• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 7,275 Views, 224 Comments

When The Snow Melts - Bluespectre

In the forest of bamboo, the first snows of winter have begun to fall. A white blanket begins to cover the quiet hills the reed worker calls home. His quiet and peaceful life is changed forever by the discovery of a stranger in the snow.

  • ...



Rush snorted the grass from his nose and flailed his hooves in the air. This was more like it! It was a beautiful spring morning; the grass was deliciously lush this time of year, with the apple blossoms blooming on the trees in the woods and the river sparkling below him at the foot of the hill like liquid diamond.

Nearby, foals were playing tag, their parents lounging on picnic rugs, enjoying the freshness of the clear morning. He reached back and scratched his mane. Rolling wasn’t really done in ‘proper’ society, but who the hell cared? Rush was too old to be bothered by what other people, or rather, other ponies thought of him. For the first time in years, he was happy, the wind playing through his mane, tickling his ears and making him chuckle.

Rush looked up as Celestia lay down beside him and reached a foreleg across his shoulder. “Do you like it?”

He smiled. “It’s beautiful, Tia. Every sunrise you make surpasses the last.”

“Pfff! They’re all the same, you smoothie!”

Rush chuckled. “Not when I’m with you.”

She leaned down and kissed him tenderly. His chocolate-brown coat and cream mane he had inherited from Willow made him stand out from the crowd, but it was his eyes that caught at her heart. They were his father’s eyes, so piercingly blue. Celestia felt like she could melt every time she looked into them. His cutie mark had been a surprise as well, more to him than to her: three river reeds.

Rush snuggled into her, feeling her warmth against his coat and sighed. “Tia?”


“Did I ever tell you how much I love you?”

“Yes, Rush,” she said teasingly, tousling his mane with her hoof. “Many times!”

Rush grinned like a foal. Closing his eyes, he felt himself beginning to drift off into the land of sleep as a pair of warm lips brushed his ear softly.

“And I love you too, my little one.”


Author's Note:

The story continues in 'Ice Fall'.

Edited by JBL

Comments ( 59 )

6317367 Hi,

I posted the last chapter and epilogue tonight. I wasn't planning on a sequel with this story, but I will be doing more writing.

I hope you (and everyone else reading) like the ending!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and putting up with my punctuation (!).

Kindest Regards,



Awesome story, binge read it two days ago and I'm glad I didn't have to wait long for the ending.

Loved the ending, those two really needed a happy one after what they had gone through. Only thing I wish you had mentioned is Thorns fate as well as the other Thestral's. Seems like you were following canon somewhat so they should have transitioned into the night guard even if in small numbers. Thorn really needed a decent reward for his actions and he seems to have at least swayed Celestia's opinion on his race.

6318806 Hi, Thanks for reading. I'm really happy you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Thorn's one of my favourite characters, and appears quite a lot in my other story, 'Fairlight'. I'm re-writing that at some point as it's currently rated 'M' so with any luck (and time) you'll be able to see more of him without all the mature rated stuff. It was an early attempt at writing, but i still like it!

Come to think of it, you've given me an idea for another story.

Kind Regards,


6319037 I didn't have a particular age in mind to be honest, rather I thought i'd leave that up to the reader's imagination. Considering Celestia is probably a lot older than him anyway, I doubt it would have been much of an issue to her.

6320627 Hi,

I wasn't planning on a sequel with this particular story. I've got some ideas for others ones, but first i need to publish book four of Fairlight as it's been put on hiatus while i finished When the Snow Melts.

Many thanks for reading this story :twilightsmile:

Well I don't know what to say really, this story although many people have to point out the problems which is good, sometimes, but... One thing I know is how great it was. Bluespectre as I said before, you may get comments like these all the time but, I have read stories before, but none that could throw all those emotions around like that. I want to thank you for your time you have put into this lovely story and I want you to know, just how much I love and appreciate the work you have done here. Vielen danke! ~Modzer627 ~The encouragement booster-

Oh and there is a special skype group for good and talented bronies like you if you would like to join message me on skype [ Modzer627 ] or my email Modzer627@gmail.com I'm sure they would love to have you.

This is truly one the best stories I have ever read!

6341344 Thanks, thats very kind. I may well take you up on your offer :twilightblush:

I'm not sure what to write next though to be fair. I've got quite a few ideas, and one that may involve Celestia, or possibly Thorn. I'm also playing with the possibility of a book five for the Fairlight series, but it's a little debatable due to the poor ratings. Still, I don't like leaving things half done, so i'll get around to it one day!

Thanks again for reading and your thoughtful comments.


6348139 Thank you so much for reading, I'm really happy you enjoyed it!:twilightsmile:

6353896 If you do want to join the group send me a contact request on skype ([Modzer627] if you have it, and then I will put you in the group.
They will be happy to see you.


P.S. I think a series about thorn and Celestia would be nice, something like a squeal after "When the snow melts" in a theme of The war in Equestria with Rush along her side, or idk your the good one... :P

WoW.... I can't believe I took this long to read this!
Very, VERY heartwarming end.... And explain a little bit of her acts on the great last battle too. Iwould like to see, perhaps, some reference of this story in the future chapters of the Fairlight story....
Ohm and that remainds me:
PLEASE, OH PLEASE! I really need the next part of that story!:fluttershbad::raritydespair:

6403515 Fairlight 5 will be coming, I promise! :raritywink: RIght now though, i'm working on a new piece entitled 'Ice Fall', which is currently 24 pages or so in. It focuses on the search for Starswirl and the battle at River Valley, tying in with both Fairlight and When the Snow Melts. It introduces new characters but also some old ones which i'm hoping will make for an interesting read. Expect more Tia and Nightmare Moon. My plan, like i had with the Fairlight series, is to finish the book completely and then publish. Better for me and the readers i think. Fortunately, a very kind fellow has offered to pre-read for me and give me some advice. At some point, i'm going to re-write book one of Fairlight as well, due to it being a bit grammatically 'iffy' in places. You never know, maybe one day someone will make an audio book of it, and then i can go to the herd a very happy bunny ! :pinkiehappy:

6404766 Yesss! Another story!
Tho i must say that the way you finished the last Fairlight book left me.... ah... kind of tense to read what happens next :pinkiecrazy:

I don't like when a story ends on THE END, I always think that the univers exsplods then.

“And I love you too, my little one.”

the univers end's right at that moment.

R.I.P Rush, R.I.P Celestia and R.I,P 1'547'637'894 inhabitants of unives beta 4120.

you kiled them all.

you kiled them ALL!.


love the story bro.

Derp :derpytongue2:

6460170 Thanks! As for the end, well, i'm working on a sequel which is coming along nicely. I hope you stop by and have a read when it's complete and enjoy it as much as this one. :pinkiehappy:


6558334 Would'int mind tell us what happened with their relationship (Celestia and Rush)

6559047 I wasn't planning on making a direct follow on from this to be honest, however Rush will return in a cameo role for Fairlight book 5. Currently i'm working on a book which ties in with When the Snow Melts and covers the period of the war, what happened whilst Celestia was away and the events that lead up to and including the final battle with the forces of Nightmare Moon. It's still in production (250 pages so far) and I hope when it's finished, you'll enjoy it as much as this one. I may do a one off for Rush and Tia some time, but there's just so much to do!

6559401 Well ok then. I bet it will be awesome :twilightsmile:

Can't wait:pinkiehappy:

6579976 Many thanks for your work on the review.

I've paid attention to what you've highlighted and have found a kind, unsuspecting soul who is willing to edit the next story for me.

Thanks again,


Site Blogger

Always happy to help!

6679750 Hi, Thanks for reading and your kind comments! There are some romantic parts in the story, but i wouldn't say the characters become overcome by it (At least that wasn't my intention). What I wanted was a sort of 'shock to system' type encounter that triggered a response between the two, rather than something long and drawn out. Personally, I like a good adventure story myself and although I like characters to have feelings, i don't like things to go down the saccharin 'over the top' side of things. Emotion can be a huge driving force in your life and I wanted Rush to be the kind of guy who keeps it all bottled up until someone, or rather some'pony' comes along with a bottle opener. Still, Rush is far from a follower, or even a leader. He has his own world view and that really does take a tumble later in the story.

Hope you enjoy it, and if you do, i think you'll really like my latest book which is 'ICE FALL'. It's over 600 pages so far and is tied in with WTSM. Big on adventure and lots of characters, new and old. Hope to have it finished by Christmas, but i'll have to see.

I will definitely be after an editor this time though, as my editing skills apparently aren't the best. Thanks again for stopping by :twilightsmile:


6679920 True. One day I may go back and rewrite that part as it does rankle a little. I had a lot more in mind for it originally, including more background on Rush's wife and daughter. Unfortunately where i went wrong was writing the story at the same time i was posting chapters and reading the comments. This influenced the story and i've decided that in future, i'll finish the story in its entirety first.

I don't generally comment on stories, but WOW this was beautiful. It was an extremely satisfying read, and you hit all the different little bits of my heart just the right way. It was just such a gorgeous and radiant piece of art. You deserve the favorite and the follow. I look forward to reading more of your stories and any other works of fiction to come in the future. :heart:

EDIT: I also want to point out, you hooked me so well on this story that I spent all night reading through the entire story.

6894033 Thanks, that really means a lot to me. :twilightblush:

Believe it or not, the sequel is finished and should be published soon. I hope you like it as much as this story. It is a lot bigger though, and focusses more on the events leading up to Celestia finding herself in the human world, what happened back in Equestria whilst she was away, and what happened when she returned.

There's going to be a separate short story too which is about Rush and Celestia, but that's a little way off yet and will be more of a 'slice of life story'.

Thanks for the follow, and happy reading!



And suddenly, despite having not slept the previous night, I was awakened by beauty. I look forward to it!

Why doesn't this story have a dark tag?

7048345 The point made there is that Celestia is AT LEAST as powerful as Twilght. Also they are different spells, but are both magic. Magic which Twilight demonstrates as not significantly more draining in either form.

7061435 Stran isn't the sharpest tool in the set.

7141445 Thanks for the heads up. I learned something new today!

I've amended it. :twilightsmile:

It's a good story, just have a question... How did the thestral think about return if Celestia was killed? I mean, yeah, they want to kill and yes 'he' seemed a little angry and stupid but... He was that stupid to not see that without horn he could not return to Equestria?

7143655 Hi, thanks for reading and commenting. I envisioned the thestrals as being a warrior race who put duty above all else. In the story, they charge through the portal after Celestia with little thought for their own safety or where it would lead. The two consider returning home once their mission is complete, and put their faith wholly in their Goddess, Nightmare Moon, to be able to do just that. Whether their faith in their 'deity' is misplaced or not, i'll leave to your imagination!

Bluespectre :twilightsmile:

7173344 Thanks for stopping by, reading, and commenting. I've enjoyed reading what you've put and it's helped me a lot to understand what readers are looking for. I hope you enjoyed the story and will have a look at Ice Fall, which is the follow up to this. Celestia appears a little later in the story, as this looks at events that happened while she was in the human world and also what happens when she returns home. Please note that i have edited this story myself and haven't found an editor for it yet! Just for info : When the Snow Melts is in the process of being edited by JBL.

I'm currently writing the follow up to Ice Fall, which is focussed on Rush and Celestia during the rebuilding of Equestria and looks at how he is adapting to life on a new world, but also how others view him. This one is a very different pace to what i'm used to, so i hope it works.

Thanks again,


I don't comment on many story's, but I really enjoyed this one. I won't lie at the beginning I was doubtful, but your story proved me wrong. The ending was absolutely perfect, even with that warm fuzzy feeling at the end I've always enjoyed. Thank you.

7365329 Thanks for reading, i'm really glad you enjoyed it! I hope you'll stop by and have a look at Ice Fall, the follow up. I think you'll like the ending to that one too and i'm currently editing the final instalment in the trilogy, Where the sunflowers grow which should be published soon. Thanks again :twilightsmile:

7420408 Thanks for the feedback. Some readers did feel that Rush and Celestia developed feelings for each other earlier in the story than they felt they should have, and pointed out that a relationship like theirs was unlikely to last the test of time. Although I didn't necessarily agree with everything they said, this still gave me a lot to think about. The relatively short time Rush and the Princess are together and the chaotic circumstances they find themselves in, is addressed in Where the Sunflowers Grow. There I go into more detail with Celestia and Rush's relationship, exploring some of the points raised by readers such as how they view each other, how they eventually come to understand one another and the inevitable friction that happens in pretty much any relationship. At least, in the ones i've had anyway.

Thanks again for reading. :twilightsmile:


Awesome first story!!
Liked and favorised!


So... Uh what's this story about


7572559 Perhaps you should read it and find out.

7572932 They're not bat ponies. The thestrals are from the Wither World and their origin is covered in more detail later in the series.

Oh man this was a wonderful story, read though it over the past three days in between trouble tickets at work. (wait a second THERE'S MORE?!)

Loved this tale. It is worthy of all those paperbacks I devoured over the past 40 years, after college.
I especially like Thorn and hope to read more of this multi-faceted character.

A beautifully crafted story, one i no doubt will enjoy reading again and again in the future. Thank you for all your hard work. It is appreciated.

Japan's current religion is a mixture of Shinto and Buddhist practices, so the mistake is common.

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