• Published 16th Jul 2015
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Cryo-7 - Metal Pony Fan

Twilight searches the galaxy for the remnants of her world with the help of freelance pilot Astral Plane.

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Cargo Bay Two -Or is it 3?- :Magic Boogaloo

Blueblood stood still as the Opalescence set down in front of him. The Flagship of the White Flags' fleet, it wasn't the largest vessel they had, but it was probably the most impressive. Its curved white body was trimmed with gold details. Repairable cast ablative armor shimmered, its amorphous, energy dissipating structure showing flecks of aurora within its milky depths. It seemed very much like the ship was carved from the stone its name was derived from.

The weaponry was well hidden. The two forward facing railguns were the only visible armaments, but a variety of missiles, energy cannons, and experimental weapons lay hidden beneath armor panels. All of them well maintained, but seldom used. It was always preferable to solve problems with diplomacy and tact, after all.

Even the engines were top of the line. The anti gravs worked soundlessly, and the ship's landing barely disturbed the air around the Prince. He stepped back as a walkway descended from the Opalescence, offering entrance to the vehicle's heavily decorated depths.

That was his mother's hoofwork. The Opalescence served as a meeting place, embassy, or neutral ground for negotiations far more often than it served as a combat vessel. As such, it was outfitted in a manner befitting a place of politics. Tapestries, wooden tables, vases with live flowers, even fancy couches, all secured in place.

Blueblood started up the ramp, as the door at the top opened with a hiss. A white unicorn, easily twice Blue's age stepped out onto the ramp, and ran a hoof through his wavy blonde mane. "Ah, it's good to be home." He smiled as he saw the approaching prince.

"Father," the young Prince acknowledged as he neared the top of the ramp.

"Son," the older Blueblood said back, clapping his hoof on his son's shoulder. "All quiet? One trusts Iron Hoof hasn't given you any trouble while we've been gone. I made it clear to him you could put him through just as much hell as I could."

"He hasn't caused any trouble," the young Prince chuckled. "However, it has been far from quiet."

"Indeed?" The older Blueblood raised an eyebrow. "One can be sure you handled it appropriately, but do tell."

"Of course," young Blueblood nodded. "Is mother around? There is a young mare you two need to speak to."

"She was right-" The young Prince's father glanced back into the ship as a purple maned blur flew past him. "There she is."

A middle-aged mare, as white as either Blueblood, wrapped her hooves around her son, squeezing the love into her hug with all her might. "I heard that," she said excitedly as she let go, and took a step back, only to dart forward and quickly smooth out the fur she messed up. Once she finished, she stepped back again, standing next to the older Blueblood, and beaming with pride. "They grow up so quickly," she said to her husband, before muttering a quiet, "finally," then asking her son, "What's her name?"

"Her name is..." Blue suddenly shook his head, realizing his mother had just jumped to a far-fetched conclusion. "Wait, mom, no, please. That's not it at all."

"Oh." Her ears drooped slightly, and she scratched at the hairpin holding her curly mane in a bun. "Apologies, darling, I got a little excited. By the way, why are so many of the catwalks damaged? You could see them from the cockpit. Several are simply broken, but a few seem... melted?"

"It's a long story," Blueblood explained, "If I could take a moment before we head down?"

His mother gestured towards the door, and the furniture within. "Shall we sit?"

Blue shook his head. "It won't be that long, and ponies are waiting."

"Hmm." The older Blueblood sat down, crossing his hooves. "Must be serious if you're being so formal about it."

Blueblood nodded slowly. "I have taken custody of the only known living relative of Grinparch Norland."

His mother gasped, and his father took a long, slow breath. "And, the son surpasses his father. Congratulations, my boy."

Blue shook his head again. "This is not a cause for celebration. I believe there has been a grave mistake. There is no doubt she is Norland's heir, and possesses a similar skillset. But, I doubt she is a criminal like her grandfather."

"How sure are you?" His father asked after chewing it over a moment. "You aren't being fooled by fake tears again, are you? A mare playing at being weak got the better of you before."

"No, not this time," Blue sighed, remembering the time he was unknowingly held for ransom by the hundred and two year old grandmother of a forgery artist. It was not his brightest moment, but he was quite proud of the repairs he made to her apartment during that time. "Berry and I have fought. She is scared, yes. But, if she is pretending to be weak, then we are all doomed. All of extraction team four has been hospitalized, I doubt any of our guards could contain her without backup, and a friend of hers attempted a rescue."

"My goodness, that's dreadful. How many ponies did they bring?"

"The colt was alone and unarmed."

The older Blueblood scoffed. "Bet that went well."

"Had I not been present, he may well have been successful. He destroyed one of our sparrow class vessels with his bare hooves, then tore through our forces like he was picking on kindergartners."

"One may be asking a stupid question, but did you try stunning him?"

"Three confirmed hits, two from a side-arm, and one from a heavy rifle, both set to max."

"A heavy rifle on max should drop a medium-sized dragon, a pony wouldn't be standing for a week."

"He disagreed."

"I'm a little confused now," his mother admitted. "They sound dangerous, but it also sounds like you have everything under control. What do you want from us?"

"It's hard to explain, but... I feel we shouldn't be at odds with these ponies. I want you to speak with them, tell me what you think. Norland is dead, and I want to have his bounty rescinded to protect his granddaughter."

"You never ask for anything simple." His father sighed. "Just once, couldn't you come to us like, 'mom, dad, I need a platinum pocket watch,' or, 'help me buy a new aircar,' instead of, 'help me crush the dreams of every bounty hunter in the galaxy for the sake of Justice?' Please? Just once?"

"A standard issue time piece is sufficient for my needs, and I purchased an aircar four years ago, remember? The minivan. It sits in storage more than I use it."

The older Blueblood looked at his wife. "You're sure he's mine?"

"Oh, for the hundredth time, we were alone for three years, who else's would he be?"

"I know, it's just... how hard can it be to be selfish once in a while?"

"I am being selfish," Blue interrupted. "I can't be sure this mare isn't a threat to the galaxy, can't prove it, but I am asking you to trust me that she isn't. I am being far more selfish than I have a right to be, but I feel justice is best served by treating her with respect."

"Again, you're sure?"

"Hush. It sounds complicated, but, if she does bear a connection to Norland, then it isn't entirely up to us. I would like to meet her, and then, I will make some calls."

"Of course." The young Prince gestured down the ramp, where Brand had just showed up with Radio. "She and her friend are right down here." He looked back, and his mother was gaping at the colt, eyes wide in shock. " Mother, is everything-"

She was off like a shot, nearly bowling her son over as she galloped down the ramp, bawling her eyes out. She slammed into Radio, making him skid backwards half a meter as she wrapped her hooves around him. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

Radio was frozen in place, casting nervous glances at the three stallions staring at him in confusion. What was this? Some sort of test?

The mare pulled back quickly, mane that smelled of haircare products bouncing from the movement as she wiped tears from her light blue eyes. She smiled at the colt for a moment, but confusion set in quickly. She ducked down, taking a peek far lower than the colt was comfortable with, then shrugged before hugging him again. "Whatever makes you happy, dear."

"Ok, that's it," Radio finally said as he stepped back, "who the buck are you, lady?"

"Rainbow?" She took a step back as well, placing a hoof over her heart. She seemed hurt by the colt's confusion. "It's me, Rarity! I haven't gone that grey, darling, have I?"

"Ponyville Rarity?" Radio asked, recognizing the name. "You're one of my mother's friends?"

"Your mother?!" Rarity gasped. "Rainbow had a foal! Oh, my goodness, I thought... Well, you look just like her! Do you have any siblings?"

Radio suddenly realized that she must have mistaken him for his mother. And didn't find it odd that his mother would suddenly be a colt. He also decided not to mention it, to anypony, now or ever. "I have a twin sister."

"Is she here?" She asked excitedly, giving the colt another hug. "What about your parents? Oh, I can't wait to meet the stallion that convinced Rainbow Dash, of all ponies, to settle down and have foals."

"Mother?" Blueblood called from the top of the ramp, not hearing the conversation, "why are you hugging the prisoner?"

She looked up. "Prisoner?" She looked down to see that the colt's hooves were indeed chained. "Oh, dear heavens! Let's get you out of those, right this second."

As she undid the chains with magic, there was another worried call of, "Mother?" from the top of the ramp. "What are you doing?"

"Darling!" she called back, in a serious tone, "You come down here and apologize to this colt, right this instant."

The two Bluebloods exchanged glances before heading down. Did she miss the part of the conversation where he knocked out half a hundred soldiers? When they reached the landing pad, Rarity was still staring sternly at her son.

Radio was rubbing his ankles awkwardly, chuckling as he told the younger Blueblood, "Our moms are old friends, it seems."

"Really?" He studied the colt a moment, noticing the similarities to a friend mentioned in stories. Similarities he had attributed to mere coincidence. "Huh. Rainbow Dash?"

"Yeah." Radio shrugged. "Rarity, and..." He studied the older Blueblood for a moment, digging through memories of his mother's bedtime stories, "the asshole Prince from the gala?"

"Five thousand years," the older Blueblood groaned, "and that night still haunts me."

Radio laughed. "I can't believe I get to meet Cake-face."

"One might offer to make you a general, if you agree to never utter that name again," the older Blueblood said quickly. "One might even mean it."

"We don't have generals," Blue reminded him.

"Well, perhaps we should," his father countered.

"There was one other thing she said," Radio interrupted, "that despite being a stuck up, uppity, stick in the mud, boor of a pony..."

The older Blueblood rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, go on."

"... you really stepped up by staying behind until the last ship left Equestria."

Blueblood the older sighed miserably. "Sometimes, one simply wishes to see if the first one explodes."

"Dear, take some credit," Rarity chuckled. "You were an ass, yes, but Equestria meant something to you, or you would have been on the second ship, not the seventh."

"Whose side are you on here?" The older Blueblood looked up at Fire Brand, who was trying to stay out of the conversation. "My own wife, can you believe this?"

He glanced over at Rarity, then at both Bluebloods in turn. "Not my place, sir."

"Oh, at ease, Brand." Blue's father scoffed. "You're on the shortest of short lists ever for promotion right now. Be proud of that, be bullheaded and arrogant for a change. Tartarus knows my son doesn't have it in him."

"Promotion, sir?" Fire Brand stared for a moment, then bowed. "Yes, of course! Thank you, sir, I am honored to be considered for captaincy, and will fulfill my duties with pride with or without a rise in rank."

"Does nopony listen to me anymore? That's the exact opposite of what I said to do. When one starts a bounty hunting guild, one expects a rowdy bunch of mean, rough, gruff, tough-talking mercenary types, not a tightly run, respectable organization. Where's the fun in that?"

"You and mom destroyed a space station on your vacation," the younger Prince pointed out before looking back at the Lieutenant. "Where did Berry go?"

"She was here?" Radio suddenly shouted, "Berry! Are you here?!"

"Radio?" Asked a voice from the other side of the ship. "This may seem odd, and, first of all, I'm sorry about getting you in trouble with Blue, but can you fly up to the top of the ship? Tell me if that thing is supposed to be there."

"Is this like that thing on Pisces?" the colt groaned. He looked over at Rarity. "Do you mind? When she gets like this, nothing will pull her mind off it. But, it ended up being the right call last time."

"Why don't we see what she's talking about first, dear," the older mare suggested. "Lieutenant, would you go and speak with the pilots? There is some cargo to unload."

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded, and headed up into the ship.

The colt raised his eyebrow. "Dear?"

She shrugged it off as she started walking around the Opalescence. "I call everypony that, darling."

"Darling?" Radio frowned. Not even his own mother called him that. "Well, whatever, I guess."

The older mare just chuckled, mussing the colt's mane with magic. "You're just like your mother."

The colt found himself smiling, and glanced back at the two Bluebloods following them. "I guess we're all friends now?"

"One would guess," said the elder.

"I still expect those hoofwritten apologies," said the younger.

Radio groaned, and faced forward once more. He should have known he wouldn't be forgiven that easily. Up ahead, he saw Berry, staring up at the top of the ship, tail twitching wildly.

"Pinkie!" Rarity shouted, as her son trotted past her.

"Berry," Blue demanded as he marched over, "I asked you to wait so you could-"

The pink pony threw her hoof up, in a universal gesture for stop. "Stay back!" she warned suddenly, "it's gonna fall!"

The young Prince glanced up, but continued walking. The Opalescence was a top of the line ship, cared for by the best maintenance crews on a daily basis. Pieces don't just fall off. "What's going to?"

It was then that he saw it, a bulge that most ponies would mistake for part of the hull. He was not most ponies. He knew the shape of the Opalescence well, having seen every one of his mother's drafts and designs, and having drawn the ship a few times himself. This thing was not a part of it, despite being made of similar material. And it threw off the visual balance of the upper lateral fins in a completely horrid manner. "What is that?"

Explosive bolts launched the dome away from the hull, and Blue dove out of the way as it crashed to the deck where he was standing. Three ponies in thin pressure suits tore air masks away from their faces as the various tubes holding them in place snapped free.

"Hostiles!" Blueblood shouted as all three leapt into action.

Two of them, Pegasi, leapt from their resting spots, crackling energy blades in their hooves as they dove towards father and son. The third, an earth pony raised a rifle at the mother.

Radio grabbed Rarity, throwing his wing up to shield her from an energy blast. It worked, and the blast hit the colt square on the wing, instead of hitting the mare in the chest, but he screamed in pain over the sound of sizzling. It wasn't a stunner bolt, that was for sure.

He shoved Rarity away before the earth pony could take another shot, grabbing her hairpin as he pushed. He spun, throwing his other wing up to catch a second energy blast, and throwing the hairpin as hard as he could. His aim could have been better, but the pin still struck home, leaving a screaming earthpony clutching at his pierced jawline.

Nearby, the young Prince Blueblood readied his magic for the pegasus attacking him. He didn't recognize the pony's sword, traditional-looking blade dancing with blue and yellow lighting, and he didn't want to get anywhere near it. In his concentration, he forgot that there was another pony nearby.

So did the pegasus. He was blindsided by the earth pony, who jumped up and chomped down on his wing mid-flap. Her momentum pulled him sideways, flipping them both over before sending them crashing to the deck.

Gripping the end of the pegasi's wing, Berry twisted her body around, kicking him hard enough in the ribcage that even Blue heard the snap of bone. Her rear leg wrapped around the wing immediately after, and she twisted again, bringing herself to a sitting position as the wing bent ninety degrees about halfway between the first and second joint.

With a strangled shout, the pegasus swung his sword at his attacker, only for his own mangled wing to be used as a shield. Feathers were sliced clean through as he tried to deflect his swing, but it was only Berry grabbing his hoof that kept him from cutting flesh.

Manipulating the joints in his leg, Berry brought the sword plunging down into the deck beside the pegasi's head. She straddled the stallion, staring down as the energy-clad blade melted metal, releasing waves of heat. His other hoof reached for something, and she twisted the one with the sword, bringing the blade closer to his face.

"No," she growled.

He dropped the dagger in his other hoof with a whimper, twisting his head away from the deadly weapon that was still technically in his own hoof.

And behind Radio and Rarity, with no pony beside him, the elder Blueblood collapsed to the deck with a gaping wound in his neck. He didn't even have time to cry out.

"Yes!" His attacker screamed in victory. Turning to face the others, he held his hoof and energy blade high. "Vengeance!" And his expression of joy and bloodlust turned to confusion as he saw his compatriots defeated.

"Vengeance for what?" The elder Blueblood asked as he stepped up behind him, placing his hoof on the back of his head. The pegasus started to turn, eyes wide before being slammed face first into the deck, where a certain dead body was conspicuously missing. Magic wrapped around him, and so did chains. Radio's old bindings were put to use on this new pegasus, if tightened a little more than before. "Who sent you?"

"How?" His attacker asked instead of answering. "You were dead! I killed you!"

"Obviously not," Blueblood scoffed. "It's funny. Nopony ever takes a close look my cutie mark. If they did, one might notice that the big arrow in the compass rose, pointing North, is actually labelled, 'South.'" The pegasus tried to stand, and Blueblood punched him in the face, knocking him back down. "One might ask again, who sent you?"

The unconscious pegasus didn't answer.

"Oops," the blonde unicorn muttered, before looking back at his family, and the two ponies fighting beside them. His wife was dragging her earth pony attacker down from Opalescence while the colt who protected her was gingerly brushing plasma scorching off surprisingly undamaged feathers. He must not have realize that she was wearing one of the most advanced personal defense shields in the galaxy. And, his son was having a moment with the pink mare threatening to behead his attacker.

And none of them saw his fight.

With a sigh, he left to go find somepony to clean up the mess. He had four more children he needed to go see now that he was back from his business trip. And, watching one's self die on an assassin's blade, even if it was a fiction of one's own creation, does leave one in dire need of a good group hug. Not that one would ever admit it, of course.

Just like his son would ever admit that he was smitten with the pink mare that just saved his life. In fact, he probably wasn't even aware of it yet. But, Blueblood knew his son. He was not one for the game of romance. He took things far too seriously, and was quick to ignore his own needs. And that latter trait did not come from either of his parents. But, he had a type, whether he knew it or not, and that pink pony just checked the box harder than anypony ever had.

He liked mares that got things done.

"You saved me," the younger Blue said breathlessly. He took a step towards Berry, putting him close to the heat from the melting deck plates. Stepping back quickly, he grabbed the energy blade in his magic, snapping the handle in two to deactivate it. He then dragged his attacker away from it, with Berry still on top of him.

She stood up as spectral chains bound the assassin tightly to the floor, stepping away, and looking up as the Prince walked towards her. "Are you ok?" she asked him.

"Am I ok? That..." Blue looked back at his attacker, stunned into silence. He was essentially Berry's captor, but she still put her life on the line to protect him. He looked back at the earth pony. "You took an incredible risk, saving me like that. Thank you."

She gave a nervous smile at the gratitude. "It wasn't that big a deal," she downplayed the effort, "he forgot I was even there."

"A grave error," The young Prince assured her. "You are a skilled fighter, and I am glad beyond words that you chose to side with me in this."

Berry blushed, but her coat hid most of it. She felt an odd sense of pride, being praised by the Prince. It was a pleasant feeling, a wave of warmth welling up within. It wasn't the same feeling she got when other ponies complimented her, and she wanted more of it. "Really?"

"Yes," Blue confirmed, placing his hoof on her shoulder. "Strawberry, I don't have the words to express how truly grateful I am. Come, let us speak with my mother. Surely, she will see that you are a good pony."

Berry looked down at his hoof. She had seen it briefly when she fell out of the shuttle, when he grabbed her. It was a strong hoof, shiny purple against the long white fetlocks. He saved her life then. And she saved his life now.

But, why did his touch feel different? It was like a battery was resting against her fur, faint electricity making her skin tingle. Her shoulder twitched, a tiny involuntary movement. She liked the feeling, but felt like she should be doing something as well. Maybe return the gesture? Would a hug be inappropriate?

She didn't get a chance to think it over for long. She saw something flying at her in her peripheral vision. Aiming for her side, screaming, "Pinkie!"

Without thinking, Berry ducked the white-furred projectile, and as it fell over her back, shoulder-checked it to send it tumbling away.

"Whyyy?!" Rarity cried, as she went straight over the edge of the landing platform.

"Mother!" Blueblood ran for the edge of the platform, grabbing the fallen mare in his magic. "Berry! Why would you do that?!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to," she frantically apologized, as she ran to offer a helping hoof to get the white mare back on the platform. Blue's magic dragged his mother back to the ledge, and Berry helped her back to her hooves. "I just reacted."

It wasn't possible for Rarity to go any more pale than her already white coat, but she was visibly shaken. Her tight lipped expression, and wide open eyes as she took several deep breaths through her nose told Blue and Berry that much at least.

"Is she ok?" Berry asked quietly.

"Give her a moment," Blue whispered in answer.

Rarity suddenly shook her head, chuckling nervously as she checked herself over with a hoof. "Well, now, wasn't that exciting, dears?" She fussed over her mane for a moment, but once she was sure there wasn't a hair out of place, she offered Berry an apologetic smile. "I seem to have mistaken you for somepony else."

"For her grandmother," Radio explained,walking away from the earth pony who shot him. He was tied by what looked like countless threads in all sorts of colors, and one or two measuring tapes. The colt pointed back. "So, despite having a knitting needle stuck in his chin, he's trying to valiantly proclaim this was all for the glory of some place called Tana. Who are they, and what did you White Flag guys do to them?"

"The beast world?" Blue shook his head. "Nothing that I can think of. Any ideas, mother?"

"Nothing springs to mind, darling," Rarity added, "but, I shall ask Blue if he can think of anything." She glanced over at her son, then back at Radio and clarified, "the other Blue."

"Cool," Radio nodded, "and tell him that was a pretty cool thing he did with that illusion spell."

"You should consider telling him yourself, darling," the white mare suggested. "He absolutely adores being told how great he is." She cleared her throat. "So, not that I'm trying to change the subject, you see, you, and Berry, was it? You two are related to friends of mine, very important friends of mine that I have been searching for for years, and have had no luck finding. I, um, I guess what I wish to ask is..."

Radio sighed, understanding the question, even though Rarity couldn't bring herself to finish it. "Let's go sit somewhere, there's a lot to go over."

"Of course," Rarity nodded, feeling her stomach knot up, and knowing the colt was merely delaying bad news. "Follow me, there is a conference room we can use."

She walked away quickly, hoping she was over thinking this, and that the tears already forming in her eyes weren't there for good reason.

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