• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 7,662 Views, 271 Comments

Ultimate Three - idk12345678910

After the monstrous U-3 is defeated by Leon in Spain, it wakes up on the edge of the Everfree forest. But something is different. It has become reacquainted with the sapience it once knew from when it was human, and the plaga is strangely silent...

  • ...

Chapter 14 - He's Called Player Because he's Good With the Ladies

Oh god! I remember! I remember it all! I have a family! I have a brother! I was playing a game with him! My mother, my father, my brother-- I'll never see them again! Why did this happen to me? I didn't deserve this! I didn't want this! I'm not a hero! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!

I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I mentally screamed.

Leon jerked his head head back in surprise at the suddenness of my voice.

Woah, calm down. what's up? Leon asked mentally.

I don't know how to fight! I've never killed anyone in my life!

Calm down! You don't have to worry about that stuff! I'll be doing all the fighting!

But what if you die? What happens to me then?

Listen: just calm down. I haven't died yet, and I don't plan on doing it any time soon.Now I need you to trust me, and tell me what's going on.

Leon's word managed to bring me back from the brink of hysteria, but only just enough to form a coherent thought.

O-Okay. Give me some time to gather my thoughts.

I started calming my mind and piecing together the things I needed to tell Leon.

Alright, I've figured out who I am, but to understand who I am, you must first understand some things. One: I'm not from your world, and I'm not from this world either. I live in an entirely different world. Now in my world, for whatever reason, peices of your world ended up becoming a video game series in our world. I don't know how it happened, but it did, and the games are very popular.

Leon nodded his head. Okay, but how does that relate to who you are?

Just wait for me to be finished. In two of the games, you are the main protagonist. Resident Evil 2, and Resident Evil 4. A player controls both of you during those games. Now, remember that "Voice in the back of your head that only show up at times of extreme stress"? Tell me the instances in when the voice showed up.

I could sense Leon was starting to get unnerved by all this. Nonetheless, he answered in kind. During the Raccoon City incident, and during the mission.

Right. What I'm thinking is that the video games in my world are somehow connected to when they take place in your life. My best guess is that the players who play the game are somehow helping you. But I'm guessing your fate isn't defined solely by the players, because in the video games you can die at any time, but you're still here and alive. I'm guessing your fate is ultimately decided solely by you, but the players help out a great deal. That's not to say that you're not skilled without them, it's that your skills are magnified a great deal when the players are involved.

Leon nodded his head. Okay, but I still don't see how that relates to you.

Last night, before I went to bed, I played a bit of Resident Evil 4. That's the one of the mission, by the way. I'm guessing that the spell that dragged you here recognized you could do greater with a player helping you out, and dragged me along with you. I don't know why it chose me, but it did.

So wait, you're saying you're my 'player'?

Yeah, but not in the usual sense. Usually, I'd just guide your movements, not actually talk and interact with you.

When did you realize this?

When you tapped into your magic. I'm not about to say that I understand the way magic works, but I think you tapping into the magical world somehow opened up all of this knowledge to me.

Okay. So you're another person entirely. How did you know about me taking debate class back in high school? that couldn't have possible been exciting enough to include in the games.

I'm guessing that whatever dragged me into this with you gave me extensive knowledge of your life.

That was most of it, but I knew something else, too. Something else that would have to be fixed as soon as possible. I've been effecting Leon all this time. He's not just acting like Leon, he's acting like ME with a dash of Leon's personality. When he's like this, I'm no better than the plaga. I've got to get him to re-establish mental dominance in a fit of emotion. Luckily, I know just how to push my buttons.



Remember that whore Ada?

What did you just say?

The one who you fawned over, only to let her die?


The one who tricked you, let you believe she was actually dead, only to show up and trick you AGAIN, and leave you to die?

Now wait just a--

And even after all this time, you STILL can't let go of her. HOW PATHETIC! You probably even still LOVE her!


YOU DO! I'll bet that even now, you're still--


I felt myself being pulled away. No! I was only supposed to be suppressed a little, not pulled away entirely! What's going to happen to me? I don't want to die! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I DON'T--


I shook my head. It felt like a pressure in my head had been suddenly lifted. What had I been doing these past few hours? We've got to get a plan of action, an ETA to enemy arrival... Geez. There's a lot of stuff to do.

"Chrysalis. Could you come over here for a second?" I asked.


I mentally "awoke" to the sight of... a cow. I was in a different body, and-- WAIT IS THAT U-3? HOW IS IT HERE? WHY IS IT HERE? THIS IS CRAZY! THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY-- no! The time for freaking out can wait! For now I will simply observe, wait, and see what I can figure out. I don't have the mental strength with this host to communicate with them. For now, all I can do is observe.

Observe and plan.