• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 10,899 Views, 390 Comments

The Bridge: Sound of Thunder - Tarbtano

A short story midquel to The Bridge, with a different central heroine but same universe.

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Chapter 1: Not as They Appear

Jakarta, Indonesia

Tides roared and waves crashed as a mountain torpedoed its way through the water. A bellowing thunder screamed out, the kaiju rupturing the surface beneath a cargo ship and breaking the hull in half. Metal screeched and the sea was thrown up in torrents as cargo containers were shattered and thrown about everywhere. Agon, the fire dragon bent the broken ship's hull between his jaws, tossing it away after mauling it like a dog with its toy.

All around sirens tore through the air as all of downtown and the docks became alight with panic. Dock workers, sailors, and the like filled the air in panicked screams; billowing into the streets to rush inland. Agon bellowed over the uproars, his maw becoming filled with burning lights before torrents of napalm spewed forth. Waves of sea water were overpowered by waves of fires that spilled across the ocean's surface with burning oil. Flames encircled and flooded the seas around Agon, the mutate laughing as the flames washed into the docks and set the premises ablaze. But behind closed eyes, he couldn't help but notice some of the lights dimming. Cold sprinkled across his face, causing Agon to halt and look around.

Thunder rumbled overhead as the sky became blotted in dark clouds, buckets of rain pouring down and smothering any flames born of wood and washing any blazes born of oil down the drains and into the sea. The sky was lit up and Agon soon found himself being struck by lightning repeatedly. The first few strikes to the shoulder hardly registered, only mildly numbing the limb. It was the trio of bolts crashing into his forehead that sent the fire dragon reeling back. Agon snarled, regaining his footing and pawing at his eyes and face to clear the shock to his nerves. A slow wail echoed over the sudden storm. The cry, akin to a whale's song quickly shifted into a booming fog horn of a war cry. The tides shifted and a hill of water formed on the edge of the bay, barreling towards Agon.

A long, jagged shark fin cut through the peak of the oncoming tsunami, secondary fins flipping out to the sides to form three prongs. Red orbs of light glowed beneath the rushing water, heralding jolts of electricity to slither out of them and arc between the fins. Agon reared back and took in his breath, napalm building up behind his tusks. Torrents of flame slammed into a wall of erupting water and electricity when a massive form burst out of the oceanic hill and pounced at Agon. An energy charged arm clad in sapphire and tipped with ruby red talons tore through the sea of flames and grabbed Agon by the head. His jaws forced shut, Agon hissed as flames shot out between his teeth before the back of his skull was slammed through the churning sea and straight to the bottom. His attacker bellowed, dragging the invading mutation's face across the shallow's sea floor for several dozen yards before tossing him away from the docks.

Dazed, it took a moment for Agon's rage kick to in and he tore himself up to his feet. Thunder roared overhead as he glared at the new kaiju who was cloaked in the thunder bolts she drew in like a lightning rod, charging herself up. Agon stomped on the surf, flames trickling out of his maw as he called out a dominating roar.

Shocked onlookers amongst the city looked at the newcomer's spine-like fins, familiar shape; and even more familiar facial structure as an impossibility. One young dockworker picked up his dropped jaw, brushing aside shocked thoughts of the dead rising as he raised his hand and pointed.

"I-Ini Godzilla! Godzilla!"
("I-It's Godzilla! Godzilla!")

Several older coworkers whapped the junior on the head, having already noticed the beast's distinctions; shaking their heads and motioning with their arms.


Rather than charcoal gray, the titan that called down thunder to itself was sapphire blue with a sandy yellow underbelly and red patches on the cheeks, palms, and flanks. Ruby red claws flexed amongst arcing electricity. And most importantly, it may have been a related species, but the "it" was a "she". Raiga growled and punched her electrified fists together to the sound of crashing thunder. A sly smirk formed across her jaws. Ever since the romp on Solgell, she hadn't gotten much of a chance for some fun.

Lightning and fires were strewn all about, Agon bellowing at his challenger. Ragia was unmoved by weather and kaiju, almost chuckling under her breath.

-Alrighty, let's hope I don't break your face in during Round 1. Ding Ding ding~-

She put her fists up in a boxer's guard and Agon charged.

Small town in Northern Equestria

Maps and notes flew about every which way as a purple and green hurricane figuratively and literally tore through her belongings. Teal magic coiled around the stacks, levitating them up amongst the glowing auras and sorting through them. She wanted to make sure she got everything important, but Starlight Glimmer knew full well that time was of the utmost essence. Frantic didn’t even begin to describe her mood after she received her notice and the information came streaming in.

It wasn’t more than a week after her cousin Moonbeam was on the radio, and suddenly all the signs started pointing in her direction. So much had happened in the past few days it gave the past millennium a run for its money. Alien monsters arrive, the confrontation at Canterlot, kaiju enter the popular lexicon, more kaiju show up as if coming out of the woodwork, Xenilla’s record goes public, more confrontations as the kaiju are spread out; it was all happening almost too fast and she’d been hard at work the entire time. Nothing was ever going to be the same and she was working herself up a wall brainstorming to try and find a way to alleviate that. The unicorn rapidly stuffed numerous notes into her saddlebags, forgetting to even fold half of them.

-With the alicorns busy at Canterlot and Sombra gone, I’ll have to get to Chrysalis quickly. She should still be in Manehattan after sending me the message about her scouts.-

Shoving more than a few ‘Calm Down’ carrots in her bags, Starlight Glimmer tore the door to her tiny home open and bolted down the street with such speed in her gallop that it would put a racing pegasus to shame. Dread washed across her face as much as the rushing wind did, all too familiar information about one kaiju in particular tearing across her mind. Moonbeam was the smart one, and if her warnings were accurate and Chrysalis’ correspondence with Xenilla were to be believed.

-Godzilla is up to something, he must be stopped!-

Back on Terra

Raiga dug her feet into the ground, kicking up mountain-high mounds of sea floor and shattered dock behind her heels before her backwards advance ground to a halt. Snapping her hips, the aquatic theropod threw her weight forward and shoved Agon back for breathing room. Agon didn’t have time to grunt from the push before one electrified fist after another crashed into his torso. Raiga grinned as the patches on her flanks and cheeks glowed, arcing her storm’s wrath into her hands for a series of jabs followed up by an uppercut that nearly floored Agon. Searing lights came blazing across Agon’s maw as he lurched forward after recovering, vomiting up several Olympic pools' worth of napalm onto the Guardian Beast.

If Raiga felt the pain through her tough scales when the burning oils engulfed half her form, she didn’t show it. Roaring in chorus with the thunder, the now on fire kaiju stampeded forward whilst getting struck by lightning several times. Agon took a taloned swipe at her, raking one paw across her shoulder before she tackled him and dunked both underwater. The surf was churned and thrown about as the twin titans rolled around in it, napalm washing off Raiga and cloaking the surface as thunder bolts stabbed at the ocean’s surface. The sea turned into a dueling landscape of lightning, fire, and surging water before the two surfaced in a lock. Agon had grabbed onto Raiga’s left arm and head, with Raiga using her right arm to try and pry off his hold when he started to bear his weight onto her. With flames flickering out of his throat and his fangs virtually ignited, Agon widened his jaws and took aim at Raiga’s throat.

But his would be bite victim wasn’t having any of that. Stomping on Agon’s toes, Raiga freed up her right arm enough to grab Agon by the face. Grimacing upon spying a familiar fiery glow building up in his maw, Raiga shoved his snout to the side and diverted away a stream of burning tides into the broiling sea beside her before the Guardian Beast gave off her own glow. The biological conductor on her palm fired up and emptied its storage capacity. Several thunder bolt’s worth of volts and amps shot through Agon’s skull and sent his nervous system ablaze. He thrashed and shrieked, desperately trying to regain full control of his body as he spun around and clocked Raiga on the head with his tail hard enough to trip the guardian over. With every moment his body glowed more and more with searing lights that sent the sea broiling. The split second Agon regained his vision and saw the tumbling Raiga, he let out a voracious roar that drowned out the rolling thunder.

After taking in a quick breath the berserk fire dragon unleashed almost all of the napalm he had left, completely engulfing the thrashing Raiga in an avalanche of fires for over half a minute until she was submerged beneath the blaze. His foe apparently smothered under the flames, Agon was far from sated. His lust for inferno ever increasing, Agon flailed about in a blind fury, hosing down the surrounding sea, the ruins of numerous ships, and parts of the sea side with flames galore. He cackled and screamed in delight amongst the burning holocaust, taking aim at several of the warehouses. That’s when the shift in the tide caught his eye. Casting a glare to the bay, Agon was quick to notice a burning wave heading directly for him. The wave grew into a tsunami by the time it reached him, a giant shark-like fin sticking out of its crest. Just before the wave could come, the fin ducked under the blazing surface and the tsunami petered out. Agon hissed as he scanned a sea covered in flames and debris as the rain poured down harder than before. Cloaked under the fires above, a high speed, glowing object was all but invisible while it flanked him until it was right next to the intruder.

Raiga exploded out of the surf, her sapphire blue scales covered in just as many black char marks as it was crackling electricity that diverted its full fury to her left arm. Twisting around with her momentum and throwing her hips, Raiga’s left hooking uppercut connected with Agon’s previously bruised jaw with enough force that the air was split and half the city heard the resulting ‘boom’. The fire dragon screamed in a mix of rage and pain, which came out slightly garbled given half his lower jaw had just been dislocated and fractured hard enough to knock several teeth out.

Though she was sore, burnt, and in some cases still burning; nothing kept Raiga from cracking an eager grin when she grabbed onto the downed kaiju’s tail. Absorbing more and more thunder bolts like a sponge to replenish her might, Raiga dug her feet into the sea floor and started twisting around. Ripping Agon out of the surf, he soon found himself being spun around by his tail from a very over eager opponent; helplessly flailing in the air as her rotation speed climbed. After several more whirls amidst the churning surf, Raiga cackled and, in a show of titanic strength, tossed the similarly massed Agon several hundred meters straight into the air and away from the docks. The dinosaur-like dragon screeched, getting struck by lightning several times before plowing head first through the waves and into a reef away from shore; disappearing in the waves.

Raiga snorted for breath, letting her arms drop tiredly to her sides. She closed her eyes and picked her head up while letting fatigue wash away in her shower. Rain pinged across her hide as several lightning bolts struck her fins. Never a kaiju of great stamina without a storm, each bolt was a much loved recharge. She stayed like that for a good minute to fuel back up, before popping some of her joints and turning back around. She opened her eyes and looked toward some of the still burning docks, shrugging under her breath with a frown.

-Aaah dang iiiiit, was hoping he'd put up a better fight!-

She shook her head, wading through the surf and storm towards the docks after she ceased calling down any more lightning.

-Oh well, fun's over. Let's see what I can do here...-

Raiga loomed over the warehouses and docks below like a stork over a pond, scanning the drenched cityscape to find what she was looking for. The giantess got her wish when she spied a large crowd of humans cornered on a pier, a napalm born blaze cutting off their exit. It took a moment for the group to notice the tall shadow standing over them, Raiga having a hard time telling if they were screaming more after seeing her than they were at the chasing inferno. She got her answer upon raising her arm to a shrieking chorus. Despite the group's sheer terror, Raiga only grumbled, rolling her eyes before casually flicking her index finger through the burning portion of the dock. The flaming wood splintered and was shot away dozens of yards into the sea, smothered under a crashing wave.

-There, should be alright until help arrives... Yeesh stop screaming already!-

Raiga grumbled, turned and moved away, careful not to let her tail brush up against and potentially topple the docks. Minding the torrential downpour from her storm, the sea titan got to work scooping up hundreds of gallons of sea water and sloshing it against the still burning warehouses and roads, either smothering the flames out under the sheer mass or siphoning it away into the storm drains and ocean. She practically breathed out disappointment in the sigh she gave. Amaterasu made her to help fight off the most dangerous monstrosity of all time, Mr. "He Whom Shouldn't Be Named" as Anguirus put it.

She was made to fight. She loved to fight. She'd pick a heavy sparring match with Godzilla if she couldn't get a good fight.

And yet in this modern era she got woken up in early, short of an all out alien invasion she couldn't keep a good fight rolling for as long as she liked. Raiga mumbled in a growling, annoyed fashion under her breath, Mothra Lea's badgering tone echoing through her head all too familiarly.

-"You need to take things more serious Raiga! Stop rushing into fights so much Raiga! Tell us before you run off to a fight Raiga! You're too overconfident Raiga!"-

Raiga growled, planting her hands into the ground to smother out a pesky fire that refused to get rinsed away, applying a bit too much force and smashing the street pavement to rubble. Not like she noticed, the brash giantess was arguing with her own memory. The sight of the burning docks was recalling unwelcome times.

-What, did she expect me to be a meek little lackey and hang back?! Pah! Come on, outside of Xenilla or Destroyah it's not like any of these mutation sluggards could take me on!-

She grimaced as memories shifted to millennia long since passed. Raiga hardly seemed to pay any mind to the roaring surf behind her as she turned around. Agon had gotten back up, more enraged than ever. The fire dragon screamed his war cries in stubborn resolution, napalm pouring out of his mouth and nose to half drench himself in flames as he charged. Raiga winced at her recollections, the sight of a charging fire demon replaced by a ruined city floating in the sea. Raiga calmly raised her arms to the sky with her fingers curled out. Thunder cracked and lightning roared, striking Raiga's palms multiple times as her own stored energy poured and arced into her limbs. With focus came might, two balls of crackling lightning forming in each palm. Raiga curled her digits in, compacting the electrical spheres as she pumped all of her excess energy into the attack. Visions of flapping shadows and dozens of shrieks filled her mind, blotting out the image of Agon as he bore down closer and closer. The electrical energy shifted as it became mana charged and put on overdrive, shifting from a sparking yellow to a crackling scarlet. Raiga roared, giving Agon his last warning.

Turn away and leave now, or risk it all.

Agon cackled, barreling towards Raiga despite the show of force; flames starting to spew out of his jaws. Raiga let out a wail eclipsing her foe's call, mind still racing as she swung her arms down and smashing the two orbs of power together.

There was a blinding sun of a light, one visible for miles, before an enormous torrent of energy shot out to sea. The red beam completely engulfed Agon, blowing him back and frying him even worse than it did the thousands of gallons of sea water around him. Raiga looked on blankly through it all, dejavu plaguing her thought. The ray, the engineered godzillasaur's variation of the spiral fire, lasted for a good ten seconds before she cut it off. The seas rushed back in as the storms above settled into a placid drizzle, the thunder dissipating. Raiga looked on at what she wrought, Agon's still sparking corpse being virtually de-atomized down to the bone.

She saw her success, but only remembered her failures. Lea's voice chimed back in through her psyche's catacombs, abet in a much calmer tone than before.

-"Raiga... You can't blame yourself for what happened. Throwing yourself around isn't going to fix it. You need to slow down or you're going to hurt yourself one of these days!"-

-"I'm not the one slowing down! I'm the one getting out there and fighting where there needs to be a fight! Get in, wreck the baddies, rinse n' repeat!"-

-"Don't forget why we fight in the first place..."-

Raiga let her arms drop in a tired fashion, closing her eyes to cut off the thousand meter stare she'd been cracking. She looked over at the city, Jakarta; as it busied itself after the figurative and literal storm began to pass. Emergency sirens began to blare out once again, growing in strength as the personnel began to file into the damaged locales. Despite all the life, hundreds to thousands likely owing themselves to her actions, Raiga was unable to keep herself from seeing death overlaying it. For every intact building, memories of ruins blotted it out before she forced her mind to the present era. Physically and mentally tired, Raiga shrugged before she waded out of the bay and past Agon's skeleton, her wake knocking it over as she lowered down into the deeper water. Extending her tail's flipper and collapsing in her back fins, Raiga let herself lazily swim off to the dark depths.

-"I don't forget.. But I'm not failing again."-

She harped on the thought for longer than she cared to think, settling at the oceanic blackness dozens of kilometers away. After some time she ceased her tail's undulation, letting herself drift for a few hundred meters before sinking to the bottom, kicking up a large cloud of silt and particulates with her drop. The world around was an inky black, sunlight having long since been banished under the great depth.

-Stupid moth killed my mood, shoulda enjoyed that more...-

The only pinpricks of luminescent fish were visible in the realm, like tiny stars or will-o-wisps chasing each other through the void. It helped her force away the past to home in on the present. Still, it took a while for mildly depressed Raiga to shift back to typical Raiga; having wrestled down her memory.

-I'm a rough'n'tumble who gets my kicks with my fists. Being some sap ain't in my vocabulary. Dumb moth, best get back from that whackoland that Gamera told me about soon or I'm going to have to drag you and the others back here!-

She closed her eyes, letting rest start to wash over her as schools of fish and squid started to swim away from her. With those four gone, the Defenders had their hands full, even with Xenilla no longer calling the shots with the Mutations. As one of their strongest left, she'd need to keep on her toes for anything. Least lack of loud sonar and bright masses meant she could catch a nap without worry of Titanosaurus or one of those Anteverse buggers waking her up. Raiga sighed, trails of bubbles billowing out of her nose as the glow from her conductors died down.

-Godzilla... Anguirus... Rodan....... Lea, stay safe...-

With sleep overtaking her, Raiga didn't notice a curtain of purple light opening up beside her; a swirling portal linking the deep sea to parts unknown.

Equestria, several kilometers North from Hollow Shades

Starlight Glimmer hadn't stopped galloping since she hopped off the train. Township had turned to rural lands as she darted through the forest with a thousand worrying details plaguing her mind. Despite the hours past, her goal and destination were still at the forefront, so much so she hadn't even noticed the sights the train had passed by like Foal Mountain or Neighagra Falls. Starlight blazed down a game trail, hopping across a stream to get back onto the old dirt road. The unicorn reluctantly slowed her pace down whilst her horn glimmered, pulling out an old changeling map that Chrysalis had drawn up for her. She eyeballed the old parchment and stole glances at the distant mountains poking up over the canopy, the mare continuing forward confidently.

-Alrighty, the trail I'm on should take me past the northern caves and to Manehattan's outskirts for the shortcut. If I hurry it up, I might make it there before nightfall.-

She cast an idle glance at the sun above, the celestial body having already shifted downward, marking the afternoon. Seeing the growing shades in some sections of the scrub wood caused her heart to pound against her ribs, Starlight memorizing her path before rolling the map back up and putting it away to carry on at an increased pace. She did not want to be out here after dark.

-This forest used to be safe...-

She kept galloping for awhile, moving trail to trail based off recollection; not wanting to slow down by pulling the guide out again even if the effort was winding her. She'd passed the caves a while ago. By her estimate, she was only a few hours away from the city limits; the knowledge that her teacher summoned her there meant it had to be urgent. For a denizen of a world as colorful as her's, with shapeshifters, demigods, shadow kings, and chaotic beings that defied all logic, not also bearing giant monsters; it took a lot to give her pause when she was on a mission.

A few hundred gallons of water out of nowhere tended to do the trick.

Starlight ground her hooves into the dirt to skid to a halt, spinning around on her momentum to turn herself around and sprint away from the surge. Having been running on a trail cut into a slight incline, most of the waves thankfully washed away between the trees, down the slope, and into a creek down below; giving the pony enough time to move out of the way and not get overtaken. Starlight Glimmer turned back around as the sea water retreated away, leaving a soaked, muddy path littered with sediment and a few flopping fish. Still a tad dumbstruck as to what in the world was going on, Starlight gingerly approached the flooded path. The stench of salt was near overpowering as she approached; all much confirming it was sea water, all but befuddling Starlight as to how this was so. Stepping on the now exposed stone to avoid the mud, she levitated up one of the fish to inspect it.

Marine biology wasn’t exactly a forte of her’s, Chrysalis’ instruction tended to only cover what walked around on four hooves and it wasn’t like her cutie mark study would cover anything that was sea going; so it took her a moment to recognize the bizarre looking fish. The vaguely serpentine thing could be almost accurately described as a mouth with a body, over sized fangs sticking out of its bottom jaws as it wriggled about. Along its flank orbs of light ignited themselves on and off as it struggled. Starlight probed back through memory, dimly recalling a textbook she’d read through at her study a few months back. While unable to tell it was a viperfish, she did gleam enough from memory to recollect that bioluminescent fish are usually from the deep ocean.

-Well that answers one question but… Where did all this stuff come from?-

Starlight puzzled as she tossed the fish into the stream, looking at the area hit by the flash flood whilst scratching her head. She looked all around, half expected anything as obscene as an overturned truck for a marine park to be a reality. At this point she was groping for any answer out there. Sadly, even an off theory of a sea life bearing water spout wasn’t proving itself true.

-It’s like it just dropped in out of nowhere.-

She was about to consider interrogating the fish when a quiet groan caught her attention. Hopping a few rocks forward, Starlight looked in its direction and found out that the “flood out of nowhere” hadn’t just brought in fish. Obscured by a shrub it had washed into and half caked in mud was a large form. From her angle, Starlight Glimmer could only make out some bare bones details. Firstly it was fairly large, easily two meters long though she was having trouble getting any details. Secondly, it started moving. A thick tail flopped out of the cover, the motion sloshing off some mud to reveal a broad flipper. Clad in jagged, sapphire scales that almost seemed more akin to a reptile than a fish; the appendage wasn’t the only thing freeing itself from the mud.

Upon seeing a hoof jutting out of the earth, Starlight’s eyes widened and she rushed over to help.

Five Minutes Later

Raiga didn’t need to be the sharpest kaiju to figure out something was up when she started mentally kicking herself out of delirium. The lack of whale sonar bleeps and feeling of something a bit more solid under her form was a big enough clue that she was on dry, or at least drier, land again. Something was splashing water across her back and face, helping to wipe off mud she could feel stuck onto her and started pawing off. It was when she reached for her face that she didn’t feel it. She paused, feeling around again, rolling her appendage into herself to confirm it. Nothing to get upset over; it was just that she couldn’t feel her fingers, or her entire back legs for that matter.

Shaking her head to rinse away some of the lasting mud and water, Raiga opened her eyes to technicolor. It was so bright at first that she reeled back slightly and rubbed her face with her wrist.

Starlight Glimmer pitched up her eyebrows, putting away the cup she’d been rinsing off the standee with. She leaned in closer and waved her hoof in front of the siren’s face.

“Um h-hey there, are you okay?”, Starlight muttered in a meek voice.

Not recognizing the voice as any kaiju, Raiga brushed it off as a human addressing her and groggily shook her head to try and clear her surging vision. She groaned from the spiraling in her head and slurred her tone.

“Yeah, fine just uuurg musta sleep walked again.”

Starlight cocked up and tilted her head, swishing her ears in a clearly confused manner. Hints of exasperation slipped through her usually quiet tone.

“Sleep walk nothing, you dropped out of the air in the middle of the forest! Did you bring in all that sea water?”

“Bring in sea water? What are you talking about? Yah I usually displace a lot but it's not like I can pick up an ocean.”

“But you just came in with a bunch of it. I never met one of the Muse sisters so is that how your kind travel overland? Using a bubble of water or do you just float?”

And now was the point the still self blinded Raiga was thoroughly bewildered and growing in annoyance, grumbling through her voice. She never was much a fan for Q&A, and this human was reminding her more of Lea by the minute. Add that to knowing she'd somehow been moved Tanaka know's how far from her spot and her mood was dropping as much as her tone was.

“Muse? Kind? Travel? Who is this!? Where is this?!”

Starlight squeaked, reeling back as bit with dropped ears. Rowdy ponies and her never did mix too well. Still, she tried her best to keep up her manners and answered the siren.

“My.. name is Starlight Sonya Glimmer. And we’re a few kilometers away from Hollow Shades.”

-Starlight Glimmer…Yeesh what was you’re mother thinking?... Wait a minute-

Raiga shot up slightly, eyes finally starting to adjust to the light when she opened them. Not like she’d have noticed either way, a bewildered expression crossing her face.

-… How can a human understand me?-

Once her vision focused on the blob of purple in front of her, Raiga's lips and heartbeat flat lined for a moment. She didn’t know what exactly to expect, having a mental list of everything from aliens to sea elves to a bizarro dream induced by inhaling napalm fumes. That said looking right at the face of one of those cartoons Zilla mentioned was pretty far down on the list. Hardly a soul of any refinement, she spoke quite bluntly and quite truthfully.

“Okay what the fu-”

Author's Note:

A shorter side story I'll be working on in addition to Bridge. Updates should come quicker as I'll be able to work on and finish this when I don't have enough downtime to work on Bridge chapters.

Artwork by Faith-Wolff
Proofreading by Faith-Wolff and Skylark
Raiga by Shinpei Hayashiya
Agon by Nippon Television and Toho Company Ltd.
MLP and FiM by Bonnie Zacherle, Lauren Faust, and Meghan McCarthy

Shattered expectations can cut deeper than broken glass.