• Published 30th May 2015
  • 5,265 Views, 98 Comments

The Mysterious Wayfinder - Aegis Shield

A Masked Stallion aids the poor and funds the education of foals, catching Twilight's eye.

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Wayfinder, the Music-Lover

The Mysterious Wayfinder
Part 2: Wayfinder, the Music-Lover

Wayfinder stood on the opposite side of the street from a corner-mare playing a cello. A ratty little case lay open on the floor with a few bits inside, a suite case on the bench next to her. His eyes flicked up and down her features as she stood on her hind-legs to play. She was scruffy-looking, and smelled of clovers. Had she been sleeping in the park? Had she no home? The lack of an address card on her instrument case said no. Grey in color and talented in hoof, she played a sad tune to float over the passing masses and street traffic.

The masked white stallion had been watching her for some time. Had she no friends, nopony to go to? The stickers all over her bag said no. Ponies walked past her like she wasn’t there most times. When there were a total of eight bits in her case, she very suddenly stopped playing. Rushing to the nearest diner, she flung her money onto the counter and begged for a sandwich. He cocked his head as she scarfed the food like a starving dog might, moaning and leaning back in the booth seating.

He sat across from her, startling her. “Who-?!” she said, mildly panicked at his mask and flank-flaps.

“My name is Wayfinder,” Prince Blueblood did his best to hide his highborn accent. “You play beautifully.”

“Thank you,” she said cautiously, a little weirded out at his look. “Can I… help you?” she asked slowly.

“No, I’m here to help you.”

“I don’t need anypony’s help,” she said sourly, growing defensive. “I’ve had three stallions offer to ‘help’ me in the past week or so. Just because I play on the corner doesn’t mean I’m a--”

“Then you mean to say you aren’t for hire, to play your lovely music?” he asked, looking to one side like something in the street had interested him.

“Er!” the mare exclaimed. “Sorry, sorry, it’s just… now and then a passerby is… rather forward and rude. I didn’t know you were looking for a musician.”

“Yes of course, one can’t be too careful,” Wayfinder said, turning and putting down a little pamphlet. It was for the Grand Galloping Gala. “I happen to know the palace needs a few ponies for the background music of the ballroom. What do you think?”

The grey mare seized the pamphlet and flicked it open, “Wh-what?! Really?! But I’m just a street performer!”

“Everypony gets their big break sometime. This is yours, miss…?”

“Octavia,” she said, pushing her mane to one side. Flushed and alive at the thought of being on stage, she stared at him. “I… I don’t know what to say!”

“I listened to your music out there long enough. Just say yes,” Wayfinder chuckled. Turning, he placed a bag of bits in front of her that bulged and strained against its stitching. Octavia sat bolt upright, opening her mouth to protest. He interrupted, “The Grand Galloping Gala is one of the most important noble gatherings in all of Canterlot. They don’t pay their musicians peacemeal.” Octavia slowly sat back in her seat, almost trembling. She’d never seen so much money all at once. “Find an apartment or something in the city,” he advised. “I’ve a thought that word about you and your talent just might spread soon.”

“…Who are you?” Octavia whispered after a long silence.

“I told you, I’m Wayfinder,” he smiled in a dazzling way, then rose and was gone. Octavia turned over the pamphlet. All the dates, times, and locations were neatly written out for her to follow. She swallowed anxiously, then quickly got up. She needed to groom!

At the Gala, Some Weeks Later…

“My my my!” Prince Blueblood gushed from a corner of the gala where all his fellow nobles were gossiping. “I can’t believe they managed to convince Octavia to come and play here!”

It was loud enough that another noble mare turned, lifting her binoculars-on-a-stick to peer across the room at the stage. “That grey mare? You know her, Blueblood?”

“Only heard of her. She’s very exclusive, very hot these days. Wild that she would just suddenly settle in Canterlot, really.” Blueblood adjusted his cuff links like it was no big deal. A few other nobles turned to look. “Why, even looking at her case, you can see there’s been demand for her everywhere!” The rather ratty case was lying in a corner, covered with stickers from dozens of towns all over Equestria.

“Hrm, my tenth anniversary party is coming up soon,” mumbled a middle-aged stallion, scratching his chin. “My wife does like parlor music… perhaps I’ll pass her my card before the night is out.” he pawed into his vest to look for his business card.

“I’ve never heard of her before, she must be a serious rising talent!” said another gossipy noble. Blueblood slowly walked backward and out of the circle of curious nobility. The ripples would spread on their own at this point. For surely if Prince Blueblood spoke so highly of this mare, she must’ve been quite a big deal!

After the Gala…

“I don’t know how to thank you,” Octavia said to the alleyway ground. Wayfinder had spotted her leaving and gone to say farewell. “Look at all these commissions I have!” she held up a verifiable deck of business cards and noble house favors. “I could be set for years, for my whole life!”

“Yes, it’s true,” Wayfinder smiled. “You will never go hungry again. Your music will carry you from now on.”

“What do I even say?” Octavia slowly set down her instrument case and hugged him about his neck. Behind the mask Blueblood tensed up, but slowly relaxed. “You can out of nowhere and helped me find my way. Please, tell me anything I can do in return?”

“Give a bit to charity,” Wayfinder said. “Education, if it pleases.”

“I will,” Octavia swore. “Ten percent of my income, from now on. I would still be on the corner if not for you.” He nodded his approval and turned to go. “W-wait, wait!”

“Huhm?” he turned, lifting a hoof slightly.

“Th-that’s it? I never see you again?” she asked.

“All you needed was a bit of aid and some spreading gossip. You can take care of yourself now.” Wayfinder said. “Be happy!” he bade, smiling.

“Thank you,” Octavia whispered, humbled.

“Farewell!” he said, teleporting in a crack of parted air.

Octavia heaved a great, stressful sigh. Her life was about to get far busier. Walking out of the alleyway, she saw a group of filly scouts on the corner, selling cookies for a camping trip. She paused, considering. Reaching into her saddlebags, she gave the troop what was left of the bag of bits that the Wayfinder had given her. Their eyes bugged out and they made to weigh her down with cookies, but she only took one box (thin mints, of course). The rest, she said, was a donation for their cause. She could spend a few more nights on a park bench before her first big job. It wouldn’t kill her. Keeping ten bits for her next meal and nothing more, she was away.

Wayfinder watched from a rooftop, smiling. A musician’s heart was always a kind one, his father had told him. They sometimes starved for their art. But that was what the Wayfinder was for.

End of Part 2