• Published 28th Jul 2015
  • 1,621 Views, 9 Comments

Spike and the Fair Gone Wrong - Harmony Charmer

With Twilight fulfilling her duties as organizer for the Ponyville Fair, Spike's errand for Twilight snowballs into a series of favors and I.O.U.s for the citizens of Ponyville.

  • ...

Not A Single Problem At All

Twilight's castle was a mess that morning. Maybe it was due to the series of scrolls that Twilight had unraveled all over the floor that were covered in her scribbles or the spilled ink that smeared the crystalline floor. Or maybe it was the overwhelming amount of blackboards and books that made the castle look like a train wreck met a tornado. Or both, since both sounded quite plausible.

"Oh, this is a disaster!" Twilight seemed to cry out for the millionth time.

Spike picked up a non-dripping scroll and began to roll it up carefully. "I'm sure it's not that bad, Twilight." He looked around the room again, where he saw random scrolls with illegible nonsense. "Are all these scrolls really necessary?"

A bad question, he soon saw, as Twilight reared her head at him with a scowl. "Yes! How do you expect me to use proper algorithms and calculations for the helium amount in contained globes?! "

Spike paused to ponder Twilight's words. "You mean balloons?"

Twilight groaned. "I'm doing that over-complicating thing again, aren't I? That thing I do where I say big words for explanations when I'm stressed?"

"Yep." Spike picked up another scroll and approached Twilight. "Seriously, though, why are you worrying about calculating balloons? It isn't rocket science."

Twilight shook her head. "But I'm in charge of this fair's organization and I need to make sure everything is perfect!"

"Then why don't you leave the balloons to Pinkie Pie?" Spike asked. "She's the expert on all things party related!"

Twilight opened her mouth to argue, then sighed. "I guess you're right... She did say she was going to make sure that was done. I suppose I just wanted to have total control over everything and make sure everything went my way. Again."

Spike put a claw on her shoulder. "It's OK, Twilight. Here, let me help you clean this mess up."

A loud series of knocks came from the door downstairs, echoing through the stone walls of the castle. Spike arched a brow in confusion, then looked to Twilight, who shrugged in response. He made his way down the stairs and approached the door.

"Hello—" Spike tried to greet, but stopped as he saw the mob in front of him. "Uh-oh."

"Where is Princess Twilight?!" a stallion exclaimed. "This fair is turning into a disaster!"

Spike blinked in shock. "Huh?"

"My flowers aren't getting enough sunlight because of all these clouds!" a random mare snapped. "My roses are going to start wilting!"

Spike twiddled his claws awkwardly. "Well, uh..."

"There aren't enough painters for the banners!" Cheerilee's voice called from the back of the crowd. "The school kids aren't going to finish in time if we don't get any help soon!"

"I guess maybe you could..." Spike tried to say, but his voice dwindled away as the complaints continued on.

"Some of our booths don't have light bulbs!" another mare howled. "There aren't enough to go around and no one is willing to share!"

The complaints came screaming over each other, increasing in volume as each pony shouted for their grievances to be heard. Spike's eyes widened in horror as the mob came closer and closer to the door, causing him to back up. Finally, he let out a small shriek and slammed the door shut. He slid all the deadbolts into place and placed his back against the door, as if his small form could hold the mob back.

"Spike, who was downstairs?" Twilight called out.

"Uh, no one!" Spike told her. "Hey, Twilight, question for a hypothetical situation, what would you do if there was an angry mob outside our door right now?"

"Oh, an angry mo—ANGRY MOB?!" Twilight teleported in front of Spike. "What do you mean an angry mob?!"

Spike cowered a bit. "Well, uh... I guess a few ponies want to make a few complaints...? Heh."

Twilight put her hooves to her face in horror. "Oh, Celestia, this is awful! What were they complaining about?" She gasped. "Was it the balloons? It was the balloons, wasn't it? I knew I should've kept to that algorithm!"

Spike held out his hands. "No! No, it wasn't the balloons! It was just some random stuff!"

"Oh, I knew I shouldn't have started planning six months ago! I should have started seven months ago! Maybe I would've been more prepared for this!"

"Twilight, calm down! Breathe!" Spike put his hands on her shoulders. "Listen, call the girls here to help you out! I'm sure they can spare some of their time to help!"

Twilight shook her head. "Pinkie Pie is already busy with catering for the pie and cake eating contests, Rainbow Dash is on weather team duty, Applejack is helping out with the kids' activities, Fluttershy is wrangling animals up for adoption, and Rarity is working on her designs for tonight's fashion show!" She gasped. "The designs! Oh, Rarity asked me to wear one of the dresses, but I don't know if she's even done with it yet! This day is a total disaster!'

Spike shook his head. "Look, you stay here at the castle and finish up your plans. I'll go to Rarity's and check on the dress for you."

"Really, Spike? You'd do that?"

"Of course! I'm your assistant, after all!" Spike hugged her. "I'll be back in a jiffy, don't you worry!"

Twilight smiled and returned the hug. "Thanks, Spike. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Probably crash and burn." Spike pulled away from the hug. "Hey, do we still have that zipline for emergency exits?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes." Then, she looked at him suspiciously. "Why?"

A loud crash from outside caused the both of them to cringe and Spike rubbed the back of his nervously. "Because I don't think the crowd's gonna let me get through, and I'm too scared to risk going out the back."

Twilight laughed. "Just remember to wear a helmet."

"Can do!" Spike rushed away. "Good luck, Twilight!"

"Same for you!" Twilight responded. She sighed as he shuffled away. "We're gonna need it."

* * *

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique!" Rarity greeted Spike as he walked into Carousel Boutique. "Oh, hello, Spikey!"

"Hiya, Rarity," Spike responded. "How're the dress designs going?"

"Oh, extremely well!" Rarity told him, stepping away from her sewing machine. "It was rather kind of you to come check on me."

"Oh, it was nothing. Twilight was having trouble back at the castle and I just wanted to make sure everything was going alright here." He looked at the dress designs. "The dresses look nice."

Rarity smiled. "Thank you, Spikey! Only, they're not finished yet."

"They're not?" Spike looked at the ponnequins again. "But they look done."

Rarity waved a hoof. "Oh, to the untrained eye, yes. But, you see, Spikey, I'm missing a few key elements to the dresses... Only I can't seem to figure it out..."

"Gems?" Spike suggested, looking at some of the other designs she had in the store.

Rarity gasped and she put her hooves to her face. "Ideaaaaaa!" She rushed out of the room and returned with a chest enveloped in her magic. "Spikey, you're a genius!"

"Oh, I don't like to brag, but..."

Rarity opened the chest. "I'll just get some of my—Oh, dear!"

Spike frowned. "What's wrong?"

Rarity looked in the chest again and then held it upside down, causing a shard of a gem to fall out. Her eyes widened and a small whine escaped her lips.

"Oh... Uh, so I guess the gems are a no-go?"

Rarity's whine escalated into a shriek. "Oh, this is a disaster! I was going to use some baby blue sapphires to pull it all together, but now... I knew I should have refilled my gems earlier on, but noooo!" She put her hooves to her face in horror. "Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the. Worst. Possible. Thing!" She let out a wail as she fell back and Spike was quick to catch her, though his small stature made it difficult to hold her.

"Eurgh... Where can... we get... the gems...?" Spike grunted.

Rarity cracked one eye open as she continued to hold her dramatic pose. "The jeweler down the street sells some." She gasped and stood up quickly, causing Spike to fall back. "Spikey, could you go to the jeweler and get me some? I mean, I would, but I still have to do the fittings and make sure that the stage is all ready for the show and—"

"Don't worry!" Spike interjected. "I'll get it all ready for you! I promise!"

Rarity smiled at him and pulled him into a tight hug. "Oh, Spikey, thank you! I don't know what I'd do without you!"

"Heh... no problem. I'll get your gems to you in no time!" Spike pulled away. "Be back in a jiffy!"

"Bye, Spikey!" Rarity called as he left the boutique.

Spike let out a sigh as soon as he was out of the store. "OK, no problem... I'll just do a quick favor for Rarity to help her get her dresses done, then I can go back home to Twilight and help her out. No problem at all."

* * *

"A hundred bits?!" Spike exclaimed, looking into the display case. "Those things can't be that expensive!"

Karat, Ponyville's local jeweler, looked at him with peering eyes over his glasses. "Listen, Mr. Dragon, I'm going to have to ask that you keep your voice down. I'm in no mood to be shouted at for a reasonable price."

Spike put his claws in his pockets, then cringed as he only pulled up a couple bits, paper clip, and some raisins that used to be grapes. "Look, I need these jewels! Rarity has to make the dresses for the fashion show and she can't finish them without these gems, and Princess Twilight needs to make sure this fair goes smoothly!"

Karat scoffed. "Surely the Princess can afford to spare a few bits and buy a couple gems for her friend, no?"

"She's organizing the fair! She can't afford to do anything off-schedule right now!" Spike pulled himself onto the display counter so he could be at Karat's eye level. "Can't you just give me enough for Rarity to use and I'll pay you back later?"

"Sorry, sir, but that's not how we do business here." Karat sniffed. "Well, if you would excuse me, I need to pack up my items and have them ready for my booth for the fair. I wanted to sell some broaches and jewels this year."

"Good for you," Spike said sarcastically. He groaned and smacked a hand to his face. "This is useless! What else could go wrong today?"

"Oh, no!" Karat exclaimed, looking up from his glass case. "Where are my lights? I need my lights!"

Spike arched a brow. "Huh?"

Karat looked around frantically. "I'm out! Now how am I supposed to show my jewels in appealing light to inspire purchases?"

Spike felt a metaphorical light bulb flick on in his head. "What if I go get some for you?"

Karat blinked. "Wait, really?" He squinted. "For what in return?"

Spike raised his brows. "I think you and I both know what."

Karat glared at him. "You really think I'm going to just give you rare sapphires in return for some light bulbs?"

"Light bulbs that you need," Spike reminded him. "Besides, I heard earlier today that there wasn't enough light bulbs to go around, meaning that getting some is going to be very difficult to do."

Karat eyes widened. "What? You mean there's been a shortage?"

Spike nodded. "Yep. Luckily, I might know a way to get some lights for your booth... If you promise to give me some baby blue sapphires for my friend."

Karat started at him in silence, pondering his options. Finally, he sighed. "Alright, fine. Bring me LED light bulbs that will brighten up my booth and I'll give you your gems. But, don't, and your friend Rarity can take her business elsewhere!"

Spike gulped. "Uh... Deal." He backed away. "I'll just, uh, go do that then..." Upon leaving the jewelry store, Spike felt a rock sit in his gut. "It's OK... It's OK... All I need are some lights... How hard can that be?"

* * *

"What do you mean you're out of LED lights?!" Spike cried out.

Harder than he thought, apparently, as Lugnut shook his head at him. "Sorry, little dragon. Somepony already bought the couple packages of LED lights, and we ain't gonna get any new shipments until next week."

"Next week?!" Spike repeated. "But I need them now!"

"Well, unless ya got a time machine, you ain't getting any lights." Lugnut shrugged. "Sorry, dragon, that's how life is sometimes."

Spike groaned. "Oh, this is a disaster! Karat's not gonna get his lights, Rarity's not gonna get her gems, and Twilight's gonna freak out that I couldn't even do this one thing right for her!" He fell to his knees. "I'm a big failure!"

"You could ask Noteworthy about it, since he's the one who bought the lights and all," Lugnut suggested.

Spike stood up. "Wait, seriously? Where is he now?"

"Probably helpin' out Cherry Berry with their booth." He pointed to the door. "Ya might wanna hurry, though. The fair's startin' soon, and you wanna make sure you get everything done in time, right?"

"Right!" Spike darted to the door. "Thanks, Lugnut!"

"No prob," Lugnut replied as Spike rushed out of the hardware store.

Spike hurried over to the center of the town, where the booths were being set up. The clouds overhead were heavy and dark, almost enough to threaten rain. He shook his head and rid himself of the thought while he continued on with his search. He looked left and right as he passed the booths, his eyes searching for Noteworthy and Cherry Berry. He paused as Roseluck walked past and waved to her. "Hey, Roseluck!"

Roseluck stopped to look at him. "Oh, hey, Spike! What brings you here?"

"Do you know where Noteworthy is?" he asked. "I need to ask him a favor about lights for Karat."

Roseluck arched a brow in confusion. "Carrot? What does Carrot Top want with lights?"

Spike shook his head. "No, I mean, Karat, the jeweler. He needs them for his display, and I was gonna go get some for him, but Lugnut's out of them at the hardware store. Noteworthy bought the last of them and I was gonna ask if I could borrow a few."

Roseluck nodded in affirmation. "He's with Cherry Berry near the Apples' and Carrot's stand. Heard he was trying to save up some money to do something special for Berry. Can you believe how romantic that is?"

Spike shuffled awkwardly. "Uh, yeah... Listen, I gotta go. Talk to ya later!"

Roseluck waved as he darted away. "Bye!"

Spike sighed in relief as he began his walk to the food area of the fair. "Alright, just so long as I get these lights, then I can finish this up and get back to the castle on time for Twilight... Then we can get back to working on the fair."

It didn't take long for him to see the trademark symbol of Sweet Apple Acres and Big Macintosh, who was putting barrels of apples of all sorts around the stand.

"Big Mac!" Spike called out, rushing over to him. He paused to regain his breath and panted out, "Do you... know where... Noteworthy is?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac told him, pointing off to the side.

Spike turned and smiled brightly as he saw Noteworthy and Cherry Berry at their booth talking to each other. He ran over to the booth as fast as he could, almost slamming right into it the process. Thankfully he had the sense to slide to a stop just a couple feet in front of the stand.

"Oh, hi, Spike," Noteworthy greeted. "What's up?"

"I... need..." Spike wheezed out. He collapsed onto the ground, huffing and puffing for air.

"Uh, I'll go check on the barrels," Berry said, taking a look at Spike. "Talk later?"

"Yeah, sure," Noteworthy told her. He turned to Spike as he stood back up. "What's up? You look like you're in a rush."

"I need your LED lights!" Spike blurted out.

Noteworthy blinked. "Huh?"

Spike sighed. "Your lights. I need them so that Karat can use them at his booth so I can get the baby blue sapphires Rarity asked me for so I can make sure Twilight's dress is ready tonight's fashion show!"

Noteworthy stood there for a long moment as Spike tried to catch his breath. "You need my lights?"

"Yes!" Spike exclaimed. "Please, please, I'll do anything! I need to get back to the castle to help Twilight, but I want to make sure that her dress is done so she won't have to worry about it!"

"OK, OK, slow down... You said you really want my lights?" Noteworthy asked.

Spike nodded. "Please, yes!"

"Well, Berry and I were just talking about how they're too bright... They make the cherries look cheap." He shrugged. "OK, I'll let you have them."

"Oh, thank you!" Spike called out, happiness overtaking him.


Spike paused in his celebration and he looked at Noteworthy. "But...?"

Noteworthy rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Well... I kinda want something in return."

Spike gaped. "What?!"

"Well, yeah!" Noteworthy told him. "I mean, those lights cost a lot of money! Besides, I only bought them for the booth, and we don't even need them anyhow."

Spike opened his mouth to argue, but he held his tongue when he remembered his purpose. "Ugh... Fine, what do you need?"

"Flowers." He pointed to Berry. "For her. I want to do something special for her, but those lights cost a lot, so I figured you could go get me something in exchange."

Spike sighed. "Alright, what kind of flowers are we talking?"

"Yellow tulips. They're Berry's favorites." He pointed down to the center of the fair. "I hear Roseluck and the flower mares are selling some today."

Spike sighed. "Alright, fine... I'll go see if I can get any." He put his claws to his eyes as he walked off. "It's gonna be fine... It's gonna be fine... You're gonna get these flowers to Noteworthy and then you can get everyone else their stuff and then you can go home and help Twilight. I can totally handle this."

* * *

"OH, COME ON!" Spike cried, collapsing to the ground. "Can you pleeeeeease give me a couple yellow tulips, pleeeeeease?"

Roseluck shook her head. "Sorry, Spike, as much as I'd like to, we need to make a profit. Besides, Lily worked hard growing these flowers."

"These flowers are my children," Lily whispered, pulling the flowers close.

"Ugh, these clouds are gonna make our flowers wilt..." Daisy muttered, poking at a random lily, "We're gonna need some sun to keep these flowers up."

Spike sighed for what seemed like the millionth time. "OK, fine... What do you want me to do for you?"

Roseluck blinked. "Beg pardon?"

Spike pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Look, I'm already running a bunch of errands for everypony, so I might as well add you to that list. Is there anything that any of you would like for me to do for you in exchange for those tulips?"

Lily, Roseluck, and Daisy all looked at each other, then huddled together to speak in private. Spike was used to seeing them as such, since they usually were the ones to spread gossip around Ponyville.

"Well, Spike," Roseluck began. "If you must know, there is something we would like from you."

Spike brightened up. "There is?"

"Yeah," Lily told him. "Only, it's not gonna be easy to do at all."

Spike waved a hand. "Please! I've been running around all day! What could possibly be so bad?"

"We want you to get a rare flower from the Everfree Forest," Daisy said.

Spike froze. "Say what now?"

"They're called red orchids," Roseluck explained. She pulled a book out from behind her and flipped it open to a bookmarked page. "Nopony has been brave enough to go into the Everfree for it in a very long time, and that's the closest place they grow. They don't grow well here in Ponyville."

"OK..." Spike said as she put it away.

"Spike, this is important," Roseluck told him. "We need those flowers so we can see if there's a way to grow them here. Nopony has been able to perfect it, but we just might be able to."

"I don't know..." Spike mumbled. "What if something happens?"

"Don't worry, Spike," Daisy reassured him. "Just get us the flowers and we'll get you your tulips, alright?"

Spike paused for a moment to think about it. Would it be wise to continue on this wild goose chase and risk getting hurt? Or would it be worse for him to go back to Twilight without having made any progress on helping her with the fair?

"I told you to do one thing for me, Spike!" he could hear her shouting. "One thing! Is that too much to ask?!"

He shook his head to clear it of the thought, then nodded at the mares. "Alright, I'll do it! Where does it grow?"

* * *

"It just had to be in the center of the forest," Spike muttered to no one in particular. "Couldn't be near the entrance, oh, no, that'd be too easy for me."

Unlike Ponyville, Spike soon saw, there wasn't any rainy activity taking part in the Everfree. The clouds above the forest were uncontrollable for weather Pegasi, so if it was raining in Ponyville but dry in the Everfree, it wasn't too strange an occurrence. Spike just hoped that the dry spell the Everfree had been going under wouldn't affect his chances of finding any red orchids.

"Red orchids..." Spike murmured to himself. "Red orchids... Where are they?"

"Why, hello, little Spike," said a familiar voice. "Are you enjoying your small hike?"

Spike blinked in surprise and turned around to see Zecora, who was wearing a brown, hooded cloak. "Oh, hey, Zecora. You wouldn't happen to know where any red orchids are, would you?"

Zecora pulled her cloak back. "Yes, I know a flower of the sort. Would you like an escort?"

Spike smiled. "Yes, please!" He rushed over to her side. "Oh, man, you would not believe the day I've had! First, Twilight was freaking out about the fair, then I had to go run an errand for her, and then I had to go help Rarity with her dresses, and then I had to go talk to the jeweler to get her the gems, and then I had to go talk to Lugnut at the hardware store to get some lights then I had to go to Noteworthy to get the last ones that he had just bought, and then I had to go to Roseluck to get some tulips, and now here I am! Crazy day, right?"

Zecora chuckled. "It sounds very much so. Hopefully this is the end of your tale of woe."

Spike shrugged. "Yeah, well, I guess that's what happens when you try to help out a friend, huh?"

Zecora smiled at him. "Hopefully the flower you seek is within my yard." She paused in her step. "Ah, look, here we are."

There was a large area that was covered in different plants, all the way from exotic, but toxic looking flowers to large and small mushrooms. Dozens of vines wove through and around the wooden trunks that were attached to Zecora's hut, enough so that Spike decided to keep a safe distance from them as not to risk getting any poison ivy on him. Spike's eyes fell upon a small brush of red flowers and he felt like leaping for joy as he saw that they looked similar to the ones that Roseluck had shown him from her plant book.

"There they are!" Spike exclaimed, rushing over to them. "Wow, thanks Zecora!" He blinked in surprise as he looked at the flowers more closely. "Hey, are these things in bloom?"

Zecora shook her head. "As you can see from our surroundings, the plants around aren't of the usual soundings." She pointed to the sky, which was blocked due to the heavy greenery the trees had. "The drought that the clouds have brought us has caused me quite a bit of a fuss. None of my flowers are in bloom, and if I don't get water soon, my plants will meet their doom." She sighed and held her side tenderly. "Normally I would be the one to do so, but an encounter with a timberwolf left me..."

Spike winced a bit as he caught her insinuation. "But I need these flowers! Otherwise I won't be able to give them to Roseluck and I won't get those tulips for Noteworthy, then I won't get the lights for Karat and the gems for Rarity, and then Twilight won't have her dress for tonight's fashion show and everything I did today would have been for nothing!" He collapsed to the ground. "I'm a total failure!"

Zecora placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I wish I could be of more help, but I'm afraid that too much movement causes me to yelp. Might I ask a friend for a favor so that he may be a life saver?"

Spike sighed. "Of course I'll help you out. I just gotta figure out how to get enough water here without making too many trips. Otherwise I'll be late for the fair and Twilight will freak out."

Zecora chuckled. "And I would not ask for that, dear friend of mine. I hope that you make it to the fair in time."

"I hope so, too..." Spike said, more to himself then Zecora. He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "That way to Ponyville?"

"Of course, yes," Zecora replied. She bowed her head at him. "I wish you success."

Spike waved as he walked away. "Bye, Zecora." As soon as he was a safe distance away from the hut and Zecora's earshot, he sighed to himself. "Sweet Celestia, what did I get myself into?"

* * *

"What do you mean you don't sell a thousand foot water hoses?!" Spike exclaimed.

Lugnut sighed. "Weren't you in here earlier for some lights?"

"I'm working on that!" Spike snapped angrily. "What about ten hundred foot water hoses? I can just tape those together and make it work, right?"

Lugnut shook his head. "Sorry, kid, we don't sell those here. What do you even need them for?"

Spike sighed. "Nothing... Not like it would work anyway... Thanks, I guess."

Spike left the hardware store with his head hung low, his gaze downcast, and his spirits feeling like they'd been stomped on by the Crusaders trying out tap dancing. He let out another heavy sigh as he looked up to the sky, where he saw the sun high in the sky. The fair was going to start in a few hours and he hadn't managed to get anything done in his errand for Twilight.

"I think it's a little late to be calling this an errand..." he muttered to himself. "More like a disappointing quest with a disappointing protagonist."

Suddenly, Spike found himself completely drenched in water, much to his shock and dismay. He let out a shriek as he looked around frantically to find the cause of it, but when he saw no one around him he immediately looked up.

"Whoops!" Thunderlane exclaimed, "Sorry, little dude! I didn't see you there!"

"Thunderlane?" Spike blurted out, looking up at the pegasus. "What are you doing?"

Thunderlane rubbed the back of his head. "Uh, well, I was carrying a rain cloud, but, uh... It was kinda heavy and I, uh, kinda dropped it on you. Again, sorry about that."

Spike sighed. "It's alright, I guess. Not like my day was any better before now."

Thunderlane frowned. "Oh, sorry to hear about that. What's up, little dude?"

Spike wiped some water off of his face. "Nothing, really... I'm trying to do some errands for Twilight, but it's completely spiraled out of control! Nothing has been going right and right now, all I can think about is how bad of an assistant and friend I'm being."

Thunderlane landed beside him. "Hey, now, you're trying, aren't you? Listen, I know it doesn't mean much, but I think you're pretty awesome for trying to do something for Twilight even after all this mess you've gone through... Whatever it might be." He put a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "Heck, I've been having a bit of a day myself. We got all these rain clouds because of some weird mix-up with Ditzy Doo and now we're all trying to clear them up while we're short-staffed. But, that's life, and ya gotta learn how to get past the stuff life throws at you."

Spike managed to smile a bit. "Gee, thanks, man." He shook himself off. "I guess it's a good thing you spilled all that rainwater on me, huh?" Spike froze on the spot as a realization overcame him. "That's it! Thunderlane, how many rain clouds do you have?"

Thunderlane arched a brow. "Uh, a lot. Why do you ask?"

"Do you think you and some other weather ponies could go to the Everfree Forest and find Zecora's hut?" he asked. "She needs her plants to be watered so I can get some red orchids for Roseluck!"

Thunderlane's eyes widened. "Uh, I thought you liked Rarity, not Roseluck?"

Spike smacked a claw to his face. "Ugh, no, that's what I—Listen, will you do it or not? It's a quick way to get rid of the rainwater and I get my orchids for Roseluck."

"I don't know..." Thunderlane said, "I mean, maybe Raindrops and Flitter would probably be cool with it, but if I go to the Everfree, I won't be able to help Rumble with making banners. And I hate to disappoint the little guy."

Spike sighed. "Alright, fine. If I help your brother with banner making will you go water Zecora's plants and bring me the red orchids she promised me?"

Thunderlane blinked in shock. "Really? You'd do that?" He smiled. "Dang, dude, you are one helpful guy."

"Yeah, sure, whatever, is it a deal?"

Thunderlane nodded. "I'll go get some help. See ya later, Spike!"

"See ya," Spike replied sourly. He dragged his claws down his face in exasperation. "I hate being helpful."

"Oh, no!" a voice called out.

Spike sighed. "Oh, what now?" He turned around to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders surrounding a pile of art supplies on the ground. He arched a brow and began to approach the girls.

"Ugh, I told you we wouldn't be able to carry it all by ourselves!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Well, I'm not the one who left the wagon at the schoolhouse!" Scootaloo snapped. "Yell at Apple Bloom!"

"Hey, this ain't my fault!" Apple Bloom argued.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" Spike asked as he made it over to the group.

Sweetie Belle took a moment to glare at Scootaloo. "Scoots thought it would be a good idea to pack a lot of art supplies and the bags broke! Now we can't carry all of it!"

"Maybe we would if somepony brought the wagon with them!" Scootaloo shouted, sparing AB a harsh glance.

Spike stood in the middle of the fillies. "Whoa, whoa! What do you guys even need these supplies for?"

"Banner making," Apple Bloom answered, a sigh escaping her, "Cheerilee ran out of paint because Snips and Snails got into a paint war."

"And Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon insisted that we get ten canisters of glitter," Sweetie Belle added rolling her eyes.

"Oh, you're painting banners?" Spike asked, sparing the cans of paint a glance. "I was about to head there, too."

Sweetie blinked. "Really? Oh, thank you! We need all the help we can get!"

Spike picked up a couple of the supplies and he let out a grunt as he struggled with the weight. "So, where are we taking these to?"

"The kids' activities booth," AB told him, lugging the paints and brushes. "We're supposed to help with arts and crafts."

"Oh, cool," Spike replied. He looked around the area and saw the clock tower from afar. He felt his breath hitch as he saw that it was already 1:00. The fair would start in a few hours, and he needed to get to Twilight so he could help her. "Uh, how close are we to the booth?"

"There it is!" Sweetie Belle called out, pointing with a spare hoof.

"Oh, good, I thought that was going to take a long time," Spike said to himself. He paused as he saw the looks the girls gave him. "I mean, uh... I'm glad we're here!"

"You in a hurry, Spike?" Apple Bloom questioned. "'Cause it looks like it. What's up?"

"Oh, no, it's just, uh..." Spike paused as he caught sight of Rumble, who was on the other side of the booth painting a banner by himself. "Oh, look Rumble's over there! See you guys later!"

Spike rushed to the other side of the booth, all while ignoring the bickering that the students were doing. He rolled his eyes as he passed by Snips and Snails, who were covered in paint and receiving a lecture from Cheerilee.

"Hey, dude, what's up?" Rumble asked, looking up as Spike approached him.

"Oh, nothing," Spike replied. "Why are you painting by yourself?"

Rumble pointed wordlessly to Snips and Snails, who were having their cheeks scrubbed by Cheerilee in a not-so-gentle manner.

Spike nodded in understanding. "Figures. Listen, your brother is gonna take awhile with weather duty, so he asked me to fill in for a bit while he was gone. Is that OK with you?"

"Oh, sure, no problem!" Rumble told him. "Just so long as we get these banners done before the fair, I don't really mind who helps us! I'm just glad Thunderlane sent you to help."

Spike shrugged. "Hey, you know me; number one assistant."

"Yeah, I guess." Rumble dipped his brush in the paint. "So, I was thinking about the banner saying—"

"Diamond Tiara, give that back!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, breaking through the conversation.

Spike groaned and pulled his claws down his face in exasperation. "Oh, what now?"

"Can it, Squeaky Wheel!" Diamond snapped, "I told you I wanted to use this paint and you can't do anything about it!"

Scootaloo flapped her wings angrily. "Give us that paint back before I pour it all over your head, you jerk!"

Diamond rolled her eyes. "How? You don't have any to use!"

"Oh, yeah, I do!" Scootaloo picked up a paintbrush that was saturated in orange paint. "Hope you like the color orange!"

Diamond recoiled back in disgust. "Gross! That color is disgusting on anypony!"

Scootaloo blinked in shock, then narrowed her eyes in anger. "Hey!"

"Give me that paint back!" Apple Bloom snapped, snatching a can of paint by the handle. "You don't even want to use these colors! You just want 'em for yourself!"

Silver Spoon stepped up. "I'm telling Miss Cheerilee that you're hogging all the art supplies!"

"What?" Sweetie exclaimed. "But you aren't even using all of them! We're supposed to share with each other!"

Diamond scoffed. "Who do you think Cheerilee is going to believe? Us perfect angels or the three troublemakers who set the school on fire?"

"That was literally one time!" Scootaloo protested. "Besides, I put the fire out!"

"You made them worse," Apple Bloom said, a deadpan look on her face.

"Worse... Or better?" Sweetie Belle asked no one in particular.

"She does have a point," Rumble said to Spike.

"Yeah, Twilight had to help put the fire out," Spike replied. "Surprised it wasn't totally demolished in the process."

Scootaloo glared at the both of them. "Not helping!"

"So, you either give us the paint or we're gonna tell Miss Cheerilee that you're being mean to us!" Silver Spoon threatened.

"If you do that, I swear to Princess Luna, I'll—" Sweetie tried to say.

Diamond scoffed. "You'll what? Get your little coltfriend to tattle on us?"

Sweetie growled. "Leave Button out of this!"

"We were the ones who bought 'em, so we should get to use 'em!" Apple Bloom argued.

"Uh, guys...?" Spike tried to say.

"If you want the paint so bad, then here!" Diamond spat, throwing the can at Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle shrieked as the pink paint covered her. "My coat! Rarity is going to kill me!"

"Oh, it is so on!" Scootaloo exclaimed, grabbing a canister of glitter. "Eat fairy dust, stupids!"

Diamond and Silver ducked down as the can flew through the air. Spike, who was so shocked by the oncoming assault that was about to make contact with him, didn't move as it came closer to him. Then, like someone who had gotten his butt kicked by a group of fairies, Spike found himself covered in multi-colored glitter.

"Whoops," Scootaloo said. "Uh, sorry..."

Spike spit out some glitter and sighed. "I hope that those flowers are worth it..."

* * *

"Hey, Spike, I'm back from the for—Sweet Celestia!" Thunderlane put a hoof to his mouth in shock. "What the heck happened to you?"

Spike emerged from the arts and crafts booth covered in paint and glitter, a frown on his face and spite in his heart. "Don't. Ask."

"He was in the crossfire of the Silver Diamond and Crusader wars," Rumble told his brother as he followed after Spike. "At least we finished our banners."

Thunderlane grinned. "That's good to hear. Did ya have fun, little guy?"

"Yep!" Rumble piped.

"Nope," Spike droned out.

Rumble tugged his older brother's leg. "Come on, let's head out to the cotton candy booth! I heard Pinkie Pie opened up early!"

Thunderlane followed Rumble. "Alright, we will. But I wanna stop and see AJ, first. I haven't gotten to see her since this morning." He stopped mid-step. "Oh, I almost forgot! Here, Spike, these are for you!"

Spike's eyes widened as Thunderlane pulled out a bouquet of red orchids out of his saddlebags. "Holy nick of time, you got the orchids!"

Thunderlane nodded. "Hey, it was the least I could do. You helped me get off work in time to spend time with my little bro and you helped him out, too. You're a pretty good dude, Spike."

"Thank you!" Spike held the flowers close. "Seriously, thank you! Now I just gotta get these to Roseluck!" He waved as he darted away. "Thanks again!"

Rumble nudged Thunderlane as Spike ran off. "Think we should tell him he looks like he got into a fight with a rainbow pixie and lost?"

Thunderlane shook his head. "Just let him have this one, little bro. Just let him have this one."

* * *

By the time Spike got back to the castle, it was almost sundown. Meaning that he had only a little bit of time to help Twilight with the fair as it was closing in. He just hoped that there wouldn't be too many ponies in the mob when he got there.

"OK, when you get there, just apologize," Spike told himself. "You're late and you should be sorry for that. Maybe she won't be mad..." He took a moment to think about it, then shook his head. "Nah. She's gonna be pretty mad." He took a deep breath as the castle came into his sights. "Alright, you can do this..."

He approached the castle steps with caution, almost as if Twilight would come bursting out of the doors with a lecture in her teeth and fury in her eyes. He opened the door and drudged in, exhaustion beginning to take its toll on him as he began his ascent up the stairs. When he rounded the corner into Twilight's study, he felt his exhaustion turn into dread.

"Hey, Twilight," he managed to croak out as he stepped in. "How's it going?"

Twilight looked up from her scrolls, surprisingly not looking as frazzled as she was that morning. "Oh, there you are, Spike! Where have you been?" Her eyes widened as she got a good look at him. "Oh my, Celestia, what happened to you?"

Spike sighed as he glanced at his paint and glittered covered claws. "Don't ask. How's everything going up here? Any more mobs while I was gone?"

Twilight shook her head. "Nope. I haven't had a single complaint in a couple hours, actually."

Spike blinked. "Really? Why's that?"

Twilight shrugged. "Dunno. Apparently all the issues resolved themselves. I guess just luck, is all."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Spike replied, "I guess your luck has been better than mine."

Twilight arched a brow. "Huh?"

Spike waved a hand dismissively. "I'll tell you about it later... You ready to go to the fair?"

"Um, yeah, but I think you're the one who isn't ready," Twilight told him. She cocked her head to the side in an intrigued manner. "Seriously, what is the story here?"

Spike rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You don't even wanna know."

* * *

The fair was in full swing by the time Twilight and Spike made their appearance. Foals were running and laughing, adults were chatting and partaking in games, and the smell of random foods hung in the air. After Celestia's sun set off in the distance, the multi-colored lanterns gave a nice warm light to the surroundings.

"Wow, everything looks great!" Twilight proclaimed. "I'm so glad to see this has all worked out."

Spike shrugged. "Yeah, well, you worked really hard on it. It makes sense that the fair did good."

Twilight giggled. "Thanks, Spike. Wanna go play some games?"

Spike was about to answer her question, but his stomach began growling instead.

"Didn't eat?" Twilight guessed.

Spike shook his head. "Nope. Guess I was too busy."

Twilight raised a brow. "Huh? Busy with what?"

Spike opened his mouth to answer, but he was interrupted again, only not by his stomach. "Oh, there you are, Twilight!"

"Oh, hi, Rarity!" Twilight greeted. "We were going to come looking for you and the girls!"

"I bet!" Rarity giggled. "So, what have you two been doing?

Twilight shrugged. "Just some organizing for the fair. You know, simple stuff like that." She sighed. "I'm just glad that everything is going alright now... I just wonder where all those issues went?"

Spike shrugged. "Beats me. I'm just glad we don't have to worry about anything else for the rest of the evening."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Rarity tutted. "We still have the fashion show on for tonight!" Rarity gasped. "Oh, Spike, before I forget, thank you so much for helping me with Twilight's dress for the fashion show! I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't gotten those gems!"

Twilight arched a brow. "Huh?"

Rarity pulled Spike into a hug. "Thanks so much for your help!" She kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you at the show!"

Spike held his cheek tenderly for a moment. "Uh... you're welcome, then."

Twilight looked over at Spike. "What was that about?"

"I should do favors for Rarity more often..." He said to himself, rubbing his cheek.


Spike shook his head. "Huh?"

"What was that all about?" Twilight repeated, eyeing him suspiciously. "What exactly did you do today?"

"Uh...." His eyes locked onto the food stands on the other side of the fair and he pointed in their direction. "Oh, look, food! You must be hungry after doing all that work!"

Twilight tried to protest, but Spike kept pushing her forward. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw Applejack and Pinkie Pie talking to each other at their stands. Pinkie was making pies while Applejack was sorting apples from the barrel, but they stopped working as they saw Twilight and Spike come up to the stand.

"Hi, Spike!" Pinkie called out, waving in her usual frantic manner. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much," Spike replied. "Hey, do you know where Rainbow and Fluttershy are? I haven't seen the two of them all day."

Pinkie pouted a bit. "Dashie said that she was on weather duty during the fair. Apparently there was a mix-up with the weather team and she has to fix it so the fair keeps going."

"And Flutters is workin' with getting animals adopted at her booth," AJ added on. "Poor girl was havin' a lot of trouble 'cause of the whole weather issue. Apparently Harry the Bear is afraid of rain clouds."

"Hiya, guys!" greeted Rainbow Dash as she came down for a landing. "What's up?"

Pinkie gasped. "Dashie!" She leaped onto her friend and hugged her tightly. "I thought you were working tonight!"

Dash shrugged Pinkie off of her. "Apparently not. I guess Thunderlane managed to whip his team into shape to get rid of all those clouds." She spared AJ a glance. "Tell me, did he stop at any point to come see you, Jackie?"

AJ blushed lightly and a scowl settled on her face. "Ah only got to see 'im an hour ago! Last time Ah saw 'im before then was this morning when Ah was settin' up my booth!" She growled a bit. "And only T gets to call me Jackie. Not even AB or Big Mac can do that."

Dash rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She looked to the others in the group. "What about you guys?

"Hello," Fluttershy said as she gingerly flapped her wings to land near Rainbow.

"Hiya!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. "Wow, looks like both of your schedules cleared up!"

Fluttershy brushed her bangs out of her face. "Um, I guess so... I mean, a lot of ponies decided to adopt and there were an awful lot of them by the time I opened up... I even saw Rumble trying to convince Thunderlane to get a cat."

"Did he?" AJ asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes. But only a small one."

Dash rolled her eyes. "I'm just glad that we managed to get all those clouds out of here before the fair. I wonder where they all went..."

AJ shrugged. "Who can say?"

"Hey, guys, what time did Rarity say the show was going to start?" Twilight asked. "I have to get ready and I want to make sure I stay punctual."

"Ah reckon it's gonna be startin' pretty soon," AJ answered. "How about the girls and Ah take ya down there?"

"Don't you guys have to work?" Spike asked, looking between AJ and Pinkie.

Pinkie shook her head. "Nope! I asked if I could leave early so I could hang with you guys!"

"And your special somepony?" Twilight asked, arching a brow.

"Maaaaaaaaaaybeeeee," Pinkie replied, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Well, I'm just glad that we all get to hang out with each other!" Dash proclaimed. "Ridin' rides, playin' games, and chillin'!"

"Not until after the show, Dash!" Twilight reminded her. "C'mon, let's get going! Last thing we want is for Rarity to get frazzled before her big show!"

"Beat you there, Jackie!" Dash boasted, taking off into the air.

"Hey, come back here, ya big cheater!" AJ snapped, leaping over the booth's counter.

Pinkie squealed with delight. "Whee, a race!" She darted off, leaving a trail of dust behind her.

"Pinkie, slow down!" Fluttershy called out. "You could get hurt running like that!"

"Come on, Spike," Twilight said, tugging Spike along. "Let's get going."

"OK," Spike replied, walking with her.

The pair walked through the fair, the screams of foals and laughter of adults ringing through the air. Spike looked left and right, then stopped as he saw Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy with their flower stand, along with Zecora, who was talking closely with Roseluck.

"Zecora, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

The two mares stopped talking to look at Spike. "Hey, Spike!" Roseluck greeted, "Thanks for the flowers! I'm learning so much!" She turned to Zecora. "So, anyway, what was it you said about soil preservation?"

"It's a rather easy trick, if you have a tick," Zecora replied, returning to their conversation. She spared Spike a smile as he continued past. "Thank you for watering my plants, Spike, for I have made a friend during my hike."

"No problem," Spike told her as they continued to walk past.

Twilight arched a brow at him, but she didn't say anything. Their walk continued on past the booths, where Twilight saw different ponies that she had seen swarming outside her windows happily enjoying the fair.

'Wasn't there a light bulb shortage...?' Twilight asked herself, eyeing Karat, the Ponyville jeweler, as he showcased some of his brooches in his well-lit booth.

"Hey, Spike!" greeted Noteworthy, who was escorting Cherry Berry, a bouquet of yellow tulips in her grasp.

"Hi!" Spike replied, waving in return. "Nice tulips!"

"Thanks, Note got them for me!" Berry told him.

Spike chuckled to himself. "If only..."

"Huh?" Twilight questioned, looking back down at him in confusion.

Spike waved his hand in dismissal. "Oh, it's nothing..."

"Hmm..." Twilight hummed, her suspicions rising. Her gaze fell across the booths, a wary glance flickering with every one she passed. She narrowed her eyes in scrutiny when she saw the banners hanging across them. 'I could have sworn there were complaints about not having enough painters for the banners...'

"Hi, Spike!" Scootaloo exclaimed from a game booth. "Sorry about the glitter! It should wash off in the bath, though!"

"Obviously not, Scoots!" AB said with a roll of her eyes.

"It's OK!" Spike told them. "Pinkie said she liked it!"

"Oh, OK then!" Scootaloo groaned loudly when she looked back into the booth. "C'mon, I totally hit those bottles!"

"Tell Sweetie Belle I said hi!" Spike called out.

"Sure thing!" AB replied.

Twilight paused in her step, realization overcoming her. Spike looked back at her, a confused look on his face. "Twilight? You alright?"

"Yeah..." Twilight shook her head lightly. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"OK, then. C'mon, we gotta get to the show!"

Twilight smiled. "We will. Just hang on a sec."

"What do you mean 'hang o—'" Spike was cut off as Twilight pulled him into a hug. "Uh, what gives, Twilight?"

"Nothing," Twilight told him. "I just remembered how lucky I am to have you around."

Spike blinked. "Oh, OK then... Can you do that at the show? Because it's going to be starting soon and I think Rarity is probably freaking out right about now."

Twilight laughed a bit. "Of course, Spike." She held him tighter. "I love you."

"Uh, love you, too, but... We kinda got get going and we're also in the middle of the street..."

Twilight released him. "Come on, let's get going. Maybe after the show Rarity will let you have a couple gems."

Spike's expression brightened. "You mean it?"

She nodded. "Yes I do. You earned it, number one assistant."

Spike smiled at her. "Alright! Beat you to the boutique!"

Twilight laughed as Spike ran off, then full-heartedly followed after.

Author's Note:

Alright, so I did a thing with Spike as the main focus of this because he needs more development. Also, I really wanted to do something that showed Spike being helpful and caring, rather than selfish and narcissistic like we've seen in some episodes (*COUGH*PRINCESS SPIKE*COUGH*). Anyway, there was a lot of stuff that I wanted to do, and I had a lot of fun with this! Plus, the ol' bartering gag to get the item needed? Always a classic!

Also, I know the moral of the episode wasn't explicitly stated in a letter or a diary entry, but to be real honest, I feel the moral was that friendship and the bonds you made were far more important than any of the material possessions you had, and that you can't trade something as good a friendship for anything else in the world. Hopefully I captured that in this story.

(Also, ButtonMash, I snuck in some ButtonBelle. JUST FOR YOU, BABY. Same for you, Azure, only with some ThunderJack. Other shippers disregard that, I was just being a shipping trash. You guys do you and I do me, so none of us do each other. Pinkie's special somepony is up for intepretation, but longtime fans know the answer I will give if I ask who I interpret it to be.)

EDIT: This didn't make it to the contest because real life got in the way. This work is a part of the Universe of Harmony, if you wish to perceive it as such.

Comments ( 9 )

Nicely done.

It's good to see things occasionally falling a little more in Spike's direction for once (though I personally will argue that despite Princess Spike's overt statements to the contrary, Spike did astonishing well in that episode considering; and having just watched through season four, it actually was pretty good to him, actually...)

I like SpikeBelle better.

Well done! It was quite enjoyable to read. It also seems like Spike would be most likely to interact with background characters for some reason.

I take it you're a fan of Silver Quill? :ajsmug:

I would consider this Princess Spike done right if it weren't for one major thing holding it back. Sure, it's pretty humorous, and unlike the episode, nothing felt especially contrived. The problem is, well, there's no moral. Spike didn't really learn anything from this excursion; he was just his usual helpful self. That's fine and all, and maybe it wasn't your intention to write an episode for the show. The premise alone still works, and it still makes for an entertaining story. Well, barring a few moments of confusion (such as Twilight using overly-complicated words when stressed, Spike's utterance of "I hate being helpful," or calling characters by nicknames in the narration when it's not really called for), but those are just nitpicks. :duck:

This might not work as an episode, but it still works as a nice little tale that shows the positive attributes of Spike while still putting him through the wringer at the same time. So, kudos for that. :moustache:

Twilight's over-complicated words came from the first episode, where Spike was having difficulty understanding what she was saying because she kept saying big words despite Spike's inability to understand her. I'm not defending what I did, I'm just merely pointing out where I got the idea, and now that I look at it, yeah, it does look a bit odd.


Morals of a story are for the readers---Moral here is don't sweat the small stuff it always works out in the end.

:ajbemused: Jackie ? Nopony calls me that!
:rainbowlaugh: nice touch
:duck: Spikey's my hero
:derpytongue2: glitter bubbles!
:twilightoops::pinkiehappy::flutterrage: She's licking the glitter!:raritystarry:

THIS is how you do a Spike episode. Seriously this is better than anything we've gotten so far, even if the moral didn't come across in the slightest.

I really liked this. Good job!:moustache::twilightsmile:

Well done , a great spoke fic indeed

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