• Published 27th Oct 2015
  • 4,873 Views, 34 Comments

Monster in the House! - KingKang

I arrive in Equestria as a house. I am just as confused as you.

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Chapter 2: A Houses First Haunt

I know, it's not much to go by. I think I should elaborate a little bit. Has anybody here ever watched the movie 'Monster House' before? Well if you have then you would know that the house in the movie was a Literal Monster house that ate anyone who got near. THAT is what I am. Don't ask me how or why, I really don't know.

I wont bore you with who I was before I became...this, because there really is nothing to tell. I was just a regular plain Jane. Well...no, that's a lie. I was someone who Discord would love. I absolutely loved having fun with people. I loved to do scare pranks on people. I used to do the best ones, too. Like this one time I-

Oh, rambling again. Sorry...

Anyway, lets get to when I became this. Like said, I have no idea what happened. I literally went to bet human, and when I woke up? POOF! Giant house in the middle of a children's T.V. show. The first few years were extremely boring. I had no idea how to do half the things they did in the movie. With a little practice and a lot of will power, though, I started to manage.

It started small, with opening and closing my front door, moving the branches on my trees. I even tried moving my inside furniture (by the way have you ever seen the inside of your own body? It is really trippy.) Managing my 'tongue' was easy enough. Eventually I got bolder and soon mastered every nook and cranny of myself. Inside, outside, basement, attic, you name it! Which made it al the better, one Nightmare Night...


It was an interesting night. From where I stood I could see the whole town. Everyone, from fillies to adults, were all dressed up and going about their celebrations. I had fun watching the town go by. I was here since the very beginnings, and slowly watched the town grow to the great place it is today (with the occasional monster attack every now and again.) It was fun, until a group of fouls walked up to my gates...

There were about four of five of them, all gathered outside my gates. The leader, small brown colt wearing a kings costume, was trying to dare another pony to go up to me and ring my doorbell. She was a young filly with bright pink hair and a ladybug costume. She kept trying to back out of it, but the other ponies started pushing her towards me. Once they got past my gate, I slowly closed it shut. Scared out of their wits, they start banging and thrashing on it to try and get it to open.

Then one Pegasus filly tries to fly over to get help. Before she could get an inch past the gate, I use one of my trees to grab her and wrap its branches around her struggling body. After that little display, I decide it's show time! My blinds snap open, my wood creaked and bent, and my door flew wide open. The front of the house was gone, and in it's place...was a monster.

I started picking them off one at a time, starting with the Pegasus filly. I juggled her between trees, before tossing her into my maw. Next was the purple earth pony. she tried to climb the fence, but that just wouldn't do. I used my 'tongue' to wrap her up and pull her in. This other unicorn tried to be brave, but just couldn't. I shot her up using my walkway. She went up about 40 feet before coming back down, landing squarely on my tongue. Three down, three to go. The colt from before and another filly were huddled up against the gate. For these two I decided to have a little fun. I used two of my trees to lift them up and threw them as high as I could in the air. They screamed going up, and twice as hard coming down. they landed hard on my walkway, which I converted into a make-shift slide. they went screaming all the way down...inside me.

Now all that was left was the little ladybug, who was currently trying to hide behind on of the trees. Slowly, I reach the branches down and grab her by the tail. Yanking her up, I watch as she starts flailing around. I carefully pass her from tree to tree, until she is right in front of my face. just as I was about to drop her in as well, I noticed something I didn't earlier.

She was crying.

Tears rolled down her face as she looked at me. Every now and again she would let out a sob. "P-please..." she pleaded, "just let me go...I-I don't want to d-d-die..." And that was the straw that broke my heart. I may do some mean things, but one thing I cant stand is making someone cry. Double goes for a child. So I, let her go. I let them all go. After that little display I just couldn't go through with what I had planned.

I watched as they ran back towards town, the little ladybug looking back at me before she went to catch up to the others. She looked...conflicted, maybe? I couldn't really tell.

Well, as you can imagine, they told everyone they could think of about me. Even got a few adults to check me out (shut up). I, of course, played the old 'normal house' routine. They didn't find anything 'unusual' and just wrote it off as some ponies pulling a prank. Of course after that, things only got more fun. After that some colts and fillies would come up every now and again some fillies or colts would come by on a scare dare, where they would try to get close enough to my door to ring my bell. Very few got far. I soon became a local legend. It was fun, for a while.

End flashback

Looking back now, I cant help but think how stupid its all been. A normal woman gets turned into a house and sent to a land of ponies. It sounds like something out of a bad fanfiction. But low and behold, here I am. I'll admit, I do get lonely sometimes. Nobody actually wants to go into the big spooky house. A part of me wouldn't actually mind having someone living in me. But these are the roles were are given, I'm afraid.

Nothing we can really do about it.

Author's Note:

Chapter 2: A Houses First Haunt.

Comments ( 25 )

So no making children cry....I like her:pinkiesmile:


I love this story please continue

Just waiting for the house to cry, like in the movie

More please

Its a good thing ponies haven't invented Dynamite.

this... this is perfection... MORE!

Awww more house-chan plz.

Please continue

I’m pretty sure this story is dead

May you please resume this story it's so good to read :fluttercry:

This’ll be good:-)

please resume this story, i loved monster house when i was a kid. and seeing this story on fimfiction is so badass!!66.media.tumblr.com/d942339a88c4af4fa843ddc41e85a98b/tumblr_ovzhm1IySc1w8qokno1_500.gif

Holy shit it’s monster house! The nostalgia of seeing this is something. I remember the movie and I even played the game on GameCube for fuck sakes! I hope to see this story live again cause I mean come on it’s fucking monster house in multicolored magical pony land! Hijinks are sure to insure and I want to see that nonsense! Please bring it back alive my good sir fill my need to read a story with ponies and an old show I watched as a child!

Please continue this story

do more chapters I like this story:ajbemused:

Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal

Me gustó mucho él concepto de la historia 😀👏👏

Wound have beine a good storry

well, in case the author doesn't continue this book does anyone else want to continue this book?

Nothing we can do about it. The author must have been lazy or too busy to work on any more chapters. The only way to make it possible is for someone else to take over this story & finish what this author started.

Hmmm who would live in her/MH I would say twilight but book horse so maybe Luna actually no Gilda maybe no wouldn't work ah I know starlight or sunset.

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