• Published 8th Jul 2015
  • 995 Views, 112 Comments

Memories of Midnight - Sylvian

Squad Six of the Wonderbolts are, at best a group of oddballs, at worst they are like bickering siblings. Yet they are loyal to each other and the Wonderbolts as a whole. yet, tragedy looms on the horizon for one of them.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Meetings, Secret and Overt

The flight back to the Wonderbolt Compound was one of quiet contemplation for Captain Riptide. Her wings working on autopilot, her ears barely hearing the laughter and comments from the rest of her squad as they fly over the High-Class District of Canterlot. Yet, she saw none of the brightly lit stone houses, nor felt the warmth of the sun on her wings, the wind in her mane.

No, all she saw were those eyes. Those amber stars amidst a field of blue as dark as the clearest night. All she felt was the warmth of the smile, her heart filling with a feeling she had felt no other place than vague memories of her long passed mother. It confused her. But it also made her feel so...light. Almost as if her wings were being lifted by an unseen force, her body suspended by this feeling causing her weight to mean nothing. But, as pleasant as it is, it is an unknown, and Tide does her best to press it down into the depths of her mind so it does not interfere with her duty as a Captain.

It is her duty to deal with the unknown, but something like this is beyond her training, beyond the scope of what she feels...comfortable dealing with. She had never really dealt with matters regarding her own feelings on another pony in years. Least of all her feelings towards anypony in regards to actually liking them. Not since her last coltfriend when she was in primary school.

And now?

Now, not only was her mind actually forcing her to contemplate something like this, it was actually making her think that having a marefriend would be something she’d enjoy. Something she wanted, perhaps even needed. If she had been a lesser pony, she might actually admit that these feelings might actually frighten her.

Landing swiftly beside her wingmates as they arrive at the Wonderbolt Compound -- at home -- a grimace on her face, Tide is jarred from her thoughts by the sight of others briskly trotting in through the front door. She recognized at least Squad Seven, as well as surprisingly Squad Two, in full flight gear going in through the front door. But, if they were home, that meant…

“Captain Riptide!” Lead Captain Spitfire’s voice cut through her embattled thoughts like a hot blade to butter, “Good, you are here.”

Snapping to attention with the rest of her Squad, Riptide turns and stays in salute as the Captain walks up. She stays that way as watches Spitfire stop briefly and continue to address them. “At ease, Squad Six.” Spitfire all but snaps, her mood clearly not a good one, “Captain Riptide, come with me.” She starts off and continues without looking back, “Emergency meeting, Captains only.”

“Yes ma’am!” Tide replies without pause, starting off with a nod of her head for her squad to follow. As they catch up, she speaks without turning, “Midnight, take the rest of the Squad and run some practice drills in one of the gyms. Dancer and Sky could use some practice in their part of the show. You can work with them, or work on whatever you wish. Just make sure they put some work into that lighting catching trick.”

Midnight nods, a smile on her face as she salutes with one wing while splitting from Tide’s side, where she had been the entire time Riptide realizes, “Right away, my Captain.” The emphasis on the word ‘my’ causes Tide’s ears to flick back and her eyes to shoot to Spitfire, but as luck would have it the Lead Captain’s attention is elsewhere, primarily on shouting at another Captain to get their plot to the meeting room and to pass it on to any other squad leads they see.

Looking back to where Midnight had been a moment before Tide finds that that particular problem in her life has vanished along with the rest of her Squad. Breathing a sigh of relief she breaks into a quick trot to catch up to Spitfire who is already mounting the steps to the second story of the Compound.

Something had to have happened in Cloudsdale, or Spitfire wouldn’t be this worked up. Tide does not know her all that well, but she knows her superior officer well enough to know that when she became agitated or deeply troubled about something she fell into her ‘I am the Lead Captain!’ mode. And, clearly, this was one of those moments.

Upon reaching the second floor they turn down towards the administrative wing, Captains from many of the squads in the wake of their leader. Riptide herself was right behind the Captain of Squad Ten, an older Stallion who had been a Captain longer than Riptide, and had the Captain from Squads Nineteen and Twenty right behind her.

Moving into the room swiftly, Riptide makes her way to her chair, which is across the table from the Captain of Squad Seven, and between Squads Four and Eight. Standing beside her chair she looks around, attempting to gage the mood of the other Captains, perhaps get a feeling for what is going on. However, everyone, with the exception of Fleetfoot -- who had walked in sometime in the time it took Tide to get to her chair -- who was in conversation with Captain Spitfire. They’re conversation was, to say the least, animated, and the look on Fleetfoot’s face could only been called gossipy. Knowing her, and the look on Spitfire’s face, Fleet was likely teasing her Captain about Wave Chill or something.

Thinking of Wave and Spitfire’s relationship only causes Tide to think back to lunch -- which brings her back to Midnight -- her mind suddenly once more becoming consumed by the image of her wingmate’s eyes. Her heart actually skips a beat remembering them, the feeling of warmth and weightlessness returning unbidden.

Luckily the sound of voices from the doorway return her to the present before she can swoon. Blinking a few times Tide looks over towards the entrance to the meeting room and raises an eyebrow at yet another couple. This time, it is Soarin and the new Recruit Captain Rainbow Dash standing in the entranceway, Silver Lining behind her waiting for her and the Lead Squad Commander to move out of the way. They were, truthfully, an odd couple in Tide’s book, the two of them having met during one of Soarin’s ‘vacations’ away from the Wonderbolt Compound. She could not fault him, however, for falling for the mare. From what she understood, and from what she had seen during the recruitment and later during the training under Silver, Dash was a very spirited and determined pony.

The two of them seemed to almost feed off of each other’s enthusiasm and determination. It made them stronger, from what Riptide had observed.

The way she helped him, too, as he seemed injured -- yet another thing that needed to be explained -- there was a deep connection there.

And, then once more, her mind kicked her in the teeth and she imagined Midnight beside her, Tide’s wing draped over her with both of them laughing and enjoying themselves and…

No. Focus. She needed to focus, she was in a meeting. In fact, Spitfire had said something.

Looking over a cold, embarrassed sweat forms between Tide’s shoulder blades as Spitfire had told them all to sit while Tide was off in the land of useless personal fantasies. Taking her seat quickly and hoping no pony had noticed her getting lost in thought she looks towards Spitfire as she takes her own seat, Soarin and Fleetfoot taking a seat on each side of their Captain.

With everyone seated, the lone exception behind the young ‘Captain’ of Squad Zero -- Spitfire’s pet special forces project, which Tide did not know how to feel about -- who was lingering off to one side of Spitfire. A small apologetic smile crosses Tide’s face, as she can not help but feel sorry for the young mare who has no place really to sit. The smile, though, quickly vanishes when Air Mach, the most annoying Stallion in the world -- perhaps even the universe -- stands up and offers Shine his seat in his usual verbose over the top grandstanding way. But, at least it was only a single sentence, instead of his usual paragraph of ‘true stallion’ crap.

Spitfire’s voice, calling for order and everyone to listen up, catches and drags Tide’s attention to the Lead Captain. She explains how she wants to explain what just happened, as in today, to Squads One, Two, Three, and Seven in Cloudsdale. Tide cannot help herself and leans forward, hooves on the table and ears perked forward. What in Celestia and Luna’s name was four Elite Tier Squads doing in Cloudsdale? She had known that One and Seven had a show in Cloudsdale, and had actually taken Squad Foxtrot now that she thought about it, but why were Fire and Silver’s squads doing there too? For that matter, when had they left?

Spitfire’s explanation doesn’t lend any more answers than it raises questions, too. Shadowbolts, in broad daylight? Appearing out of nowhere, and also being so brazen as to actually sneak -- quietly and skillfully -- into a room with an entire Recruit Squad, as well as an Elite, with Squad One outside?

And the battle. The description of it makes Tide’s ears go back against her head in both worry and fear. Though she won’t admit the last one, the Shadowbolts defeated all four of the Elite Squads, and the Recruit Squad, without even fighting back! That last part makes her growl, causing the two Captains on both sides of her to give her worried looks. How dare the Shadowbolts taunt them like this. Was it revenge for the destruction their fortress? Was it their leader, Nightshade, getting even? Or had some new up and coming Shadowbolt commander gathering together the broken and disorganized remnants and giving them a common foe to solidify their spot as leader?

Whatever the case, it spelled ill for the Wonderbolts, that much Tide knew. They would need to be prepared, need to be ready for an assault from anywhere if the Shadowbolts were this arrogant.

She barely hears the last part -- the order to ease up on the training along with the increased security and patrols -- as her thoughts swirling and twisting with not only the implications of this new information, but a desire to make sure her squad was ready, was able to defend themselves. Midnight included.

No. Especially Midnight.

That thought, above all else steeled her resolve, she had to protect the things she cared about, and she cared for her Squad. Some more than others if the way her heart and head kept blitzing her was any indication. She would need to ease up on a few things, but she would make sure that her Squad would be able to fight when the time came.

The dismissal is met on autopilot, Tide standing and offering salute to Spitfire before turning and walking from the room at a brisk trot, a few of the other Captains actually getting out of her way, a determined scowl fixed to her face causing them pause.

She’ll need to talk to her Squad soon, but right now she had a report to write. Duty, her mind stated, before pleasure.

The crackle of electricity hums and whips through the air, causing the hair on Sky’s mane to stand up on end. Not from fright, he trusts Dancer to keep the lighting under control, but rather from a mixture of anticipation and awe. They had practiced this particular part of Squad Six’s show a few times in the past, and were slowly getting it down even if Bliss down in the training room had seen more than her fair share of Sky when things had gotten out of control.

At the moment, though, they were standing on opposite ends of one of the large gyms, a small crowd of Wonderbolts and support staff -- who had set up one of Soarin’s suicidal obstacle course from during the recruitment -- who were all watching the pair of ponies with rapt interest. Dancer currently had a small thunder cloud floating level with his lightning-scarred body, a determined look in his eyes. Above them was a large white cloud that Sky and formed and split the smaller cloud that had become the thunder-cloud out of. The trick was, if all went well, to have Dancer ‘pass’ the lighting from where he was standing a few yards away to Sky, who would then redirect it up towards the cloud where if it was at full power would hopefully light it up before shooting to the ground between the two of them with a loud thunderclap.

At least, that was the plan. So far, the end result had been Sky getting shocked, thus the visits to Bliss, and that was only at half power. They had been slowly working it up to full power, and had almost made it last time before Sky had gotten shocked from being inattentive.

Kind of like right now, actually. Shaking his head Sky focuses on Dancer who had been talking during Sky’s boredom induced jaunt through his own thoughts. He wanted to be in on the action of that Captain meeting, and it made everything else look dull…

Nope, he was doing it again. At this rate, Dancer was likely to shock him on the plot again to get him to pay attention.

“What’d y’say old timer?” Sky shouts over to his partner with a sly smirk, “You’ll have to speak up, or is your voice fading in your twilight years?”

“I’m not that much older than you, you young whipper snapper!” Dancer shouts back in a fake ‘old stallion’ voice, “I asked if you’re ready?”

Sky pats his chest with one hoof, “Lets see if your aim is still as good as your comebacks!”

Without further preamble Dancer stands up on his back legs, spreading them out along with his wings in preparation to control the lighting next to him. Sky mimics the stance, though not as expertly or even as practiced as Dancer, and fixes his eyes on his friend as he reaches for the cloud with his free hoof. Time seems to slow down a little, Sky’s heartbeat echoing in his head as he focuses on Dancer’s hoof which suddenly crackles with electricity.

And then, with a sound akin to rushing water time flows forward again as Dancer steps forward once hard enough to echo across the suddenly silent gym as he grounds himself. He thrusts his off-hoof forward, his body moving like he is about to punch Sky from across the room.

And as the motion ends, with a crack loud enough to make everyone in the room flinch, the lighting shoots forward like a bullet from a gun.

To Sky, it is almost like all the light in the room goes out, like the bolt has absorbed all of it into itself to add to its intensity. He steps forward in a manner that suggests he is going to ‘catch’ the bolt, planting both rear hooves into the mat beneath him and extending his right forehoof forward. The bolt impacts his hoof with a feeling akin to being slammed into by a freight train -- it takes all of Sky’s control to not be blown backwards into a wall -- and travels up and around his arm with the pin-prick and feeling that always warns that he needs to buckle down or get shocked.

Taking a step forward like Dancer, but twisting with his off-hoof extended like he is going to back-hand somepony, he ‘flicks’ the charge of electricity skyward and towards the cloud above. As the lighting bolt leaves, though, it gives him a love bite and Sky flinches with a loud yelp causing the bolt to veer off course and strike a the ceiling.

Falling to back down to all his hooves, save for the one that got ‘bit’ by the lighting, Sky shivers a little as a few stray volts from the shock travel through him.

“You okay, Sky?” Dancer’s voice comes from right in front of Sky who quickly looks up to find Dancer in front of him with a worried look, “That was close to full power, and it looked like you got nicked on the toss-off.”

“You know how it is,” Sky chuckles weakly, “Me and Lighting have a love-hate relationship. As in, it loves to bite me, and I hate to see her go.” he winks as Dancer rolls his eyes and sighs.

“Right, well, that is the third time this hour.” Dancer says with a sigh as he places a hoof on Sky’s head and ruffles his mane, “I think we should break for now, lest Bliss give me a glare worthy of legend.” He then sits down and points towards the obstacle course, “Besides, it looks like Midnight is putting on a good show on her own.” Following Dancer’s hoof Sky watches as Midnight makes a hard landing at the end of the course, her hooves striking the landing pad with a resounding boom.

She breaths heavily for a few seconds before turning around and flying back to the start. She stretches a little, wings fluttering a few times, before she takes off from the starting line. She weaves through the obstacles deftly, her wings carrying her through even the tightest of spaces with the same ease one would walk down an empty hallway. But, halfway down the track her back hoof nicks a pendulum sending her into an obstacle with a loud thud. She growls as she heads towards the floor, snapping her wings back out and going back to the start where she begins again.

She shoots through the course much like before -- a slightly more determined look beneath her flight goggles -- and manages to make it further before she smacks into a moving obstacle and stopping dead in her tracks. She goes again, and again, and again. On her fifth try she makes it through without smacking into anything too hard, and lands wearily.

By now, the crowd has dispersed and it is just Sky and Dancer watching their wingmate being her usual masochistic self. Sky, however, really doesn't want to watch Midnight beat herself into a pulp and be sent to Bliss to be treated, so he looks to Dancer who looks over with a sigh and a shrug before nodding to Sky. Returning the nod Sky jumps up and flies up to Midnight before she can get herself together enough to attempt the next run.

“Hey, so, Midnight,” Sky says as he lands next to her, a mischievous smile on his face, “I saw the look you gave Captain Dulltide.” He nudges his friend’s shoulder as Midnight’s eyes open wide in surprise, “You teaching the Captain the meaning of ‘fun’, if you catch my drift?”

“You know she’d never let me,” Midnight mutters as she blushes, pretending to preen a wing to hide her face, “Besides. What if I...do...like the Captain.” she says into her wing, “She is a very...pretty mare after all...once you get past her ridged shell.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know she is caring, and all. Dancer and I see it all the time,” He says as he sits down, waving a hoof dismissively, “And, sure she has some looks. But I mean, she is so stiff about everything. Almost reminds me of Wave Chill, honestly.” He taps the end of his snout absently, “I almost wonder if they’re related sometimes…”

Midnight lowers her wing, blush fully visible and opens her mouth to give a retort in defense of Tide, but Dancer lands next to Sky and swats him on the face with his wing, “Right, that is enough of that.” He gives Midnight an apologetic look, “Sorry, I sent him up here thinking he’d tell you that we should take a break, not hound you like Fleetfoot hunting for gossip.” He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, “Anyway, we should go check on Tide, see if the meeting is over.”

Midnight’s blush vanishes as she nods, “Yeah, yeah a break might be good.” She stretches her wings, a few loud pops echoing from them, “Aw, Bliss is going to really get on my case…” she groans as the stiffness sets in as the adrenalin wears off. She sighs and starts forward, “Might as well, I am sure Sky is just about ready to explode from the need to know what Captain Spitfire needed Tide for.”

“I’m not that obvious, am I?” Sky asks as he bounces, not trots, past the two of them as Dancer falls in next to Midnight, “I mean, I want to know, but explode might be a little drastic!”

“No,” Dancer says with a smirk, “You look like Surprise waiting to unleash a new joke or something.” Sky falls in next to them, looking around suddenly as if expecting somepony to jump out of nowhere.

“Don’t say her name so loud, she might hear you!” Sky replies in a forced whisper, “I was washing confetti out of my mane for a week after the last time she jumped us.”

“At least it wasn’t pie! I swear to Celestia,” Midnight says with a chuckle, “I felt so sorry for the Recruits during that test!”

“Right, yeah, me too…” Sky says as he quickens his pace, “Lets just get out of here before she shows up!” he then rushes to the door, the other two laughing behind him as he opens the door slightly, peers out, then rushes out.

Walking through the lobby, Midnight can’t help but blush again now that Sky wasn't looking her direction. He had read her like an open book back in the gym, and it made her feel a little self-conscious. Even though Midnight knew he meant no harm, she just felt very vulnerable for some reason when it came to her feelings for Tide. Sure, it might be because Tide was the equivalent of a High-Class Pony, whereas Midnight grew up in the dust and dirt of the outskirts. She had always seen the Royal Guard, the Princess’ they guarded, and the High-Class citizens of Canterlot as a sort of...different breed of Pony. And they had done nothing to dissuade her of that notion, acting high and mighty beyond even the point that good manners were broken.

They were, essentially, of higher or equal rank as the High-Class now, being of the Wonderbolts, but even then Midnight still felt like the scared little filly watching the clean and well groomed High Class Ponies walk around with their noses up and their smug attitudes drifting around their heads so thick she likely could’ve asked Sky to form thunderclouds from them!

Shaking her head she focuses on going up the steps to the next level of the compound without tripping. If she got lost in thoughts of Tide and missed a step or something, she’d never hear the end of it from Sky, let alone if Commander Fleetfoot caught wind of it! Well, okay, Fleet wouldn’t be so bad, Midnight could handle her, but she had to interact with Sky on a daily basis.

Mounting the last few steps in the time it takes her to think those thoughts she picks up the pace slightly so she is up next to the other two of Squad Six, not wanting them to get to Tide before her and have Sky go and run his mouth.

“Hey!” Sky says suddenly, causing Midnight to stop and look around, “There you are Captain.” About a yard away Tide is just exiting Spitfire’s office, in fact they can see the Lead Captain through the door, her attention currently on a few pieces of paper on her desk.

“Clear Sky,” Tide says as she closes the door to Spitfire’s office and walks over, “Aren’t you supposed to be training?” She raises an eyebrow and looks between the three of them, “I gave you orders to be in a gym training, so unless someone else told you otherwise…”

“I stopped the training, Captain,” Dancer says in a serious tone, “Sky was losing focus and shocking himself, and Midnight had already taken a good beating on the course she had selected.” For a moment, it looks like Tide is going to reprimand them, but then her eyes turn to Midnight and soften. Midnight leans her head to one side and raises an eyebrow at this, doing her best to keep her heartbeat from fluttering too hard under the gaze.

“I see,” Riptide says, her eyes turning back to Dancer almost...reluctantly, “That is good, Spitfire has ordered us to take it easy for the foreseeable future.” She nods her head towards the stairs and starts walking, “In fact, Captain Spitfire imparted quite a few things onto us, some of which I do need to share with you, for your safety and the safety of your fellow Wonderbolts.” Midnight could almost hear Sky’s head snap to stare at Tide excitedly.

“What happened, Tide!” He asks hurriedly, dropping the title when addressing the Captain, “Something happened, didn’t it!? In Cloudsdale? And why was Squad Two and Three with them…” he is cut off as Tide sticks a hoof against his face, an annoyed look in her eyes.

“One of these days, I swear you’re going to forget to breath and we’re going to have to drag you to Bliss so she can slap you back awake.” Her tone is not harsh, or even its usual clipped commanding, its just slightly annoyed, “As for what happened. I will tell you, if you just shut your snout long enough for me to get a word in.” Sky nods slowly and Tide removes her hoof from his mouth, “Good. Now, there was an...attack in Cloudsdale by the Shadowbolts.”

At the mention of the Shadowbolts Midnight stiffens, as does Dancer and Sky though not with the same intensity.

Noting her Squad’s reaction Tide continues, “Squads Two and Three were called in, by the Captain without telling anyone else, to back Squad One, Seven, and Foxtrot up in the event that a Shadowbolt showed.” She starts pacing in front of them, the others sitting down and simply watching her, “They were soundly defeated by not one, but nine Shadowbolts who were wearing uniforms unlike those seen during the assault on their Fortress.” She stops and looks each of her wingmates in their eyes, lingering a half-second longer than needed on Midnight’s, before continuing, “They did this without, and I cannot even stress this enough, attacking a single time outside of one attempting to use lighting,” She looks to Dancer who narrows his eyes in thought, “But otherwise they took great pains to not injure any of the Wonderbolts who were attacking them.” She sighs and shakes her head, “Disgraceful, honestly, to hear that three Elite Squads and the Recruit Squad ever to defeat The Test getting beaten so badly.” The others nod slowly in agreement, Midnight can’t help but feel a chill down her spine as the news continues.

“Because of this, Spitfire has ordered that we take it easy from now on, like I told you. She is also increasing patrols, and assigning lookout positions.” She starts pacing again, looking at the three before her from the corner of one eye, “You can guess already that I’ve signed us up for patrols, each day, without fail.” She stops as Sky groans loudly, “As a...concession...we’ll go to Rusty’s at least one of those days, each week.” Sky instantly perks up, as does Midnight and Dancer, “But, I am also going to insist that we work on combat training more often.” She looks at all of them, her expression growing concerned, “I don’t want any of you to be caught off guard and unable to defend yourselves,” She looks at each of them, this time she lingers on Midnight long enough that Midnight is sure the other two have taken notice, “Because we are not just a squad, we are a family.” She sighs and shakes her head, “The loss of even one Wonderbolt to this foe would be horrible.” She frowns, her eyes averting from the three, “Losing one of you, especially, would be beyond words.” She snaps her eyes back up, “So, we’re all going to watch each other’s plots out there, no matter what. Understood?”

All three nod with Dancer and Sky offering the usual, ‘Yes Ma’am.’

Midnight, on the other hand smiles warmly, and goes so far as to wink at Tide, “I’d watch your plot any day, Captain.” She blushes, and looks down as she realizes she had said that aloud, she has to finish the thought though, “With or without the high alert status.” She can all but hear Sky’s ears shoot upward and a smile spread across his face, though Dancer is between them so she can’t see him. She can however see Tide’s ears shoot up and her eyes widen slightly. Before anything can happen, though, Dancer clears his throat.

“So, who is hungry?” He turns to Sky who is staring at his two female wingmates with a look that can only be called ‘fleetfoot-like’, “Why, Sky! You look absolutely starving!” He grabs Sky by his tail and starts dragging him, “ Y’re coming t’dinner then.” He says as Sky yelps and tries to find traction on the floor, fails, and ends up being dragged away.

“But papa-Dancer! I wanna see them kiss!” Sky whines as he crosses his hooves and pouts when he realizes Dancer isn’t stopping, “Fine, but you better let me get a custom sandwich to make up for missing this!”

Letting go of Sky’s tail Dancer points down the stairs, “Yeah, sure. Just so long as it isn’t full of jalapenos. You do that and you’re sleeping in the hallway. Again.” Sky sticks his tongue out at Dancer and hops down the stairs like a little colt.

Once they’re out of sight, leaving Midnight and Tide alone, Midnight looks up to see Tide starting to turn. She can see a very pronounced blush on her Captain’s face, though, and smiles slightly. Even with all the difference in upbringing, all the proof she needs to see is slowly turning away to hide the confused look and blush.

Standing up and clearing her own throat Midnight walks up to stand beside Tide, slowly and gently leaning over so their flanks are touching. The sudden touch makes Tide flinch, but she doesn’t try to move away, only keeps her face hidden by raising one wing and pretending to look it over as if something was attached to it.

“Hey. So, lets go get some dinner.” Midnight says slowly, “Before your face catches fire.” She hesitantly leans over and nuzzles the side of Tide’s neck, “And before Fleetfoot happens by. I don’t think your or I could handle her brand of raunchy comments right now.”

Tide just stands there, she hadn’t pulled away from the touch on her neck, but she had lowered her wing to expose her face. Her naturally red fur is right now almost glowing with a blush and her eyes are downcast as if she is -- for once in her life -- unsure of herself.

“I…” Tide starts, her voice soft and shaking, but before she can continue Midnight puts a hoof to her Captain, no her friend’s mouth.

“We can talk about why we’re both blushing harder than a pair of fillies talking to their first coltfriend later.” She chuckles, “First, lets go get some dinner and when we’re both not so flustered we can have a straight, honest, conversation. Okay?” Tide nods slowly, and starts walking, pausing slightly so that Midnight can match her pace.

And so, shoulder to shoulder, they start down the stairs to go to the mess hall.

After they have passed out of sight, the sound of chuckling echoes from inside Spitfire’s office. The door, which had been slightly ajar the entire time, opens and Fleetfoot sticks her head out, a very wide, very mischievous smile on her face.

“They are sooo cute! Just like you and Chill!”

“Leave them alone, Fleet, that’s an Order.”

Author's Note:

Sweet Gods, what have I done.

I mean, Chapter Two! Yay! Arn't you all excited that I am slowly ripping your hearts out :pinkiecrazy:

Truthfully, that last scene was longer and a little more involved than I had originally planned, but hey I got to justify the Fleetfoot tag! And with the photoshoot coming up...hmm...what could possibly happen there that Fleetfoot could engineer :moustache:?

Time shall tell. But, I hope you all enjoy this, it was written on breaks during my work week, finished last night, and edited (With no small amount of English Breakfast Tea sacrificed to do so :ajsleepy: ) all so it could be given to you all to pick apart and tell me where I went wrong :applejackunsure:

Also, before anyone goes "Oh, look, another girl/girl relationship" yeah, okay, so y'guessed it in chapter one. Originally I had planed to dance around it until at least chapter 3, if not 4, but decided to make it more obvious, then have them dance around the issue the next few chapters. I hope it doesn't turn anyone away from the story, because it isn't the prime focus, its a side-plot that is there to enhance what is going to happen, since loss is felt most deeply, and measured most accurately, by those who are left behind with the holes in their hearts.

Also, who could pass up having Fleetfoot listen in :rainbowdetermined2:

So, enjoy, or don't!
