• Published 26th May 2012
  • 7,540 Views, 209 Comments

Tarnished Feelings - DJLowrider

After a falling out with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon re-discovers who she is and finds new friends.

  • ...

Goodbye to You

Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon stood with mouths agape as Art Deco and Rarity recounted the events of the prior evening to them, leaving out a few details naturally. To say the announcement of their engagement was a shock to the two young mares would have been a gross understatement.

“We swung by Carousel Boutique first thing this morning in order to get Silver’s pearls so they might be properly re-strung,” Rarity said after she and Art finished their recap. “After that it was a quick stop by Sugar Cube Corner for a bit of breakfast, and naturally we had to tell Pinkie Pie the news. I daresay I’ve ever seen her move so fast as when we told her she could spread the word as she saw fit. I believe she headed towards Sweet Apple Acres first.”

“I guess that’d explain AB’s question before we left there,” Sweetie noted. “Not to mention what Pinkie was so excited about when I saw her earlier. But… are you two sure about this, sis? I mean I know you and Mr. Deco have known each other for a long time, but… I guess this just seems kind of sudden is all.”

“I understand your concern, Sweetie,” Rarity told her, stepping up to nuzzle her sister affectionately. “But the fact is, Art makes me happier than anyone else I’ve ever known. This could not possibly feel more right to me. I only hope you and Silver will be able to get over your past issues. Having your blessings on our marriage would mean the world to us both.”

Art took that as his cue to address his daughter on the matter. Silver immediately looked up at him as he approached her. She still had a dumbfounded expression on her face as she tried to come to grips with the situation.

“Silver, I realize this seems sudden to you,” he told her gently, “and I know you and Sweetie Belle haven’t always had the most stellar of relationships, but… I do hope you’ll find a way to get along with her. You two are going to be related now, after all. And as Rarity said, we would very much love to have you both supporting us.”

“Daddy, I…” Silver’s voice cracked a bit as she finally found the will to talk, but words were still failing her. So much had happened over the past day and now she was faced with how to react to this. Her father was remarrying, and to Sweetie Belle’s older sister! As her mind struggled to process all of this, she found herself wanting to sit down somewhere to think it through and figure out just how she felt about it all.

Such a respite wasn’t going to happen, however.

“Well, well, well…” came a familiar voice from across the way. Silver felt a chill come over her as she turned to see Diamond Tiara walking their way with Opulence and Fortuity close behind on either side of her. “Isn’t it just too delicious when juicy rumors turn out to be true?”

“What’re you doing here, Diamond Tiara?” Sweetie asked defensively, quickly stepping between the pink-coated heiress and Silver.

“Oh I was just out for a stroll with my two new friends here and we just couldn’t help but overhear the announcement,” Diamond replied. “Isn’t it so nice to see love blossoming? Even if it is between a couple of withering old nags.”

“Hey!” Sweetie shot back, taking a step towards the trio.

“Sweetie, stop,” Silver told her. “I’ll… let me handle this.”

“Silver, you’ve been through enough lately,” Sweetie said, turning to face her. “You don’t deserve even more of this kind of treatment.”

“Given the kind of friend she’s been to Di, I’d say it’s the least she deserves,” Opulence commented with a nodding agreement from Fortuity.

“She’s right, Sweetie Belle,” Silver replied, hanging her head a bit. “This whole mess I’m in right now is my doing. And I need to make up for it. I need to get my life back on track… back to where I’m supposed to be.”

Sweetie’s further protests fell on deaf ears as Silver stepped up to Diamond Tiara with Opulence and Fortuity grinning smugly. Diamond likewise gained a smirk on her face as she looked her over.

“I see you finally ditched the pearls,” Diamond noted. “Good to see you’ve come to your senses, Silver. You’ve got a lot to make up for, but I’m sure with time you can get back into my good graces.”

“I hope so, but first let me just apologize, Diamond,” Silver told her meekly.

“By all means, let’s hear your apology,” Diamond replied with a bit of a mocking giggle.

Silver took a look back at her father, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle who all stood wondering what was going to happen next. She then turned back to look at Diamond and sighed heavily.

“I’m sorry, Diamond Tiara,” she said. “I’m sorry I let you become this kind of pony.”

“I beg your pardon?” Diamond said, not grasping what Silver meant.

“If I were a better friend, I would have stood up to you more whenever you got the idea to mistreat others,” Silver explained. “I knew it wasn’t right, and if I were a better friend… if I were the kind of pony who really wanted to be there for you and help you… then I would have told you what we were doing wasn’t right… that we didn’t have to act like we were better than everyone else just because we were born into more wealthy families. I wouldn’t have let you get so carried away trying to make others look bad just so we could feel good.

“This is all my fault. If anyone could have stopped you from becoming who you are now it was me, and I was so concerned about losing your friendship that I just went along for the ride when the truth is a better friend would have tried to help you become a better pony.”

Silver turned to look back at Sweetie, then. “That’s what I’ve learned today. From Sweetie Belle, Twist, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. They’ve all come a long way and they did it together… helping each other out and keeping each other on the right track. They’re real friends, I see that now more clearly than ever. They are what we should have been, if only I had been strong enough to do what was right instead of what was easy.”

“Nopony tells me what to do, Silver Spoon,” Diamond told her with some contempt. “Least of all somepony who’s been nothing more than a stooge for me for so long.”

“Do you hear yourself?” Silver asked, her own ire starting to spark as an edge crept into her voice. “Do you have any notion of what you sound like? There was a time you wanted to shine brighter than anyone and represent something others could aspire to. Something great. Something exemplary. And what did you do instead? You used your station and money and prestige to make everyone else around you miserable! Instead of representing something others could strive to be, you repeatedly told everyone how they’d never measure up to you. You gossiped and backstabbed and even outright lied sometimes! And for what? Just to make yourself feel better and get a laugh out of others’ misery. And the worst part… the absolute worst part of it all… is that I stood by and not only let that all happen… I even helped. I was so scared of being on the receiving end of your wrath that I even let myself be fooled into thinking we really were better than everyone else. But now I know the truth.”

“And what truth is that?” Diamond asked, sounding both annoyed and exasperated at being lectured.

“That the real difference between us and them is we have some things they can’t afford, but they have some things that just can’t be bought,” Silver replied simply. “And they’re the wealthier ones for it, not us.”

“Oh puh-lease…” Diamond scoffed.

“When was the last time you were honest with anyone about anything?” Silver asked her rather pointedly. “Or shared a laugh with anyone that wasn’t utterly fake? Or helped someone while expecting nothing in return? Or showed even one shred of devotion to anyone other than yourself? You’d have to tell me, because I certainly don’t know. But despite all that, it’s not too late, Diamond.”

Silver’s tone changed, as did her expression. She was somewhat pleading with her now, hoping that maybe she could get through to her this one time and salvage whatever shred of friendship might still exist between the two of them.

“You can change things,” she told her. “It doesn’t have to be like this. We can make amends with them… with everyone. It took me all day, and I was pretty scared almost all day long, but I did it. And they all found it in their hearts to forgive me for everything I’ve done to them. I’m sure if you tried you could do it too. We can all be friends, Diamond.”

“And the stooge starts groveling again,” Fortunity quipped, getting a giggle from Opulence.

“Oh like you two are actually any better?” Silver said, quickly looking to the pair. “If anything you’re even worse for her than I ever was. I actually wanted her friendship! I still do! All you two want is to share her spotlight, leech off of her success, and give back nothing in return for it!”

“Bold words from a former stooge who’s admitted she’s-” Opulence started to say.

“Stop calling me a stooge, you arrogant, insignificant, self-serving twit!” Silver immediately shot back.

The next sound that rang out between them all was the sound of a slap as Diamond Tiara’s right forehoof connected with Silver’s cheek.

“How dare you talk to your betters in such an insolent manner, you little wretch!” Diamond shot at her. “Do you remember who controls the money? Who controls this town, even? We do! What we say goes! You learn your place again real quick, little filly, or so help me we will ruin you and your family! Why? Because we can! And it would be hilarious!”

Silver slowly looked back at Diamond, a hurt expression in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and raised her own right forehoof high. Diamond immediately braced herself for what she knew was coming and instead found herself shocked as Silver just put her foreleg around her and hugged her.

“I’m sorry,” Silver told her again. “I hope we can be friends again someday, Diamond. But I can’t do this anymore. I’ve learned where my place is.”

She let go of Diamond after the hug, trying to keep a brave face as she looked at her despite the tears that were starting to form in the corners of her eyes.

“And it isn’t with you,” she said. “Sweetie Belle? Daddy? Rarity? Let’s go. I think we all have a lot to talk about.”

Without a further word to Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon turned and simply walked away with Sweetie Belle next to her on one side and her father and Rarity on the other. She could hear the jeering and insults being flung at her by Diamond, Opulence, and Fortuity, but let them just wash over her without even the smallest retort.

“That took a lot of courage, Silver,” Art told her as they walked away. “I’m sorry about Diamond Tiara, but at the same time I couldn’t be more proud of you for how you handled yourself back there.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” Silver replied, looking up to smile for her father. “I’m glad for you and Rarity, by the way. It’s nice to see you happy again.”

Silver then turned her head to look forwards again, though the continued taunts from Diamond Tiara, Opulence, and Fortuity were tempting her to turn around.

“Sweetie, can you do me a favor?” she asked.

“Sure, what?” Sweetie asked.

“Just make sure I keep walking,” Silver told her, the tears finally starting to stream down her face. “And that I don’t look back.”

“Don’t worry, Sil,” Sweetie told her as she sidled up closer to her. “There isn’t anything back there worth looking at anyway.”

“So hang on,” Scootaloo said, still scratching her head. She, Apple Bloom, and Twist had joined Silver and Sweetie at Sugar Cube Corner that evening. Scootaloo directed her attention to Sweetie and Silver as she tried to get the situation straight. “If your sister is marrying your dad, what’s that gonna make you two?”

“Well technically, Rarity’s gonna be Silver’s stepmom,” Apple Bloom noted.

“Yeah, but Sweetie is Rarity’s sister, so that’d mean she’d he Thil-” Twist grumbled at the slip of her lisp again and tried again. “She’d be Silver’s… aunt?”

“Which makes no sense whatsoever,” Silver noted. “I’m three months older than Sweetie, after all.”

“Let’s just split the difference and go with sisters,” Sweetie said with a giggle. “Even if it isn’t all that accurate.”

“Hear hear,” Apple Bloom said, raising her mug of cider to the idea.

“Are you gonna be okay now, Silver?” Twist asked after likewise taking a sip of her own drink. “Diamond isn’t one to let things slide after all. She might make trouble for you.”

“She’s welcome to try,” Silver replied with a sigh. “I’m still going to hold out hope that someday she’ll come around, but I won’t let her run my life like I did for so long. Besides, you girls all have come as far as you have even after everything she’s said and done to you. If you can do it, so can I.”

“What about yer career, though?” Apple Bloom asked, putting her empty mug aside and wiping her face on her foreleg. Silver blanched a bit at that. Friends though they may now be, she was going to have to help Bloom work on her manners some. “Diamond Tiara’s gonna make things hard fer ya if’n ya still wanna be a food ‘n restaurant critic.”

“I already have a fairly good reputation with the publications that post my reviews,” Silver replied. “I’m pretty sure no matter what Diamond does, I’ll survive. I’m the one who knows what I’m talking about when it comes to quality food and restaurants after all, not her. Especially considering her tastes in food.”

“What do you mean by that?” Sweetie asked, honestly curious about that slip of information from Silver.

“I, uh… I really shouldn’t gossip about her like this,” Silver said, feeling suddenly very self-conscious. “I mean I was sorely tempted to let loose on her back there when she slapped me, but I convinced myself I wanted to be the better mare.”

“And we all really admire that, Sil,” Apple Bloom told her with a nod. “But all things considered, this’d just be between us all here. An’ Ah don’t know ‘bout anypony else, but Ah sure would like a lil’ extra dirt on her anyway.”

“I don’t know…” Silver said apprehensively. “It’s tempting, but I don’t know if I should compromise my morals just to give you all a laugh or two at her expense.”

Apple Bloom leaned over the table a bit, grinning. “Ah’ll deliver ya one ‘o Applejack’s prize-winnin’ pies in return.”

Silver rolled her eyes at the attempt of bribery. “Apple Bloom, really? A pie?”

“Every day fer a week.”

“...a whole week?”


“She puts ketchup on everything. Eggs, potato chips, carrot sticks, you name it. Turned my stomach every time she did it.”

“Seriously?!” Twist said in disgust as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom bust up laughing. Twist then looked at Sweetie and stuck her tongue out at her. “See? I can say it without lisping.”

“You certainly can, Twist,” Sweetie told her, then adding with a smirk, “Thometimeth.”

“Oh geez, that’s definitely worth a week ‘o pies,” Apple Bloom said when she finally calmed down from her riotous laughter. “Thanks, Sil!”

“You’re welcome,” Silver replied with a smile. “And… thank you all. For everything today. None of you owed me anything, least of all forgiveness for everything I was a part of with Diamond. I only wish it hadn’t taken this long for us to all become friends like this.”

“Well we’ll have your back from now on,” Scootaloo added with a grin. “And not just us, either. I told Rumble all about what happened and he definitely wants to hang out with you now too sometime.”

“When he ain’t busy fallin’ all over himself over you, that is,” Apple Bloom commented with a snicker. “Just how close did y’all get at the movie today anyway?”

“You heard about that?!” Scootaloo blurted out in embarrassment, her wings flapping a bit. She immediately attempted a recovery. “I mean, uh… yeah, whatever. It was no big deal. It was chilly in there, after all.”

“I’m sure it was,” Sweetie added with a nod. “But the fires of love will keep our Scoot warm!”

“I am not in love with Rumble!” Scootaloo protested.

“The filly doth protest too much, methinks,” Silver also added with an agreeing nod from Twist.

“AB, how’d you even find out about us at the theater?!” Scootaloo asked, wondering who had gossiped about them already.

“Ah didn’t,” AB replied simply.

“Huh? But wait, you said-”

“Ah asked ya how close y’all got. Ah didn’t say anyone told me. Least until you did just now.”

Scootaloo’s face blanked and her mouth stayed agape as she realized her gaffe. She sat back down grumbling. “Not funny, AB.”

“And we’re even again,” Apple Bloom told her with a grin.

Twist, Sweetie, and Silver all shared a laugh at Scootaloo’s expense, though even Scootaloo didn’t let it upset her very long. As she enjoyed the company of her new friends, Silver looked over a ways in Sugar Cube Corner to where her father and Rarity were seated with all of Rarity’s other friends around them congratulating them on their engagement. She hadn’t seen her father this happy in ages, and it absolutely warmed her heart. She reflexively touched her neck where her newly re-strung pearls hung once again and allowed herself a happy sigh. Kindness had helped her reclaim her life and get it back on track, and she was now resolved to pay that kindness forward however she could.

~ The End ~

Author's Note:

I'm working up a blog post to be the real Author's Notes for this story as well as give some insight to my life and my writing. Instead here, enjoy a bit of a teaser for what I have in store for everyone next. :)

= = = = = = = = = =

As if he didn’t have enough things troubling him on a day-to-day basis, Filthy Rich had this to contend with as well. He sat in his darkened personal office in his mansion late that night looking at an old photo of his family. It was from one of the few times they’d ever done anything together as a family. His wife, long since departed, looked as lovely and graceful as she ever had in the photo. And his daughter, Diamond Tiara, looked honestly happy as they’d had their day at the beach. They had gone incognito, trying to avoid unwanted attention due to their status. It hadn’t been a long trip, but it had been a good one. A fun one. A family one.

Now, however, things were much different. Diamond was much older than she had been in that photo, and the years might have been kind to her figure, but not to her attitude. Filthy sighed heavily as he sipped a nearby drink just thinking about it. He remembered a time in his youth when he was more than a bit of a braggart, but his daughter had maintained that mindset far longer than he ever had. She had little respect for anyone, and her mouth was becoming as foul as her personality was. At this point, however, there was no one who could get through to her with words. She just couldn’t be reasoned with. She had neither a sense of responsibility to nor a meaningful connection with anyone. And now he’d learned that she had completely cut ties with the one filly he’d thought she regarded as a friend. Not just that, she had openly and rather vociferously berated her in public.

Something had to be done. She had to understand her real place in the world. Her responsibility. And if she couldn’t be told as much, she would have to be made to understand. Filthy picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a number on it, waiting for someone to pick up on the other end. Sure enough, they did, though they sounded rather weary. It was rather late at night after all.

“Yes hello, this is Filthy Rich,” he told them. “Ah must apologize for the lateness of this call, but if you would indulge me for a moment, Ah do believe we need to talk. It’s about my daughter.”

Filthy paused as the other pony on the line spoke their mind a bit on the matter of Diamond Tiara. “...yes, Ah do agree, she is rather out of hoof at this point. Ah was hopin’ you might be willing to hear me out and do me a favor. Rest assured, Ah will certainly make it worth your while.”

Filthy chuckled lightly a bit at the response he received to his offer. “...heh, Ah should’ve expected you to say as much, but we can debate compensation another time.”

He listened again as they questioned him. “...why call you for this? Because to be honest, Ah can’t think of anypony more suited to teach my daughter the lessons she needs to learn. And besides, it is my firm belief that neither of our families would be where they are today if not for each other’s support.”

Filthy nodded as the other party on the line agreed with his sentiment. “ ...well Ah’m glad to hear you agree. Let’s not rush this, however. We should get together for lunch sometime soon and discuss what we’ll do and when.”

The other party made an offer that slightly surprised him, though delightfully so. “...dinner at your home? You are as hospitable as ever and Ah would be delighted. Thank you ever so much. Yes, Ah’ll see you soon.”

Filthy hung up the phone and then left his office to retire to bed for the night. The meeting was set, and the first step of his plan was now in motion. He hated that things had come to this, but Diamond wasn’t showing any signs of changing her ways on her own. If she wouldn’t change of her own accord, then he would see to catalyzing that change himself.

One way or another.

Comments ( 48 )

Bravo. :rainbowdetermined2:
Hope you make a sequel or something.

You definitely need to do a sequel to this! That was great!

Great story. Give yourself a pat on the back

ooooohhh! can't wait for the next story!

Excellant story :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::unsuresweetie: 9/10

Reads Author's Note, has only one thought: SEQUEL HOOK!!! :pinkiehappy:

He's totally sending her to the Apples. Maybe........ :ajbemused:


Now complete? :pinkiehappy: Clear my schedule! It's reading time!

4239789 The artist calls himself/herself "Rainbow". As far as I know, they only ever post their art on Russian forums and 4chan; nothing on deviantArt, Tumblr, etc. However, you can also find their stuff on Derpibooru.

Comment posted by DirePony deleted Apr 22nd, 2014

I greatly enjoyed this, and hope to see your followup/sequel soon. Should've added the 'romance' tag to this fic (though the ship wasn't what I'd have guessed).
Anyhow, GLHF and SilverBelles is best ship!

No lie, was a bit saddened when I saw the complete tag, but it was a nice ending, so I can't complain.

Looking forward to what you have in store for us in the future.

hi hi

Six out of seven, thats pretty good. That hug at the end was rather brilliant. Even when you've got every right to be cynical, sometimes you have to ask if you'd rather be cynical and right, or be hopeful with a chance of wrong.

Oh boy, that teaser for the sequel looks like it's gonna be good. I love the vibe that the scene had, like a reverse- supervillian whose actually one of the good guys, and if your skill with this one is any indication, the sequel will be quite a story. :pinkiehappy:

Look forward to the next story. I also noted that Filthy's accent started to reappear. I wonder if it was in response to who he was talking to.... :ajsmug:


I certainly enjoyed the story, it's been a long....long...long...you get the idea, time coming. And I'm glad to have had this story in my favs for as long as Ive had, it's been more than worth it. Gotta say that I'm looking forward to the sequel whenever it comes out. If you're sending her where I think you're sending her it'll be hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

“She puts ketchup on everything. Eggs, potato chips, carrot sticks, you name it. Turned my stomach every time she did it.”

GACK! :pinkiesick:

French Fries? Sure. Kraft Dinner? Hell yeah. But eggs, chips, carrot sticks? No bucking way.


Depends on how the eggs are prepared. Certain omelets and like scrambled eggs maybe. I've SEEN ketchup flavored potato chips before. Carrot sticks is odd but never tried it so I can't say if it would be gross or not.

Ketchup flavoured chips are the BEST. <3

But ketchup ON chips? Yes, I agree with ":pinkiesick:"

About the teaser:

As much as forgiveness and accord is enjoyable, I usually end up not liking most 'send someplace hard to learn how to be a better person' fics. Especially if they end up brushing all the problems these other places usually have completely under the rug, which can be downright insulting.

If Diamond Tiara is anything, it's stubborn. I'm still waiting for the story where it doesn't fully work, where she's mostly going through the motions until the punishment is over and she can return to level the full extent of her bitterness at the father who sent her away. That would be something, when the main thing she learns is you can't trust anypony, not even your 'father'.

4273825 And then we have this shit all over again.

4273825. Well let's think....

Rich says that if it wasn't for each others families, they wouldn't be where they are now.

Now add the backflash from family appreciation day......

It has to do with the Apples, most likley Applejack.

However, will it work is the question.

4276328. But that sounds exactly like Buddy from the Icredibles. Sooooo, would Diamond become a supervillan then?

Would the CMC become superheroes?

That's why I'm not looking forward to a sequel.

This was such a good read! I can't wait for your next story. Keep up the good work. :moustache:

I'd really like to see a story where Diamond tries to use Filthy's money to get revenge or carry out some malicious act and he just stops her dead and sends her to a reform school. The expression on her face - of everything she ever thought being true turning out to be a self-delusion - would be almost beyond words in its glory!

Very well done. Id like to see the wedding and see if DT tries to ruin it or not.

4278039 Okay, so Scootaloo called them both dictionaries, but Sweetie Belle was the first one to be called that. Got it.

>Read again
Too hard, I'll just take your word it

4276286 Ketchup Chips FTW. Sure, the powder stains your fingers for a couple of days, but nothing good comes without a price, amirite?

ok, if ur going to leave us on that kind of a note...ud better have a sequel planned!

4277600 Wish I could upvote this comment more than once

Thanks for the great read. A bit tame for my tastes, but worth the time nonetheless. May inspiration always be with you :twilightsmile:

Oh this is so going to drive me up the wall. I really want to know what Filthy has planned for his daughter. So nervouscited right now. :pinkiehappy:

(And on another note, I can't wait to see that Diamond gets what's coming to her). I don't mean to sound like a jerk...but she didn't learn or decided to help others and care for them, instead of just herself. (Sorry Diamond...but you had this coming to you for a long while). :ajsleepy:

Awesome story, I enjoyed it a lot :raritystarry:

Comment posted by whitemew deleted May 5th, 2014

Oh this was a great story :twilightsheepish: I can't wait to see more of how Silver's life turns around with this new found joy :twilightsmile: I hope through the next story we will get a little glimpse into silver's new life and family :raritystarry: You have earned a watcher well done, well done. :twilightsmile:

Excellent ending, and I am really looking forward to that sequel.

Comment posted by RandomBlank deleted Jul 16th, 2014

4890737 Here, dude, have a definition of "lisp".

This was perfect, just perfect. I love the way you ended this - the part with Diamond vs. Silver was just a good place for a story-twist, and sort of tempted me to think their would have been. But your writing always keeps me on the right track and never keeps be guessing... I know I could say more but I won't. Thanks so much for this, it was truly, truly worth my time. :twilightsmile:

I hereby humbly present my interest in a sequel, if you have the time, energy, and ideas.

Dude, you just replied to a comment that's 89 weeks old.

While I am saddened how Diamond repaid Silver's years of loyalty and kindness i really loved this fic. :twilightsmile:

I love How Silver and Sweetie are going to be family but OMG :twistnerd: BLEW MY MIND when she mentioned Silver would be sweetie's niece:pinkiegasp:
I mean HOLY DOG SH(:yay:)!

but I love the fic and hope there will be more. I think Silver is ready to take DT back as soon as she comes to her senses and apologizes. So keeping my fingers crossed and hoping there is something left of DT's soul to save:twilightsheepish:

“I’m sure it was,” Sweetie added with a nod. “But the fires of love will keep our Scoot warm!”

Perfect, just perfect :rainbowlaugh:

5525387 yeah, I realized the maths after posting the comment. :twilightblush: should have said something...

Finally sat down and re-read this after a period of several years...and I enjoyed it again.

Diamond Tiara nightmare collection.

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