• Published 18th May 2015
  • 11,218 Views, 870 Comments

Inner Strength - Krickis

When Twilight overhears a private conversation, she has to come to terms with how she feels about herself, love, and a certain somepony. All while weighing her public image against her personal desires.

  • ...


Fluttershy sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee. She still didn’t feel at home, even though she’d lived there for a month. She wondered if she’d ever get used to it.

Shivering in the cold, she stood up and moved around to try and generate a little bit of heat. Walking to a window, she stared outside to see a thick blanket of snow. She should be in bed. It was freezing, and sitting alone in the kitchen wasn’t doing her any favors.

At least the coffee was hot. She took another sip.

‘It was just a dream. I’m okay,’ she repeated to herself the same thing she’d been thinking all night. She glanced towards the bedroom. ‘I should tell her. But what if it wasn’t just a dream? What will she think of me?’

She shook her head and sat back down. She stared at the table and zoned out while listening to the tick-tock of the clock. ‘Only a dream. It was only a dream. Even if it has been six weeks since…’

She jerked her head up suddenly and shook it violently. She grabbed the mug and drank far too quickly, burning her mouth. Still, she drained the last of her cup, letting the heat distract her from her thoughts, setting the empty mug down roughly. It fell over and she dropped her head to the table.

“Why did I drink that so fast?” she grumbled. She stood up and brought the mug to the sink. Although the water came out cold, she washed the cup for the third time that night. After drying off, she went into the living room and sat on the couch. Shivering worse than before, she curled into a ball.

Despite the cold and the caffeine, she dozed off at some point, although she slept restlessly. Eventually, she woke up as she was shaken gently.

“Fluttershy? What are you doing out here? The sun’s not even up yet.”

Fluttershy got up and rubbed her eyes. “I couldn’t sleep.”

She found herself pulled into a hug. “Why didn’t you wake me up? Bad dreams again?”

Fluttershy nodded. ‘Not about what you think though…’

“Everything will be okay, Shy. I’ll never let him near you again. I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. I promise.”

Fluttershy nodded. She had to tell her. “I… I’m…” She began crying uncontrollably.

“Shy, it’s okay. Look at me. Everything’s okay.”

Fluttershy looked into the other girl’s smiling face. “Sunset, I…” She wiped her eyes and smiled. “Thank you. I’ll be okay.”

Sunset looked at the clock. “Well, we’ve got about an hour before you have to get ready for school. You want to try to get back to sleep, or just stay up?”

“Oh, well, I had three cups of coffee so I don’t think I’ll get much sleep, actually,” Fluttershy said.

Sunset laughed and stood up. “Why’d you even take morning classes?” She disappeared into her bedroom for a minute before coming out with a blanket. Once they were both covered, she turned on the TV and hit play, letting whatever was already in the DVD player start playing again. By the time the first light began coming through the windows, Sunset had fallen back asleep leaning on Fluttershy’s shoulder, but she didn’t mind. She knew this was right where she wanted to be.

Author's Note:

Who We Become is a story that takes place across two worlds. The human story and the pony story happen concurrently and affect each other, but they can also be read as standalone stories.

If this is the first Who We Become story you’re reading and you now want to go back and read the human side of things as well, Looking Glass is the earliest story in the series and what I’d recommend to anyone who wants to see the human side of things.

Playing House is the next main story in this series, taking place in the human world. Reading it isn’t necessary if you’re only interested in the pony story, but is the next recommended fic if you want the full story.

Finding Home is the direct sequel to Inner Strength, and is the next recommended fic if you only want the pony story. It does take place after Playing House and will spoil details of that story, so read that first if you care about the human side of things.

Comments ( 179 )

Sooo... Sequel hook? This was really good though as it is. I liked it!

Guilty :twilightsheepish:
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :raritywink:

An excellent story! The best flutterlight I have read!

Thank you, considering some of the Flutterlight stories out there that's high praise indeed :pinkiehappy:

ahh that was good, my type of morning coffee.
So the sequel will be, i guess, split into the EQG verse and the Pony verse. Or maybe just EQG verse, ether way i'm looking froward to it.
Now if only i could get off my lazy ass and finish my 5th TwiShy story that would be wonderful.

I'm not telling :scootangel: But I'm glad you're looking forward to it :twilightsmile:
Now that I'm done with this story (well, done writing not editing) I have quite a bit of stuff I've been meaning to read, and your stories are on the list :raritywink:

I am realy excited for *cought*part 2*cought* man i shoulden't eat to much dry cookies ... hehe. Now i will until *cought* part 2 *cought*(those cookies just to dry man) i gonna read all twishy fic's ^^

A wizard dose not reveal his secrets after all, rather he be a real magic wizard or a wizard of words like you'r self.
I'm always looking forward to new TwiShy stuff.
Be prepared for a lot of grammar and punctuation errors. Just a heads up.

The only point where I felt like stopping was when twilight was kissing amber. That was a dream though, so all good.

Brilliant story :twilightsmile: I hope to see more.

It was a great story that captured the realism in major issues that any society would face. The story lives up to its title in that Twilight and Fluttershy sought strength from not only each other and outside sources(their friends), but from within themselves as individuals.

Well done,

hmm i wonder why its sunset this time xD

Woke up to a bunch of comments, great way to start the day :pinkiehappy:

You and me both :yay: I don't remember if I ever told you this or not, but when I started writing this it was supposed to be just a short thing leading up to the sequel, which is the story I've been waiting to tell, then this whole story took on a life of its own :twilightsheepish:

No worries, honestly grammar and spelling don't really bother me too much.

Glad you kept reading. Cheating is probably not something I'd write about, I'm not terribly confident I'd do justice to such a difficult topic :applejackunsure:
Thank you, and I hope to have more soon-ish.

Thanks, I'm happy to hear it, I do strive for realism :twilightsmile:
I'm also glad you liked the name, honestly I've always hated it :facehoof:

I'll never tell! :pinkiecrazy: Alright, I will. I just really like Sunset and wanted her to be a major character in the series. Also, I like the idea of telling a story that impacts both human and pony worlds.

And as much as I enjoy reading this story I am happy to have my boyfriend back at least for a little while. :trixieshiftright: But I shan't ever stand in the way of what he wants to do... especially if it has to do with ponies. :twilightblush: Thank you to all of you that supported this story through to the very end! You're all great! :pinkiesmile: And maybe I'll get off of my butt and finish writing the backstory that's been mentioned a few times... :facehoof:

You totes should :yay: I bet if you write and post a chapter you'll see why I get so caught up in this website :twilightblush:

hmm so is there a sequel coming

Yup! Sometime after Friendship Games. Should be a short prequel before then, but that's just a one shot.

I'm glad you think so :twilightsmile:
And yeah, I've been thinking about how I want to do the paragraph spacing and will probably be reformatting it to the format most people use on Fimfiction.

Just finished reading this and wanted to tell you that you're a good writer. I've read a lot of TwiShy and this is one of the better ones.

Thank you for the story, I enjoyed it.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my horse drama :yay:
If your interested I just posted a prequel to this story. It's not Twishy, but is about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in Cloudsdale. If you're more for Twishy (and I can hardly blame you, since it is my favorite ship :twilightblush:) then I hope I'll see you at the sequel, which should be posted October 3rd :raritywink:


Oh, I already read it.

It was pretty good. Your take on the culture of Cloudsdale and RD's character was certainly interesting. Bit short for my tastes though. Seemed like we were just getting to know some characters and relationship dynamics before the story just... ended.

I do look forward to seeing what other horsewords you put out in the future.

In that case thank you for reading that one too :twilightsheepish: It was intended to be only like 4k words but took a life of it's own. I did realize I could have really delved into it and made a full length multi chapter story, but it was just supposed to be a short thing in-between Inner Strength and its sequel. But all my stories will share a single continuity, so it's very likely I'll revisit those characters.

6572416 Indeed so! I honestly used to hate her back in Season 2, but my opinion has improved considerably since then, and I've been looking for reasons to write for her more. :rainbowdetermined2:

6572280 Ooh, quite interesting, and a goal I can definitely agree with. :pinkiesmile:

6572408 Good point; I hadn't thought of it that way.


I reference the comics occasionally but never in any major way since I know not everyone has read them.

Like myself. :derpytongue2:

One of my main reasons for writing this story is to address the problems faced by same sex couples, which is often ignored on Fimfiction.

Ah, okay. I can definitely get behind that. :)

I'm not just picking on Applejack here (I actually really like her, she's one of my favorites)

Alright! :twilightsmile:

Really good story, the romance, the drama, everything was well handled. Now I can get back to Finding home ^^ (a shame you don't write Appleshy :rainbowwild:, just kidding stay awesome :yay:)

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :yay:
I'm actually reading a really great Appleshy story right now, it's called Accidents if you're interested in a recommendation. But be warned: It's very sad :fluttershysad:

6606325 Funny you recommend that one, thanks but I've read it already ^^'. I think thanks to you, that I quite like Twishy now. I call this ship "reading in silence" (if you wonder for appleshy it's "the appletree" ^w^)

I can understand that. I can picture his back story in my head, and I think it could come off as sympathetic.

Maybe you could make a fic about Fluttershy's foalhood. It would be extreamly sad after a wile, but it would make a great substitute for Storm's story. I for one would read it just to understand your Fluttershy a little better.

ArchAngelsWings, my editor, was supposed to be writing exactly that. When I began writing Inner Strength I intended Fluttershy to be the victim of foalhood abuse, but I was planning for it to be more mental than physical. I was explaining my headcanon of Fluttershy as an abuse victim to Angel and she decided to write her own take on Fluttershy's foalhood based around that. Since I was still early enough in Inner Strength to fully adapt her ideas we decided to create a shared universe where she'd edit my stories and I'd edit hers, with her focusing more on early stuff (origin stories and the like) and me writing stuff years ahead of where the show is. Unfortunately she lost interest in writing before finishing even the first chapter of her Fluttershy story :applejackunsure:

As far as me picking up the idea, it probably won't happen either. I have so much planned for stuff post Inner Strength that I don't think I'll have time to write too much happening before it (And I do mean it when I say I have a lot planned. Inner Strength is book 1 of so far 10 planned novel length stories). Plus every once and a while she talks about getting back to writing it, and I don't want to steal her story from her. Glad to hear you're interested though, I'll let her know and maybe it'll motivate her to want to write again.


Besides, having Applejack stumble over acceptance is just far too cliché for my taste.


Great story, on to the sequel! Huzzah!!

6682675 Yeah, I reckoned a decade old Expressionist/Surrealist webcomic wouldn't be the answer. Ah well!

Having read this, I can't find any Twishy stories that satisfy my need for this ship anymore. *shakes fist into the air* Damn you and your addictive stories!

This probably won't help too much, being only 1,000 words and all, but my favorite Twishy story is Fluttershy Comes Out of the Closet. It's short, and it's moved forward almost entirely through jokes, but it's such a good representation of the characters. It's like one perfect scene from a larger story. Not that it feels like it should be an entire novel, but that the whole thing feels so authentic that you can actually imagine these characters having full lives outside of the story.

Incidentally, that's part of the reason I got involved with the Twishy ship. Out of the various mane six ships, Twishy is one of the ones that just feels the most real to me; they're a couple I could absolutely see actually working out happily.

7081578 I'll check it out. I agree. They seem to be the most realistic couple in terms of compatibility among the mane 6 ships. Plus they're fucking adorable together

I thought of a better suggestion. Not that it's a better story (it's unfair to compare the two, being so vastly different) but Our Lady's Courtship is quite a lot longer, if that's something you're interested in. It also shares some semi-coincidental similarities to a certain one of my stories :twilightsheepish:

7081638 i'll read that one too. Fluttershy comes out of the closet was hilarious and cute :twilightsmile:

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, and I hope you'll feel the same about Our Lady's Courtship :raritywink:

7191261 You just made my day with this! :rainbowlaugh:
But, in all seriousness, I agree with you there. In fact, I believe that, of the Mane Six, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are the ones that swear the most. Idk, it just feels right.

Yeah, I don't agree with the whole 'too innocent to swear' mentality. Sure some people/ponies swear more than others (absolutely agree with Rainbow, and I could see Applejack) but like seriously? Even if Fluttershy didn't swear, why would she care that Rainbow does?

I would like to kiss your beautiful face.

Did... did you read this whole thing in like an hour and change? :rainbowderp:
I saw your post in the LGBT forum, but didn't want to shamelessly self promote and couldn't think of another suggestion, so I just added the story to the homophobia group. Certainly did not expect anyone to read it that fast, your reading speed is quite enviable :twilightsheepish:

And I'm happy to hear you liked it, of course :raritywink:


I'm not done. I just like the first chapter and the super 'derable art.

Plus, I kiss a lot of people.

Ah, when I saw the comment was on the epilogue I got a bit confused, but that makes much more sense :twilightblush:
Don't mind me then, I'm just over here being a derp.

You know, I was going to recommend against kidding strange rabbits, but I'll be honest here – that's pretty much my first impulse when seeing a bunny as well :ajsmug:

Nope, nothing here but lesbian horse drama

I'm really sad this is over. But it was a great read. Awesome story, man!

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it, and while Inner Strength may be over, the series it's part of continues :raritywink:


Not entirely accurate :twilightblush:

No one can ever convince me that Cadance doesn't ship, like, everyone :scootangel:


How could anything else happen when one asks the shipping horse for dating advice?

True. :rainbowlaugh:

Is there a place where Sunset isn't awesome :rainbowhuh:

No, there is not. :raritywink:

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