• Published 27th May 2016
  • 16,541 Views, 1,665 Comments

Mated For Life - Zamairiac

Chrissy and Richard face new hurdles as their new relationship is put at odds with a Princess who pines from afar, and her student who is determined to get them together, no matter who stands in her way.

Comments ( 41 )

Holy mother of God that was intense with a Capital I Richard now has new powers can absorb said powers, and I wonder what he’s going to do with those brainwash gender bent stallions. I really hope the next chapter soon also what a hell of a comeback.

The Return! And with a goodish end to the chapter \o3o/ Can't wait for the next.

A surprising come back.

Thank god I found you again. Had to restart my account and lost all favs trackings e.t.c.

Lets go! It's back and in full swing!

Though Ima definitely need to re read lol

Woot, more horse words of the buggy variety, ya love to see it

Need to re-reading this story, i read so many i can't recall to mutch.
Perfect reason for a bing reading :yay:

*blows dust and cobwebs* ......dam its been a while...:rainbowderp:

This is great and I hope that it keeps going to the end and doesn't slow down too much.
Also this Celestia is a monster who rules monsters. Celestia has nobody that she truly cares about.

Yooo another update! I might redo those drawings I did 4 ya way back, as I feel they could have been better. May pm them to ya l8er if i decide to.

Much appriciated :twilightsmile:

So good to see this updated again, I have seen far too many good stories just fall to the wayside over the years, happy to see this is not one of them, I look forward to your next chapter :3

Man, I'm not reading the first 28 chapters again, can I get like, a 'LAST TIME ON PONYBALL Z' or something? :twilightblush:

Ay m8 welcome back. Awesome chapter.

Most important events in order then. I'll try to write them as seriously as I can, promise ;)

1 - Chrissy and Richard began dating.

2 - Celestia tries to get some of Richard's dong but he loyal yo!

3 - Twilight is a sycophanic little shit and tries to seperate them by using a hate potion, but all it did was make Chrissy feral.

4 - Chrissy starved herself because she was fighting the urge to bite and mate with Richard.

5 - Richard realized he loved her too much to let her keep doing this, so they mated, turning him into a Changeling/human hybrid. Also a King (kinda).

6 - Twinkle ruined the fun, figured out what Chrissy was, captured both of them. Chrissy was beaten to within an inch of her life and Cadance was ordered to remove the love Richard had for Chrissy. But as it was pure and true, Cadance's spell was unable to do so.

7 - Richard's power manifested as hate. He killed two guards, socked Cadance in the face and almost killed Chrissy who was in disguise as Celestia.

8 - Chrissy carried an unconcious Richard away from Canterlot with Luna in high pursuit. She killed the carriage following them, became surrounded by guards and almost surrendered. However Narex, a long dead Queen of the Changelings manifested through the hive mind, took over her body and fuckin' wrecked Luna's shit before teleporting away.

9 - Narex introduced herself properly to the duo, explaining that she was a Queen of nutrality in the olden days when Celestia and Luna were tyranical twats at war with everyone. Her mate was an Earth pony called Bulwark, who was also part of Celestia's guard. Narex infiltrated it as a fellow guard, grew close to Bulwark and upon being discovered the two eloped to become mates. Celestia was a bit displeased with this and upon finally burning down their hive and capturing the both, tortured her to near death and had Luna rape him until his mind snapped.

10 - Richard/Chrissy training montage, also he dies for like, fifteen seconds because he's got the emotional control of a five year old.

11 - Richard gets captured by Luna in the dream realm, but before she can do the snuggle struggle his sister, Emily, kicks her ass and Richard finishes her off. Que emotional drama, lots of hugs, also Emily dives into Luna's vacant vessel but finds out too late that there's still a bit of the old, kinder Luna in there. So now she's both, it's really confusing but you'll learn to cope.

12 - Chrissy gains a Human true form, basically a second form that's as real as her true body. Also she's kinda preggers.

13 - FUCKING DOME! (AKA - Our pair get dragged into a dome of old magic with the intention to form a deal with Celestia and her fellow cunts)

14 - MORE DOME! (AKA - Starts off with a bitching contest. Shining reveals that Cadance is as exciting as an eighty year old shit in the bed.)

15 - STILL.FUCKING.DOME! (Emily/Luna reveals what she is, convinces the pair to make a deal. Also she tells Celestia to stfu so she's pretty boss)

16 - No more dome, fuck me. Also Richard gets a letter from his dear old dad on the way to Canterlot. Bit out of left field and definitely doesn't mean anything, I swear.

17 - Press conferance where Richard loses his shit, his magic takes him over and he basically tells everyone that he's their spermlord messire. Also Twinkle-Shit returns and does something freaky to a poor guard. Probably nothing to worry about though.

18 - Richard, Chrissy and their two new subjects Pearl and Fleetfoot (Who were guards sent to burn down their hive but instead became converted by it's inate magic. Because karma's a bitch and fuck you Celly!), settle in at Richards old home. Also Richard and Chrissy fuck, it's kinky.

19 - Our motly group are given clothes before waltzing down to a place called The Abandoned where the Ponies are...well, abandoned. They meet a Zebra who hates Changelings but sees some sort of vision or some shit of Richard being a boss in the future so she likes him now I guess.

20 - Richard and Pearl infiltrate a mob boss's mansion, find out she's getting a bit too comfortable chopping off cock and balls and swiftly put an end to her twisted revenge. (Also Richard finds out he can steal magic, pretty neat and not at all overpowered, right?)

21 - ...uh, we aint there yet chief. But I'm fairly certain there's gonna be a party, oh, and the stallions (who are currently dickless and ball-less) will likely be taken back to the hive to be converted. They kinda love Richard since he saved them so...uh, yeah. Subjects, woohoo!

And that's where we're at right now, fucking done!

Dang, I was mostly kidding, but wow, thanks dude. :rainbowderp:

Don’t know if it’ll work for you, but for myself I tend to find that just re-reading the last one or two chapters before the new text drags out and dusts off at enough memories for context. It’s not perfect, but it’s generally enough to remember “oh, right, this was that story and this stuff happened last”.

Methods of rationality, it's a HP fanfic.

It's been so long I had to reread it from the start. I don't regret it, welcome back.

So happy for the return! I have been wanting to read this since it came out but I have been busy as heck. Loved the chapter!

Glad to see your well and have returned to this fic. Good stuff :moustache:

Dawdang I've been waiting for this! Glad you're still writing, and looking forward to where this takes me next!

Eyyy we're back! Momentarily forgot Pearl was a dude but things resolved soon enough.
So he's basically Rogue now? Wonder if that means it's finite or if he can keep it replenished?

ROFLMAO that's pretty awesome. We forget, but is this one of the fics where genetic material was sourced from the MC? Thinking it was not, but good to check....

The potential for offspring was siphoned from his seed, yes. It is their hope that they can intermix it with magic and a bit of Pony batter until they create a cure for the infertility.

well to be fair, their anger is complete and utterly justified... in any case THANK YOU for continuing this story, l have missed it a lot, and was starting to worry it was dead.

THANK YOU for never giving up on the story ;)

Expect another chapter sometime this week, either Thursday or on the Weekend depending on my work schedule.

I'm honestly happy this story didn't fade into dust, I was just about to start learning the writing style just to continue this for myself. Glad to see your back.

... 1 question that just came to mind, If luna/Emily are a merged soul does the make Richard, celestia and luna's/Emily's brother? Again honest question

He and Emily are siblings.

He and Celestia are most certainly not. I wouldn't mention it to him either, he might get a bit grumpy :trollestia:

I'm glad to see you back and this is alive and well! Always loved reading your stories :)

Yes but trying to force him and spy on him didn't help matters.



Excuse me. Where is it?

even BETTER idea..... BBQ her wings while they are still attached, then make her eat them........ l think there might be something wrong with me.


That comment was over three years old and I haven't been back to this story since, and had no desire to return.

So you can kindly go fuck yourself as well. :twilightsmile:


Let's say that this story is DEAD DONE FINAL, I will say that it was a good read doe. Fun while it lasted.

Update please? 🥺

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