• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2019

The Princess Rarity

Quirky teenage girl who writes about cartoons & has an obsession with sparkly things & cute dorks. Goes through life following by Dr. Seuss's wise words; "You have to be odd to be number one."


Octavia is given a series of cassette tapes, rolling her through the times that she & Vinyl spent together. The most surprising thing of it all, though? Vinyl hasn’t talked in years. To hear her marefriend’s voice, recollecting everything they’ve done together, Octavia is taken on an emotional rollercoaster.

There are eight tapes, each with their own story. Feel free to listen along - and hear the true ending. The one that wasn't recorded. These stories are about unexpected events, music, loss, and most importantly, love.

alt tag: Bittersweet.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 33 )

Left a like and a favorite. keep the horse words going.

Hello Tavi
This is me on this tape
And I wish I could see now
How your mouth stands agape
I know it has been long,
Far too long for me, too
So I sent you some tapes
Telling you what to do

Hello Tavi
Now I know you’re confused
But just put on your bowtie
There’s nothing to lose
This day’s just for us
And though we are apart
Through my voice we’re together
You just have to start

Now go head on out
To Ponyville Square
Your goal is the journey
Not getting somewhere
You got places to be
I got stories to share
And I hope that you'll see
Just why you are my mare

I told you I would write a song for each chapter. Yes, I am crazy and no, you can't stop me. :moustache:
P.S.: To be imagined to mellow swing music. The future ones may be similar or to different music, depending on the chapters.

6291087 Well, spoiler alert, but Chapter Three is full of awesome music - a mini soundtrack if you will. Your song is amazing, by the way! :heart: Squee! Thank you!

I have the strangest feeling this story is making its way into the feature box. . . .

>0 dislikes
>in 57 bookshelves
>published today

Yup, feature box material.

I have deja vu but I can't find the play button

This is a great start! I'm excited for the rest of the story.

Color me interested.

36 votes and, out of those, a 100% like percentage?


EDIT: I just checked, and you're already in the Popular Stories sidebar! :pinkiehappy:


Not saying much. A story only needs four votes to get into the Popular list these days and about thirty (while it's still on the front page) to get featured.

Toni... you had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.

I'm hoping for a reconnect between the two of them.

So... Vinyl wants to propose?

Either A)Scratch is Dead/Dying or B)She can't speak any more and these were recorded with magic/editing. My theory at least.

Yep. I'm hoping for a reconnection too. Especially if the ending is something we are all going to like.


these days

>implying this was ever different


It was. Used to be ten for the Popular list.

Great chapter, I'm excited for the next one!

Knowing you, Toni, this is all building up something adorable.

Oh please tell me this won't end with a sad ending

This sounds like a really good story so far. Keep up the good work.

Hello Tavi
Let’s move on to track two
Have a milkshake
I’ve got something for you
It’s the same old
Unoriginal spot
Where I first realized
That I like you a lot

Hello Tavi
We’re two sides of a coin
Polar opposites
That just can’t help but join
With each other in song
From the napkins we wrote on…
Played in musical bliss…

And then we had our first kiss.

Enjoy your dessert
Here at this special place
Down at Sugarcube Corner
Where a Pie meets the Cakes
You got places to be
I got stories to shaaaa-a-are

And I hope that you'll see
Just why you are my mare

(I can't believe I forgot to Fave this story. Anyway, here's chapter two. How's chapter three coming along on your side? You know I have one or two songs you could use. :trixieshiftright:)

(personal rant incoming NOT ABOUT STORY! THAT WAS AWESOME)

It sounds really crazy but this is almost how my life has been. I once knew someone who was really amazing. And we did everything together. Some years past as we lost contact. And at some point i got a package in my mailbox. And literally exactly what you wrote happend. (well kinda. It was basically a go here. Do this, and end up at the airport. And we were reunited. So this actually hits home pretty good. So, the point??

IF YOU KILL ANYONE OFF OR IT TURNS OUT SHES BEEN DEAD FOR YEARS AND THIS WAS PLANNED YEARS AGO I WILL TRACK YOU DOWN AND MAKE YOU WATCH BAD MUSIC VIDEOS FOR 56 HOURS STRAIGHT......done now. But yeah i like the story and cant wait to see it end on a HAPPY note...eh? I hope when i read that tag that said “bittersweet” it simply meant the concept.....which it is....choose your words carefully my friend. :scootangel:

Awesome story and along with 2007wasprettynice, don't make Vinyl dead years ahead and this be a surprise planned YEARS in advance...plz? It'd be sad to think that

Anyways, keep it up!

6295345 oh glob...that'd be ADORABLE!! :pinkiehappy:

I am loving this so far! Looking forward to the next installment. You're very talented at writing. Especially the pacing - it's not rushed, and it doesn't drag on needlessly either. Kudos!



Please continue this story...I wanna know what happens!

~sigh... sounds like vinyl got sick.. and is either dead, or will be soon as she got sick and this is all leading up to telling octavia about it. p.s. this is just speculation.

Yes, please continue writing this. I love any OctaScratch story, but this one has me on the edge of my seat. +1 and fave.

How long until the next chapters come out I can't wait until they come out

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