• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 16,400 Views, 182 Comments

The Rohan Chronicles: The Brand New Day - Bucking Nonsense

A chronicle of The Brand New Day, an event that causes the world of Equestria to merge with an MMORPG, and brings thousands, if not millions, of human players along for the ride.

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A Brief Interlude: Comparing Notes

Author's Note:

As you will likely deduce yourself, unlike other players, guildmaster text is always black.

**Shadowfax, Guildmaster of The Riders Of Rohan, has logged into the guildmasters only chat**
Shadowfax: I'm calling out to all guild leaders. I've got something unusual going on, and I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced something like this today.
**Wolfensteiner, Guildmaster of The Wolf Guard, has logged into the guildmasters only chat**
Wolfensteiner: I'm here. What's the situation, arf?
**UndefeatedOfTheEast, Guildmaster of The Defenders Of The Rising Sun, has logged into the guildmasters only chat**
UndefeatedOfTheEast: I'm intrigued, if it's something so strange that you're using the 'Neutral Ground' line, rather than the general chat.
**TerribleThunderLizard, Guildmaster of The Ancient Dragons Of Destruction, has logged into the guildmasters only chat**
TerribleThunderLizard: Present, and listening.
**MelonFudges, Guildmaster of The Joker Kings, has logged into the guildmasters only chat**
MelonFudges: You have my undivided attention.
**EatsYourFace, Guildmaster of The Crimson Viper Army, has logged into the guildmasters only chat**
EatsYourFace: ...Shoot.
Shadowfax: I saw an NPC getting hounded by a monster mob. They were all level 5's, so I stepped in, and... well, you know how that song and dance goes. Anyways, the NPC was at one hp, so I dropped a healing potion. I meant it to be a regular one, but I dropped a top tier one instead. The NPC picked it up and used it, and recovered. Then, to my surprise, I got an invite from the NPC to join my guild!
Wolfensteiner: Whoa. Really, arf?
Shadowfax: Yes, really. I clicked yes, and she's been added to the roster. She's wearing the guild cape and everything. I'd screenshot it and show it, but that's not working today. I tried to shoot a message to the admins, but that's not working, either. I think it's part of the April Fool's event, but I don't know if it's a unique thing, or if there are events like this everywhere.
EatsYourFace: Nobody has reported anything like that to me, but I will admit, NPC behavior is weird today. Nothing I can put a finger on, but just a sort of overall weirdness in general. It's all quiet here in 'Manehatten'. I'm thinking it's the event, too.
UndefeatedOfTheEast: I don't have anything that weird to report, but me and mine are in a town, not out and about. I've heard some folks on the general chat in the area, here in Van Hoover, and they're saying that there are no monsters in the area. This used to be beast central, with guys in the 60 and above level, but today there's nothing.
TerribleThunderLizard: I found a kid, or filly, I guess, getting chased by a bunch of weird electric insects out in the field. I took care of them pretty easily, and while the little lady didn't offer to join my guild, I did get a hug out of it, and a quest update telling me to follow her home. I escorted her to Las Pegasus, and when we arrived, I received a message indicating I was invited to go on a picnic with the kid and her parents. I'm there now. It is a pretty quaint scene, although my guildmates hopping around all over the place kinda spoils the picture.
Wolfensteiner: I just got on, but my guys are telling me that that NPCs were avoiding them when they first arrived, here in Appleloosa. I'm wondering if it's because they're in wolf-form, arf?
MelonFudges: I'm here in the hub city, currently called Canterlot. My mates and I decided to barge into the big castle here, and play around in the throne room, where two big ponies with wings and horns were holding court. Weirdest thing: When it became clear we weren't leaving, the seemed to decide to close shop, and everyone left. Although, the big white pony came back a few minutes later, and is sitting down and eating cake, watching us hold an epic dance party. There's like five other guilds in here with us, and everybody is dancing. Gotta tell you, The Renegades Of Funk guild lives up to the name. I wish we had screenshots right now: This is shaping up to be the single biggest dance mob in the history of the game!
Shadowfax: Okay. Noted. Thanks, everyone. If there's any new developments, I'll let you know. Please do likewise?
TerribleThunderLizard: Deal.
MelonFudges: Fair enough.
Wolfensteiner: Of course, arf!
UndefeatedOfTheEast: Hai!
EatsYourFace: ...Agreed.
Wolfensteiner: ...Man, I really hate how the game adds barks, woofs, and arfs to chat when I'm in wolf form, woof.
MelonFudges: You could just change out when you need to chat.
Wolfensteiner: Now you're just talking crazy, arf.
Shadowfax: On an unrelated note, has anyone heard from TheLionOfTheNorth?
EatsYourFace: He's logged in, but he's not answering any pm's right now. Why do you ask?
Shadowfax: He'd wanted to talk about a joint guild raid with us and The Ancient Dragons Of Destruction. He wanted our help to take down the one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater.
EatsYourFace: You mean The Unmaker? The Seven Starred Raid Boss? The one that most people call The Guild Eater?
Shadowfax: Yeah. Terrible and Lion wanted to take the guy down, and since me and mine are the first guild to have succeeded in doing so...
EatsYourFace: You and your PVE buddies. If you want a real challenge, PVP is the best place to be.
Shadowfax: Do a raid against the The Unmaker, and then tell me that there's no challenge to it. Heck, you can check out the video we made of it on youtube: 80 million views and counting. Took two hours, but we did it, and we got the legendary item out of it, no less. Well, I did, anyways: I offered, but nobody in the guild was willing to take it, even after the second time. I ended up with two identical legendaries... which is pretty cool, but if we go after him again, somebody is going to have to take it, because I can't wield three.
EatsYourFace: ...Epic loot aside, I'll never understand how you losers can have so much fun doing that stuff: What fun is there in defeating someone who isn't real? At least when I shank a scrub, I have the satisfaction of proving that I'm better than a live person, not a combination of ones and zeroes...