnatural" is scary enough. Fluttershy's secret activity is not so much gruesome as it is disturbing. For one thing: raw meat. Most creatures, humans included, would die from all the bacteria embedded on rotting flesh, which is how she found the corpse. I'm not sure ponies are quipped with the proper stomach acids to properly digest meat. But what do I know, I'm not Fluttershy.

I kind of wish Angel did follow her. Imagine how he'd have felt when he discovered his master's darkest secret? Better yet. What would Fluttershy had done to keep her secret if Angel found out.

A creepy story.

6493994 Fluttershy didn't eat any rotten meat. The meat she ate had yet to begin decomposing since it came from a creature killed not too long ago. Also, about it being raw meat... many creatures have no problem with that. Humans even enjoy eating raw fish in the form of sushi. (Or perhaps that's different?)

Also, ponies, horses and other "friendly" creatures have been seen eating things like birds and smaller creatures... so it's not to far fetched that a pony, with the tools to acquire other kinds of meat in bigger quantities would do it after acquiring a taste for meat.

I am also working on the next chapter that will once again bring forth Angel's perspective.

6494019 Looking forward to that.

Anyone ever point out to you that the cover picture makes it look like Fluttershy has a goatee?

6632085 What has been seen, can never be unseen!

It's humorously appropriate.

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