• Published 7th Jun 2015
  • 14,796 Views, 206 Comments

Luna's Turn - NixWorld

Luna wants to send Celestia to the Sun. But first, she's going to have to ask for permission. Complications occur.

  • ...


It was a calm evening on a Saturday. Most of Canterlot was peacefully enjoying the sunset while the rest did their own little hobbies such as playing outside, meeting up with friends or just napping. Saturday was usually a calm day for Canterlot. Despite the streets still having a few ponies walking around, it was fairly noticeable that it’s less noisy during that time.

As for the princesses, they also had a fairly large window for a break before getting back to their duties.

Celestia rested in her bedroom serenely reading one of the many books she had in her chambers. Twilight was there too. She was sitting on a pillow next to her bed also reading a book, Daring Do and the False Jewel to be exact.

Next to Twilight was one of her own guards otherwise known as an Afterglow guard. Dawn Sight, Twilight’s personal guard, was one of the first and best ponies to serve Twilight at the moment. He’s also close friends with the other Princesses’ personal guards who are, in fact, also in the very same room.

Night Shift, Luna’s guard, and Captain Solar, Celestia’s guard were chatting a bit. Solar was congratulating Shift for his wedding and he also talked about his future plans for his family. All the while keeping a close eye on the princesses.

However, all five ponies were startled as they heard somepony slam the door open, and walk towards Celestia with a huge grin on her face. It was Luna. “Huzzah! Celestia! We hath arrived to thy chambers!”

The guards sighed in relief at the sight of Luna and sheathed their weapons.

Celestia glanced at her sister. “Oh, Luna, could you do me a favour and not talk that way? I think it’s getting pretty old.”

Luna nodded happily. “Of course! You are the best pony in Equestria, after all!”

Celestia suddenly suspected something. “Okay.” She sighed. “What have you done wrong now, Lulu?”

Luna seemed shocked. “Me? Wrong? Ha! Why would your sister do anything wrong?” Celestia was still unamused. She raised her eyebrow, which ultimately led Luna to spilling the beans. Luna sighed. “I want to send you to the Sun.”

Luna’s words attracted the attention of all three of the guards. Twilight, however, didn’t seem to care. Probably because the book was too interesting for Twilight to even notice.

Celestia was a bit shocked. “Luna… you’re not going to turn into Nightmare Moon again, right?”

“No! Of course not! I would never do such a thing again!” She shook her head. “I just… find it a tad bit unfair that… you know… I needed to stay up there for a whole thou-“

“You don’t have to explain, Luna,” Celestia interrupted. “I understand.”

Luna was surprised. She thought she needed to do a whole lot of explanation to Celestia. Apparently not. “You do?” She asked, just to be sure.

Celestia nodded. “I just… wasn’t sure. And I was kinda hoping for you not to banish me.”

Luna felt a bit embarrassed while the guards were just in plain shock. Twilight, however, seemed perfectly calm.

Luna pulled herself together. She cleared her throat. “I just want to banish you for two hours.” Luna felt utterly weirded out for saying that. Never had she thought she would say that in such a calm tone.

“Two hours would be nice.” It seemed Twilight just finished her book. Both of the princesses, as well as the guards, looked at Twilight. “What?” She asked. “I finished my book.”

They decided to just shrug it off and continue the… banishment plans.

Celestia nodded. “Very well… two hours it is. So we better start the-“

“Actually, ma’am,” Captain Solar said. “When Luna banishes you, does that mean that I’m supposed to result to violent actions towards Night Shift?”

Night Shift flinched knowing full well Solar is more experienced in close combat.

Celestia looked confused. “Why would you do that?”

“Well, it’s simply because we are supposed to wage war against the one who banishes or causes harm or negative effects on you.”

“Well, don’t do it for this banishment then.”

Solar shook his head. “But, it specifically says in the Guard Manual that-“

“You have a Guard Manual?” Celestia asked. She didn’t remember assigning the guards with a Manual. It was probably Prince Blueblood who did it. She’ll have to talk to him about that later.

Before Solar could answer, Celestia said. “Never mind, it isn’t important. Let’s get this over with.”

“So I’ll attack Night Shift and Dawn Sight, right?” Solar asked, still not one hundred percent sure of what he needs to do when Luna banishes Celestia.

“Why do you want to attack me?” Dawn asked, slightly confused and scared.

“Well because you’re clearly not doing anything.”

Celestia clapped her hooves. “Okay, we need to clear things up. When Luna banishes me, Solar will need to attack Night Shift and Dawn Sight.”

“Why me?!” Dawn was beginning to get agitated.

“Let me finish,” Celestia ordered. “Okay, so after Solar attacks Night Shift and Dawn, Luna will surely attack Solar. And then, after that-“

“Oh, can I attack anypony?” Twilight raised her hoof.

Celestia was slightly confused once again. “Why do you want to attack somepony?”

“Well, because if somepony attacks my personal guard, I think the logical thing to do is to attack that pony who attacked the pony who was attacking the pony who attacked him; which is the pony that I’ll be attacking.”

Solar stepped towards Twilight. “No Twilight, Dawn is surely going to be dead when you realize it.” Dawn trembled a bit. “So what I think you should do is, after I attack Dawn, you try to attack Shift and then attack me.”

“Wait, now I’m confused.” Night Shift scratched his head. “If Solar attacks Dawn Sight first, why would you want to attack me? I’ll have to attack you to give you a reason to attack me, and then you can attack Solar,” He was in deep thought. “Or maybe I attack Luna.”

“Why would you want to attack me?! You’re my personal guard!” Luna asked.

“I know but if I attack you, it would surely give the impression that I’m a psychopath which would give Twilight full reason to attack me, and then Solar.”

“Look,” Celestia said, finishing her piece of cake she was eating the whole time. “I can’t be trapped in the burning Sun while all of you are messing up the two hour war.”

“You’re right.” Solar begun to understand. “I’ll go order the rest of the guards to attack themselves.”

“Wait, what? That doesn’t make any-“ Before Celestia could finish her sentence Solar already took off to the hallway at maximum speeds. “Welp… I guess we’re going to have some explaining to do.”

There was silence in the room for a few seconds. As they all took in the peace and quiet of no one arguing for that little amount of time, Luna came to a conclusion.

“Sister,” Luna said.

Celestia turned to her. “Yes?”

“I realized something.”

“Oh?” Celestia was surprised. “What is it?”

Luna hesitated a bit but not long after, she spoke. “I realized that… the important thing isn’t what people did to you in the past but what people think of you in the present. You may have banished me to the moon for an unfair amount of time but it’s already spilled milk. It’s in the past and it’s unchangeable. But I think, what we really need to focus on is the present and the future. What we can change. What we are able to change. And what we want to change.”

Celestia smiled. “You’re right, Luna. I am forever grateful for you realiz-“

“TO THE SUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!” Luna aimed her horn at Celestia.

Celestia backed off. “Wait. Wait! WAIT!” Celestia’s attempt to stop Luna was useless, as hundreds of thousands of sparks appeared from Luna’s horn and blasted the rainbow coloured aura towards Celestia.

Sparks filled her body for a few seconds, shortly before the magical power vanished along with Celestia’s body which was surely to be on the Sun. Or in the Sun.

The two remaining guards stood there with their eyes opened fully and their mouths agape. They weren’t sure what to do.

Twilight was also surprised and shocked. “Umm… Luna? Are you sure Celestia will be there for only two hours?”

Luna turned to Twilight nodding and chuckling. “Of course! I modified the spell book to only have her be banished for two hours.”

Twilight trusts Luna but she only wanted to make sure of something. “May you explain to me how you change the time, exactly?”

Luna grinned. “Of course!” She cleared her throat. “You see, the system that the Banishment Spell uses to calculate how much time a pony or thing is banished is used in hours. Eight million, seven hundred and sixty thousand is the amount of hours in one thousand years. Therefore, I simply just neede-“

“Please don’t tell me you put the number two in the spell.” Twilight had her hoofs covering her face.

“Why, yes I did put two. Since I want to banish her for two hours.”

Twilight started freaking out. “Do you even know when the Banishment Spell was first made?!”

Luna seemed to get a bit worried all of a sudden. “No… actually.”

Twilight held Luna by the shoulders. “It was made over one-hundred thousand years ago! They didn’t use our time system then! They used the Ocular Cromzone Time! Two hours their time wasn’t two hours our time. An hour was used to calculate every millennium!”

“So?” Luna backed off a bit. “What are you trying to say?”

Twilight hesitated in fear of the words that will be coming out of her mouth. Finally, when enough time has passed, she spoke, way too scared to even shout. “You just banished Celestia for two thousand years in the Sun.”

There was a silence in the room for a while. Both princesses were just in plain shock.

Not knowing what to do, Dawn leaned towards Night Shift. “I guess we should start the war now?”

Night Shift nodded and then punched Dawn in the face, knocking him out instantly.

He smiled and patted himself on the back “One-zero Night Shift.”

Author's Note:

Hey! Thanks for reading!

I came up with this idea after a conversation with somebody. We were simply talking about Celestia and Luna and what they are capable of. Then, it hit me. I asked myself: If Celestia can banish Luna to the moon, who says Luna can't do the same to Celestia?

And that's how I came up with this idea.

Again, thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Comments ( 206 )

DISCORD what have you done!!!!

This made me laugh! Seriously this is awesome :rainbowlaugh:!
You made a good use of character personalities and kept everyone pretty much in character. Granted, I'm not sure Celestia would really let Luna banish her just like that, but I can excuse it for plot reasons.
And I doubt Luna would really instigate something like this, or follow through, but I seriously don't care. This is a comedy, it made me laugh, and the characters maintained their personalities. Suspended disbelief was not broken, good job!
Why did Luna, Celestia, and Twilight have their bodyguards with them for a casual visit? Armed?
Heh, it brought me out of the plot for a moment, but the next few lines brought be me back smoothly.
Nice job! :pinkiehappy:

That was frickin' funny!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Oh Luna, what have you done :rainbowlaugh: I hope she's strong enough to raise the sun for about two thousand years :rainbowlaugh:

6066405 I'm glad you liked it! And thanks!

Bodyguards are bodyguards, they're pretty much supposed to be everywhere the princesses go.

Nice going Luna... You're now the new ruler of Equestria for the next two thousand years.

So what's your first order of business? Form the Lunar Republic? Declare every night 'Nightmare Night' and get free candy?

Ooh! Ooh! I know! Proclaim 'Eternal Night' and rule Equestria with an iron hoof! Live the dream Luna!


Or... you can just sit back and play video games.

The possibilities are endless! :pinkiecrazy:

Nobody even gives a fuck that Celestia is gone for two thousands years for no reason other than Luna wanting to do it. Still funny though.

If Celestia can banish Luna to the moon, who says Luna can't do the same to Celestia?

The only thing that would change between who banishes who is the destination and power-curve required. The Sun's a whole lot further away than the moon. It'd take a lot more energy to get that far and retain the spell's integrity, so there's that.

Eh, other than that little thing, I loved it!

6066887 You make a valid point. But, of course, my headcanon can by different than yours therefore, I think it doesn't really matter the distance of the banishment point. As long as they use the spell correctly, it'll supposed to work anyways.

Thanks for reading!

Awesome, I love it!:rainbowlaugh:

Cover art= cuteness overload.

6066887 the sun is also a giant ball of fusing hydrogen, or a massive energy source. Since it's also so far away, it would take more effort to get back to Equestria than the moon. I think it would actually be far easier to trap somepony on the sun than the moon, if you could get past the initial hurdle of getting them there.

Flawless story! :rainbowlaugh: 11/10 would read again!

6067727 the sun is a mass of incandescent gas. a gigantic nuclear furnace.

“One-zero Night Shift.”


Best ending ever!

Where hydrogen is built into helium At a temperature of millions of degrees :rainbowlaugh:

A nice laugh and twilight going off at the that was the best part.
Thanks for a great read

“Well, because if somepony attacks my personal guard, I think the logical thing to do is to attack that pony who attacked the pony who was attacking the pony who attacked him; which is the pony that I’ll be attacking.”

World War I in a nutshell

Cute and funny but holy crap that intro. :facehoof:

I really struggled to get up to when Luna showed up and even then a few parts were off. A couple of changes in tenses and everything but the dialogue was really not good. Not so much for a dislike, but I can't really say I liked it.

Loved the end though. Rooting for Night Shift on this one.

6066887 why the hell are we actually assuming they're anything like our celestial bodies, and not actually giant balls of magic?

Not knowing what to do, Dawn leaned towards Night Shift. “I guess we should start the war now?”

6066887 Magic. *snort snort* :trollestia:
Seriously though, you have no evidence that their sun and/or moon are like our versions of it.

I just imagine that this is what US Congress spends the majority of it's time doing. You know, instead of doing their job...


Pft. xD

Made me giggle, Nix. Should do a '2,000 years later...' chapter. :p

Only if you want to

This was to good, this is going in my read again bookshelf. Thank you for this :pinkiehappy:

They will have their work cut out for them getting her back lol

“TO THE SUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!” Luna aimed her horn at Celestia.

This amuses me.

Celestia glanced at her sister. “Oh, Luna, could you do me a favour and not talk that way? I think it’s getting pretty old.”

Celestia is actually talking about Luna misusing hath. Hath is an archaic alternative to /has/. The third person singular present conjugation. The two were completely interchangable. Celestia lived back then, so she knows Luna is trolling.

We hath arrived to thy chambers

should be:
We have arrived to thy chambers
Just like in modern English. The only /real/ change in conjugation is when Thou is used. (Not thee, thy, or thine)

Also, Equestria's Sun is clearly a thaumatoreactive microstar about the size of their planet and mass of their moon. Who needs all that mass for gravity and hydrogen fusion? It has a crapton of magic! And obviously only a bit further than the moon since it looks the same size. I used big pseudoscientific words, so you can't argue!

6066405 Celestia never intended to be banished. She planned on employing rhetoric to talk Luna out of it while still making it seem like she was willing. /politic

6066501 That's easy. Luna just banished Celestia /WITHOUT/ the Elements of Harmony, after all. Which means she's /WAY/ more powerful than Celestia! You're such a wimp Celestia, you can never beat anyone without the Elements of Harmony!

And so, began the Great Age of Nothing, where nothing bad happened, Luna played video games and fixed homelessness and poverty cause she got bored. Nothing was wrong at all, and people just became lazy. Celestia returned 2 hours later, confused on how everything was fixed and everypony became lazy in such short time. The End.

Sir Crabbing Seal of Approval.



edit: oh now i get it

6066887 you forget, alternate universe. Where ageless horses raise celestial bodies and control the weather.

6067727 alternate universe built on magic rather than physics. The sun could quite easily be closer to the planet than the moon, and it would make perfect sense.

6068399 are you sure it's a good idea? Luna's one only one who can raise the sun and moon now. Not counting Discord.

6068747 it's always been pretty obvious that Celestia's a wimp. Well, perhaps not a wimp, but WAY weaker than everyone things she is. She was crushed by Crysalis. She was defeated by the Tanglevines. Everyone thinks she's some kind of demigoddess because she's old and she raises the sun. But that's mostly baggage from our reality. People constantly forget that we're talking about an alternate universe run on magic rather than physics. The sun could really just be a mile or two wide. Or weightless. And they assume that it's moved through telekinesis, rather than a spell. Note that previous unicorns could move the sun and moon too. She's probably at about Twilight's level.

Luna is now the only sane being who can raise the sun and moon. Is declaring war on her really a good idea?

6068775 you are a genius sir!I will stalk you now!

Timmy #41 · Jun 8th, 2015 · · 2 ·

6068747 Pffft. Thaumatoreactive. Totally legit. :rainbowlaugh: (yes I did search the meaning for it)

more like tomatoreactive amirite :trollestia:

2000 years. And 2 hours.

Sequel is required.

*looks at story picture...*
*looks at your profile pic*....
is that not just the same picture just by diffrent artists?

6068775 I like this ending :yay:


This proves I need to start reading more fan-fictions :P

g8 b8 m8 8/8

6068150 I agree. I still need work with the tense changing and probably a few dialogues.

All in all, thanks for reading!

6069191 Maybe. The two drawings do look awfully similar.

6068615 Thank you for reading!

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