• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 970 Views, 18 Comments

Tales of Friendship - Jigoku Luna

An collaboration crossover of Tales of Xillia and MLP.

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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

This was edited by Dirty Bit.

Sorry for taking so long with this one.

The walk towards their destination was certainly awkward for both parties involved. Luckily, their new allies promised that they will get them clothing. That eased the worries of Rarity and Twilight a little bit, the rest were a bit confused by their reactions. This made sense as Rarity was the only one that was interested in why human wear clothes.

It didn't help matters that Applejack and the others were still struggling with their new forms. Twilight used this opportunity to teach her friends how to walk, which took a lot of tries until they were able to do it properly. The only exception to the rule was Pinkie Pie, who was bouncing as they traveled.

Twilght and Rarity had to talk her out of doing that for obvious reasons

After a while, they finally reached the gate that led towards the Aladhi Seahaven. Milla and her companions entered the seahaven, leaving Twilight and her friends behind. Rainbow rested her back against the wall with an annoyed look on her face. Twilight would of guessed it had to do with her missing wings. Good thing that she explained on the way that her having wings would be another thing that would bring unwanted attention.

"I do hope they don't take long." Rarity said disgusted, still trying to cover herself. "I don't want to stand around here without something to wear. That's so indecent!"

"Rarity, what's the big deal?" Rainbow answered crossing her arms."I mean we hardly wear anything as ponies and that human wasn't wearing much."

Twilight stepped into the discussion before it got out of hand, "Rainbow, the humans in the other world also had clothes, remember? I don't want to go into full detail, so I'll just say it's for modestly reasons and leave it at that, okay?"

"Hey, Twilight, what do you think of all this?" Spike asked changing the subject.

"It's great to hear that we're not the only ones trying to stop that weapon. With that in mind, I think the best course of action is to ask them what they know about it." Twilight explained seriously. "I still am interested in knowing what this world has to offer."

"So, that's the plan, huh?" Rainbow stated. "I want to learn those sweet moves those guys dished out back there."

"I don't trust that fellow with them weapons." Applejack stated fixing her hat.

"You mean Alvin?"

This startled the girls and turned to see Milla ending there, Twilight was the first to reply, "Sorry about that! You just scared us..."

"I see," Milla said holding up bags of clothes. "Jude and Alvin are waiting for us at the inn. Get dressed and meet me inside." The seven friends nodded in agreement as they grabbed their clothes.


Jude Mathis sat across from Alvin at a table, waiting for Milla to return with the others. No one knew what to make of this new development and the ponies' knowledge of the weapon really complicated matters. He agreed with Milla that many questions needed to be address once they had clothes to wear and have a place to sleep in. That being said, he had to deal with some teasing from Alivn.

"We're back." Milla announced entering the inn with the rest now dressed.

Twilight was wearing a purple sweater and a skirt covering her knees. Applejack had on a orange vest and some cargo pants with her trademark hat resting on her head. Rainbow Dash's outfit was white midriff and a blue short jacket, complete with matching blue shorts. Rarity's white lolita dress helped show off her beauty. Fluttershy's was a yellow hoodie and pink shorts. Spike's was a simple robe and pants. And finally, Pinkie's was a frilly pink dress with a short skirt.

"Sorry for taking so long." Twilight said, sitting down in one of the seats. "They are still not used to walking on two legs yet." she looked at Pinkie, who still hasn't stopped bouncing. "Well, most of us."

"Anyways, I know you have questions and we're be happy to answer them. We also have some questions, as you all seem to know about the weapon that we are looking for." she added."I guess I should start with what you know?"

Milla nodded and sat in the seat besides Jude before sharing her story about her journey to a place called Rashugal, investigating a recent wave of spirit deaths that were happening there. The girls listened until she finished her tale with where they met them and why they there. The girls were instantly shocked after hearing about the involvement of the king of Rashugal and what happened at the laboratory.

"Why... would he do that to his own people?" Fluttershy asked, terrified.

Twilight sat idly by, not saying a word until Rainbow snarled, "That creep! How dare he treat his people like that!!"

"Rainbow, your causing a scene." Rarity scolded until she noticed that the only ones besides them was the innkeeper.

"No, Rainbow... is right." Twilight protested, leading the others to look her way in shock. "Someone like him doesn't deserve the title of king..."

"Indeed," Milla agreed. "Which is why tomorrow we're be heading out towards Nia-Kheria in order to free the Four Great to stop the Lance of Kresnik from being used." She then put a finger on her chin in thought. "Hmmm... that brings up the question of how you know of it's existence."

"Right," Twilight nodded in understanding. "Princess Luna and Celestia were the ones that told us that it was shown to them as a vision. They have reason to believe that the weapon might be used on our world otherwise they wouldn't of have the vision. They were the ones that tasked us with this mission in fact."

Alvin gave a low whistle and remarked. "Talk about friends in high places."

"Twilight is the Princess of Friendship after all." Spike announced surprising Jude and the others.

"You are?"

"Yes, it's true." Twilight confirmed, blushing. "I was a unicorn before my transformation into an alicorn, and I became a princess on the day of my coronation. This is why I left out that we were at my castle. I wanted you to treat me as a normal person and not as a princess."

"I see." Milla remarked, deep in thought. "What you said about Lance of Kresnik is troubling. If the king of Rashugal is indeed planning to use it upon your world then that is more reason to stop it."

"Which is why we are coming with you!" Rainbow interjected with a hint of pride. "I'll have you know that your looking at someone that kicked but during the Changeling invasion!"

"You do know we were doing the same thing, right?" Twilight sighed.

"Changeling invasion?" Milla questioned. "What are Changelings?

"It's a long story. I'll explain later." Twilght answered, not wanting to recall the event at the moment. " Nia-Khera. Is that your hometown, Milla?"

"Yes, you can say that." Milla responded. "More accurately, it's where my shrine is located."

"Shrine? Oh, right, you did say you were the Lord of Spirits, didn't you?" Twilight asked, earning a nod from the woman. "Wow, there's so much I want to learn. Do you have books in Nia-Khera? Even ones about magic? There were no library that I saw when we enter here you see."

"You mostly find libraries in big cities." Jude Informed. "Small towns and villages have book stores that you can go too to buy books."

The gang talked until it was time for everyone to go to bed in order to leave in the morning. It was decided by Twilight that they can share knowledge about their world as they traveled. Alvin enjoyed teasing Jude about it before the group retired for the night.


Morning came for everyone staying at the Aladhi Inn as Twilight was the first to wake up. Waking up the others, they walked into the inn's main room and were greeted by Milla. She sat at the table and waved them over once she noticed them. The group sat with her and started to eat the food that Applejack and Pinkie Pie brought with them. One of them caught Milla's eye.

"What is this food?" Milla asked holding one of the cupcakes that was on the table.

"You never heard of a cupcake before!?" Pinkie gasped. "Try it! It's the best!"

Milla blinked at the pink haired one and looked at the cupcake in her hand. She looked at the others who nodded their approval of tasting the treat, She was impressed at how good it was once she took a bite of it.

"Wow, you girls sure have a sweet tooth, don't ya?" Alvin teased walking up to them with Jude following behind. "Don't tell me you girls wasted money on all this?"

"Of course not, silly!" Pinkie giggled handing him a cupcake. "I made them myself!"

"Really now?" Alvin said, impressed that a creature without hands was able to make something like this.

Jude was the next to be given a cupcake, "I'm sorry, I'm sure it's good, but it's not something you start eating during breakfast."

Pinkie just smiled at him, "That's okay!"

"You said that we'll be passing Hamil on our way to your hometown?" Twilight asked Milla.

"That's right, we're be setting out once we finish our meals." Milla informed.

The group nodded and soon after, Milla and her group ordered their food.