• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 3,278 Views, 41 Comments

Radiance - LightningBass94

Twilight realizes unexpected feelings for Rarity during a festival.

  • ...

A Spark

For Twilight Sparkle, the day hadn't been anything special. It was a Tuesday, and it was as mundane as the one before. Her day had been spent walking about her castle, dusting and reorganizing. Unfortunately for her, more time than she had to spare needed to be dedicated to such things now that her house was so massive. Much to her disgruntled assistant's annoyance, she had refused to hire a housekeeper, as she still enjoyed a simple cleaning day.

Spike opted out of the cleaning, spending his day in the kitchen instead. He cooked veggie omelets for breakfast, and after the meal, the two of them traveled to the market stands to restock on foodstuffs. There, they took a few minutes to chat with Applejack about mundane Tuesday morning goings-on. Pinkie was zipping between Sugar Cube Corner and the market stands in the town square just outside. Though Twilight had hoped to chat her up as well, Pinkie was far too busy.

Upon their return, Spike spent the rest of the day in the kitchen, preparing for an evening picnic. Meanwhile, Twilight secluded herself in her study. Now that she was a princess, she didn't have anymore friendship studies. It was safe to say she was an expert on the subject, and so she could enjoy a freedom she hadn't felt since she left Canterlot. She could study any subject to strike her fancy. The only thing to interrupt her from the task she had set before herself was the occasional thump as Rainbow Dash smacked the side of the castle like a bug to a windshield.

The Wonderbolt Reservist had once caused quite a pretty penny in damages to the Golden Oaks Library, causing Twilight to use most of her monthly stipend from Celestia on repairs to the ancient tree. However, Rainbow Dash's stunts had no chance of causing damages to the crystal walls of the castle which had replaced it in the wake of Tirek's decimation of Ponyville.

Why Rainbow Dash still chose to practice her stunts in the clearing directly behind the castle was a mystery Twilight didn't dare try to wrap her head around. It was a minor annoyance to her and plethora medical bills for Dash. Twilight had long since decided to leave the subject at that. She'd been hit in the head more than enough times to know not to question the ridiculous things her friends did. Although Muffins no longer worked in shipping, she couldn't help but flinch any time the wall-eyed pegasus flew overhead. It no longer mattered how it worked; Pinkie sense was unquestioned gospel.

For others living and working in the humble town, this Tuesday had been far from mundane. This was a Tuesday that only occurred once a year. This was the anniversary of the day Equestria was founded, and there were preparations to be made. Many a pony had their work cut out for them.

Vinyl Scratch was busy at work composing her set list for the evening activities. Even with Octavia's help, the DJ was having a hard time finding the right songs to play. The Cakes and Apples not working the stand in the market were baking all day, regular pastry orders and apple orchard abandoned in lieu of preparations for this one day. They needed enough pastries to satiate the initial mass of ponies whom would wish to fill up on their sugary confections before they had a chance to make more.

Weeks ago, Scootaloo had used the skills she'd learned in Twilight Time to engineer a lawn mower attachment to her scooter, and the filly had been making a decent living cutting everypony's grass over the summer. She'd even landed a job clearing the field designated for the night's festivities.

Even Trixie Lulamoon was making a repeat appearance to perform sleight of hoof for any and all to enjoy, and though many of the adults weren't too pleased about that fact, Trixie had been surprisingly popular with the foals. Many found it hard to complain when they learned their children could enjoy her show for free.

Various others were hard at work preparing for the most important part of the evening attractions: the fireworks which would serve as the main attraction that night. Firefly was the lucky Pegasus putting the final touches on the grand finale, a set of massive fireworks she had dedicated the entire year to. For these ponies, this Tuesday had been far from mundane.

Twilight made no sort of special preparations until around five o' clock that evening. As a princess of Equestria, holidays like this were essentially a day off. No one had any friendship problems, and there weren't any monster attacks. After all, it wasn't Saturday. Most ponies would be arriving at the specified clearing at around six-fifteen; however, Twilight had insisted she and her friends meet up at five-thirty in order to find the best view of the fireworks possible. With that in mind, she and Spike left the castle at five-fifteen, picnic supplies in tow.

Unsurprisingly, the two of them were the first to arrive, not just within their group of friends, but the town in general. They were quick to snatch up a spot atop a grassy knoll, lightly shaded under a small oak tree. In the first few minutes they were there, Scootaloo finally finished her task for the day. Dirty and sweaty, the filly waved half-heartedly as she shuffled home to take a cold shower in preparation for the festival.

Spike decided he wouldn't get a better opportunity for a peaceful Summer nap, and so he took it. Shortly after, Rarity arrived. Twilight had been so immersed in the book she'd brought along, she didn't even notice her friend's presence until she sat down right beside her. Twilight jumped at the sudden contact, and Rarity rolled her eyes in return.

"Really, Darling, you can't spend every moment of your life with a book in your face," Rarity chastised lightly.

With an embarrassed blush, Twilight attempted to defend herself. "But, I was just-" she started, only to be interrupted with a hoof to her lips.

Rarity set her other hoof to the book and slid it slowly away from her friend. "The book will still be here tomorrow, but we're here now, right?" After a silent nod from Twilight, Rarity carried on with a cock of her head toward the setting sun. "It would be a shame not to appreciate a moment like this, no?"

Twilight wordlessly turned her attention to the sunset as it painted the sky in brilliant oranges and deep purples. Still blushing lightly, a sigh escaped her lips. Only a moment of silence passed before Fluttershy interrupted it, hovering just to the other side of Rarity. "Oh, that certainly is a lovely sunset," she agreed, just before making a gentle landing and settling down upon the picnic blanket.

"I wonder if the princesses planned this on purpose," Twilight pondered. "After all, this is a nostalgic event for them. To everyone else, it's just history."

Rainbow zipped up so quick it would have seemed she'd teleported if not for the small gust of wind she brought with her. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and anypony else would have guessed without a second thought it was for the sun, but Twilight suspected she was covering a black eye. "Don't let them hear you say that, Twi. They might send you to the moon for calling them old," she joked. She snickered, but it did little more than cause an eye roll from Twilight.

A tired giggle was heard from behind, and they each turned to see Pinkie and Applejack sauntering up the hill. "Hoo-wee! That sure was a lot of bakin' and sellin'!" Applejack exclaimed, accompanied by a tired nod and a yawn from Pinkie.

Rainbow was the first to respond. "I bet. You two look beat!"

"You've got that right," Pinkie agreed, "and Spike's got the right idea! I need a nap!"

Without asking, Pinkie laid down and wrapped her hooves around the drake, eliciting a surprised, "Gwah!" Soon though, Spike accepted his pink, fuzzy fate and curled into the cuddle.

"Don't you two nap too long. The festivities are soon to begin," Rarity warned. Pinkie dismissed her with a wave of her hoof. Rarity gave an annoyed huff in response.

As Applejack took her place on the blanket, Twilight asked her, "Are you two going to have to help out at the stands?"

Applejack shook her head. "Nah," she replied, "We were both given the night off fer our hard work t'day, so we're here to stay."

As the conversation raged on and the sun set, the rest of the town began arriving, settling around the entire field. Vinyl and Octavia started playing at some point, though it was hard to determine exactly when, and as soon as it got dark, Trixie provided temporary lighting, conjuring up glowing orbs to float around. Before she started her show, she passed sparklers around to all the foals, much to their delight. All around, they could be seen chasing each other around in games of tag, somehow made more exciting by the presence of sparklers, and writing out their names and figure eights in the air.

As she watched her sister and her friends play from afar, Rarity had excused herself from the conversation. She giggled as Sweetie Belle explained to Button Mash that sparklers didn't have power buttons. The giggle right beside her made Twilight's ear twitch, and she looked over to discover the source. It wasn't often such a sound escaped Rarity's lips. Her manner was typically lady-like, refined, but she had let herself relax for the evening. The purely joyful smile on her face was infectious, and Twilight couldn't help but don a goofy smile of her own.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rarity caught Twilight staring and turned her head that direction. Brow raised, she asked, "Yes, Twilight?"

Without hesitation or an ounce of embarrassment, Twilight explained herself. "It's just so nice to see you happy like this. I haven't seen that since Manehattan."

Rarity blushed, having expected some sort of flustered mumble from the alicorn. She opened her mouth to respond when the first firework went off. Saved by the bell, per say, Rarity turned to watch the show start, as did her friends. The orbs disappeared, and all fell silent, save for those still buying from the food stalls. Even those patrons spoke in hushed tones as they ordered their wares.

Surprisingly, the foals quieted down as well, returning to their friends and family. Trixie's show finished, and she began the process of folding up her new travel stage as quietly as possible. Once finished, she too sat down to watch the show. Similarly, Octavia and Vinyl sat down to enjoy as various colors painted the starless night sky like an artist paints his canvas.

Many couples leaned into each other in comfortable silence as they gazed upon such a romantic view, causing more than a few gagging sounds from their children. Even Rainbow Dash allowed herself a brief public display of affection as she nuzzled into Fluttershy. Though, the latter didn't let Rainbow end the moment so quickly, boldly wrapping a hoof around her waist and leaning her head into her marefriend's shoulder. Twilight couldn't recall ever seeing Rainbow Dash blush so brightly.

Responding to a swift kick from a certain farm pony, Pinkie and Spike stirred from their nap, each tenderly nursing brand new bumps on their heads. Each of them shot daggers at Applejack before she jerked her head in the direction the fireworks were being fired from. The pair needed no more coercing to drop the feud there and enjoy the show. Somehow though, Twilight knew there would be a pinkie style revenge prank in Applejack's near future.

Rarity and Twilight were between the rest of them, and they were the only two opting to lay down upon the blanket rather than to sit up on their haunches. The picnic basket, which had thus far gone forgotten and untouched sat between and in front of them.

Thus it remained for what could be estimated to be the next thirty minutes before the relative silence between the group was interrupted by an embarrassingly loud gurgling and a nervous chuckle from Rainbow Dash.

"I guess that's the dinner bell ringing, huh?" Rainbow asked no one in particular. "Hey, can someone pass me a sandwich from that basket?"

Just a short reach from either of them, Twilight and Rarity both responded, and their hooves met somewhere in the middle. Both of them froze, turning to look at the other. For Rarity, this was more out of a momentary surprise at the touch than anything, but the surprised blush on Twilight's face caused a curious brow to raise on her own.

On the other end of the event, the touch had forced Twilight's attention to Rarity. A blush couldn't help but spread across her face. She'd always thought of her friend as attractive, but she'd never before considered that she may be attracted to her. However, here under the moonlight with fireworks overhead things seemed different. Rarity seemed different. Completely at peace with no social status, global crisis or celebrity orders hanging over her head, the seamstress exuded an unparalleled natural beauty.

The moment only lasted a couple seconds, but time seemed to slow to a stop for Twilight. Her mind was reeling as she processed what she was feeling. The alicorn's heart caught in her throat. This... this can't be happening, right? she thought, Rarity's my friend. I couldn't actually- Her thoughts went unfinished.

"Hello~!" Rainbow Dash interrupted, "Earth to Twilight. You're closer. I'm dying over here!"

Time seemed to come speeding back to normal as Twilight returned to her reverie. She took note that it wasn't until she broke eye contact that Rarity removed her hoof, but her friend's incessant whining demanded her attention at the moment. Flustered as if she'd been caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar, Twilight finally responded, "R-right!" Using a hoof, she opened the lid, then simultaneously passed sandwiches around with her magic.

As everyone ate in silence, normalcy returned for the group as a whole, but Twilight was still thinking about what had happened. It was stupid, really. It was an accident. It definitely didn't mean anything, right? I mean, Rarity didn't look like she felt something. She looked like she was expecting something from me... She probably expected me to get my hoof off hers. I'm so stupid...

Prone as she was to do so, Twilight was panicking over the most minute details, staring down at her uneaten dandelion sandwich while the fireworks blazed overhead. After some time, she finally came to her senses and began to enjoy the show again, but she caught something out of the corner of her eye.

It was all the more brilliant than the fireworks themselves. As Firefly's finale began, the explosive colors danced across Rarity's white coat. She was like an ever-changing work of art. It took all the willpower Twilight could muster to keep her jaw in place as her fixed eyes watched the colors play over Rarity's beautiful body. The expression of wonder Rarity's eyes held as she gazed up into the night sky only served to add to her radiance.

Her beauty was breathtaking. During the entirety of the finale, Twilight's eyes never left Rarity. Her heart fluttered in her chest, and her breaths became hitched and rapid. Never before had she felt so infatuated with an individual, much less her friend. Her mind was reeling with this new revelation.

She recalled late night conversations she'd had with Cadance in her youth. Love is such a wonderful thing, Twilight, the teenage pony had told her, It's the happiest feeling in the world, and someday you'll get to experience that for the first time. The best part is, it lasts forever after.

Twilight doubted she was in love with Rarity, but the two had never been on any sort of date. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to find out. Twilight wasn't exactly sure how she would go about things, but at the very least she felt she should ask Rarity on a date. She was new to such things. Her introverted lifestyle hadn't allow for much romance, not that she had ever been opposed to the idea.

Before she could further contemplate how to handle the situation, Fluttershy's concerned gaze filled her vision. "Sweet Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed, clambering up to sit on her haunches. "Fluttershy, don't scare me like that!"

Fluttershy let out a terrified squeak and scrambled back away from Twilight, very nearly rolling down the hill on her way. Had Spike not been there to help her catch her balance, the frail pegasus may have actually injured herself. After a thankful smile toward her savior, she slinked her way to Rainbow Dash, keeping her head low.

Applejack placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, effectively catching her attention. "Now don't go yellin' at Fluttershy, Sugarcube. She was just worried about y'all on account of yer catatonic state and flushed face. We all were," the farm pony explained.

Pinkie nodded her agreement at barely subsonic speeds. "After the fireworks ended, I was just telling you how super duper awesomely terrific the show was, especially the finale! I was saying how much I love it and how we need to throw Firefly a big 'Your show was awesome. Thank you for spending all year on it so we could watch things go BOOM' party! I'm going to need to order some REALLY big banners and bake a cake that looks like fireworks. I think candy canes might work, and it might be cool to steal some of Luna's hair again and blend it in with some frosting to make it look like the night sky! I could probably just borrow some more from Pipsqueak's secret 'Princess Luna' shrine. I asked you what you thought, but you were making a face like my parents used to when they were trying really super duper hard to pretend I wasn't talking. You don't usually ever do that though, so I got worried and told Dashie..." After what seemed like a small eternity, the pink ball of energy that was Pinkie Pie finally took a breath. Somewhere high in the mountains, oxygen was completely displaced for an entire second until she finally asked, "Are you alright?"

Rainbow Dash and Rarity remained silent, awaiting Twilight's answer; however, Rainbow Dash was the only one between the two of them that looked at all concerned. Rarity, on the other hand, held a sort of thoughtful gaze, as if she was silently judging Twilight's every twitch and tremor. The edge of her mouth barely twisted up into a smile. That only served to add to Twilight's embarrassment.

"I-I was just... thinking. I guess I got... carried away?" Twilight asked. It wasn't meant to be a question, and Rainbow was sure then that her friend was holding out on her. She was determined to get a straight answer out of her.

The Pegasus took a breath and began to hover closer, ready to start an interrogation, but Rarity unexpectedly came to her aid. "Twilight, I swear you're hopeless," she said. The professional drama queen was plenty practiced putting on a show. "I took that silly book away from you so that you would enjoy the show, and you still found a way to keep yourself distracted. How interesting could it possibly be, anyway? Starswirl the Bearded's Passages on the Passage of Time?"

Even Twilight was convinced, and though she knew Rarity's assumption was incorrect, she gladly accepted the alibi. With a bashful nod and a sheepish grin from Twilight, Rainbow was off her case. The Pegasus harrumphed and rolled her eyes. "Egghead," came her only reply.

"Welp," Applejack interjected, "I think it's high time we get outta' here. Just 'bout everyone else is on their way home."

Spike yawned as he began folding up the picnic blanket. "I couldn't agree more. I need my beauty sleep."

Applejack raised a brow. In a deadpan tone, she asked, "Yer beauty sleep? Really, Sugarcube?"

The drake slung the basket, wrapped in the blanket, over his shoulder and flashed Applejack a smug grin. "Of course," he answered, "Looking this good doesn't come cheap. It's a lot of hard work." A playful wink in the farm pony's direction had her rolling her eyes hard. Spike gave a little wave as he took off in the direction of the daunting castle in the distance. "I'll see you at home, Twilight. Don't do anything I wouldn't do... which isn't much." Mischievous snickering was the last audible thing from his lips. He never looked back.

Rainbow's jaw dropped for several seconds before she was capable of composing herself. "Are you gonna' do something about that, Twi?"

Twilight's initial response was just a noncommittal shrug. "He's my assistant. He's more like my brother than my ward. I don't have any real authority over his actions, no matter how... concerning."

"Well," Rarity added, "I, for one, agree with at least one thing he said. I need my beauty sleep. Shall we get going?" After a flurry of nods and tired mutterings of agreement, the party began the trek to their homes as a group.

Chattering amongst themselves, they were nowhere near alone. Along with them, every denizen of their growing town was making their way home. Pinkie Pie was the first among their little group to break off, but the rest of them lived all the way on the other end of town. Slowly, the townsponies thinned out until only the five of them remained. Standing in front of the castle, they said their goodbyes and hugged one another good night before splitting up altogether.

Rainbow Dash took off into the sky. Where she'd hidden her cloud house this time was a mystery known only to her. Fluttershy hovered off to the east toward the Everfree forest on her way to her humble cottage. Applejack cantered off north-west toward her farm, and Rarity took the western road back to the Carousel Boutique.

Twilight just stood there. She stood there torn between two paths. She could go home, get some rest, but she doubted she would sleep very well if she didn't confront her feelings. Even now, as Rarity walked away, Twilight's heart beat faster in her chest, and butterflies in her stomach began to take flight. The decision she needed to make was clear.

Twilight turned around and ran after Rarity, slowing to match her pace when she caught up. "H-hey," she greeted awkwardly.

Rarity regarded her friend with a quiet giggle. "Good evening, Twilight," she greeted in return. "I was under the impression we'd said our goodbyes for the night, Darling." There was a playful glint in her eye as she turned her gaze on Twilight, not quite looking in her direction.

"W-well... we did," Twilight stammered, trying to reason with the half of her brain coming up with an excuse to leave. "I just... I needed to talk to you about something," she confessed.

As if she'd been waiting for those words, Rarity stopped in her tracks. This made Twilight's step halter, slow to react to such an abrupt stop. Rarity turned upon her flustered and blushing prey, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "Oh? Am I to assume this is some sort of explanation as to why you've been staring at me while you think I can't see you?"

Twilight's mouth opened and closed several times, her ability to formulate words temporarily lost. Rarity waited patiently, seeming to enjoy every second of this. "H-how did you know?" Twilight finally managed.

Rarity laughed lightly. "Oh, Twilight. Your naiveté is adorable. How did I know you ask? Well I am quite practiced in these matters, and you have all the subtlety of a displeased yak."

Twilight blushed brightly and averted her gaze, expecting a verbal thrashing of some sort, or at least some sort of rejection.

"So," Rarity started in. Her gaze had shifted to an excited grin, a different sort of twinkle in her eye. "Come on, then. I'm waiting. Say what you wanted to say, dear."

Twilight snapped her gaze back to Rarity, her eyes shifting back and forth as she searched within Rarity's for some sort of trick. "Rarity," she started, pausing either for acknowledgement or from nerves.

"Yes, Twilight?" Rarity asked.

"W-would you like to... go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Twilight finally asked. She thought it would bring some sort of relief to get that off her chest, but she just felt more tense in the few seconds she awaited Rarity's answer.

Rarity's grin only grew larger before she responded, "That sounds absolutely divine, Darling. Pick me up at eight!" With a quick peck on the cheek, she turned tail and continued on her way home. "Ta-ta!" she called back.

Twilight fell to her haunches and raised a hoof to the cheek Rarity had just kissed. Her blank stare slowly gave way to a stupid grin as her stupor dissipated. She began galloping home in her excitement. "I have a date with Rarity tomorrow night!" she shouted out to the night.

Author's Note:

Please, please, please leave a comment below to let me know what you think. I'd love to hear some feedback! :pinkiehappy:


Comments ( 39 )

Loved it! :D

6308990 Thanks, man! :pinkiehappy: I was starting to believe no one would comment on it. :twilightsheepish:

Lovely story. Twi was cute.

6309453 Also, thanks for the follow. :derpytongue2:

Sure thing :)

Cute, short and sweet. :twilightsmile: I especially liked the line about the fireworks colors shining on Rarity's coat. It created a nice visual in my mind!

Although Muffins no longer worked in shipping


I'm assuming you mean Derpy/Ditzy?
They said at Bronycon that her name wasn't actually Muffins. I think.

A really nice short little story. Nervous Twilight was really cute. I felt that all the characters personalities were spot on as well.

A cute little warm and fuzzy story. :twilightsmile:

Absolutely cutsy wootsy adorbs! I love that story and I'll do everything so that others can read it and enjoy it as well!

6310691 Thank you so much. :twilightsmile: It was actually that mental image which inspired this story. :twilightsheepish:

6310959 Did they? That's good, because I hate that name. I was just conforming to the will of the almighty Hasbro. :fluttershyouch:

6311301 Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. :pinkiesmile: I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

Personally, I really enjoyed it, thought it was cute! If anything though, the one thing I might add to maybe improve is I'd advice against specifically referencing episode names like what you did with:

Weeks ago, Scootaloo had used the skills she'd learned in Twilight Time

It kind of disrupted the flow of things, at least for me. I feel it would have been better just to remind the events of the episodes without specifically naming it. But that could be argued as more of a personal thing. Overall, I really loved it though!

6312219 I wasn't naming the episode. Lol. They called their study sessions with Twilight "Twilight Time."

Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :twilightsmile:

6312268 Oh, well then I'm in the wrong! I completely forgot that, I read it as you were just referencing the episode. My bad, I'm sorry. :twilightblush:

6312326 Lol. No sweat. I didn"t take any offense. =P

6317503 Thanks so much. :twilightsmile: I really like to paint a picture for my readers so that they can feel immersed in the world, because I always love it when books do that for me. :pinkiesmile:


You owe me a follow up to this, you tease. There wasn't nearly enough RariLight for my tastes.

6332199 Ha! If I get an idea for a sequel that's not the same, standard "first date" story we've all read a million times, then I'll definitely write it. For now, however, this is stand-alone. It's enough to show you the beginning of something potentially beautiful, while still leaving so much more to the imagination. :raritywink:

You set the atmosphere very nicely and you avoided 'tunnel vision'-ing the actual ship. It was very well written and the dialogue was true to form. Excellent job. Have an upvote and a fave.

I have to say, that was hilarious. :rainbowlaugh: Twilight is a very fun character to play with her awkwardness. I feel though that you may have taken it a tad bit too far, and if you ever think about, a book-worm version of her asking Rarity out would seem a little more in-character than a blurt. However, you did very well describing the emotions she was going through and had some neat comparisons.
I could be wrong, considering I haven't seen any of the new season so she may have changed a little, but this is just my take on it. Very well written, if a bit slow at first, but that's often how love stories work.
Congrats again on a good short. ^-^

6783458 Thanks! :twilightsmile: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm a fairly nervous person in these types of situations myself, and so I drew on my own experience in dealing with that. Taking into account, of course, that Twilight has her own personality, a lot of the time it's just easier to get everything off your chest all at once before you Scootaloo out. :twilightsheepish: :scootangel:

6783573 I can understand that better thank you'd think. :applecry: But thank you for the indulgent read. ^-^

6783612 No, thank you for reading. :yay:

6785026 Glad to! I hope you keep writing. ^-^ More than likely I'll pop up on your page again.

6785117 Oh, I'm an avid writer. :pinkiehappy: I've been slow over the holidays. (slower than my usual slow) That'll change once I get back home and get over my inevitable New Year's hangover. :twilightsheepish: I've had a lot of stuff in real life preventing me from writing regularly, unfortunately.

6785551 Lucky. xD The holidays is when I can actually get writing done. Though my next semester isn't as tough as last one so I will hopefully be able to get more done.

6786253 The next 8 months are going to be pretty hectic for me as I transition out of the Navy. Once I move back home though, I'll have all the time in the world to write.

Hmmm. RariLight isn't one of my top five-ships, though I do like a good dose of it from time to time. This little tale of yours was well-paced, wonderfully written. The characterization was spot-on, there's really nothing to nitpick.
There's a 'but' in there - of course there is. There always is one.

One of the major difficulties with RariLight - or, for that matter, any Rarity-ship besides RariSpike - is... yeah, well, Spike. Beside the fact that he still had no episode to really shine, we've seen him grow up quite a bit. And he still has his crush on Rares. Your story was technically perfect. It's just... ending at such a convenient point. Right before Twilight would've to deal with telling her greatest moral supporter that she's... dating his crush now. Yeah. Can't see that going wrong or launching any drama at all.

As it is now, it's a well-written piece of cute and fluff. But if you ever want to write a sequel? Try to give that scaly little fellow a little love and take the next logical step: Dealing with the crush that was there first. Since you seem to be quite a talented writer, I would be interested in reading your take on that.

Besides that: Awesome story.

Thank you!

6894778 Thanks for that well thought-out comment and praise. I really appreciate it. I hadn't thought of doing a sequel, but you've actually succeeded in giving me a small stroke of inspiration. That's a really great idea, and I think I might just do that. Thank you so much! :heart:

I'm always happy to help! Now I have to follow you around, waiting for that sequel to pop into existence. Not creepy at all. :pinkiecrazy:

6896912 Ah, but that's my evil plan to obtain followers. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! :trollestia:

Great little story. Quite well worded and all of the cast were in character. And I always enjoy when Rarity's teasing side makes an appearance. She's a sly one. Bravo!

7344746 Thank you! I love writing Rarity, and I don't often enough. :raritystarry::heart: I'm glad you enjoyed my story.

7345241 I am the same way. Rarity is my favourite character, so I love when she's written well. Most of my stories nowadays revolve around her.

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