• Published 29th Jul 2015
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Her Knight in Faded Armor - Doccular42

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria. When she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. But not all is well in Equestria, and a sinister plot threatens everything that Luna holds dear...

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Guards, Tea, and Cloaks

Princess Luna stared up at the ceiling above her bed. She sighed as she tried to count the small specks on the ancient tiles. One thousand two hundred and nine, one thousand two hundred and ten… She’d already lost count three times, and her patience was slowly fading away.

It had been a long day. The lunch with the griffons had been dull. Nothing of interest had happened. Small talk had occupied the majority of the meal, and Chaput and his entourage had spent most of their time joking with Celestia and the Prime Minister. Luna herself had spent her time at the table eating silently and thinking about the upcoming evening… One thousand two hundred and… and… Luna rolled onto her side as she lost track once more.

The clock on the wall had slowly advanced toward the fateful hour, and Luna could feel her anxiety grow with every tick of the second hand.

“Oh, that’s it,” she growled. The princess leapt off her bed and moved to her dresser. She opened the topmost drawer, levitated her dress, headband, and glasses out of it, and set them atop the wooden piece of furniture. She also pulled out a small sheet of paper Celestia had given to her earlier in the day. That joined the rest of the items as well.

Luna removed her contacts quickly and placed them into their case. She squinted as she located her saddlebags and put them onto her back. Using her telekinesis, she levitated her possessions off the dresser and carefully set them into the saddlebags.

She nodded to herself and trotted over to the door to her room. She slowly opened it and glanced outside. Celestia had stationed two of her Day Guards outside the room, just in case of… issues. Luna saw the first stallion, an earth pony with a grey coat, turn to her.

“Princess, do you need anything?” the guard asked.

Luna stepped out into the hall. “Yes. I am going out to the gardens, and I will most likely be gone for a while. Will you keep an eye on my room for me?”

“Of course, Princess. Your wish is our command,” he replied. “Would you like one of us to accompany you to the gardens as a precaution?”

Luna shook her head. “No. I believe that I shall be quite all right.” She closed her door and locked it. “Thank you for the offer, though.”

“It is our pleasure, Highness,” the other guard, a white coated mare, said.

Luna nodded to both of them. She trotted down the hallway at a brisk pace. Her eyes squinted, but she could see well enough. She passed servants, guards, nobles, and even a few griffon guests on her way out to the gardens. They bowed or curtsied to her as she went by, and she nodded back to all of them.

Finally, she came to the door to the outside of the castle. She pushed it open and strode onto the path that led to the garden.

When she finally arrived, she entered the labyrinth that took up the majority of the castle’s grounds. Luna had always adored this part of the castle. The evening air carried the scent of flowers planted along the winding paths, and the slowly lowering sun cast beautiful shadows through the labyrinth.

Luna followed her most beloved path until she came to a very private clearing that included a beautiful fountain and a small garden of lilacs and lavender. Luna glanced around once to see if anypony was around, and she then set her saddlebags upon a marble bench.

Closing her eyes, she allowed her magic to envelop herself. Her form slowly shifted once more. The magic felt more natural this time, since she was not creating a new form, but rather remembering an old one.

After a moment, the transformation was complete, and Luna put on all of her accessories and her dress. She sighed, content to be able to see properly once more. She glanced over at the fountain before trotting toward it. She gazed into the depths of the water, and Starry Skies stared back at her. She nodded to herself.

Luna gathered her bags again and retraced her steps to the front of the castle. However, instead of reentering the door, she trotted her way out down the main lane that led to the castle’s gate. She hummed a tune in an attempt to distract herself from the gnawing anxiousness in the pit of her stomach. She approached the exit, and—


Luna froze and quickly turned in place. Three guards with spears raised cantered toward her. The disguised princess felt her stomach drop to her hooves, butterflies and all. She gasped as they came to a swift stop before her.

“By order of the Princesses, all visitors unaccompanied by a member of the Royal Guard must identify themselves and register on the log. Who are you?” the leader said. His right eyebrow rose, and he lowered his spear.

“Oh!” Luna gasped. “I-I’m Starry Skies. I’m new here. I work for Princess Celestia. Here, I have my papers!” Luna took her letter from her saddlebag and hoofed it over to the guard.

He opened it and quickly scanned it. After, he grunted in approval. “Very well, Miss Skies. You’ll have to sign out on this sheet, here.” He pulled a clipboard out of his own bag.

“Okay, I can do that…” Luna almost reached out with her telekinesis, but she stopped herself. Instead, she rose into the air with a flap of her wings and took hold of the clipboard. “Umm, do you have a pen?”

“Yes, of course.” The guard hoofed over a black ink pen.

“Thank you, sir.” Luna sighed internally as she wrote her fake name upon the paper.

After Luna hoofed the clipboard and the pen back to the guard, the leader nodded to her. “You are free to go, Miss Skies. I apologize if we frightened you.”

“That’s okay, sir. I understand…”

The guard frowned. “Your voice sounds familiar… Have we met before?”

Luna paled. “Umm, maybe? I don’t know… I-I’ve talked to a lot of ponies today.”

He raised an eyebrow once more, but then he shrugged. “Oh well. It must be my imagination. It’s been quite a day.” With that, he nodded to her. The three guards turned and trotted back to their posts, and Luna breathed another sigh of relief.

“Too close,” she muttered.

She continued her way out the gate and then turned to walk down the bustling street of Canterlot. Her eyes focused on the road, and she never saw the silhouette of the griffon who had watched her every move from his perch on top of the enormous guest tower.


Button fidgeted with his hooves while he sat in his booth in the corner. She was late.

He allowed his eyes to wander around the bustling restaurant. Fancy Fare was an exceptionally successful new chain of restaurants that had locations in every major city. It had actually been started by a Ponyville native, Savoir Fare, whom Button had known for years. Despite the name, the restaurants weren’t quite high dining. Although, the food was reasonably priced and delicious, the wait staff was friendly, and the decoration emitted an air of comfort and relaxation.

Button watched as waitresses, waiters, and managers served the gathering of bustling customers. The laughter of a group of fillies here for a birthday party filled the air, and Button smiled. So far, he’d enjoyed every Fancy Fare he’d ever had the pleasure of visiting, and this one looked to be no exception.

He sighed and glanced at the clock on the wall. Ten minutes. His mind churned. Maybe she’d forgotten, or he’d gotten the time wrong, or—

“He’s right over there, Miss Skies.”

Button instantly turned to face the sound of his waiter’s voice. The stallion stood up at the front of the room talking to… talking to...

“Oh, sweet Luna,” Button whispered as he stood to his hooves.

She was gorgeous. The mare who shyly walked toward his table moved with grace and poise, and it was all Button could do to keep his jaw from dropping. The simple mint green dress that she wore beautifully accentuated her cyan coat. Her elegant gray mane was pulled into a bun and held in place by a band that was the perfect shade of white. The freckles on her face brought out the sparkle in her aqua eyes that hid behind long eyelashes and thick rimmed glasses.

“Umm, Button?” she said when she finally arrived at the table.

“Starry?” Button asked in reply.

“Yeah, that’s me.” She gave him a small smile.

The two ponies looked at each other for a moment before Button managed to pull himself together. A goofy grin split his face, and he offered his hoof in a… Oh, horsefeathers. Was that supposed to be a hoofshake? A hug? A hoofbump?

Starry eyed the offered hoof uncertainly. Button held his breath, expecting the worst. But then Starry shrugged and bumped his hoof with her own. She giggled and pushed her glasses further up on her face. “It’s so nice to finally meet you!”

Button’s grin held in place, and he breathed a silent sigh of relief. “Yeah, it is! Nice to meet you too, I mean.” He rubbed his neck and chuckled nervously. “Umm, do you want to sit down?” He sat down back in his seat.

Starry slid into the booth opposite of him. She cleared her throat and looked down at her forehooves. Button adjusted his fedora, and he sniffed quietly. Although the restaurant was still noisy, the silence at their table was nearly deafening.

“So, I guess that—”

“Umm, how are y—”

Button coughed and Starry laughed quietly as the two started talking at the same time. Button smiled and motioned to her. “You go first, haha.”

Starry looked up at him through her long eyelashes. “I, uh, I was just going to say that I’m not really used to this… I don’t usually talk with friends in person.”

“Really?” Button asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. Actually, you’re the first pony I’ve met up with just for fun in a few years. Besides my sister, of course!”

“I… uh…” Button didn’t know quite how to respond.

“Oh, this is really awkward, isn’t it?”

Button looked over at the mare. Her hooves were clasped together, and her eyes darted away as he looked toward her. He snorted, and then a slow chuckle began. “It, uh, it kind of is.”

Starry smirked. “This is probably where I would write ‘lol’ into the chat.”

“And I’d probably right click on you and type ‘forward-slash dance two’ so that we could get rid of the tension.”

Their eyes met, and both ponies suddenly burst into laughter. Starry knocked her hoof onto the table. “Like that one time we waited for Noble for half an hour?”

“That was the most epic dance party of all time! Do you remember how Silver kept telling us to stand still, and we didn’t listen?” Button replied between laughs.

“And then Noble got there and we just kept dancing?”

“Yes!” Button exclaimed. “Oh, that was great. Probably the best raid we’ve ever done.”

The laughter slowly faded, and Button sighed. “Well, it’s not too awkward. We know each other already, but by different names.”

“Yeah… it’s kind of odd to me that you’re Fade. I’m so used to your avatar, and now I can see your face.” Starry looked right at him. “It might take some getting used to.”

“You and me both,” Button said.

The waiter chose that moment to arrive at the table. “Hello! My name is Aura, and I’ll be your server tonight. Could I interest you in some beverages this evening?”

“Um, I’ll have an iced tea, please,” Starry said.

“Very good! And for you, sir?”

“I’ll have the same,” Button said.

“Excellent! Have you decided what you would like, or do you need a while longer?” Aura asked.

“Actually, we haven’t even opened the menus yet. We may need a bit,” Button replied.

Aura smiled. “Okay! I’ll be back with those teas!”

As the waiter walked off, Starry nodded. “I like this place.”

“Have you ever been before?” Button asked.

She shook her head. “No. I don’t go out too much, and when I do, it’s always to the same place, actually.”

“Well, where is that?” Button asked.

Starry blushed and whispered something.

“Sorry, I couldn’t quite catch that!” Button smirked.

“I, uh, I always go to, uh…”


“Dairy Princess. I always go to Dairy Princess.” Starry put her head in her hooves. “You caught me. I’m just a big filly who loves ice cream.”

Button chuckled. “Ha, that’s great! I love Dairy Princess. I could probably eat a diet entirely composed of ice cream, if I wasn’t so scared of, you know, dying.” He winked.

“Yes, dying would be a minor downside to such an amazing treat.” Starry grinned.

“But who knows? It might be worth it. I could see the headlines now: ‘Stallion perishes after consuming the entire nation’s supply of ice cream. Dairy lovers everywhere mourn in shock.’” Button gestured grandly with his hooves as he spoke.

His companion giggled. “My, that got morbid quickly.”

“Doesn’t it always with us?”

Aura trotted back over to the table carrying a tray on his back. He used his magic to levitate the two glasses of tea and a pair of coasters to the table. He glanced at their still-closed menus and nodded. “Here you go! I’ll be back once you’ve decided on your food.” As quickly as he came, he left.

“So, like I said, I’m not really used to this. What do you usually talk about when you’re having dinner with a friend?” Starry sipped her tea.

“Well,” Button began. “We usually talk about mutual interests, or talk about each other, or…” He raised an eyebrow and looked at the snickering mare across the table. “You’re pulling my leg, aren’t you?”

Starry laughed. “Yes, I’m kidding. I’m not quite that bad.” She took another sip. “So Button, why don’t we talk about you?”

“Me? Why me? Why not you?” Button stuck his tongue out. “You have no idea how many times I do that when we’re playing games together.”

“So you’re always mocking me when I can’t see you then?” Starry raised her hoof to her forehead melodramatically. “Oh, how awful!”

“Oh, you.” Button took a small drink from his tea. The bitter liquid filled his throat and he coughed. He grabbed one of the packets of sugar from the container on the table. “Ooh. I forgot that I’m in the city. Out in the country, you get sweetened tea whenever you ask for tea.”

“Really? That’s interesting.”

“It is.” Button sipped again. “Ah, much better.”

“You sneaky rogue, you changed the subject!” Starry picked up her fork and pointed it at him. “We’re talking about you first, okay?”

Button raised his hooves in defeat. “Okay, okay! You win, this time. There isn’t really much to tell, actually.” He cleared his throat. “I manage a jazz lounge, which I already told you. I’ve lived with my mom for years, since my dad died and I came back home from the university.” He paused to take another drink.

“Oh.” Starry’s eyes fell. “I’m sorry.”

“Hey, you’ve got nothing to be sorry about. It happened, and there’s no use dwelling on the loss. My dad would have hated that.” Button shrugged.

“That’s very mature of you, Button.”

“Well, I didn’t feel that way when it first happened, but it’s been a few years now. It sucked, yeah, but I dealt with it. After he passed away, I came back to help with my mom. I got a job at the lounge, and I’ve been there ever since.”

“You don’t use your degree at all?” Starry asked.

Button shook his head. “Sadly, no. I have a Master’s in History from the University of Manehattan, but there weren’t any spots open in Ponyville. I couldn’t get a job at one of Princess Twilight’s universities because I didn’t have any teaching experience, and the local high school wouldn’t hire me because I had a higher degree than they wanted. They were able to get less qualified teachers for less money, so that’s who they hired. My only hope was working at a community college of some kind, but Ponyville doesn’t have one. I would have had to move away from home, but I couldn’t leave my mom alone. I’m her only family, you know?”

Starry nodded. “I can understand that. My sister is the only family I have too. It’s a shame that no schools would take you.”

“Yeah. I was pretty upset for a while.” Button shrugged. “But that’s actually kind of why I’m here. I’m putting my application into a bunch of schools out here, and my mom and I might move if I manage to get a job.”

Starry’s ears perked up. “Really? That’s great!”

“Yep! I really like the city, and it’d be nice to get out of food service. For, you know, forever.”

Smiling, Starry replied, “I can imagine.”

Button took a deep swig from his cup. “So, what about you? What do you do, Starry?”

The mare’s smile faltered for a second, but then it immediately came back. “Oh, I’m not too interesting. I work up at the castle as one of Princess Celestia’s ladies in waiting, and—”

“Wait, what?” Button’s eyes opened wide. “You work for the Princess… directly? As in, you’re right there talking to her and stuff?”

Starry nodded. “Yes. It’s a pretty new job, and I’m excited about it. My sister works there too, under Princess Luna. That’s actually it. I work and I play games.” She shifted uncomfortably.

“Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. ‘That’s all?’ Starry. You work for the princesses.” Button slapped the table for emphasis.

“Yes, that’s what I said.”

“The priiiiiincesses.

Starry cocked her head to the side. “Uh, yes.”


“Now you're the one pulling my leg.” Starry crossed her forelegs and Button laughed.

“Okay, I am. But I have about a thousand questions for you!”

Starry looked at him over her glasses. “A thousand, eh? Well, I might be able to answer a few hundred, but a thousand is just too unreasonable.”

“Oh, haha. But really. Is it true?” Button asked.

“You’ll have to be more specific than that, Button. You receive no points.”

“Okay, okay. Is it true that Princess Celestia is…” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “...obsessed with cake?”

Starry laughed. “That’s your question?”

Button nodded solemnly. “Yes.”

Starry leaned in close to him and lowered her own voice as well. “Well, then the answer is yes. She loves cake. So. Much.”

Button burst out laughing. “Oh, my. That’s rich! Wait, what else? Does she really take baths with a dozen rubber duckies?”

“I…” Starry scrunched up her face. “I actually have no idea.”

“Aww,” Button said. “All right, what else… oh! I know! What about Princess Luna?”

Starry raised an eyebrow. “What about her?”

“I dunno… uh, what does she do around the castle? Nopony’s really seen her around for a few years, so I just wondered what she’s doing. Is she running some secret project in the basement or something? Controlling other countries from behind a curtain of shadows and lies? Or something else equally awesome?” Button grinned lopsidedly.

“Actually, I think she just likes her privacy,” Starry replied.

Button nodded. “Well, that works too. See, I can respect that. The princesses have been in charge for a long while, and it must be weird being the center of attention all the time. I’d probably want to get away sometimes too, especially if the papers were always watching my every move. I don’t blame her one bit.”

Starry smiled at him, and Button raised both eyebrows. “What? What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“No, really! You do this sometimes! I say something, and then you react to it and I have no idea what you mean, and then you say it’s nothing! It can kinda get to a guy, ya know?” Button sniffed.

She chuckled at him. “Oh, you poor thing,” she teased.

Button was about to reply, but Aura returned to the table once more. “So, have you two decided yet?”

“Oh! I forgot!” Starry said. “We were too busy talking, and I forgot we were here to eat!”

“Well, I know I didn’t,” Button said.

“But you’re a stallion. That’s different.” This time, it was Starry’s turn to wink.

Button smiled as he watched her turn the pages of the menu. Her eyes flipped back and forth and occasionally darted up to meet his own before they returned to reading.

“I think we may need a bit longer,” Button said. “But hey, there’s no rush. We have all the time in the world.”


Celestia sat calmly upon a pillow in her private dining room. Her hooves held a small pink book with a picture of an alligator on the cover. She smiled as she slowly flipped through the pages of the little foal’s book. Her eyes crinkled in a silent laugh as she saw the pictures and read the words about the antics of the small green alligator. “Oh, Pinkie,” she muttered. “You never fail to amaze.”

A soft knock interrupted her thoughts, and she glanced toward the door. “Yes?”

A guard in golden armor stepped into the room. “Your Highness, General Chaput has arrived.”

“Oh, excellent! Send him in, please!” Celestia set the book onto the table with the cover face up.

The guard stepped away, and her form was replaced by the tall silhouette of General Chaput. The griffon stood resplendent in an immaculate suit. A blood red cloak that Celestia immediately recognized was draped over his shoulders, and his grey and crimson saddlebags perfectly complemented his outfit. His eyes instantly met her own as soon as he entered the room.

“Ah, General! It is so good of you to meet me privately!” Celestia rose and smiled at her companion for the evening meal.

“The pleasure is mine, Princess.” Chaput walked forward, and the guard from outside quickly followed him.

“Lieutenant Jam, I believe that we shall be quite all right alone,” Celestia said quietly.

The mare stopped immediately and bowed. “As you wish, Princess.” She immediately stepped back outside and quietly shut the door.

Chaput raised an eyebrow at her. “Should I be concerned, Highness?”

Celestia smiled. “Oh, of course not. I merely thought that we would talk better if we were undisturbed. Please, come sit with me.” She gestured at the pillow directly across the table. “The food should arrive shortly. I believe that you will enjoy this meal.”

Sitting down, Chaput cleared his throat. “Thank you, Princess.”

“It is my honor, General.” Celestia nodded.

Chaput slowly opened up his saddlebags. “Your Majesty, may I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

The griffon pulled out a medium sized box. He opened it up and removed a piece of flat painted wood. A small bag came out of the box as well, and Chaput smiled as he poured the white and black carved pieces of onyx and alabaster upon what Celestia recognized as a game board.

“Tell me, Princess. Do you play chess?”

Author's Note:

Special thanks to m1ntf4n for editing this chapter!

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