• Member Since 23rd May, 2015
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Names Alex I enjoy viewing strange things. Things I like involves being positive, and enjoying some little manga/gaming.

Comments ( 71 )

Dude. Please stop.

This genre is done. It's done. It's one of the most despised things on the site. It's a copycat fad that sprung up when countless morons saw a guy find a slightly different way to write an awful self insert, and proceeded to collectively spend something like a year trying to replicate his success with their OWN awful self insert.

It's boring, it's played out, it's DONE. Let it stay dead.

Awesome story.:pinkiehappy: This has me wondering why the Tree of Harmony didn't have a guardian in canon.

Need some capitalization 'here and there' but overall, Awesome~ :yay:

I am glad some of you guys liked it. I thought about doing something like this for a awhile, but either I didn't have time, didn't want to waste time, or didn't felt like it. I would like to ask if any one would like to be an editor or co-author to this story and possibly future stories. Its not about confidence its more about keeping focus if I have someone to discuss my plans. Plus, I do not need someone I respected ridiculed me like the time I watched sailor moon or some anime that at age 8. God it made me sheltered alot of ideas since then.

Those that don't like it I can apologize, but it won't do shit. So I may try a different story without any crossover after I am done with this. If any more hate comment I would endure since I can't get everyone to like me and who knows some of them might be funny.

Sorry for not responding I was busy and plotting over chapter 2.
I forgot to ask which words required capitalizing

Thanks it's just I wonder the same and I know as opposite to discord it shouldn't be active. But I thought what if you can give the tree a friend as it's bearers are learning.

I would ask this at chapter 2, but do you guys and any future commenters want me to stop using the Shakespeare translator and just say Emerl knows how to translate so I can type exactly what they are saying. If mix inbetween such as just basics I will try to fix it.

Well it mostly just names that need to be capped from what I can tell

U suck at old equestrian sorry but I had a really hard time reading this chap and I hate colored words it's stupid Sorry but that's my opinion.

Sorry kinda thought of keeping the color words for the princesses, mane 6, Harmony and main antagonists.
I am going to most likely avoid Shakespearean translator and just say Emerl translated when he is around. The translator takes a bit of time. But if it kills the story I would be wise to keep art, thou, and some of the basic ones. Thanks for giving a comment and critic.

Don't use color coated text, its annoying. Get an editor if you don't have one already. Have Emerl lie about being Harmony's vessel. Stop writing Shakespear. And don't change his personality unless he goes level 5 or higher, isn't that the reason you put that drawback in the story?

Ok I will stop the color text after I ask everyone who favored my story or the ones I know , I asked for an editor and no one responded to it. The lie yeah good point I will need to do it in fact making chapter 3 (currently planning stage) introducing celly and lulu to tree bark(Harmony's alias) and besides Emerl won't bring the vessel idea since the whole power attracts unwanted attention. Which chapter is the personality change so I can give notice and concern. I will definitely abandon the Shakespearian language, but it would feel off for ponies in that era to chat normal so any suggestion or just go by my ability as an author. (Note: Emerl can translate, but he would not be their 24/7.) Thank you for your honest review. Personality drawback depends

Berserker mode can be initiated when Harmony has create something to hold a new brand of energy(30 mins), overload of absolute power, or great emotions override mental commands.

or the other ability in the interlude

The second your ability to handle overloaded amount of energy or skill with just your soul, though your soul can be damage or destroy if it overwhelms you.”

“So I will be erase from existence if I overdo myself!” I began to raise my voice angrily.

“Calm down this body will restore your soul regardless of the condition, yet there are side effects such as personality change. In a way you would be killed, but become a new man like a majestic phoenix. Hopefully one that appreciates my jokes .”



Hey should I stop the color text in my story

I have done most of the first step with the exception between the mental conversation between Harmony and Emerl in chapter 1 since 1st point of view mental conversation can be my exception and that is a small one.

Why the giga drill breaker?

If emerl ever meets medulla or silver, he will be op as heck.

I felt that truck deserve that death and Emerl just made weak replica of it.
If Emerl meet either of medulla or silver.
Medulla probably (this is somewhat) spoiler disconnect Emerl's mind similar to how Luna disable Emerl in chapter 2. Though Emerl can adapt and mimic it's actually the soul that is covering mental/power overloads. Harmony may help only if the opponent has full intent on killing Emerl otherwise she would sit back and watch. Don't get me wrong if you snatch the soul from the body you have a 1min (or less it varies on strength of containment) before it regenerates or gain his soul back regardless of what's stopping it. (He recovers even if it was send while intact to oblivion so I repeat a 1min. If the the soul was destroyed or heavily in a crippled like state it would take a century or so to recover)
Silver if tag with blaze can beat Emerl since Emerl has problem facing multiple strong opponents.
But yeah if he copies a mewtwo or Psychokinesis hedgehog I can see alot of OP. But he has respect to use techniques he learned so he may not use it unless to demonstrate why you should never underestimate a copy bot.
Emerl can copy moves and abilities, yet he can not copy the true essence of a person.(Example: Kenpachi will beat Emerl because of power and mostly will. I mean if sonic can do it then I know characters like kenpachi can too. )


Thank you for praise and any advice I should take.

6078667 finally a author that can take hate mail and troll back harder. You are an insperation!

Thank you kind sir may I have another.
I look at bad reviews and think maybe someone I know can help make my story better. I will not knee over a few hates because I know nothing in judgement is always 100% as everyone is in tittle of their own opinions. Anyway even if I got some more hates I won't be the guy to fuel it further. Plus, I find some hates hilarious since it doesn't hurt me much. I did ask for people to comment and take what I can get.

I like people with judgement like yours it brings a good feeling to ignore the hate and enjoy the moments. I am happy to being an inspiration.


Ya did OK .xD now back to the awesomeness!

Wow I screwed up a bit of grammar. Now I need to take the time to fix it when I have the chance.

U should just add in chuck norris and the guy from the sagastaon form death battle in the middle of the fight and just watch them fight then get soked into anthoer warmhole and at the end of the chapter have them trying to figer out what happend.

Oh god my story can't handle that. The moment Emerl even stares he dies and goes to the void as all of his version of equestia is doom by their appearance. But thanks for giving me an idea though.

You made nukes into a spell.

Ohs noes

Yep, He does this when to many enemies to fight. Plus if Celestia saw it he would ignore her or flipped the bird. Besides the paddle should install some fear into her.


What would happen if poor poor m and m (you know who I mean xavey) got sent there by an angry celestia. Then emerl would think that they're normal enemies

Shit well 2 displaces in one go, then I have to say chat with element bridge about this and we could come to some agreement.

Shit well 2 displaces in one go, then I have to say chat with element bridge about this and we could come to some agreement.

Okay I'm sending over my displaced and his spike to help out. James del light is going to be handy here. Keyblades welders go!

If anyone check this chapter earlier I apologize for the publish abuse since I had to set some links

Wow I forgot to change the accent for Emerl and Gizoid during the whole chat.

hmm, the inner world as a empty city?:rainbowhuh:
is that a Bleach reference?:rainbowhuh:

Yes my dear friend it is. Plus the crazy clone or sin form of Alan was somewhat based on hicihgo and fleetway super's eyes.
Thank you for spotting that reference.

The token message can be funny if you think about your deeper means. :rainbowkiss::rainbowwild::scootangel:

Okay, thing number one, show, don't tell. Thing number two, either keep a thesaurus open next to you as you write, or get an editor. Thing number three, get an editor for all that is holy and blessed!

Thank you for the advice in fact I think I'll use the time to fix the grammar problems.
I appreciate drawing back to my original problem.
May you inspire others more with your advice sir.

Plus if you spot the issue I will greatly appreciate it if you can find(I meant quote some lines so I can focus towards it) what seems to be the problem. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Here is a guide for archaic english. While it doesn't cover everything, it does explain the more common words and their uses.

That will definitely help for the first 3 chapters thank you. I forgot to mention I will need an editor and also after I am done to even start the revision on the chapters.

So a couple of things that need fixing. Will look at the rest later as i have real life stuff to be doing.

Fluttershy - Fluttershy Names should always be capitalised

pinkie pie - Pinkie Pie

more nature - natuaral

an unease feeling - uneasy

I curse under my breath that some jerks must have glued my helmet I wished that whoever done this I that person gets turn into a nice tasty treat made by the living carcass as I deal with this crazy psycho. - Very long sentense, try saying that out loud with out taking a breath. I suggest adding in either a commor or fullstop after helmet

instead of a confuse situation where - confusing

blasting him to a ticket to hell - May just want to put it as "blasting him to hell"

I am confuse if either she experience displace before or that she read my mind without permission -I am just going to redo this as it is a pain. I am unsure if she has either experienced displaced before or is she has read my mind without permission.

mysteriously transport to - and was mysteriously transported to

there involve the - involves

being displace, what - displaced

complicated I have seen way - complicated and I have seen way

I will like to - I would like to

before I can continue - before i continue

the marriage besides - the marriage and besides

she rise up - she rose up

if you want accept - if you would accept

accept a offer - accept an offer

does this entitled to me - entitle

It peak my interest to gaining something out of this humiliation. - It peaks my interest to be gaining something out of this humiliation.

that I sync your - synced

be damage or destroy if it - be damaged or destroyed if it

be erase from - be erased from

be replace with - replaced

was tackle down - tackled

revive you ass. - your

a displace involves - displaced

become prepare against - prepared

a displace will - displaced Just use ctrl F and find all these and fix them as im not going to list them from here onwards only at the start of a chapter if i find it, but i will leave a not to ctrl F for them

not help to cry - not help but to cry

be cherish just - cherished

individually, mix, and - mixed

flaw to overzealous on - flaw to be overzealous on

I only stare that mountain shrank in amount of seconds, - I only stare as the mountain shrank in a matter of seconds,

she stop about - stopped

I just saw a mare slobbered down a large amount of food - I would say that slobbered is wrong as it doesn't really do it justice, something like "I just saw a mare devour a large amount of food"

several setting about - settings

and enhance base what I ate. - Not sure what you mean with this and it doesn't really make and sense so i cannot make and suggestions orther than maybe removing it.

steak through my - steak into my

juicy, tasteful meat - juicy, tasty meat

have miss for- have missed for

making these meats before - making this meat before

have bond well - bonded

to you body - to your body

was force to - forced

but warn her - warned

I fixed it and I will give you my respect and thanks for finding my errors on your spare time. :pinkiehappy:

“Calm down this body will restore your soul regardless of the condition, yet there are side effects such as personality change. In a way you would be killed, but become a new man like a majestic phoenix.


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