• Published 29th Jun 2015
  • 1,381 Views, 11 Comments

Dare - Bad_Seed_72

After Apple Bloom is injured, Babs Seed searches for a way to right her wrong. The Everfree Forest may hold her answer.

  • ...

Four-Letter Word


”As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.”
—William Shakespeare


“Just a little further! C’mon!” Scootaloo said, hopping excitedly as she darted up the hill. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom galloped after her. Between Sweetie’s fledgling magic and the rope wrapped around Apple Bloom’s forehoof, the two managed to haul the weathered sled up the snowswept hillside.

Lagging behind was Babs Seed, sweat rolling down her forehead. Her chest heaving, Babs trudged up the hill. “Hah… Hah… M-made it…”

“Aw, c’mon, Babs!” Scootaloo smirked. “Don’t tell me one little hill’s all you can take!”

“It’s… not… just… a hill. It’s a steep hill, and you three just ran off ahead of me!” Babs snapped. “I didn’t even get a warning!”

Apple Bloom set the sled down. “Heh, sorry, Babs. But at least we’re all up here now, right?”

Sweetie’s magic extinguished with a fizz. “Yeah! And that means we can finally have our race!”

“Race?” Babs peered down the hill.

Below the hillside lay a frozen lake. Past the frozen lake was a patch of conifer trees. The strong firs and nobles, needles unshaken by the frost, were the last guardians before the woods gave way to the deciduous Everfree.

“Yeah! A sled race down to the lake!” Scootaloo said, buzzing her wings. “You got the watch, Sweetie?”

Sweetie pulled a pocket watch from her parka. “Right here, Scoots!”

“Awesome! Who wants to go first?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom raised a forehoof. “Ooh, Ah’ll—”

“Hold on.” Babs flicked her mane from her eyes. “Just down to the lake? What about to the trees? Or even…” A wicked grin crossed her muzzle. “… All the way to the Everfree?”

“The Everfree?!” Sweetie squeaked. “But the last time we went there, we were all grounded! For a whole week!”

“Applejack grounded me fer two.” Apple Bloom frowned. “Sorry Babs, but no can do.”

Not easily dissuaded, Babs replied, “But what Applejack don’t know won’t hurt her, right?”

“Ah… Ah dunno.” Apple Bloom fidgeted. “Ah mean, Ah guess not, but on the other hoof, if she does—”

“She won’t. Trust me. It’s just a li’l race, right? Right, Scoots?”

Scootaloo’s cocky grin faded, her brow furrowing as she glanced down at the darkness beyond the conifers. “I don’t know, Babs…”

“Why not?” Babs nudged her side. “What are you, a chicken?”

Sweetie Belle gasped.

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes and unfurled her wings. “What did you just say?”

“I said,” Babs began, raising her voice, “‘What are you, a chicken?’” At Scootaloo’s glare, she chuckled. “That’s what I thought.”

Apple Bloom stepped between them, forehooves raised as she pushed the two apart. “Alright, that’s enough. Scoots, she didn’t mean it like that. An’ Babs, no need fer that here, okay?”

She’s right. They might be new friends, but they’re not like… Babs sighed. “Alright. Sorry, Scootaloo.”

“It’s fine.” Scootaloo trotted over to the sled and jumped aboard. “But you’re right. One little race down to the Everfree won’t hurt anypony. Right?”

After a moment, Sweetie replied, “Well… I guess not. I mean, we could just go down to the border and back. Right?”

“I suppose so,” Babs conceded after a moment. “Sound good to everypony?”

Murmurs of agreement confirmed it did.

“Alright!” Scootaloo declared, bravado returning. One hoof on the ground beside her, the other on the sled’s reins, she looked down the hillside with a toothy grin. “One little hill’s not gonna get the best of me! You got the watch ready, Sweetie?”

The watch shot up in an embrace of shaky green magic. “Ready!”

“Alright, on the count of—”

“Wait a minute!” Apple Bloom called out, “Scoots, Ah already volunteered ta go first. ‘Member?”

“Oh…” Ears flattening, Scootaloo stepped off the sled. “Right. Sorry.”

“Don’t worry ‘bout it!” Apple Bloom quickly sat down and positioned herself on the sled. One forehoof looped around the reins, the other bracing the ground, she added as she looked up at Babs, “‘Sides, Apples show how it’s s’posed ta be done. Right, Babs?”

Grinning back, Babs declared, “Right!”

“Alright, Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo stood beside Sweetie, who nodded. “On the count of three—




With one push of her forehoof, Apple Bloom started down the hill.


Apple Bloom sailed down the sea of white, rapidly approaching the frozen lake. Behind her, her fellow Crusaders whooped and cheered, wings buzzing and forehooves pumping.

“Go Apple Bloom! Yay!” Sweetie yelled, almost dropping the watch.

Scootaloo hovered in the air, her forehooves cupped around her lips. “Come on, Apple Bloom! You’re almost to the lake!”

“Go, Bloom, go!” Babs Seed shouted at the top of her lungs, her heart hammering in her chest. Her own adrenaline fired and synced in time with Apple Bloom’s, who slid across the ice with ease.

Leaning forward in the sled, both forehooves clutching the reins, Apple Bloom pressed on. Now that she had crossed the ice, all that remained was the small clearing of pines and firs. Head down and eyes narrowed, she neared the trees, lips pulled back in a determined smirk.

She’s doing it! She’s doing it! “Keep going, Bloom! You’re almost there!” Babs shouted.

“Alright, just a little further!” Scootaloo called out, “Just get through the—”

Apple Bloom screamed.

Babs Seed froze. The pocket watch fell to the ground with a whump.

Clinging to the reins, Apple Bloom leaned to the right with all her might, but it wasn’t enough.

The cracking and splintering of wood meeting wood echoed through the deathly still air. Then, a thud.

And then, silence.


Who had said it, Babs was not sure. All she knew was that she was galloping down the hill so fast her hooves burned, so fast all was a blur of colors before, beside, and behind her.

Apple Bloom! Wh-what happened?!

As Babs panted, her lungs screaming at her, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rushed up to the facedown filly. Fighting her pain, Babs rushed to join them. “Bl-Bloom, what—”

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh…” Prying her face from the ground, Apple Bloom weakly rose her head. Next to her was the sled, a large crack down its middle, along with a mighty pine freed of a section of its bark. “Did Ah… Did Ah win?”

Scootaloo grabbed one of Apple Bloom’s forehooves. “Are you alright? Can you get up on your own?” Sweetie grabbed her other forehoof.

“Ah… Ah think so…”

With gritted teeth, Apple Bloom began to stand up. Three out of four hooves rose out of the snow. The fourth—one of her hindhooves—collapsed under her weight. “Aah!” Apple Bloom slumped down to the ground. “Ah… Ah think Ah s-sprained it…”

Though she blinked it away, a tear formed in Apple Bloom’s eye. Babs felt icy guilt plant itself in her stomach and spread through her veins. She watched in frozen silence as Sweetie and Scootaloo released her, eyes wide.

“We’ll go get help! Babs, stay with her!” Scootaloo nudged Babs in the shoulder, snapping her from her trance.

“O-okay,” was all Babs could reply, eyes unmoving from the filly on the ground.

Two sets of hooves pounded against the snow, becoming quieter and quieter as Sweetie and Scootaloo ran back towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Then, all fell silent.

This is all my fault! If I hadn’t been so stubborn and wanting to be big and tough and cool, then—

“… B-Babs?” Apple Bloom looked up at her. “C-can ya help me up, please?”

“S-sorry!” Babs leaned down and grabbed both her forehooves. With a slow tug—careful not to drag Apple Bloom’s injured hindhoof beneath her—Babs helped her to her haunches.

“Th-thanks.” Apple Bloom stretched out her hindhooves, sucking air through her teeth. Following her gaze, Babs understood why. Her injured hoof was purple already, angry and throbbing. “Ooh, C-Celestia, that s-smarts…”

Feeling nauseous, Babs sat down beside her. “Y-yeah, sure looks like it…”

Apple Bloom said nothing in reply, her teeth chattering.

“You… you cold?” Babs wanted to smack herself as soon as she said it.

Rubbing her forehooves across her chest, Apple Bloom nodded.

Should have brought a coat like Sweetie did… But…

Apple Bloom jumped slightly as two forehooves wrapped around her. Looking up, she saw that Babs was hugging her, her warm chest pressed against her back. “B-Babs?”

“I… I read somewhere that ponies do this to keep warm in the winter. When things get… bad,” Babs muttered, avoiding her eyes.

“Oh… Um…” Apple Bloom leaned back, biting her lip as her injured hoof moved. “Th-thanks.”

It’s the least I could do after… almost getting you killed, Babs wanted to say, but the words stuck to the roof of her mouth. Instead, she merely nodded.

Apple Bloom, too, must have been weighed down with guilt or something similar, for she said nothing more as they waited. Determined not to let Apple Bloom freeze, Babs held her close, cursing herself silently all the while.

They didn’t have to wait much longer. Minutes later, three figures appeared at the top of the hill.


“Looks like it’s just a sprain, Miss Applejack. Keep her off that hoof for a few weeks, give her plenty of fluids and some aspirin, and it should heal up just fine.”

“That’s a relief.” Applejack removed her Stetson from its vigil over her heart and put it back on her head. “Doctor Stable, yer a lifesaver.”

Doctor Stable chuckled. “Not a problem, Miss Applejack. House calls are a nice change of pace anyway.” After checking the bandage and splint on Apple Bloom’s hindhoof one last time, he stepped away from the filly and smiled. “Now you just rest up, alright, Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom muttered an affirmative, her eyelids drooping. Babs Seed knew that whatever the stallion had given her was stronger than aspirin. No matter its dosage, it only made her forget the pain for today.

Tomorrow, it’ll hurt just as bad as before.

“Good. Well, if there isn’t anything else—” Doctor Stable gathered his medical bag with his magic—”I’ll be heading back to the hospital.”

“Thank ya kindly, Doc,” Applejack said. “Have a safe walk home.”

Doctor Stable smiled. “You’re welcome, Applejack. Have a good evening.” The doctor promptly made his way out, shutting the door behind him.

Applejack trotted over to her sister, picked her up, and carefully placed her on her back. Apple Bloom barely reacted, laying her head on her forehooves. “Wait here, you three. Ah’m gonna take Apple Bloom up ta bed.”

All three stared at the floor in response.

“C’mon, Apple Bloom. Let’s get ya ta bed.”

Apple Bloom yawned. “Mmmm…”

As Applejack trotted up the stairs, Sweetie admired the wallpaper, while Scootaloo found the ceiling very intriguing.

Babs only stared at her hooves.

The journey home, the wait for Doctor Stable, the entire time he poked and prodded and patched up Apple Bloom, Babs could do nothing but look at her, guilt chomping away at her with each grimace, each cry of pain, each awkward movement. Ice melted to fire within her haunted veins—a self-directed anger only she could justify.

She’s hurt, and it’s all your fault. This whole thing is all because YOU couldn’t just shut your—

Approaching hoofsteps pulled her from her reverie.

With narrowed eyes, Applejack trotted up to them and cleared her throat. “Alright. Ah want answers.” She stomped a forehoof on the floorboards. “Now. Whose bright idea was it ta go sleddin’ inta the trees?”

Three sets of eyes avoided each other.

“If Ah don’t hear who it was on the count o’ three, yer all gonna be doin’ Apple Bloom’s chores fer the rest o’ the month. Any takers?”


Applejack glared at them. “No? Okay, then.”

Applejack stomped her forehoof.


Applejack stomped her forehoof again.

“… Two.”

Applejack raised her forehoof.

It was me!

Babs slammed her eyes shut.

“Babs Seed…” Applejack’s voice was low, gravelly—jagged rocks rising from a hungry canyon. They impaled her with every word. “Upstairs. Now.

Babs barely heard herself answer. She immediately averted her eyes to the floor. She could still feel their stares.

One hoof after the other, Babs trudged up the stairs, hiding behind the railing once she reached the second floor. She pricked her ears as Applejack addressed the others.

“Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, y’all head home before it gets dark. An’ if Ah hear that y’all went back out there, Ah’ll make sure yer both grounded longer than Babs an’ Apple Bloom. Ya hear?”

Wait, Apple Bloom’s grounded too? Babs’s stomach churned. If there was anything left within it, she would have painted the railing a shade reminiscent of her lunch.

“Yes, Applejack,” they answered.

“Good. Got yer stuff?”

“Yes, Applejack,” they said again.

“Alright, have a safe walk home.” Applejack’s voice lacked any of its usual warmth. Instead, it was as chilly as the breeze that snuck through the door when it creaked open.

Another mumbled formality, and the door slammed shut. Hoofsteps again ascended up the stairs. Babs tore away from the railing at the last second, coming face-to-face with Applejack.

“Babs, yer grounded fer the rest o’ the winter break. Yer also gonna do all o’ Apple Bloom’s chores ‘till she heals up.”

Withering under her gaze, Babs nodded.

“Ah’m very disappointed in you,” Applejack continued. “Apple Bloom coulda got seriously hurt, o’ worse.”

No need to remind me, Applejack…

“She looks up ta ya, ya know. She loves ya very much. So don’t go hurtin’ her wit’ that love, alright?”

Babs nodded again, wanting to merge with the floor.

“Ah know yer feelin’ awful guilty an’ embarrassed right now, but Ah need ya ta promise me ya won’t do somethin’ like this again. Promise—”

“I promise, Applejack.” Babs looked at her. “And I’m really sorry.”

“Ah know ya are.” Applejack wrapped her up in a hug, which Babs returned. “But Ah’m not the only one who needs ta hear it. Know what Ah mean?”

Babs nodded.

“Fer now, though, let’s let Apple Bloom git her sleep. Besides…” Applejack smirked. “She normally helps wit’ the evenin’ chores right ‘bout now. So, seems like ya have some work ta do.”

I guess I do… Babs glanced towards Apple Bloom’s room. A lot of work.


The evening was a blur of sweat and sore muscles. The winter winds did little to counter the exertion of helping Applejack—and then Big Macintosh when he returned from the market—with the evening chores. After the chores, Babs Seed returned to the farmhouse, only to be directed to help Granny Smith prepare dinner. It was a simple meal, but Babs knew nothing of cooking.

Time passed quickly, granting Babs some relief from her inner mantra. Thank Celestia for little mercies—Applejack had filled both Big Mac and Granny Smith in on what had happened while Babs was doing chores, so dinner was not a rehash of that afternoon. Babs ate her salad and bread, then was sent upstairs without dessert.

Before she could climb the stairs, Applejack pulled her aside, a full plate and a bottle of apple juice in her forehooves. “Can ya take this up ta Apple Bloom’s room?”

“Oh, uh… sure.” Babs took the plate and bottle. “I can do that.”

“Thanks, Babs. Ah’m gonna check on her in ‘bout an hour, then Ah’m gonna head ta bed. It’s been a long day.”

Babs winced. “Y-yeah…”

“If there’s any problems, jus’ come down an’ let me, Mac, o’ Granny know.” With one last nod, Applejack headed back towards the living room.

With a sigh, Babs started up the stairs. Once she reached the top, Babs crossed over to Apple Bloom’s room. Pressing her ear against the door, she heard light snoring within. And I have to wake her up.

Sorry, Apple Bloom.

Babs knocked twice, then slowly opened the door. “Apple Bloom…?”

Tangled in her sheets, Apple Bloom continued to snore, even when Babs trotted in, closed the door, and set her dinner and drink down on the nightstand. The dark room was illuminated only by Luna’s moonlight, reflecting off the white landscape filtering through the open window.

Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way… As gently as she could, Babs reached over and tapped Apple Bloom’s shoulder. “Bloom…” She tapped her again. “Bloom, wake up…”

“Zzzzzzzzzzzzt… Huh?” With a mighty yawn, Apple Bloom peeled her eyes open, smacked her lips, and, then, finally, smiled at Babs. “Oh… Good mornin’, Babs. Ah had the weirdest dream. Somethin’ ‘bout this gang o’ ponies wit’ orange tattoos—”

“Apple Bloom,” Babs said, digging a forehoof at the floorboards, “it’s eight at night.”

“… Really?” Apple Bloom stared hard at her alarm clock. “Huh. Ah guess it is.”

“I brought you some dinner.”

“… Oh. Thanks.” After slowly sitting up, Apple Bloom put the plate in her lap and grabbed the drink.

“You’re welcome,” Babs mumbled, sitting down. She fell silent, watching from the corner of her eye as Apple Bloom occasionally took a bite or a sip. She still seems out of it. Apple Bloom gobbles up her food faster than anypony I know. Hay, she eats twice as much as me, and I’m bigger than her!


Babs looked up. “Huh?”

“Sorry.” Apple Bloom sighed as she put the plate back down. Most of her dinner was left behind. She rubbed her eyes. “Whatever Doctor Stable gave me, it makes ma stomach hurt. Ah can’t eat any more.”

“Oh.” Babs rubbed her nape with a forehoof. “That’s okay. Um… Listen, Apple Bloom…”

Laying back down, Apple Bloom’s eyelids drooped. “Yes, Babs?”

“I… I’m really…”

Why is this so hard? Just go ahead and apologize! You’ve done it before when you—

No. Can’t think about that right now. Just tell her you’re sorry. You are sorry, aren’t you? Okay, then just say it!

Apple Bloom yawned. “Yer really what?”

“I…” Babs looked up from her hooves. “I’m really sorry about earlier. About the race, and the trees, and—”

Giggling, Apple Bloom said, “Oh, Babs.”

Babs raised an eyebrow. “What are you—”

“Ah’m not mad at ya,” Apple Bloom said, her words punctuated by another yawn. “Ah know it was an accident. Ah jus’ lost control o’ the sled is all. You were jus’ tryin’ ta have fun.”

Rubbing at her nape again, Babs shook her head. “N-no… I was trying to show off.”

“Show off? Aww, Babs, you don’t have ta show off fer us.” Apple Bloom smiled. “We like ya how ya are.”

“I know, it’s just…” Trailing off, Babs shook her head. “Nevermind.”

Apple Bloom stared at her for a moment, before she nodded. “Well… If ya ever want ta talk ‘bout it, jus’ let me know.”

Fat chance… “Thanks, Apple Bloom.”

“Yer welcome.” After another yawn, Apple Bloom said, “Ah’m really sleepy again. Ready fer bed?”

With a nod, Babs climbed into the other side of the bed, then pulled the blankets over them. She couldn’t help but smile as Apple Bloom rolled over to face her, grinning as she snuggled the covers.

“Comfy?” Babs asked.

Apple Bloom closed her eyes. “Yeah…”

“Good. Goodnight, Apple Bloom.”



Babs Seed couldn’t sleep.

Tossing and turning, she found no relief, no escape from her thoughts. The events on the hillside replayed over and over again in her mind, a carousel of remorse spinning wildly without concern for its sole passenger. Her eyes stayed closed, but the Sandmare stayed elusive.

Applejack came to check on them not too long afterwards. Babs wondered if her special talent was feigning sleep; she was able to fool the Element of Honesty with her forced snores.

Beside her, Apple Bloom slept soundly, her snores rhythmic and soothing. The melody should have lulled her to slumber as it had many other nights, but it only served as a sound reminder of her transgressions.

What if it takes longer than a few weeks? What if Apple Bloom has to go back to school on crutches? What if ponies make fun of her? Babs sat up in bed. What if she can’t eat because of the medicine and gets really sick, or she does eat, and then gets even more sick because of it?

Apple Bloom, in pain and sick, all because of me…

Staring at the moon, Babs Seed waited for Luna to appear, to fly from her home in the heavens and give her the solution.

She waited.

And waited.

And then, she remembered something.

We were going to race towards the edge of the Everfree… The Everfree Forest… There’s a zebra who lives there… What’s her name? Ze… Zecora, right? She makes potions with herbs that grow in the forest… The forest that doesn’t obey the winter… So the plants… still grow…

That’s it! If anypony knows what could make Apple Bloom feel better, it would be Zecora!

Quiet and quick, Babs Seed rose to her hooves, then faced the window. Beyond the horizon and the edges of Sweet Apple Acres lay the darkened treeline of the Everfree Forest.

Yes, I have to… I have to.

If I’m going to pretend to be brave, then I’m going to have to really be brave when it counts.

Taking a deep breath, Babs stared hard at the Everfree Forest. Her heavy heart began to pulse as she imagined what lay before her.

The Everfree Forest…

What am I, a chicken?


Sneaking out of the farmhouse was foal’s play. Babs Seed herself had done it many times before. The absence of a heavy, creaking iron gate, wandering servants, and an insomniac sister made it far too easy. All four Apples were in Luna’s deep embrace, even when she found the creaky step on the stairs and closed the door behind her a little too forcefully.

Leaving the farm itself, too, was simple. Winona slept inside during the winter rather than under the stars. She had been lost in doggy dreams when Babs passed through. Outside, there was nopony to overcome or to stop her, save her own self.

Across the orchards, past the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse, beyond the frozen lake, and through the woods, Babs trudged through the thick snow. Fresh snow had fallen, coating the earth in a new layer of white.

Once she reached the edge of the Everfree Forest, Babs took another deep breath. Mist clouded her vision, enshrouding the looming wilderness before her. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth on her exhale, her draconic breath crisp and clear.

W-well… Here we go.

Babs took one slow, tentative hoofstep forward.

The ground rustled beneath her. The forest remained still otherwise.

Another step.

And another.

And another.

Soon, Babs was trotting through the Everfree Forest, guided by nothing but moonlight, starlight, and her own conscience. She brought neither weapon nor armor with her in the deep—only her own determination.

Along the way, she observed the unique foliage around her. Plants and trees she had never seen before grew tall and strong, unhindered by the pegasi’s changing seasons. The air was thick with their scents, pollen flowing free and plentiful in December.

She pricked her ears for the low, guttural growls of the timberwolves of legend. The only sound was the blood rushing from her pounding heart to her ears. Despite the circumstances, she could imagine somepony describing it as a pleasant midnight stroll.

“Heh, heh… This ain’t so bad,” she mumbled, scanning the thick brush. No eyes peered back at her from the shadows. “I dunno what the others were talking about. This isn’t really that—”

Somewhere in the darkness, brambles snapped.

Babs jolted, spinning on her hooves. “Wh-who’s there?!”

Snap, snap.

Bracing her hooves, Babs leaned down and let loose her best imitation of a growl. “Sh-show yourself! C-come out!”

Snap, snap, snap! SNAP!

“I… I’m warning you!” Babs snorted and pawed at the ground. “I—I’ll kick your—”

Two glowing eyes towered above her.

Babs Seed wanted to gasp, wanted to scream, wanted to growl or curse or something, but her hooves were frozen to the dirt in spite of the climatic defiance and she was far less of a brute than she wanted others to think and this monster was bigger than her and it was midnight in the Everfree Forest and did her hoofprints even lead out this far and it was all because of her, all because of her that not only would Apple Bloom be hurt and sick, but now she would have to wake to tears and add her own, because Babs was a complete and utter idiot and Now look what I’m doing—

“Little one, why are you out so late? Do you wish for a horrible fate?”

Babs felt her jaw unhinge.

Did it just—

Glowing blue eyes moved closer towards her. In the moonlight, an equine figure emerged as their owner—tall, with a cropped mane, several golden rings around its neck, and—


“Ze… Ze-Ze-Ze… Zecora?!”

Pearly white teeth matched the zebra’s vibrant blue eyes. She gave a humble nod—almost a bow. “That is correct, young filly. I am sorry I startled you silly.”

“That’s… That’s okay…” Babs released a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. “I-I thought you were—nevermind.”

“Well, now that you know who I am, it is time I ask the same. My new friend, what is your name?”

“Babs Seed. I’m Apple Bloom’s cousin.”

Zecora beamed. “Ah, Apple Bloom—a favorite friend of mine. She likes to visit when she has the time.”

“Yeah… About that…” Babs found it hard to look Zecora in the eyes. “She’s… kind of hurt, but the medicine the doctor gave her makes her nauseous. I was wondering if you had something that could help?”

Zecora tapped her chin. “An upset tummy, you say? I know there is another way.” She turned towards the way she had come. “Follow me, Babs Seed. At my home, I will get what you need.”

How can she reply in rhyme so fast? After simply nodding, Babs followed closely after her. I take back those “chicken” comments… Scoots was right not wanting to go here.

To her relief, whether it be due sheer luck or Luna smiling down on them, Babs and Zecora arrived at the hut without incident. Zecora held the door open and ushered her within.

Inside, a modest fire gobbled up logs in the middle of the room. Babs warmed her forehooves over the flames as Zecora looked over her bookshelves. The masks decorating the interior of the abode were somewhat unnerving, but much preferable to a timberwolf.

While the fire crackled and popped, Zecora selected a book, then set it down along with a drawstring pouch on a table. “So, what happened this time? Did the Crusaders get caught in a zip line?”

“Er… No.” Babs shivered before the flames. “I… kind of convinced them to try sledding down this hill, across a lake, and through the woods to the Everfree. Apple Bloom… Um… got hurt.”

Zecora grabbed a pestle and mortar from another shelf, then opened one of the pouches. A pungent, earthy scent filled Babs’s nostrils. “Ah, so I see. The sled did not make it to the Everfree.”

Babs shook her head. “No… And Apple Bloom sprained her hindhoof.” She rubbed at her shoulders and stepped closer to the fire.

For a moment, Zecora didn’t reply. Babs looked over to see her remove several green, tri-leafed plants from the pouch and place them in the pestle. The sound of herbs being ground beneath a mortar joined the hiss of the fire in the silence.

Finally, Zecora spoke up. “So, you felt guilty and came to find me. That is why I found a filly wandering in the Everfree.”

More than just the flames warmed Babs’s cheeks. “Y-yeah. Something like that.”

“Ah, now I feel silly. I thought there might be something else with that filly.”

Flushing further, Babs asked, “Wh-what do you mean?”

More grinding followed. Then, Zecora said, “Pay it no mind, it was just a thought. Others have just come here for different things than you have sought.”

“Oh.” Babs sighed in relief. “Gotcha.”

“The mixture is almost ready. She will need only a little bit, as it is quite heavy.”

“Will it make her sleepy?”

“Somewhat, but not as much as pain pills. Despite that drawback, it will cure her ills.”

Setting the mortar down, Zecora then grabbed a jar from a shelf above the table. Using a spoon, she scraped the crushed mixture into a bottle. After sealing it with a cork stopper, she carried it in her mouth over to Babs, who accepted it from her. “Apple Bloom will need only a spoonful every morning and night. Mix it in her breakfast and dinner—it makes the taste light.”

“Thank you, Zecora.” Babs frowned. “I don’t have any money right now, but—”

Zecora chuckled. “That is not necessary, but you are far too kind, still. Now, let me lead you back to Ponyville.”

Eager to return to the farmhouse as quickly—and intact—as possible, Babs uttered even more thanks, disappointed that she had nothing to give—or anything Zecora would take—in exchange for her kindness.


“Here we are, the edge of the Everfree. Sweet Apple Acres is not far away, you see.”

“Thank you again, Zecora.” Stepping out of the shadows, Babs smiled back at her. “And thank you for helping Apple Bloom.”

Zecora bowed her head. “Of course, I am glad to be of assistance. When it comes to helping a friend, I do not feel the need for resistance.”

In the moonlight, Babs smiled further. “Me either.”

Zecora nodded. “There is one thing I should tell you before you go—”


“If there is something you are feeling, you should let it show.”

“Oh.” Wait. “… Oh.” In spite of the cold, Babs radiated from her core. “I—I don’t know what you—”

Zecora had already turned around. “Goodnight, Babs Seed! Do not hesitate to come back if you are in further need!”

Alone with her stammering, Babs nodded to the Everfree. “Y-yeah… Thanks…” I think…?


The journey home was far less eventful than the first. Again, Babs utilized the stealth she had learned from when she dared to live after midnight. It was nearly two o'clock in the morning when she crept up the stairs back to Apple Bloom’s room.

Witching Hour. The time of strongest magic. Ironic, isn’t it, given what I just saw… and did…

And heard…

Babs set the bottle down on the nightstand, then looked over to the bed. Apple Bloom’s forehooves were curled around where she should have been, twitching. Although she was asleep, it seemed less than restful this time around.

Forgive me for this, Apple Bloom…

Tap, tap. Tap. Tap. Taptaptap.

“… Mmmmmmrf…”

Apple Bloom rolled onto her back, looking up at Babs Seed, her forehoof still prodding her shoulder.

“… Babs?” Apple Bloom rolled onto her side. “What are ya doin’? It’s two o'clock in the mornin’…”

“I know. Sorry, heh.” Standing beside the bed, Babs crossed her forehooves behind her back. “Um… Look, Apple Bloom. I’m really sorry that this happened, and—”

“Babs,” Apple Bloom said, her words slowed by more than sleep, “we already talked ‘bout this. Ah ain’t mad, an’—”

“I know you’re not, but I’m mad at myself.” Before her last shred of courage fell to tatters, Babs pushed Zecora’s bottle towards her. “So I went and got you something.”

Raising an eyebrow, Apple Bloom stared from the bottle, to Babs, and back to the bottle again.

“It’s from Zecora. It’s something to help with the pain that won’t make you nauseous.”

“Oh, that would be real—wait.” Apple Bloom pointed at Babs. “Ya… Ya said Zecora, right? Why would she be comin’ ‘round this time o’ night? Did Applejack tell her what happened?”

Wringing her forehooves together, Babs replied slowly, unable to look her in the eye. “No, I—uh. Well, I, um… Kinda had to go to the Everfree to get it.”

Apple Bloom paused. “So… She came over an’ had ya follow her ta her hut because she forgot ‘bout it?”


“… She needed ta gather the ingredients, an’ ya offered ta help?”


“Umm… She… Uh… Needed somepony small enough ta—”

“She never came over, Bloom. I…” Babs took a deep breath. “I snuck out to the Everfree to find her.”


More silence.

And then, just above a whisper, Apple Bloom said, “Ya… went ta the Everfree… fer me?”

“Well… Yeah.” Meeting her eyes at last, Babs smiled and laid her forehoof atop Apple Bloom’s. “I mean, the whole reason you’re in pain and sick is because of me, right? And even if you said you forgive me, I didn’t forgive me. Not for hurting you. I had to do something to make it right… even if the right thing was, um, sneaking out under Applejack’s nose.”

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Well, it’d be wrong o’ me ta criticize ya fer that… Done that a few times maself, but…” She took Babs Seed’s forehoof in her own. “You didn’t have ta do that fer me, Babs. Ah wouldn’t want ya ta git hurt over me.”

“See, that’s the thing… I’m okay with getting hurt over you. It’s the other way around that I’m not too happy about.”

“Heh… That’s how Ah feel, too.”

Silence reigned, warm and welcome, saying all that was needed.

Then, Babs removed her forehoof from Apple Bloom’s to uncork her medicine and avert her muzzle from the moonlight. “Here, try it… I’m not sure what’s in it, but she said it shouldn’t make you as sleepy as whatever the doctor gave you.” She shook out a small amount of the crushed herb into her open forehoof.

Apple Bloom brushed the crushed plant into her forehoof and sniffed it. “Hmm… Smells weird. Hopefully it doesn’t taste as bad as that pill Doctor Stable had me take.”

“I hope not. I went to the Everfree at midnight for that!” Babs joked, puffing out her chest.

Instead of laughing, Apple Bloom smiled. “Aren’t ya the brave one.”

“Uhhh… I… I guess?” Babs rubbed at her shoulder, looking away. “I-I mean, I thought there was a timberwolf or something out there, and I was ready to fight it, but, heh, you know, I—”

Babs fell silent, watching as, in one swift motion, Apple Bloom tossed the medicine into her mouth and chewed it. Her eyes bulged, her nostrils flared, but she didn’t retch.

“Whew… Wow…” Apple Bloom smacked her tongue, grimacing. “Not as bad as the other thing, but still…”

“Heh, Zecora said to take that with breakfast and dinner… So I guess with dinner tonight, and two times a day after that.”

“Ah guess Ah’ll git used ta it.”


Still smacking her tongue, Apple Bloom laid down on her back. “Huh. Ah think it’s workin’ already. Ma stomach doesn’t hurt as much.”

“That’s what I was hoping.” Babs yawned.

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Somepony’s tired.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Babs trotted over to her side of the bed and climbed in, adjusting the covers over the both of them.

Once they were settled, Babs rolled over to face Apple Bloom. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. When you’re all healed up, we’ll have to have that race for real this time.”

“The snow will be melted by then.”

“Well, we’ll just do a different race!” Babs rolled onto her back. With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes and imagined the possibilities. “It’ll be early spring by then, with the fresh grass and all the flowers in bloom… We can go down that same hill into the thawed lake on the sled still, or maybe we can just roll downhill into the water, or we could—”

The soft touch of lips on her cheek stole her words away. Heat flooded through her veins, displacing all thoughts of winter.

Speechless, Babs Seed turned over to see Apple Bloom smiling sheepishly.


That’s fer the Everfree,” Apple Bloom whispered, “an’ this is fer holdin’ me earlier.” She cuddled up to her, resting her head in the crook of her neck. “Ah know ya said it was because Ah was cold, but Ah really needed that.”

“Heh, heh, w-well…”

Zecora’s words echoed in Babs Seed’s mind. If there is something you are feeling, you should let it show.

Laying her head on top of Apple Bloom’s, Babs whispered back, “Do you… need it now?”

Apple Bloom’s muzzle matched the shade of her mane. “Y-yeah.”

Babs nuzzled her forehead. “Alright…”

Wrapping her forehooves around her, Babs Seed held Apple Bloom close and closed her eyes. Babs knew now, even more than ever, that if there had been a timberwolf behind those eyes in the Everfree, she would have been ready to face him.

However, she didn’t need to dare to prove herself. She was already enough.

She was more than enough for her.

Warm and safe in Babs Seed’s forehooves, and Babs Seed in hers, Apple Bloom muttered before the Sandmare visited her a third time, “Goodnight… Babsy.”

Babsy. I could get used to that, I think… “Goodnight, Apple Bloom.”

Their dreams were sweet that night, full of rolling hills and endless horizons.

Comments ( 11 )

Love is four-letter word!
And never spoken here!

Love is a four-letter word!
Here in this prison!

Dawwwwww :scootangel: too cute! Hehehe.... dream about ponies with the orange tattoo.... good ol' Bernie was just a dream eh? Can we just pretend these silly little fillies are just as cute and adorable as always and that saga was just some horrible nightmare? :derpytongue2:

So words. Much cute. Very length. Wow.

Also, fav'd, because much quality.

(also, I can't doge)

Another cutesy Babs x Bloom from Babsy! You always do a fantastic job in delving into the inner workings of a character's mind and describing their emotions.

She still seems out of it. Apple Bloom gobbles up her food faster than anypony I know. Hay, she eats twice as much as me, and I’m bigger than her!

You are obsessed with Apple Bloom's eating habits.

Insert some good will and cheer in this section. Insert a follow up joke and awkward chuckling and a well wish or something... I dunno, the story is good I guess :trollestia:



Such cute
Very words
Much quality
I fave
Good doge

Eh, close enough.

Next time I'll probably make a comment consisting of almost exclusively from word 'wow'.

But then again, if Babs catches me doing that, she'll have my... Probably something I'll want back sooner or later ^^

Hmm . . . I liked it. It was unbelievably cute and very well-written. Certainly an enjoyable read.

I swear, Bad, if you're not killing me with suspense you're trying to kill me with cuteness.

Great story as always!

I'm glad Babs Seed helped her cousin. I like Babs Seed.

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