• Published 24th May 2012
  • 3,813 Views, 160 Comments

Play Me a Love Song - Systemfail

A Twinyl fic.... With maybe a bit of a one-sided TwiPie. Why not?

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What's wrong with a little fresh air?

It was just another normal Summer day in Ponyville. Market ponies were selling their goods, the self proclaimed 'greatest flyer in Equestria' flew by every once in a while, the only difference is that the Ponyville construction crew wasn't polluting the air with the noise of power tools. Maybe they finished whatever project they were working on? Everything was calm, warm and nice in the day. Everypony was outside having fun or working hard somewhere, except for a certain lavender Unicorn.

A purple aura surrounded a book as Twilight Sparkle pulled it off its wooden shelf. "Oh, Spike, here it is!" The Unicorn said with a slight squeal. The book the Unicorn was holding, A Traveler's Guide to the Everfree Forest, was whipped open to the front page as Twilight began to read silently to herself.

"Geeze, Twilight, this must be the third time you've read that book, why don't you get something new?" Asked Spike with an angry tone. "I mean, is it really that hard to find something else? What is with you lately, anyway? It seems like all you've been doing lately is reading. What ever happened to having fun with friends?" The baby dragon walked closer to Twilight, and without a second to spare, he just started to cower, realizing what he had just done. Not only was Twilight his friend, but she was also like a mother to him. He was so afraid of getting her mad, he never even got more than a lecture, and he was quite ready to keep it that way.

Twilight chuckled at the purple dragon cowering behind a table. He didn't really think she was going to be angry at him for that, was he? Spike did, of course, have a point, though. He wasn't the only one to notice it, either. For the past couple of days, Pinkie Pie has been coming to check on her, but she never could manage to get the bookworm so much as out the front door. In all truth, Twilight herself didn't know why she was so unwilling to go outside lately.

"I'm not sure, Spike, but I guess I could get out a little more, now that I've practically read every single book in the library." With that, Twilight put the book up, and opened the front door, only to see a Pink Mare with a mane of Cotton Candy about to knock. "Oh, hey, Pinkie! Come on in!" Twilight giggled at the surprised look on Pinkie's face. This was perfect, maybe Pinkie would have a good idea on a fun place to go tonight.

"OHMIGOSH, TWILIGHT! There's a new pony coming to town and I want you to meet her but if you were busy I guess you don't have to come but you really should, I mean she's even opening up a night club and stuff! It's going to be like an all night party every night! Can you believe it?" Pinkie said, gasping for air after the mouthful of words that just flew out of her mouth. "Anyway, do ya wanna go tonight? Huh? Do ya?" Pinkie said, trying her best to give a sad begging face.

Twilight never was the type of mare to go party all night, but if a bunch of ponies like it, then it could be fun, couldn't it? "Sure, Pinkie, I'll go meet your new friend. It's going to be nice to meet this... who is she, anyway?"

Pinkie was beaming at this point. "She's only the next BIG up and coming DJ! You met her at your brother's wedding! Her name is Vinyl Scratch!"


Vinyl Scratch woke to a knock at the door. She got out of the couch she was sleeping on and the blanket covering her electric blue mane and white coat flew off, revealing her black musical note cutie mark. "You've got to be kidding me... It's only noon." Vinyl mumbled to herself as she made her way to the door. "Whatever this is, this better be damn important!" Vinyl said with a sneer, only for it to turn into a smile when she saw the pink party pony everyone knew, and behind her a new face, a unicorn. She had a light lavender coat and darker purple hair, with a pink streak through it. Her cutie mark resembled something that looked like 6 stars, one of them big and purple, and the other small white stars surrounded it. This must be that Twilight pony Pinkie's been talking about.

"Vinyl! This is Twilight Sparkle, but you can call her Twilight, or Twi, or Twily, or any other name you could think of! Twinkle...bookworm... smarty Mcsmartpants.... " Pinkie went on listing names long after Vinyl and Twilight tuned her out. Sure, Pinkie was fun, and in the right mood, Vinyl could almost match her craziness, but not now.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Vinyl Scratch!" Twilight said, holding out a hoof. "Is something the matter?" Twilight asked Vinyl, who was just gawking at Twilight.

"Wait! I know you!" Vinyl said, "You're that mare who sang at the royal wedding! Oh my gosh, I loved your singing! Are you for hire? I would love someone to sing at my club while I take breaks! I can see us now-"

"Actually," Twilight interrupted, "I don't really sing... It was just for my brother's wedding. I don't think I could do that again, especially at a night club." Twilight looked at the somewhat awestruck unicorn, was she really that good at singing? Maybe it was the fact that her sister-in-law was royalty? "I'm sorry." Twilight suddenly found the floorboards very interesting to watch. Maybe this mare she was looking at wasn't as wild as she thought a DJ would be.

"Oh... Well, that's okay! I don't plan on taking many breaks tonight! It is the grand opening of my new club, after all! I'm sure you'll have a blast there! If you like Pinkie's parties, then you'll love mine!" Pinkie only gave a slight nod. She just came back from listing all of Twilight's nicknames, but was trying to think of more.

A new night club? Pinkie did mention something about that, but did Twilight really want to go? What's the worst that could happen, though? Ponyville didn't have that big of a night life, or so Twilight thought. "Well, I honestly haven't even been to a club or anything like that. Is that what all those construction ponies were building?"

"Yup! Soon enough, Club P0N-3 is gonna be the main attraction of Ponyville! I'm tellin' ya, Twilight, this is where I stop doing parties and start really performing!" Vinyl said with quite a bit of enthusiasm.

"Well, if I'm going to be up all night, I better get some rest before hand! It was nice to meet you, Vinyl Scratch, I guess I can stop by here and you can show me to your club later?" Twilight really wasn't all that tired, and it wasn't the first time she'd stayed up all night, but this would be different. Twilight didn't know what to expect.

Vinyl seemed a little surprised at Twilight's abrupt exit, but it didn't seem to phase her for too long. "Yeah, I better get some sleep, too. Do ya mind, Pinks?" Vinyl turned her head to the pink party pony, who recently came back down to earth to rejoin the conversation.

"Nope! I have some baking to do! The Cakes are really backed up on this order so I need to run Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie said as she made her way out the door before even Twilight could. "Bye Vinyl! See ya later Twilight!"

Twilight made her way out of the door when she saw Vinyl getting back to sleep. It seemed like she was going to be in for quite a long night.