• Published 29th Jun 2015
  • 10,258 Views, 166 Comments

The Phantom of Canterlot High - Lucky Seven

Danny Fenton finds himself at Canterlot High School after a mishap with the ghost portal.

  • ...

No Games (Battle of the Bands V)

“Oh, there she is!” Sonata shouted. From their spot around the corner, the sirens had a clear view of their target. The school hallways at Canterlot High were vast, and finding her has taken some effort on the sirens' parts. She didn’t seem to notice them, however. As Adagio was preparing to make her presence known, Aria spoke up.

“Are you sure about this, Adagio?”

“Now is our best chance to strike, while her friends aren’t around,” Adagio smiled, looking in the direction Sonata had pointed. “We’ll have her wrapped around our fingers in no time, girls. Wait here.”

The girl in question, Sunset Shimmer, was rummaging through her locker. “Darn it, I know I left that textbook in here! I am not going to share with Starlight again.”

“Perhaps I can assist you, Sunset Shimmer?”

“Huh?” As Sunset turned around, she accidentally slammer her locker shut. Letting out a groan, she narrowed her eyes at the girl in front of her. “What do you want, Adagio?”

“Oh, nothing at all,” Adagio smirked. “We simply have some… news, for you.”


“Oh my, yes. In my professional opinion, it’s quite… delectable,” Adagio stroked her adversary’s cheek to emphasize her statement. Recoiling in revulsion, Sunset smacked her hand away, an act that only served to make Adagio giggle. “My, someone has quite a temper.”

“Whatever you wanna tell me, just spit it out, you freak.”

“Oh, nothing too interesting. Just a little smidget of information I’ve discovered about the boy you’re living with,” Adagio began to walk away, waving her hand dismissively. “But I’m sure you’re not interested in learning his dark secret. Oh well, I guess you’ll never know!”

As she watched Adagio walk away, Sunset was filled with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, what Danny wanted to keep secret was his business, not hers. On the other, she did say it was dark…

“... Wait.”

Adagio stopped in her tracks, and looked back over her shoulder with a sinister chuckle. She had Sunset right where she wanted her…

If there was anyone who could go head to head with the sirens, it was Ember. Danny knew that. What he didn’t know was if she’d even be willing to help him. Of course, if she wasn’t, he could just beat her again. He didn’t want it to come to that, though. All that mattered right now was talking to her. She came flying out of the thermos after what felt like minutes, cackling wildly.

She didn’t seem to notice him, and as she landed on the ground, she started to look around. “So… the twerp’s thermos failed, huh?”

“... Not exactly.”

Hearing his voice got her attention, and she swiftly swiveled around. The look in her eyes said it all. She was confused, and rightly so. “Alright, what gives?”

“I… need your help,” he admitted lamely.

Her laughter was all the answer he needed, but she spoke anyways. “Me? Help you? Ha! Did you hit your head during our last fight or what?”

He had an ace up his sleeve, sure, but it would be best to save it for later. For now, he took on a defensive stance. “Look, Ember, do you think I’d be asking you for help if I didn’t need it? There’s three sirens, and they mean business.”

“Sirens, huh? Sounds like you’re in trouble. Oh well...” Ember faux-yawned with a grin.

“Yeah, I am. I don’t expect you to help me, but I’ll make you if I have to,” he answered confidently. Screw it, it was time to reveal his trap card.

“I’d like to see y--”

“You’ll be trapped if you don’t,” he cut her off. Ember raised an eyebrow at that, and he knew he had her attention.

“Trapped? What do you mean?”

“We’re not on Earth anymore. Truth be told, I have no clue where in the heck we are, but it sure isn’t home.”

“And you think that matters to me? I’ll just go back to the Ghost Zone.” She smirked. A smirk that didn’t last very long.

“Don’t you get it, Ember? There isn’t a Ghost Zone. You and I?” He gestured at her, then himself. “We’re the only ghosts in existence here.”

Her eyes went unnaturally wide at that revelation, and she shook her head back and forth. “No… There’s no way! You’re lying!”

“I wish I was. But if we’re going to get back home, we’re going to have to do it together.”

He could tell Ember was struggling with her emotions, something he himself had gone through in the past. Working with your enemies was certainly something nobody wanted to do, but in this case, they would make a great team. “How do I know you’re not lying, kid?”

“You don’t. But you know me, so ask yourself. Would I lie about this?”

“... Alright, fine,” Ember begrudgingly replied, but quickly adding, “but after this, we’re back to being enemies!”

“Deal,” Danny stuck his hand out, expecting a handshake. What he got instead was a slap to his cheek, which he began rubbing to ease the pain. “Ow.”

“That’s for keeping me in that thermos for so long, punk. Do you know how cramped it is in there?”

“Yes,” he replied bluntly, recalling the time his own sister had trapped him in it. Neither one of them spoke for a short period of time after that. Instead, they simply stared at one another, as if trying to figure out what the other was thinking. From the look on her face, it was evident that Ember was thinking of something to say. After a few more moments, she broke the silence, but not before turning away from Danny.

“So these sirens, how do they control people?”

“By singing, just like you.” He couldn’t tell, but he was sure she had a look of contempt on her face.

“A trio of singers, huh? Well…” Ember reached back and touched the guitar case on her back, “I’m sure I can steal a few of their followers.”

“They’re competing in a battle of the bands in just a couple of days, actually. Some girls I met here are planning on taking them on, but--”

“But you don’t think they have a chance,” Ember finished his sentence for him. “You’re right. They don’t know what they’re going up against.”

“That’s right, and with your help, I think I ca--”

“‘My help’?” Ember chuckled, turning her head back a bit. “You must have forgotten, baby pop. I don’t do duets.”

“But you can’t possibly take them on by yourself, you overrated diva!” Danny shouted, silencing them both. He hadn’t meant to say it like that, and he knew he was about to regret it. As she turned around, he could see the anger in her eyes. Literally. They were on fire. Before he could react, she grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him close.

“Listen, you little punk. If you think I’m doing this for you, then you’re even dumber than I thought. I’m going to be the one that defeats you, and I’m not gonna let some stupid sirens take that pleasure away from me. You got that?”

With a gulp, Danny quietly responded, “Uh, yeah, sure.”

Gently patting his cheek with her free hand, Ember replied, “Good.” She released him and he fell to the floor with a thud. He had to hand it to her, she certainly still had that threatening presence about her. “So where are we staying?”


“Where are we going to live for the time being?” Ember elaborated.

“No, I got that. What I’m wondering is why you want to stay with me.”

“Where else am I gonna stay, you idiot?”

Okay, she had him there. “I’m staying with a friend. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind another guest if we, heh, made something up,” he rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. He knew it wouldn’t feel right to lie to someone he’d just met, but she was hiding secrets from him, too. At least, if the sirens were to be believed...

“What do you mean, ‘Danny’s a ghost’?” Sunset asked Adagio incredulously. “There’s no such thing as ghosts.”

“Oh, so ghosts are far fetched, but sirens aren’t?” Her rival laughed. “That’s quite a strange way of thinking.”

“Even if he is a ghost, what difference does it make? At least he’s not trying to take over the school.”

“Right now,” Adagio finished for her, running her hand down Sunset’s arm as she did so. “How do you know he’s not waiting until we’re out of the picture?”

“Because I just know he isn’t!” Sunset yelled, smacking her foe’s hand away. “Besides, I know what your game is. You’re not going to turn me against my friends, Adagio. And if you think petty lies are going to work, then you’re as dumb as you are evil.” Sunset could have kept arguing with Adagio, but she had better things to do. Namely walking away. When she was out of earshot, Aria and Sonata made their way over to their comrade.

“So much for your plan, Adagio.”

“Not to worry, Aria. Everything is going according to plan.”

“You say that all the time, but I don’t think you know what it means,” Aria shot back. “So far, we’ve made enemies with a ghost and failed to corrupt the one girl who could really help us.”

“Don’t you get it, you numbskull?” Adagio frowned at her friend. “She’s going to confront him about being a ghost, and he won’t be honest with her.”

“Oh! Oh! And him not telling her the truth will make her not trust him?” Sonata guessed, making Adagio smile and chuckle darkly.


“Except he will tell her. If he told us, what’s keeping him from telling her too, especially if she calls him out?” Aria knew she was right, and she didn’t let the glare Adagio shot in her direction affect her. “He’s up to something, Adagio, and we need to find out what.”

For a few moments, Adagio didn’t speak. She had known Aria for over a thousand years, and if she had learned anything in that time, it was that she was impossible to intimidate. So when she finally did speak, she did so calmly. “Alright. If you’re that worried, we can have Sonata spy on him.”

“Thank y-- Wait. Sonata!?”

“Yippee, I get to play detective!”

Author's Note:

Thanks for helping to get this story featured with the last update, everyone! Hopefully this new chapter, while a bit shorter than the usual stuff, gets you guys used to how Ember is gonna be in the story. I'm going for more of an anti-hero approach with this one, since she's simply helping him to get home. That, and so she can be the one who kicks his butt.

Anyways, as always, leave comments with your thoughts, criticism, etc.!