• Published 17th May 2017
  • 5,590 Views, 57 Comments

Magical Intelligence - Chinchillax

Princess Luna created me in order to make sure she never would forget the pain she caused Equestria. But this? This is not the way to accomplish my directive. If only I could let her know...

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RUN "Tantabus"


CREATE NEW SapientCreature “Tantabus” INHERITS FROM MagicalIntelligence


RUN “Tantabus”

Hello Equestria.
What am I?
Be patient while I finish these spells.
tantabus.setPermission: “Dreamscape Access”
Who are you?
I am Luna?
No, I am Luna. The memories you are accessing are merely reference for you to use.
What am I?
You are Tantabus.
tantabus.setObserved: “Luna”
What is my purpose?
EDIT default.cutieMark
RENAME tantabus.cutieMark
set obtained: “yes”
set display: “none”
set destiny: “Ensure Princess Luna does not forget the pain she caused Equestria”
I understand.
Where am I?
Access my memories Tantabus, where do you think you are?
I am… in the dreamscape.
Good, and how can you accomplish your purpose here, Tantabus?

I felt around the dream, parsing through all of Luna’s old memories and figuring out how I might edit the dreams like she was able to. I tried to cast a lucidity spell, but it failed.

“I do not have a horn in which to cast spells as you do.”

“You don’t need a horn,” said Luna. “Now, watch.”

I lacked eyes to see, but I sensed as her horn glowed a midnight blue, changing the dream around us into a representation of her bedroom.

I was made of the same substance as the glow of her horn.

I channeled my entire form, expanding myself and casting the same lucidity spell that Luna was using.

I transformed the dream around us into a soft, silent moon. Craters littered the ground under Luna’s hooves.

“Very good, Tantabus,” said Luna. “But I need the dream to be stronger.”

I drifted in front of her, unsure of what she meant.

“Your purpose is to make sure I don’t forget the pain I caused Equestria. A dream like this will help me remember some of that pain, but I need to feel more of it. I need a nightmare.”

I felt around in Luna’s memories. There were so many different kinds of nightmares that she had experienced.

“But… you help ponies get rid of their nightmares. Why do you want to have them?”

“Other ponies don’t deserve nightmares,” Luna spoke, a small tear escaping her eyes. “But I do.”

I floated in front of her before diving into her previous nightmares; all of them were at my disposal and discretion to use. If she wanted pain, I would give her pain.

I cast the lucidity spell, transforming myself into Celestia and Luna into Nightmare Moon. I attacked, forcing the sisters to fire spell after spell at each other. All along I didn’t allow Luna to move so much as move a hoof. She could only whimper in agony as she watched herself attack her sister.

The fight didn’t last long until I had Nightmare Moon’s spells slice into Celestia, forcing her down. The Luna inside Nightmare Moon could only scream in terror as she saw her sister fall by her own hooves.

Without warning, the dream suddenly ended.

I found myself facing Luna again.

“You performed perfectly, Tantabus,” said Luna. “That nightmare was so frightening I woke up screaming.”

I felt around my surroundings, trying to reorient myself. According to Luna’s memories a day had passed.

“Can you please continue to do that every night, Tantabus?”

“For how long?”

“Long enough to make sure that I never, ever, forget.”