• Published 30th May 2012
  • 7,383 Views, 586 Comments

Dancing Flames, Cooling Ember - Tamara Bloodhoof

Human in Equestria becomes a dragon. Takes place in the universe of Griffin the Griffin & Co.

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Chapter Eight, Yay, Even more Drama!

Chapter 8
Yay, Even More Drama

Both Grim and I were sitting in the cave, making small chat between us when we heard a chorus of shrieks. Grim’s neck snapped to the side, his ears upright, his nose sniffing the air. He started to slowly pad forwards on all fours, his nose still upright.

’Think he’s smelled something?’

’No, he just started to go all Scooby-doo on us for no reason.’


Grim suddenly starts to growl and barks, a deep, booming sound that made me want to run in fear. He bounded out of the cave, scooping his gear from the entrance of the cave, his stance suddenly bipedal. As he ran out the cave I could hear him bark again, this time saying, “Ember, DON’T FOLLOW!”

’So….we gonna follow him?’ Gemina asked quizzically

I mentally face-clawed. ’You know what; I’m going to leave the sarcasm all to you.’

’Why thank you.’

I dashed out of the cave after grim, running as hard as I could, but even with my new body he continued to gain distance. I screamed out to him, but he didn’t stop or even slow down, making me doubt that he had even heard me.

‘Damn it, this isn’t working.’

‘You know it can, and you know how.’

’How, by letting you free again?’ I thought sarcastically.

As soon as I finished that thought my vision suddenly blacked out. For a few horrifying seconds I struggled, my eyes sweeping the darkness before me until I realized that I was looking at a giant void, bare of anything else besides me. Even as I registered this I heard an all too familiar voice emanate from all around me.

’Ember, SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH! What I said fourteen years ago is still true, JUST FUCKING TRY IT ALREADY!’

My mind went blank at this statement. Gemina was giving me advice, not a sarcastic remark, not a rude comment, but advice. It was something I had been waiting years for, and when she finally gave it to me I had turned into such a snarky asshole that I didn’t even realize it.

’I….I….I’m sorry Gemina.’ I muttered, my voice barely a whisper.

’Did I ask for an apology? No. Just MOVE IT!’ her voice thundered, and the void around me shattered, the real world once again visible. I stumbled at this sudden return to reality, but, somehow, I turned into a ball and quickly rolled from the fall back to a running position.

’How did I do that?

’You tried. NOW GO!’

After that berating from Gemina I decided to heed her words and started to sprint after Grim. For some reason my body felt lighter than air, my pace starting to rapidly gain speed, trees now flitting past me. I was going so fast that I didn’t notice a tree in front of me until I had literally tucked my head in and charged straight through it.

’What is this?’ I thought, my voice sounding hysteric even in my own head. ’I just destroyed a tree as if it wasn’t there! What’s happening!’

’You know how humans usually use 20% of their strength at all times?’

’Yes.’ I thought as I sped past another couple of trees, running well over thirty mph.

’You’ve only ever used ten percent. You’re now using all twenty.’

’So I’ve been holding myself back, why?’


She said it so bluntly that I nearly stopped, remembering just in time that to do so would cause myself to literally bash my face in. ‘Why?’

I could literally hear a snort in my head, almost as if Gemina was trying not to laugh.

’Because you were so afraid of the power we had when we first actually went all out that you subconsciously weakened yourself in order to prevent yourself from harming people.

I gulped, remembering the devastation I had wreaked upon those poor kids. Swings ripped from their chains, wooden boards splintered, everything in ruins. I was so sure dad would hate me for that, but he just looked at me with greed in his eyes.

’No time to chat now, listen!’

I strained my ears (do I even have any?) to hear what Gemina was talking about and the sound of sword fighting reached my ears. “GRIM!” I shouted, dashing towards the commotion.

As I reached the source of the commotion I saw Grim standing in the middle of a circle of Diamond Dogs. His blade and armor was covered in a thick layer of blood, the corpses of over four Diamond Dogs, all of them smaller and scrawnier than him, lay at his paws, but over two times that amount had formed a circle around him. Everyone was covered in cuts, and while the attackers had red blood pouring out of their wounds, Grim had blood the color of black ichor oozing out of his wounds.

“Grim…what..what happened?” I ask, my eyes looking at the devastation before me. At the sound of my voice all of the D-dogs surrounding Grim turned to look at me, evidently startled at my presence. Grim took advantage of their surprise to slay two of them in as many strokes and rolling out of the circle. I finally got a good look at him, and I could see his eyes had changed to orbs of pure black.

’What’s wrong with him?’

’I…I….have no clue.’ she said, her tone full of fear.

My face paled. If Gemina was afraid of this then it was beyond monstrous. It had already slain six D-dogs, and the others were heavily wounded, yet it didn’t seem like he meant me any harm. I don’t know how I knew, but it seemed to me as if he was in pain.

Grim slowly leveled his blade at the other six D-dogs and said, his voice deep and demonic. “Leave or die.”

The D-dogs, and I’ll never understand exactly why, charged Grim, and I, once again for some insane reason I'll never get, stood in front of him. My voice turned into a shout as I screamed to the heavens.

“Ignire, incendere, VASTITAS!” I shouted, and from my hands came an inferno, swallowing all of the D-dogs up inside the flames. I could see them burning in front of me, and then, just as quickly, turning to ashes as the flames literally cremated their body. The flames then stopped springing forth from my hands and vanished into thin air. I slowly raised my hands to eye level, searching for some sort of hole in my hand.

’Ember, try that cure on Grim.’

’Wait, that’s it!’

I spun on the spot to look at Grim and quickly chanted a few words. “Serena, curabat.”

’What’s it?’

’Latin is magic. Don’t ask me how, but I’ve spoken Latin around five times since we got here and each time something amazing has happened.’

As I talked to Gemina I could see the color of Grim’s eyes revert back to normal and his wounds starting to slowly close. He shook his head vigorously and then looked at me.

“Are you, okay?” he asked, his voice soft.

In response I grab him and pull him into a hug. “Were you trying to protect me again?” I whispered, my voice also soft.

“Yes.” he said, his tone sorrowful. “I didn’t want you to see that, you don't even care anymore.”

I pushed him away and slapped him. My face was a picture of pure rage. “I’ve known you for three days, you’ve saved me from a Manticore and D-dogs, and you expect me to think that I don’t care anymore?! Are you INSANE!” I shouted, my voice causing birds to fly from the trees. “I think that you need to explain what that was all about rather than feel sad.”

Grim sighed and pulled his barbut off, stuck his sword into the ground, and sat down. He heaved an almighty sigh and said, “When I started sniffing around back at our cave, it was because I recognized a smell, specifically the smell of inferiors. I decided to find out why they were here on my own because I’m an Alpha, or somewhere along those lines. I thought they would listen, and that you might harm my influence.”

I stared at Grim, my mouth hanging open and swinging on its hinge. After about ten seconds of me gaping at him I shut my jaw and slapped his face, this time leaving a hand shaped mark of flattened fur on his face and knocking him down onto his back.

“WHA..WHO..BU…HUH!?” he spluttered at me, looking up from the ground.

“Learn to lie better, mutt.” I said, fire now dancing in my eyes. “Your story is riddled with holes, about four of them actually. One, you waited for quite a while in order to give yourself time to think, and that immediately raised my suspicions. Second, you’ve always said you’re a D-dog, not an alpha (and for Frond’s name what the hell is an Alpha?). Third, you had no time to negotiate with them before I got here, so you fought them from the get go. And Fourth, you just talked as if you were going to intimidate them, and a walking talking dragon is intimidating in my opinion. So, either get your story straight, or prepare to lose all trust I’ve given you up till now.”

’Nicely done Ember, about as good as I would have done.’

’Why thank you Gemina, that’s exactly what I was going for.’]

Grim sat there for a few more seconds, his face now the same as his namesake. Finally, he sat up and muttered, “Sorry…”

“I don’t want apologies, you worthless mongrel, but the truth.” I responded, my voice so harsh it would make devils cry.

“Fine, guess it’s my turn for story time. When I got here I saw a griffin standing over a dragon’s body and fighting a pack of five dogs. There were another dozen or so standing in a clearing nearby, and I could immediately see that those dogs would overwhelm him the second that they charged. He got the surprise on his pack of dogs, but without that I doubt he would have survived the experience. So I decided to fight the dogs in order to save his life.”

Once again my jaw was swinging, even lower than before. “You nearly died for a griffin that I told you we’re hunting? Why the hell would you do that!”

“…………………..Because they came here to kill me.” He whispered.

“…Come again?”

He looked straight up at me and shouted, his voice thundering around the clearing, “Because they were chasing me down in order to rip me to pieces and he was going to be killed for no other reason than that!”

Griffin looked up from the cave to look outside. Thunder had just rumbled through the forest even though there were no clouds in the sky.

‘What the buck is going on here? Maybe we should head out tomorrow instead of waiting.’
For the third time this night my mouth was swinging, but this time Pinkie would have been proud of me, so low was my jaw. It took me more than a minute to sort through the jumble of thoughts I had crowding in my head.

’Really, he says he’s hunted and you start thinking of police dogs? You really need to watch a few more movies.’

And that was all it took to galvanize me into conscious thought once again. As I snapped my jaw shut I shook my head a few times experimentally.

“Something wrong Ember?” Grim asked, worry etched all over his face.

“No…..yes…….what did you mean by they were following you?” I asked, my head starting to throb in pain. “All this drama is giving me a migraine.”

“Well, by their following me I meant they’re following me. But, to answer your real question, they were coming to drag me back to a city called Masonry and rip me to pieces, my body turning into a macabre experiment.”

“Shouldn’t they use some dogs from closer to home?” I asked, suddenly getting a picture of a Grim torn limb from limb.

“No, because I wasn’t exiled because I’m gay, but rather what you saw earlier.”

I stared at him blankly. “You mean those eyes? What was it?”

He stood up and turned away from me. “……..Death.”

I stood there for a moment, processing the drama of what he just said, then started to laugh loudly, literally doubling over in hilarity. He spun around and looked me in the face, his own deadly serious. After a few moments I started to get air again and I stopped laughing, but my face still held a smile.

“Death, really?” I said, chuckling.

He growled at me, forcing the words out through his teeth, “I was blamed for any death that happed when I crossed someone’s path, and it did seem that it was true. Whenever I looked at someone with those eyes they would die within two days. Everyone believed that I was killing them somehow, and I decided that I would leave once I heard rumors of me being turned into a weapon. It seems that some of the stronger people wanted to make copies of my eyes and use them as weapons.” After finishing his monologue, he turned away again, giant tears rolling down his face.

I stood there for a second, then slowly walked to Grim and hugged him, my arms wrapping around his fuzzy torso. “We both know the pain of people discriminating against us, even trying to make us paragons of war. My dad wanted a super daughter who could fight so well that I would make elite squads weep in envy, and you’re wanted to become an ultimate weapon. But, if everyone else is going to fight us, then why don’t we at least stick together.”

He looked at me; his eyes wide in surprise, then turned around and hugged me back. “Together?” he asked, his voice shaking.

“Forever.” I said, smling.