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"You're so vanilla!" "You're like the Fairy Bread of Australia!" Anonpencil - 2019


Gamindustri is a land ruled by four Goddesses. And when one in particular finds herself in a rather unique yet familiar predicament, well, that's where our story starts.

Neptune - You call that a description? Lameo!

Nep... you get run of my story, at least leave this alone...

Neptune - Hmm, nah! Okay kiddes, here's the dealeo! I get jumped by a crazy old lady and get zapped into a land of cute little horsies and can talk and fly and use some mad skillz. And I get stuck as one of 'em, crazy right? Aaaanywho, I meet a very Noire-like pony and she's like some sorta queen or something. And I still gotta find a way home and stuff.

Nep, that was the absolute worst description ever.

Okay, what she said was pretty much the gist of it. Neptune finds herself in Equestria. She's lost her powers... again. And a way home isn't so clear-cut. And she's not the only one there either. Will our cute pastel ponies be able to survive this?

I have faith... that they will not.

This is a crossover with the Hyperdimension Neptunia series.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 73 )

You, my friend, have earned a favorite and some freaky alien lemonade.

For once, me and the troll god are in agreement. Grab a glass!

Oooh, finally a Neptunia crossover! :pinkiesmile:

And as usual, Nep loves to break the fourth wall. :rainbowlaugh:

6265581 - I know! I can't believe that there aren't any. Well, now there is~

6265574 ah thank you, was wanting to research it so I can know more about Neptune

Aus, I have no idea what the fuck I just read, but I like it.

6266590 - If you have no idea what's going on. Then I'm doing it right~

6266643 I can tell. I will never understand the art of writing as such it will confuse the reader to the point I was at.

6266935 - Then you have never played a Nep game.

This is fun. No idea who these characters are but you're writing them well enough that we don't really have to.
Curious: what has Pirachu turned into? I didn't see his description....
Keep going! ;)

6277039 _ Hit up the wiki link I provided in the description. Pirachu is basically a foul-mouthed Pikachu ripoff with a thing for moe girls.

6277237 oh, I meant more his in-Equestria form, since we got an earth long, a changeling (Queen), and a ???.

Interesting, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this. Might wanna skim thorough, check your syntax, and I think there was one spot where one 'paragraph' could be affixed to the previous, leading in with an ellipsis. You definitely have Nep down.

Based off the main series and not the Rebirth remakes, I take it?

6330079 - Yuppers. I haven't played ReBirth, so I'm using what I have played.

A Neptune/MLP crossover, huh? This has to be the best thing in the history of EVER!:pinkiehappy:

Seriously though, You have to love Neptune and the power she has over the fourth wall. She is just so darn cute!:heart:

Can't to see more of this. Up-vote and faved.

6402740 - I can't wait to write more. But I co-write this with my little bro, and we've both been super busy with work lately. Hopefully we can start the next chapter soon.

finally i can get my fix of nep here!
any eta on an update for this ? its pure gold so far:pinkiehappy:

6678317 - It's great huh? I'm co-writing this with my lil' bro, so only when he has time can we write it.

I've had those hyperdimension neptunia games in my closet for almost a year now and haven't played them. Maybe I should try it out.

6689373 - You should. They are amazing games. Pinkie breaks the 4th wall? Neptune ignores it utterly.

Later comes a chapter where Neptune goes to a parallel dimension, meets a glasses-wearing girl with low self-esteem, and then has to save both worlds from certain destruction since the other girl goes off the deep end and starts thinking with portals. And who might this other girl be, you may ask? Why, none other than Midryght Sparklerei, of course... that doesn't seem right for some reason...
Oh well, as long as Neptune draws comparisons to her friends, sign me up (I bet she'll compare Fluttershy to Blanc at some point)!

Tell me, are you a lonely tsundere with an anal work ethic and have a thing for cosplay?

:twilightoops: I-I'm not a tsundere! ...baka...

Last time this happened. I found a Mini Histy to contact my Histy that was in another dimension.

I think that period should be a comma...

Okay, and our R4 friend is now a Changeling... makes sense, given the whole 'copy' theme...

I Really Liked This Chapter And This Fan-Fic so far... But No-Rudeness I Felt The Character's Are Just Not The Same... I Know Nep-Nep Loves Her 4th Wall Breaks But She Doesn't Do It That Much... i feel as if you gave her a bit of Plutia... Also Histy Wayyyy To Evil.... She Needs To Learn To Understand The Nep...

I Can't Wait To See More Of This But I Recomend You And Your Lil'Bro Do A Run Though Of HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 before proceeding with the fic... because like i said earlyer Nep-Nep Didn't Feel Like Nep-Nep.... she was a strange nep to the nep-nep i've come to love...

Prehaps I Should Do Another Run Though Of HyperDimension Neptunia Re;birth 1 again with my lvl 999's/Best Gear...

Again No Rudeness Intended with what i said it's just my thoughts on what i saw in the chapter.... can't wait to see more of it... don't know why but i get the strangest feeling that a certain Plutie Will be coming in later....

We really need more of this....also i cant stop my wondering over what would happen if Iris Heart(not Plutia) ended up in equestria

This story... I love it!!!!
REALLY can't wait for the next chapter!!!!

This is literally the only neptunia crossover on this site. I need this man!

You, sir, are my hero! Nailed the Nep, and everything else. Have a fav, and a like, and my hopes that this will continue soon

7454682 - I hope so as well. I've been playing the new Nep games on the PS4 and PSV, so hopefully that'll reignite my spark to write this.

Why is this the only Hyperdimension story on this website, and why hasn't it been updated in two years?:raritydespair:

This needs to be rectified! There will be more even if I have to write some myself!

But nevertheless, I must say, you seem to have a good grasp of Neptune as a Character, maybe you should have another look at this, I find it helps if you consider where you want the story to go.

pleaseee pretty please, continue this soon... please ?:fluttercry:

7902409 7912291

Honestly, if i had inspiration and wasn't wallowing in depression, I'd love to continue this...

7913654 Oh sorry to hear that, I didn't know...

In that case, I hope that your road to recovery is swift and pleasant:twilightsmile:

I may not know you personally, but I'm rooting for you.

7913717 - Thanks man. If it helps, Chapter Two is at least started.

7913729 Great to know, I hope by the time I see that update you are in a happier place in your life.:pinkiesmile:

man that sucks.
i hope you get well soon

An update!!! This is amazing! Keep it up.

8106206 - Hopefully it won't be TWO FRIGGEN YEARS before I update again

Well this just made my day, excellent chapter bud.

Sweet! More of the Hyperdimension to grace Fimfiction, knew it was worth tracking this!

Although I kind of hope someone can start believing in Neptune soon, I wanna see their reactions to her goddess form.:ajsmug:

Ah.... but seriously, thanks for updating. I was thinking this was dead.
Thank goodness it wasn't!
Love the chapter and all it's Nepness glory. Can't wait for the next chapter!

8106297 You think in the pony world her HDD will turn her into an alicorn?

This story lives? Awesome, more Nep shenanigans for me to read! :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

Great to see the only (that I know of) Neptune story on fimfiction is actually updated! Hope we see the next chapter in 1.5 years!:rainbowwild:

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