• Member Since 13th May, 2014
  • offline last seen June 5th


There really is not much to say, except I am here for the same reason I write on Fanfiction. I want to entertain you with my writing, not just detail it but make you feel that you are in the story.

Comments ( 68 )

Who is the father of the Changelings. And I like the new story!!!:pinkiehappy:

"I think I found a mate. . ." the shadow whispered

Andy closes his bedroom door after bidding Luna a good night

This story seems to suffer from many tense changes. It keeps jumping between present and past. Least for me, it is very distracting.


You're right.

I'll be sure to fix that asap. But I have to get out of work first. Please be patient.

No problem, just something to keep in mind. The switches were so much I wasn't sure if you wanted to write in present or past tense. I suggest using past since it simplifies a lot of things. Everything can be spoken in past tense instead of just flashbacks or character dialog referring back to something happening.

This intrigues me. Do go on.

I always like me a good mama Chrysie story.:pinkiehappy:

your summery alone has piqued my interest and i shall begin reading this at a slightly later date mabe a day or 2 as im about to move a few states away tomarow

Well, you've caught my interest.

Oh? This is certainly different. I'll be keeping a close eye on this, that's for sure.

This is gonna be very interesting. Looking for more to come.

trolling son... ALL OF MY YES!!!

My King and Queen, hurry up with your baby-making and get dressed."

Ah yes. The absolute wonder and joy of having children. Lets not forget the lack of sex.

I know who my favorite changeling is!

:rainbowlaugh: Black Leaf, changeling cockblock extrordinar.

Nice to see Blueblood get his ass handed to him, you never insult a man's family right in his face and expect nothing to happen. He could have ended up deader than Julius Caesar for the shit he just tried to pull.

Get wrecked Blueblood! :rainbowlaugh:

Blueblood got his ass handed to him glorious indeed

Should've went for the horn really hit him where it hurts

More please comrade this story is so heart warming that it's burning a hole in my shirt

that bit with blue blood was awesome, please finish what you start :fluttercry:


I am, but I have to wait until Monday to start. Working the weekend.

Did you just threaten my family ? Initiate Papa Bear Mode
Target: Blueballs
Rage level: Critical
Secondary course of action advised

6630803 zebra alicorn oc, kill it. Oh wait, it's just shenadri. Hi, sorry for trying to kill you. Saw the horns and wings, and thought you were another badly made alicorn oc.

7025498 ... ok, I dont know if i need to feel flattered or insulted...

6978667 ah blueblood, you should by now from all the fanfics, that if you piss off a human, they will kill you, or use you to make an example. Especially if you threaten their loved ones, like, oh I don't know, their children?

It's been a while since I read this story can't wait for new chapters.

ugh same...good story decent writing, bug waifu what more ya need? more chapters that's what

D'awwww... That's si cute.

Interesting start and it's nice to see Chryssie being motherly.

Could do with a bit fewer tense shifts.

Black Leaf is best Trololing.

Hah, so they are still working stuff out, glad to see that Chryssie really loves him.

You could use an editor to fix some of the errors, though.


I've been trying to find one.

Wow, bad move, Blueballs. Andy had to indeed choke a bitch.

Ponies are dicks.

Hah, no better way to push someone away from you than to unilaterally decide that they are your property.

Amazing story keep up the great work update soon!

Black leaf you little shit.
Enjoys the chapter. Not as rusty as you'd think you are, though I saw a couple grammar oops.

Wow black leaf in this chapter you really did need it for the story can't wait for more.

Hmmm, how interesting. Sounds like the relationship developed fairly quickly.

I'm really confused about the whole cheating thing in the beginning. Can someone explain it to me please?

So... is it actually illegal to make death threats in Equestria? Since Blueblood did it first, wouldn't he technically be the one at fault?

Really, he'd rather starve to death than accept a surrogate father?


Black leaf you little shit

My thoughts exactly

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