• Published 15th May 2015
  • 638 Views, 29 Comments

The Sands of Saddle Arabia - Paradise Oasis

Four pony friends journey to a distant and exotic land

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Malice in the Palace

"Ohhhh, girls this is it!" Paradise wailed, as the big, turban-wearing stallions with spears trotted them along towards the royal palace. "I know we're gonna get it, for sure!"

"Ziz iz all your vault, Vanilla!" Daffodil snarled, glaring at the still-swirly eyed mare. "Vhy did vou have to go und zmoke on ze hookah, of all zings!"

"Some Plastics may be a choking hazard, may contain small parts." Vanilla replied groggily. "Toys not recommended for children under the age of three."

"Just try to stay calm, my friends. Our rulers are fair and just ponies." Secret Tale told them reassuringly. "I'm certain they will have a fair a just decision for all of you."

"They totally sound like a lot of fun!" Surprise giggled, flapping just above the group of ponies. "So are they the Sultan and Sultana?"

"Oh no, our last Sultan was killed in battle by an ifirit about a year ago!" Merry Moments replied sadly. "It is his young son and daughter, prince Fire and Princess Flame. They have ruled us with wisdom and prosperity ever since!"

"Vow, zhat zounds vonderful!" Daffodil agreed, as the royal palace came into view. "Zertainly, such a pair of rulers cannot be all bad!"

"Objects in mirror are closer than they appear!" Vanilla declared, her swirly eyes slowly starting to swirl a little slower. "Offer expires while you wait, operators are standing by!"

The group of ponies approached the royal palace- with it's white-washed walls, onion domed buildings, and crescent moon-topped towers. Inside, the walls and ceilings were covered with beautifully-done calligraphy, and inscriptions that ran across every surface. After passing through several brightly- painted hallways, before coming to a large throne room filled with luxurious-looking cushions and elaborate Afghan rugs decorating the walls. Royal Mameluke guards stood at attention, filling every hallway and corridor of the palace.

The guards all kowtowed to a pair of small, orange earth ponies, reclining on a long throne adorned with many cushions. One of the guards stepped forward, and spoke to the gaudily dressed pair of royals.

"Most honorable prince and princess, we have brought before you here the ruffians who were causing trouble in the bazaar!" One of the guards explained, pointing a spear at the four mares. "I have never seen such trouble caused by rude foreign tourists!"

"Hmm, sounds like these ladies were causing quite a bit of trouble!" Princess Flame said critically, shaking her head sadly. "Why do foreigners always come in, and think they can just do whatever they want to the simple-minded desert dwellers!"

"I am afraid my sister is correct, Lady Secret Tale." Prince Fire agreed solemnly. "Too often have we dealt with the ponies of New Equestria, who regarded us as no better that backward barbarians, and they could freely insult and disrespect our customs and our land with abandon."

"My royal sires, my friends would never do anything to insult our herd or our beautiful land!" Secret Tale protested, looking up from her low bow. "They were simply unprepared for what they encountered in the marketplace."

"Your highnesses, I will personally vouch for our guests' behavior, as well as compensate the merchants in the marketplace whose goods were damaged!"

"Wow, zhese little royals have qvite ze vobalulary, ja?" Daffodil whispered to Paradise, as their two hosts tried to reason with the city's sovereigns. "I've nefer heard zee foals zat young speak so eloquently."

"Considering the Fire and Flame are royalty, it's no wonder they'd received a very through education." Paradise replied quietly, before reaching over and shaking Vanilla softly. "'Nilla, snap out of it! We're kinda in the middle of some serious trouble here!"

"Huh? Wha?" The mare replied, shaking her head and finally coming to her senses. "Where are we? What's going on?"

"We're kind of in zee middle of being tried for your goofy actions." Daffodil replied, trying to hold her temper with the confused mare. "It zeened bad at virst, but I zink Secert und her brozther vill get us out of ziz mess!"

"Well, I'm not so sure these ladies can be trusted to behave themselves, your highnesses." An only voice from the shadows declared, stepping into the light to reveal a tall blue stallion, with a pink mane and blonde tail. "Foreigners can never truly understand our ways, Prince Fire. It is my advice, that they be expelled from the kingdom immediately!"

"Of course, the shady and corrupt royal vizier." Paradise groaned to herself, rolling her eyes. "What would a visit to Saddle Arabia be without the stock evil vizier?"

"Wow, Paradise." Surprise whispered, stifling a small laugh. "It sounds like you already know this story by heart!"

"We greatly value your advice, wazir Night Star. But we wish to judge these mares by their own merits." Princess Flame replied, looking down at the four again. "We believe it best if they be allowed to continue their stay in our lands, but under the watchful eye of a more responsible horse."

"Hey, why don't we just hang out with you guys?" Surprise zipped up into Prince Fire, pulling out a pie and splatting it right in his face. "I'm sure we'll have a great time!"

"Oh no!" Secret Tale cried in a Panic "Surprise!"

The visiting mares all thought they were headed for the dungeon, until the prince burst out laughing. Encouraged by his good humor, Vanilla pulled a cup of tea out of nowhere, and handed it to the princess.

"Hey there, Princess... Flame, is it? Would you like a cup of tea?" She smiled, sitting down beside the little filly. "Here, why don't you try some of this?"

"Wait , what just happened here?" The dumbfounded Paradise asked, looking around at everything that had just happened. "I dunno how we got out of that whole thing, but I think things are about to get a whole lot worse...

Author's Note:

Paradise: Next up, the girls and I get involved in court intrigue, and then visit the pony pyramids!