• Member Since 7th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Saturday



Ok we all know this so just to get to the point, I love transformers. Like fall of Cybertron. So I went as a guy from the game and well lets just say it's big.
ten bucks(you) that you can guess who I'm am. Well, THIS IS WHAT I SAY "Metroplex heeds the call".

I know that this will come of no surprise to those who have been following this story but I'm not going to be picking it back up. My reasons are When I made this story my mind worked like this. Big open, large fight and then climatic end. After that, I had no god damn idea what to do next. I can think of these fights and big plot points easily but I can't fix up the plot in between. Second I don't have the drive to write anymore. I can think of great ideas for stories but I just can't put the ideas into stories. And last but not least I'm a terrible speller, most this story was done by an editor beforehand this was a piece of shit.

With that out of the way, I want to put this story up for adoption. If you want to pick up this story where I left off or make your own right from the start plz send me a PM so I can give people my blessings.

The story has been Adopted by Artimus_prime

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 123 )

I'd really hate to downvote this one, but to be honest you really need to improve your grammar. I don't mind the whole "Cosplay" plot thread and I absolutely love transformers, but the short rushed writings and the poor spelling just end it for me. Sorry.

5944678 one of the first thing's I said was that i'm bad at spelling.

5945083 Hm. I must have missed that. Apologies, but that doesn't really save the fic itself. If you want, I'd be willing to edit it for you.

5945094 Thank you. I really need one. Now, how do I send it to you?

Send me a message with the on it. I'll fix it up, then send the newer copy back to you. Okay?

5945094 um what's link text?

Link text is where it glows a bit that will lead you to somewhere. Just copy/paste the story chapter you want me to write, put it on a message, then send it to me.

5945139 thanks and they it goes!

i hope this get better i really do and if dose ill come back but till then im out

Does no one read the authors notes!!? I can't spell to well. So stop all your bitching, I just fund and editor so come back when he's done. OK

Now before you get the wrong idea, no i'm not a heavy sleeper. . .

" Pinky, I don't think that'll happen. . . ever."

^[I'm], don't need to space the "..."

You see wane I got displaced,


When I woke up, I was as big as a mounting.


I did was all transformers did best



^don't need to super size text can be [Twilight's POV] or something

Me and my friends just battle an army of changelings only for us get conner into a wall.


said Rainbowdash.

^Rainbow Dash

" What in tornushie, just happen" ask Applejack. "


When it was all done I open my eyes which I closed when I pulled on the lever. As I looked up I saw a HUGE ASS ROBOT. Then it spok.
Metroplex heeds the call, of the elements of harmony. What are your orders?

^[spoke], [Elements of Harmony], Do his text have the be that big? :applecry: It isn't in chapter two... :applejackconfused:

can't wait for editor, love the story idea

5945259 First DOES NO ONE READ THE NOTES AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER ... Ok I'm good, i'm good.
That is just how I type OK. please people stop making a big deal about this. I have autism. It makes my spelling harder to do, so I don't do it the same way and the ". . . ." Is just because I feel like it and I like the look. I Understand if you didn't know but I'm doing my best and my best kiss ass. So please understand I can't do this very well and read what people have to say. Literally, the words I can't spell is used in the long description.

I could be your editor. In exchange for a crossover in the future. Just so you know, I don't like commenting the errors so you can fix them. I'd rather see the doc for the chapter and fix the mistakes there.

5945339 thanks for the offer but the first comminter at the bottom said he do it for me and as for the crossover this is what I have to say.


what looked like the mounting standing up and moving.


, the changelings were too shocked to what to do. Then Twilight spork.

^[to know what], [spoke]

they ran off the get the elements of harmony

^Elements of Harmony

they tried to swami me to take me down.


Some tried to used some catterputes on me but a morder stark took care of them. I hit some more out of the sky. Some try to dive bomb me but just slowly fell of my skin.

^[catapults], [mortar shot], think he should be [my hull] instead of [my skin] seeing how he a city size bot now.

I was forced to reset my shelf for about 10 to 20 min. To everyone else it would look like i died.

^[myself], [minutes], I

I was allstock.


But now the hes dead.

^[he's dead]

Oh what ever shall I do with all this melte. I can make a palace that is half way disiant. Oh I can use hie to make new weapons.

^[magic](?), [decent], [him]

he hit her tale she was nothing more than a smeral on the ground.

^[till], [smudge]

Leve Now.

^"Leave Now"
I've said it before and I'll say it again "I love robot theme Displaced stories!!!" :pinkiehappy:
But I do hope he have a healing factor cuz I can't see them having the tech to fix him any time soon :rainbowderp:
5945333 I'm just trying to point out errors so they be fixed at a later time
But seeing how Moon_Fire said she/he will be your editor from now on I won't need to point them out anymore

What hell going to hurt him? Godzilla! The reason for the reset was the same in the game. He got too much energy that he can use so he got rid of it and I wanted to use that sene in the story. I'm evil >)

5945438 Quite possibly if there's a Displaced Godzilla out there. But mainly the guys that could beat the crap out of Metroplex would be his enemies from the show who match him in strength and size, Unicron, (cause we all know that when a Displaced shows up in an Equestria their major enemies come with at some point to tear up the place.), The Mighty Warrior of Epicness, Gilgamesh in a sparring match given his magic and strength, Kat Shifter, a human girl with gravity powers that at full power and berserk mode can rip the planet in half, Jason Hughs as Alien X/Way Big, ect., Buu the Majin of Harmony and Lord Beerus the Destroyer, God of Destruction of Universe 7 and Medulla the Mewtwo and any god tier pokemon, just to name a few Displaced who could quite easily deal out damage to Metroplex regardless of his size and defenses.

5945550 I was think just eqiuste and godzilla I just used as someone who can hurt and/or kill him.
I wonder if I can get some crossovers with them?

5945589 Quite possibly you could. You simply need to ask the authors if they would like to crossover with you. Many of them should be happy to do so I believe. Check the Displaced group for their stories.

5945597 I know, I talk to be people. What I lack in spelling. I more then make up in giving good story advice, Oh the irony.

5945683 irony indeed. Either way that's what editors and proofreaders are for. I'm loving the story so far too but did Metroplex just kill Chrysalis or simply pummel her with that fist of his? I'm assuming he hit her tail from what you typed out. If she's alive then that makes things easier to interrogate her and find out exactly why she invaded the most heavily guarded place in Equestria during a wedding of all things and why she thought it was a good idea or a smart one even given 2 alicorns and the bearers of the Elements are currently there.

5945732 I was thinking what happened to megatron in the game and give her some kick ass gun's. I would like to see that go down.

5945758 sounds cool, though will she end up as an ally or enemy? Cause I think the main reason for the invasion was a starvation crisis and the invasion was either the last resort or Chrysalis didn't think that Equestria would welcome them with open arms because of how they look and what they are due to bad experiences with other nations and the fact ponies freak out over things different from them like Zecora for instance. It would be neat if they could actually come to a compromise with the queen and offer to help her race survive in exchange for a treaty between the 2 nations. And she could definitely bring out the big guns against any enemy Decepticons that'll show up later knowing how Displaceds are.

5945791 that's the reason for it, food.

5945259 I just got the edited version for chapter one. hope you like :pinkiehappy:

5945855 Indeed especially since she outright stated it was to gather up food for her subjects. So something MUST be up in the badlands if they're resorting to invasion to feed.

i love the story so far keep it up.

More please because this is AWESOME!:rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile:

Holy crap, this one did a complete 180.

5947731 I told you, your a miracle worker.

5945242 yes we read it but it not a good enough now this is so much better that i take back what i seid and cant wait to see this story nexst ch theres still some work to be done but i enjoy reading this

5949049 A powerful Autobot from Transformers. Like Omega Supreme powerful.

5949090 I think he's more powerful than Omega Supreme.

5949303 I think he's like what 3 times bigger than Omega Supreme?


Metroplex...one of the largest and most powerful of all the Transformers. as the first of the Titan Class Transformers, his size and power were unmatched by any other. he served long in the form of Autobot City, but was actually a Triple Changer, having a City, Battlestaition, and Super Robot mode. known in Japan as Scramble City, the Combiner Robots Superion, Menasor, and Buticus made up a toy line with him,

though Metroplex was a true giant, in City Mode, he was not without his companions, components of his body who could function autonomously. Six Gun, a warrior formed from the combination of Metroplexs weapon systems and one of his City Towers; Scamper, a plucky little Autobot with a car as his Alt Mode who served as the Citys Administrator; and Slammer, a tank who not only served as the Citys primary defender, but also transformed into one of its skyscrapers.

Metroplex is the last line of defense for the Autobots, and no Decepticon can match his might...save for one. before Metroplex could be come fully activated, Megatron bid the Constructicons to create in secret...his ultimate weapon...Trypticon, for his time, the ultimate Decepticon. these two titans, Metroplex and Trypticon, would clash together many times before Transformers G1 came to an end, and their power would not be exceeded by Autobot or Decepticon...until the coming of the HeadMasters; and the giant super robots Scorpinox and Fortress Maximus

5949303 Perhaps. It's been awhile so I wouldn't know for sure. I just know those 2 were trump cards for the Autobots.

5949484 Well now that's IMPRESSIVE. I pity the fool that has to fight Metroplex then. ^^

5945872 Fall of Cybertron was an amazing game, one of the best i have ever played.

You know, since u have the scene with Chrysalis getting smashed by Metroplex like with Megatron, I get the feeling she might somehow make a return like he did.

needing more descriptions here...

5952522 sadly, it was the decision of Rodimus Prime to shut down Metroplex, in order to protect him from the Rage, a plague of space born spores that filled those afflicted by them with hate...none were safe from the madness of the Rage, Autobot, Decepticon, Humans...even the Quitisons were consumed. it was Rodimus Primes last act to safe guard Metroplex from the Rage before he, too, was taken by it, and his final order was given to Skylynx.

his mission, to seek out a Quintison to restore the one Transformer who stood a chance of containing and defeating the Rage...

Loving it, keep it going. Gonna be funny when Mason describes Cybertron and all that is from a Tv/Video game series.

5958977 interesting, seems like a possible story element to use in this story.

5959208 perhaps, we will see...the Rage marked the last appearance of Metroplex...and the coming of the HeadMasters.

Wow twilight ungrateful much?

Read thest ory so far, and it's very good (and I love the fact that it's METROPLEX! Oh, how I miss the G1 of the Transformers!).
... a moment. If Mason is arrived in the form of Metroplex, does it mean that somewhere on the planet there is Trypticon too?
Vote: 10+++

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