• Published 4th Jun 2015
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Snails 1/2: Vol 1 Becoming Popular - kitsy-chan

He went into the Everfree to prove himself a brave stallion. He would be a stallion amongst colts. He would be respected. He would be cursed and miserable. Welcome to Snails 1/2, a Ranma 1/2 spoof.

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Part 11: Snails ½: Not Just Another Jane Doe Part 1

Part 11

Feather Pinch landed in front of Diamond Tiara, panting a little.

“Did you get them?” Diamond Tiara asked, holding up a bag of bits.

“Yep: a few tufts of cloud fluff, and a pegasus feather. It’s Rumble’s.” She giggled, “He’s so cute.”

“Whatever, here’s your bits.” Diamond Tiara said, smiling maliciously.

“Thanks Tiara! I hope I can get mom something really special with this.” Feather zipped off.

“I already have a rainbows bright glow, so that should be everything. Now to deal with that little blank flank once and for all.”

Snails ½: Not Just Another Jane Doe Part 1

Snails sat at the breakfast table, looking at his parents. Both were still not happy with him sneaking out.

“I was only grounded because mom thought I stole that dress. When mom got told the truth I didn’t think I was still grounded.” Snails said weakly.

“I raised you to be a stallion. You were punished, no matter the reason. As a stallion, you should have accepted it and waited to be told if it was over or not. A stallion does not skulk around like that.” His father responded sternly.

“Does a filly?” Snails blinked.

His mom just gave his dad a flat look.

“Nopony should.” His mom said.

“Yes, mom.”

“And the suitcase?” His father asked.

“Stuff that Rarity and Celestia gave Escargot. I brought it here for storing. Mom, Dad, I really need to tell you something.”

His dad blew out a sigh of relief. “That’s good, I’d hate to think my son was doing something stupid like cross-dressing.”

“What did you want to tell us?” His mom tilted her head.


“It’s when a colt or stallion thinks they can get away with dressing as a mare.” His dad said, shaking his head.

“What did you need to tell us?”

“Nothing, I’ll tell you later. Just was a hard day yesterday.”

Everypony looked up when there was a tapping at the door.

“I wonder who that could be.” Snails’s mother said, standing up and opening the door.

“Mail delivery!” Derpy said, and held out 2 formal letters.

Snails’s mom took the letter and handed Derpy a muffin. She didn’t know why, but it seemed to work well: since she started giving Derpy muffins, she never had late mail or misplaced letters.

“What is it, dear?”

“Oh, a letter from the desk of Princess Celestia.” Snails’ mom said, sitting down.

“It’s an application form for Escargot to go to Celestia’s school of Gifted Unicorns.” His dad said tilting his head, “Snails, if you applied yourself and put a true stallion’s effort into things, took your studies more seriously, you might be accepted to a place like that. Maybe Canterlot University, or better yet, one of the construction apprentice programs.”

“The second is from Princess Twilight. She’s asked Escargot to visit her castle again for some personal training.” His mom said. “I wonder why everyone’s sending her mail here?”

“Umm mom, didn’t you offer for her to stay here? Maybe that’s why?” Snails said, hoping this would work.

“True enough. We will hold it here for her then. If you see her while you’re out, tell her to go to Twilight’s, it sounds important.”

“Yes, mom.” Well, with any luck, he wouldn’t see her. Everyone would forget about her, and life would be back to normal.

Opening the door, Snails looked around and inhaled deeply. Derpy was delivering mail, and the water was out while a pipe was being repaired. It was a perfect day. Snails closed the door, but before he’d even walked 20 feet, he was already splashed with water.

So much for a perfect day.

“Rumble, you need to be gentle.” Feather called out. “If you’re not, you’ll just squeeze all the water out instead of moving it.”

Escargot shook the water off her coat and mane and looked up with sigh. Yep, another perfect day.

“EEEE!” Sweetie Belle tackled Escargot from the side, hugging tightly enough to give a boa constrictor a run for its money. “You have to tell me all about your trip to Canterlot!”

“It was okay, I guess.” Escargot said, returning the hug more gently.

“Rarity said you did great, and she doesn’t teach just anypony. You must really be special.” Sweetie giggled.

“Not really, I’m really nopony of interest.” Escargot said.

“Nonsense! We need you at the clubhouse today.” Sweetie said once and turned running off. “Be there at noon!”

Drooping, Escargot shook his head. Why?

Silver Spoon just KNEW if she followed those silly blank flanks, they would eventually lead her to Escargot. Of course, Sweetie Belle was the easiest of the three to find and follow. Now that she’s done her job, Silver Spoon could move in and play her part.

“Oh Escargot, I’m so sorry.” Silver Spoon said.

Blinking confusedly, Escargot looked up. Why is she sorry?

“I know how Diamond Tiara was treating you. It was just wrong.” Silver Spoon shook her head, “I’ve talked to her, and she’s still mad, but won’t harass you anymore. Come see.”

Blinking, Escargot followed Silver Spoon to a waiting table. First Base, one of the earth ponies from school, was sitting there, already looking confused and bored.

“Have a seat, I’ll be back in a sec.”

Escargot sat down and sighed. Now what was going on?

“Hey…” First Base said propping up his head with a hoof.

“Hey.” Escargot replied looking around. Really rich dialog between the two. First Base had also been attending Big Mac’s 'Classes on Elocution' and it was truly paying off. Eyup.

The two sat in silence until Silver Spoon returned. She had Diamond Tiara in Tow, who was carrying 2 glasses of pink juice. Still with a scowl on her face, she put one glass in front of each.

“I apologize.” Diamond Tiara said, “Here’s a little peace offering.”

Turning quickly, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon quickly took cover.

“Well that was pointless.” First Base said. “Diamond said she had something important she wanted to show me.”

Sighing Escargot looked down at the glass poking it once with a hoof.

Taking a drink from his glass, First Base propped his head up again with his hoof. His eyes slowly drifting to Escargot’s, he smiled with a hiccup.

Rumble hit the bench beside First Base. “Hey dude.” Looking across at Escargot, Rumble smiled. “I’m really sorry about dropping water on you this morning. Even the pegasi foals are being tasked with cloud moving for this summer- there’s something big going on.”

“Oh, its ok, I kind of got used to it with Derpy.” Escargot blinked at First Base, confused. It was almost like he had hearts in his eyes.

“Oh, juice! I’m so thirsty I could drink a cloud on my own.”

“Go for it.” Escargot shook her head.

Rumble grabbed the potion, downing it, and returned his gaze Escargot.

“So we’re cool?” He asked, looking into her eyes and hiccuped.

“We’re cool.” Escargot replied.

“Because I wouldn’t want the most beautiful cloud in the sky hurt.”

“I’m not... wait what?”

“She’s not a cloud, she’s like the ultimate home run. She’s the Equestria Baseball cup of fillies.”

Escargot got up and slowly started backing away. This couldn’t be good.

“No way, she’s the perfect cloud, so beautiful to look at, yet could be hiding the wrath of a thunderstorm if she’s upset. She must be treated gently.” Rumble said.

“Umm, guys?”

First Base leapt off the bench and ran over, grabbing her hoof. “Please be my special somepony!”

Rumble followed, grabbing her other hoof. “No, be mine! You are the one true filly for me!”

Pulling his hooves back, Escargot fell backwards onto his haunches.

“I saw her first! She’s my cuddly cloud bear!”

“Nuh uhh! I saw her first! She’s my dugout gal.”

The two colts started tussling over whom Escargot was to love, giving him the escape window he so desperately needed. Turning, he ran as fast as he could. “No no no no no no.”

He glanced back and saw the two boys chasing him, jostling and tackling each other so they could be in the lead. There was no way he was going to outrun them, especially if Rumble broke free: he was way faster than Escargot was.

A high pitched buzz caught her ear. Glancing to her left, she saw Scootaloo, scooter and wagon in tow, pull up beside her.

“Hop in!”

Nodding, Escargot dove into the cart and they shot off, zigzagging through the paths, heading for the tree-house. As they approached, Scootaloo called out as loudly as she could, “OPEN THE DOOR!”

Hanging on for dear life, Escargot ducked. Scootaloo could move at terrifying speeds on her scooter, and this was no exception. She hit a dip, and the two were catapulted into the air. Scooter and all flew through the doorway and skidded across the floor, crashing in a pile against the far wall.

Scootaloo caught her breath as Apple Bloom slammed the door shut and barred it.

“What’s… What’s going on?” Sweetie Belle said.

“My fluffy snuggle cloud!” Rumble called out, banging on the door.

“Diamond Tiara gave me and First Base this pink juice to drink… Rumble was thirsty, so I gave him mine. They both started… looking at me funny.”

“Pink… juice?” Scootaloo said whimpering.

“No…” Sweetie Belle whimpered as First Base plastered his face against the window.

“Not the Love Poison…” Apple Bloom whimpered.