• Published 10th Jul 2015
  • 1,676 Views, 19 Comments

Chaotic Marks - Lord Despair

Cold.....so very cold I don't remember much from before I found myself amongst the snow but what I do remember is an name.......one single name, I think it's my name but seems meaningless to me now especially I don't know where I am.

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Prologue Chaos

The Frozen North

I closed my eyes at the feeling of the crisp frozen air of the North caress my wings, the snow dancing along my feathers. I sighed happily at their relaxing touch stealing away my stress and worries, oh how I love the everlasting northern winter lands and the winter's magic. If I could stay here in this cold I would be one happy mare....... nothing absolutely nothing could ruin this moment .

''Princess!! Princess Faust!!!'' yowls the voice an elderly unicorn mare stumbling in the snow.

Oh buck not her not now! I mentally lament before answering the yowling hag ''What is it Rosy love can't you see I am trying to enjoy myself for once.''

''Enjoyment'' said Rosy love scandalously ''Tis not proper for a Princess to enjoy anything! A Princess only need discipline and an proper husband!''

''hen I see your that your still stuck in the past you old nag'' I said mockingly, I had heard that same old song and dance from her for the last fifteenth years honesty I don't where my father found such an relic.

''Faust Platinum!'' the old mare shirk while i roll my eyes ''Your father the King will hear of this insult!''

''Oh I'm shaking in my boots '' I said nonchalantly, you love to forget that father is too busy with his subjects to deal with you Rosy.

''Boots! Oh Holy Galaxia tis worse than I thought!'' she swoons dramatically.

Again I rolled my eyes ''Rosy stop it you're going to put yourself at the witch-doctor's......again. ''

''This is the worse possible thing ever!!!! says Rosy dramatically ignoring my warning ''The Queen would have my hind!!

''Rosy!'' I said calling the unicorn hag.

''She'll throw me into the dungeons once she hears of how bad you frame of mind is!!!!'' cried the unicorn in full panic mode ''No she'll sell me to the dragons I'm too petty to be lizard food!''

''Rosy!'' I repeat myself my right eyes twitching at the old hag's ridiculousness, mother haven't sold a pony to a dragon since an mare named Heartless Grace was married to the King of Dragons I heard that their wedding was even bigger and even more dangerous than father's and mother's was. There is talk that the King of dragon only married the mare because she was carrying the great golden Dragon's brew of hatchlings

''No she will send to me to a even worse fate! She would have me married off to an Windigo!!!!!!'' Rosy cried in despair

''ROSY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALM THYSELF YOU HAG!!!'' I shouted in the royal Canterlot voice the force of my shout sends the unfortunate old mare flying through the very air

''EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeepppppppppp'' screamed Rosy as she lands into a large hill of snow a mile away from me the only thing that was visible was her plot sticking out of the snow hill with her back-legs running wildly, I could swear that I heard her screaming threats with her mouth filled with snow. Again I sigh solemnly as an thought enters my mind ''Now you had done it father would surely be hearing of this one mother too ''

''I better get her out of there before she puts herself at the witchdoctors again'' I said to myself as I began to canter to the distressed mare...........


I stop immediately at the sound my ears alert actively swiveling seeking the source of the sound. At first they picked up nothing till I moved my hoof again the strange cracking made itself known to the world ''How odd? What is under my hoof?'' I mental asked myself. A deathly quiet moan reach my ears my eyes widen at the sound ''Somepony is under me!'' I screamed at the top of my Alicornian lungs leaping away from the spot as an large creature made out of mismatch animal parts emerge from the snow bank both me and my mind screamed at the unnatural sight horror fills my being at the sight of the creature it had the legs of an green dragon and ox an brown furred serpentine body, a Lion's paw and Gryphon's talon, the face an goat-like dragon barring the horns of a deer and ram, finally an red snake's tail it's yellow and red eyes stared at me predatory if as it was too studying my alabaster furred body. I found myself unable to look away from those wild yellow eyes to my surprise it cocks it's head questioningly like it didn't recognize my being an Alicorn.

''What.... the fuck..... are...... yew?'' my jaw drop at the sound of his voice I couldn't place his accent but something deep within me was screaming for daddy the longer I stare it him. I notice that he was standing weakly his legs unable to support his weight before he pass out unconscious, the world around me slowed as my eyes stayed on the creature ''Just what in mother's name are you?'' I whispered in a small voice not daring to speak louder. What seemed like hours passed as I stared at the unconscious creature, I was sure that somepony was calling me but at the moment the only thing that matter to me was the creature I had read countless books and scrolls describing the many races that dwell in this world and the next yet not one had mention any sort of being such as this mismatch creature. Impossible the royal archives had everything an pony needed to know about the other species everything from their history to their current culture every single last thing about them is recorded and documented but somehow this creature was overlooked for some reason or another again it's impossible for such a thing to happen if it did Father would have the royal archivist's hind, the vast archives is one of the few things Father fondly speaks of when we have visiting emissaries at the castle, father loves to speak with them about their kingdoms in their languages and customs. I doubt even father knows what this creature is, my ears pick up on the sound of hooves crunching the snow and the jiggles of armor. ''The royal guards must of heard your scream'' my mind said to me.

''Your highness are you alright? we heard your scream.'' said a guard from behind me.

''Guard'' I said in a commanding tone ''Get my Father he needs to see this now''

''Yes your highness your will shall be done.'' said the guard before galloping away to do as I ordered. I only hope that father could shed some light on this creature if not then I would work to discover it's secrets. Calling upon my magic I moved the creature from the thick pile of snow to my side the sun's light shining on it's face gave it an enchanted glow, at the sight an strange and unfounded thought enters my mind ''You know he isn't that bad looking yes he is a little rough to look at but he isn't too bad.'' I think I'm going to be sick if father doesn't hurry up.

Author's Note:

By the time this gets out it will be my birthday so yay for getting older, now to the story this story idea had been bugging me for a long time and there should be more stories like this, Discord is one of our most beloved characters yet not many had wrote an origin story for him so this is my take on Discord's beginnings.

I also releasing another fic for my birthday called Metal Domination so check it out and for those of you who were watching Shadow n flames don't worry about it thanks to my friend xluferx I decide to do an complete rewrite for the story since I had grew as a author hopefully it be better written this time round