• Published 20th Feb 2017
  • 663 Views, 20 Comments

How Rarity fell in love with a Flying Purple Hippo - Thought Prism

In which Rarity falls in love with a flying purple hippo.

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<< {3} >>

The rest of the day flew by, every moment I spent away from my paramour stripped of that intangible joy I didn’t know I needed. I reluctantly parted with Phelddagrif back at the castle, allowing Twilight to take over. Borrowing the materials in her study, I left her a note stating what had happened at the spa, and our intentions for the next day, in case Phelddagrif failed to tell her himself. Phelddagrif had agreed to meet me in the afternoon so I could tailor his suit, and we would then proceed in a serendipitous manner from there.

Then, along with the others – save Pinkie Pie – I returned to my place of business to tend to my responsibilities. It was a weekday, after all, and couture waited for no pony. The pointlessness of my note was confirmed almost immediately, as the first customer to enter after I opened asked if it was true that I was dating Phelddagrif.

When I sighed reluctantly and confirmed that, yes, we were going to try for a relationship, the mare immediately dashed back out to inform the whole town.

Needless to say, I didn’t get much actual business in the next hour.

So, I closed up early, shooing the gossips out. I tried to get some actual work done, but found I couldn’t focus on anything save the day’s events, and thus turned in for the evening.

* * *

My mental preoccupations refused to fade the next morning. I suppose that’s as much a sign as anything. At the same time, I knew that the decision I made yesterday to would likely impact my businesses. Actually, it already had. But if this worked out, closing down a boutique or two might very well be worth it.

This was no mere crush. My affections towards the likes of Blueblood and Trenderhoof had both been based on what I had imagined them to be, not on who they were. But this was different. Phelddagrif was different. What little I already knew about the prince was through first-hoof experience. Oh, how I yearn for more time we can share.

Thoughts such as these reared themselves repeatedly as I went about freshening up. In all likelihood, I spent much more time preparing my mane this morning than was usually necessary. I worried nothing I did would be enough. Why, if Spike were here, he’d probably say I was acting like Twilight, fussing over some insignificant failing nopony else would care about.

Staring at the pristine reflection I cast onto my vanity mirror, I took a deep breath. While the demure, shy look worked for some – Fluttershy comes to mind – I needed to be confident, trust in myself. Default Rarity was more than enough, I merely needed to rise to the occasion.

Now, the last remnants of doubt having faded from my eyes, I cantered off to face the day. And, hopefully, my special somehippo.

The first thing I did was give the boutique a bit of light cleaning. Wiping the windows, dusting the shelves, that sort of thing. It was a bit early in the week, and the place didn't really need tidying up quite yet, but I had a royal guest to impress. Next, I preemptively began gathering the materials for Phelddagrif's suit, and piling them onto my workbench. Of course, it wouldn't do to make any final decisions regarding color until he was present, but trotting back and forth from my storeroom with bolts of fabric would be a touch awkward. That, and I would be making a rather simple garment, at least compared to my usual.

Since Phelddagrif was already an exceptional sight, I was thinking I'd just go with the mainstay Canterlot style for his suit. That called for wool for the jacket and cotton for the undershirt. Oh, plus some silk for the tie; custom-made given his wide neck and all. Walking over to the shelves in question, I pulled out a few options for each.

Now that I was thoroughly 'in the zone', I made sure to tackle some of the other outstanding orders before I found myself unable to pry my mind away from another inward spiral of longing. Nevertheless, It wouldn't do to lose a creative breakthrough either, which left the garment repair orders. Blossomforth had brought in one of her old dresses the other day, having unfortunately been wearing it as she was scratched heavily by her cousin's enthusiastic cat.

Opal, though, acted as polite company as I worked. The commotion regarding the prince also seemed to have died down, as business was usual. I was still quite excited for the afternoon, of course, but I didn't show it, and made sure to provide my customers with my full attention. After all, everything had to be chic, unique, and mignifique.

It was after my lunch break when the anticipation truly began to build, an ever-present tug at the back of my mind. The tea wasn't doing me any favors either; I probably should have gone with herbal. Prince Phelddagrif was coming over to my boutique! For a suit, and then, a date! Was this the sort of feeling Pinkie coined the term 'nervouscited' to describe?

And then, suddenly, it was time. The sound of heavy steps coupled with a flash of purple through the window alerted me to Phelddagrif's arrival, and I was already making my way over to the door when he knocked a few times.

“Rarity?” Phelddagrif inquired.

“Coming~!” I replied.

The bell above the door chimed as I pulled it open with my magic. Phelddagrif filled the entire frame, a dashing smile on his face. I could already feel the heat rushing into mine.

"Good afternoon, Rarity," he said. "May I?"

"Of course; come in, come in. Would you like some tea?" I asked, stepping to the side.

Phelddagrif waved a hoof in polite dismissal as he entered. "No, thank you. How's your day been?"

"Oh, a little of this, a little of that." I gestured to my establishment. "What do you think?"

His smile brightened. "It's lovely. Though not as lovely as you, my dear."

I barely managed to suppress a chortle, hiding my silly grin with a hoof. "You really are new at this, aren't you?"

He blushed. "There's a first time for everything. I thought that was the appropriate thing to say..."

"I'm not saying I didn't appreciate the complement, darling. It was a bit cliché, though."

Phelddagrif smirked. "Ah, but don't clichés become such because they merit repeated use?"

"Touché." I smiled and shook my head. "Well, come on now, let's get started on your suit."

I ushered him over to the platform I usually stood ponies on when taking their measurements only to realize that he was simply too big to fit. "Hmm. Let's just slide this out of the way."

Once there was room, Phelddagrif moved to stand in front of the three-fold mirror. "So, how has your day been going?"

Levitating over my tape measure, I was thankful for the opportunity to make small talk. The less civilized portion of my brain would likely require distracting. "Well, it was fairly average compared to yesterday, at least before you walked in, darling. Can you believe this town? Not ten minutes passed before inquiries regarding our private lives graced my doorstep."

"Such is one of the many perils that comes with associating oneself to royalty," he said, chuckling.

As we conversed, I jotted down Phelddagrif's proportions into my notepad as he stood, still and unfazed. "Don't I know it. You would not believe how many letters I've gotten from acquaintances asking for some favor or other involving Twilight. How is she treating you, by the way?"

"She is... quite enthusiastic about her work. Pinkie as well, though in a much more literal sense. Princess Twilight would make an excellent teacher. Why, I believe I've learned more about ponies just this morning than every day previous put together!"

"Haha, yes, that does sound like her. And she actually does have a student. Maybe Twilight can introduce you later."

"That would be nice. Though enough about her; you're the mare of the hour." This statement was accompanied by a sly smile.

I rolled my eyes, along with my tape measure now that I was finished with it. "Nonsense, dear prince. This is our day." I then punctuated my statement with a quick peck to his cheek, stunning him to silence.

Getting back to business, I hovered over the fabrics I proffered earlier. I draped them over his back in various arrangements, checking to see how they looked against his skin. "Now that I'm seeing it, I don't think either chestnut or emerald quite work. Are you alright with charcoal?"

"Whatever you think is best. You're the expert. And the one who's going to be looking at it once it's done."

"True." It didn't hurt that I had also been hoping he'd say something to that effect. He would look stunning in a dapper black. Spike will surely get jealous.

And so I got to work assembling the suit piece by piece. Phelddagrif was impressed by my ability to precisely maneuver the various tools with my magic, and we continued to flirt a bit as the garment came together. Since I obviously didn't have a hippo-shaped form, I stitched it together directly onto his body, playfully chiding him whenever he tried to peek in the mirror. After about an hour of delicate labor, it was finished.

I stepped back, wearing a satisfied smile. "Well? What do you think?"

Phelddagrif shifted to admire my latest masterpiece. The smooth contours of the jacket seemed to steal just as much breath as light, and he gasped in wonder. The light green undershirt matched his wings, the sharp collar popping in contrast to his rounded physique. It was held in place by a sleek bow tie, also black, and covered about a third of his body. Inky Rose would approve if it weren't for the shirt, but Phelddagrif seemed enraptured, which was the important thing.

"I... don't know what to say. Rarity, this is perhaps one of the finest garments - nay, finest gifts - I have ever received."

"All you have to say is thank you."

He laughed that deep, booming laugh of his. "Then thank you. Truly. But, as they say, the night is still young. Where were you planning on taking me this evening?"

I immediately blanched. I hadn't thought that far ahead! Why oh why hadn't I thought that far ahead? I managed to maintain my composure, save for perhaps a stray bead of sweat. Off in the corner, Opal meowed, sensing my discomfort.

Think, Rarity, think! Where to take the prince of a foreign nation out on a date? Ideally, I’d take him out to a fine dining establishment for dinner, one with a suitable amount of romantic ambiance, but there aren’t exactly many of those around here. The only city close enough to reach from Ponyville on short notice is Canterlot, but all the restaurants there are terrible, except for—

My eyes widened in realization. That was where I’d heard Phelddagrif's accent before: the Tasty Treat! Saffron and her father must have been from the same area as Hippopolis, if not the nation itself, which implies the exotic cuisine they serve is actually Hippopolan. It was perfect!

"I know just the place, darling," I said, brimming with newfound enthusiasm. "But first, you must excuse me as I get ready. As you can see, I'm woefully underdressed."

"And whose fault is that?" Phelddagrif winked. "But yes, I shall wait down here."

"Good, I'll just be a few minutes." I caressed his chin with a hoof, leaving Phelddagrif with a wink of my own as I sauntered upstairs to my room, and my armoire.

It didn't take long to find the right outfit once I realized it would be cute to wear matching colors. Using my magic, I slipped on a short, ebony dress with lines of faceted jade running down each side, followed by a matching necklace and shoes.

The sound of my hooves on the stairs heralded my return, and Phelddagrif turned away from the ponnequins he was examining to look. His jaw immediately unhinged itself.

I posed dramatically. "How do I look?"

It took him a bit to remember he could speak. I simply loved it when ponies were stunned speechless by my presence. Hippos too. "Marvelous," he said.

I beamed at the praise. "Flattery will get you everywhere."

As he blushed some more, I led Phelddagrif outside. "So, how do you feel about spending the evening in Canterlot?" I asked, gesturing to the gleaming city on the mountain in the distance.

"Oh! Yes, that would be lovely," he said. Then, he spread his enormous wings. "May I fly us there?"

I waved that idea off. "Pish posh. You flew halfway around the world yesterday, and I won't be responsible for straining you any further. No, we'll take the train."

"You mean that steaming vehicle that runs on metal rails?"

I nodded. "The very same. It will be far more relaxing anyway."

With that, I led Phelddagrif over to the train station, only drawing the attention of about half the town along the way. Phelddagrif insisted on paying for our tickets once he realized they cost money, which was a kind gesture, before realizing that he had no bits. Hippopolis apparently used these little green jewels called rupees instead.

During the ride, Phelddagrif acquiesced that, yes, it was much more comfortable than flight would have been, especially once I nuzzled myself against his flank. There really is nothing quite like watching the hills roll by in the company of one dear to you.

Phelddagrif was suitably awestruck once we arrived, his eyes bouncing from one gilded tower to the next as we set out on a stroll. While not magical in the literal sense like the Everfree Forest, Canterlot had an aura about it that make it seem that way, and this selfsame aura had me in its clutches from the first time I set hoof there. Now though, that feeling was smothered beneath my fluttering heart.

Soon, we came to the famed restaurant row. A few still bore the tacky and tasteless qualities necessary for Zesty's approval, but most had thankfully started producing quality food since the last time I had been here. The smells permeating the air were enticing, and I couldn't stop my stomach from rumbling.

Phelddagrif heard this and chuckled. "Somepony's hungry."

I raised my eyebrow playfully, nudging him in the side. "You're one to talk, given how you probably eat ten times as much as the average pony."

He feigned a shocked gasp in response, holding a hoof to his heart. "Are you calling me fat?"

"I said nothing of the sort! It's unbelievable you would even think I'd imply such a thing!"

"I know, I know. I was merely teasing," said Phelddagrif. He then surprised me with a kiss on the muzzle, and my nose scrunched up on reflex. He saw this and smiled. "You are adorable."

Adorable? That's not true! Elegant and beautiful, yes, but adorable? I tried to correct him, but all I could manage was a blush and some stuttering. However, I didn't have to stew in embarrassment for very long, as we had reached the short alley which led to the Tasty Treat.

Phelddagrif sniffed at the air, and his eyes widened. "Is that...?"

Instead of confirming his suspicions directly, I trotted over and pulled the door open. Inside, the restaurant was bustling, with ponies of all stripes enjoying the fragrant cuisine amidst the vibrant ribbons of color.

My date was soaking it all in, amazed. "Rarity, this is a Hippopolan restaurant! I can't believe it!"

"I know, right? I didn't even realize it myself until I connected the dots back in Ponyville."

That was when, before either of us could say anything else, I spotted Coriander Cumin walking out of the kitchen towards us. He noticed Phelddagrif almost immediately, and froze in shock, the bowl he was holding clattering to the floor with a splash.

"Oh goodness, are you alright Mr. Cumin?" I asked, already galloping over to his aid.

Thankfully, he seemed unharmed aside from a bout of hitched breathing. Hearing the commotion, Saffron emerged from the back as well. "Father, what's—" she began, only to also lock eyes with the hippo in the room.

Phelddagrif stepped up beside me. "I'm sorry, it appears that my presence has startled him."

Saffron blinked in astonishment. "Are you...?"

"P-Prince Phelddagrif!" Coriander suddenly exclaimed, dropping into a deep bow. "You h-honor us with your presence! What are you doing here in Canterlot?"

"If you know who I am, sir, then you should also know that bowing to me is not necessary," Phelddagrif said. "To answer your question, I am here on a diplomatic visit. But, at the moment, we would like to eat."

Coriander rose on shaky legs. "O-Of course. Are you eating alone?"

I coughed politely and waved. "We will be dining together this evening."

Both unicorns turned to me, having completely missed my arrival until that moment. Saffron's eye's lit up. "Oh, Miss Rarity! How good it is to see you again! Were you assigned to escort the prince?"

I smiled wide. This was going to be good. "Actually, I'm his date."

Saffron's jaw dropped.

"It is really such a surprise?" quipped Phelddagrif.

Saffron made a show of pondering that for a bit. "No, not really. From what I know of her, Rarity is quite the catch. She helped save our restaurant, in fact."

"Really?" Phelddagrif asked.

"It's true!" said Saffron. "Actually, I think it's only fair that your meal be on the house."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," I said.

"It's fine, really," she insisted.

Since it would be impolite to object further, I allowed the still-nervous Coriander to seat us on the promise of a free meal. When I inquired as to the cause of his disposition, he told me that he was, as a matter of fact, half hippo on his mother's side and was told many stories of the prince's good deeds in his foalhood.

As we seated ourselves, I smirked across the table. "Wow, Phelddagrif. It seems your exploits are famed the world over."

"So they are. Though when I return, I suspect the same will be true for you."

"Going to regale your subjects with accounts of my beauty and grace, are you? Being recognized as an artist is one thing, but I'm still not quite used to all the hero worship. That's more Rainbow's department."

Phelddagrif paused to stare at me, taking me in as he thought. "Perhaps you should. Get used to it, that is."

"Are you sure you won't become envious if that happens?" I asked, flipping my mane.

Phelddagrif blinked. "A good point. Never mind, I take it back. I may be generous, but sharing you? I couldn't, you're simply too magnificent."

He wanted me all to himself? That was... unf. How romantic! I didn't have a mirror to check, but I must have looked incredibly flustered.

Now he was resting his elbows on the table, grinning mischievously. Quickly, Rarity, change the subject! "So, um, how is Suraj doing? Has he gotten settled in with Twilight and Spike yet?"

My question obviously caught him by surprise. "Ah, yes, I believe he has. Yes, quite settled."

Hmm. Well, I just succeeded in killing the mood. Better than stewing in my own affections for too long, though. Everything in moderation. "Good to hear. Say, I was wondering, how—"

"Sorry to interrupt, but your food is ready!" exclaimed Coriander, carrying a tray on his back. "Today's special is biryani; we made a triple portion for you, Prince Phelddagrif."

His face lit up. "Biryani? That's my favorite!"

"Glad to hear it. Enjoy!" Coriander then set the plates down and retreated into the kitchen.

Phelddagrif's mouth watered as he sized up the food. It did look scrumptious, with vegetable dumplings and cashews mixed into spiced rice. "Oh, I'm sorry, Rarity, what were you about to ask?"

"Oh, it wasn't important, darling. Let's just eat before it gets cold."

And eat we did. Since they didn't use silverware here, I just levitated the bite sized portions directly. It tasted even better than it looked. Phelddagrif, meanwhile, grabbed the edge of his plate with his wings and tipped it into his mouth, barely chewing between bites. It was cute, watching him eat with such gusto.

Once we had finished, I was feeling a bit frisky. Maybe it was all the compliments earlier, the warm spices in my core, or some combination of the two. Regardless, in that moment, I knew I needed to show my prince exactly how much I cared.

So, with lidded eyes, I reached my hooves across the table and pulled him into a deep kiss, which he did not hesitate in returning. He tasted of clean earth and more spices. When our mouths separated, it was with reluctance on both ends. My heart felt like it was about to burst from my chest in happiness.

My elated state persisted even after we thanked Saffron and Coriander for their hospitality and left. As we journeyed back to Ponyville, pressed against eachother for reasons beyond the chilly mountain air, I felt that everything would work itself out in the end. Because this bond we now shared was worth it.

Author's Note:

Yes, I know Hippos are actually native to Africa. But they already get, like, all the large hooved mammals. Zebras, Giraffes, Wildebeasts, Rhinos, Ibex... etc. So shut up.

Also: I did it! Woo! Suck it, parents-who-dump-chores-on-you-without-warning-and-force-you-to-waste-a-bunch-of-time-buying-groceries! I'm gonna leave this on hiatus, as I expect I won't be writing anymore for at least a month. FYI, there's only going to be one more chapter after this one.